Bruno Madrigal- Ruined: Part 1 (c)

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Encanto One Shot

When you married into the Madrigal family, you knew that life would be far from normal, but you never knew to what extent. Everyone in the Encanto knew the family thanks to their miracle to provided you with protection and brought them special gifts. Your childhood friend, Augustín, had recently married into the Madrigal family and insisted on introducing you to his new brother-in-law, Bruno. It was love at first sight and by the time Agustín and Julieta had had their second daughter, you had become a Madrigal officially. Your marriage was happy and love-filled and even if it took a little time to get used to, you loved living in casita with the rest of his family.

You hadn't wanted children but were more than happy to be the ever-doting aunt and uncle of four nieces and a nephew. It hadn't been long since Camilo had received his gift of shapeshifting and soon it came to the night where the youngest Madrigal would open her door and find her gift. It didn't go to plan. You were as confused as anyone else when the door disappeared, and Mirabel didn't gain a gift like the rest of the family.

Everyone tried to handle their confusion in their own way and as you saw your husband being ushered off to a quiet corridor by his mother, you turned your attention to Mirabel's older two sisters to give their parents an opportunity to be there for their youngest without needing to worry about them. As nine and eleven year olds, they knew as well as the rest of you that something wrong had happened but no matter how many questions they asked you, there wasn't a clear answer you could give them.

Alma had returned to Mirabel and Julieta whilst Agustin came over to take Isabela and Luisa, so that you could go find Bruno. When you couldn't find him around the corner where he had been, you knew you were going to have to take the dreaded stairway up to where he had his prophecies as the family needed one now more than ever before. You felt like you were going to pass out by the time you found Bruno pacing the sandy room, the green slab with his newest prophecy clutched in his hands.

"Bruno?" You whispered, not wanting to startle him. "What did you see?"

He shook his head. "No one can ever see this."


Written by Charlotte.

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