Chapter 10 Guardians of love

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"You're the one Dark Master is after," Amelia said. The mouses and Lumiére looked concernedly at Mr.Darens.

"I'm afraid so," he said calmly like the news wasn't new to him.

"Why? And why involve the entire Disney world to this?" Amelia demanded.

"Because he hates me." Mr. Darens explained. "From the beginning, he was jealous that I was happy and he wasn't. Even if he ruined my home, ruined my fields, rob all valuable items, it didn't change a thing. He had all the riches and power, but I had nothing, but still, I was happy and he wasn't. He even put a curse on me to make me feel miserable, but it didn't work either. Then, of course, I got married and had a family, but he got angrier that declared war just to get rid of me. By the time our roles came much and much clear. Dark against the light, evil and goodness, Dark Master get the picture."

"So, you're some short guardian of Happily ever after?" Amelia asked.

"No, that would be Princess Sofia. You know, a small girl, became a princess by one day, violet dress, magic amulet. But in a way yes. I'm after all her godfather."


"Well, technically I am, but I don't show up."

"You're Invented one too, aren't you," Elizabeth said which surprised everyone.

"Yes. But the person who invented us gave us quite a backstory and beginning. We were given the greatest power of the universe so we use it only for good. For such power, we saw fit to guard and make sure there are happy endings in stories, including Disney stories."

Amelia was amazed at what she has discovered. An "Invented" which is now something more than a normal character of any fairytale story.

"Oh, how silly of me, Why are we standing here. You did come here to talk with the magic mirror." Mr.Darens said.

Amelia was about to ask how he knew, but she could guess Elizabeth has told him about the mirror.

"Sure. Is there any chance to get there without going through the creepy forest?" Elizabeth asked.

"So she won't get scared." Mr.Darens guessed meaning Amelia. Amelia was first mad to her own character, but she had point. She is not going through the creepy forest again.

Mr.Darens moved his cape aside to allow Amelia to take cover under it. Elizabeth, Olivia, and Dr.Dawson climbed to his shoulder, while he picked Lumiére to illuminate the way. Even if walking under someone's cape felt silly, but it somehow felt secure. Almost like what she did when she was a kid and took cover from her father. Interesting, how Mr.Darens presence wakes these old warm feelings from her. Could it be because the greatest power of the universe like he said? Before she could even wonder more, they already arrived at the throne room where there was the magic mirror.

Amelia walked out from Mr.Darens's cape front to the mirror and looked at her reflection.

"What now?" she asked. She wasn't sure how to activate the mirror.

In this Mr.Darens walked close to the mirror and knocked to it gently.

"I know you're in there. Show up. We like to ask some questions." Mr.Darens said annoyedly.

Right then, the mirror went dark and serious face appeared. Amelia was first scared, but somehow with Mr.Darens, she wasn't so scared. It was like she felt safe around him.

"What you wish to know?" asked the mirror.

Amelia wasn't sure how to pronounce the question. In the story, the question is pronounced in rhymes. How she should say it?

Elizabeth groaned before jumps to Amelia's head.

"Magic Mirror, tell us now. Dark Master defeat how?"


"What? You were thinking so long. And I'm not planning to spend a night here."

"Well, you could have asked more politely." Amelia reminded.

"You're bit impolite like your uncle, young lady." Dr. Dawson said while jump with Olivia to Elizabeth.

"Defeat the evil, is always the same. Goodness will win that game. The guardians of love along unite, The future will be bright. And darkness will lose the fight." Mirror answered.

Everyone simply looked at the mirror, except Mr.Darens who look to be deep in his thoughts.

"The Guardians of love? Who are they?" Amelia asked. Mirror didn't answer.

"Looks like that's is your job to discover," Mr.Darens said before he gives Lumiére to Amelia and bowed respectfully to mirror. "Thank you for answering our questions."

Amelia wasn't sure, but she swears she saw a small smile on Mirror's face before it vanished. Looks like there's a good effect with gratitude like her mother always said.

"So, now what we do?" Dr. Dawson wondered.

"Well, it is obvious we must find those guardians, but I guess we also need to help other characters," Amelia said.

"You can start by saving Snow White." Mr.Darens pointed.

"Yes and ...SNOW WHITE?! She is somewhere here?"

"Well, actually..."


"Wilhelmina?" Amelia recognized.

From the doors came out Wilhelmina and Little John along with Snow White who carried Jag and Gus on her hand.

"Are you okay? Did you saw the witch? Please, tell me you didn't scream."

"She did," Elizabeth said.

"BUT Not in this room." Dr.Dawson cleared.

"Ooh, Thank goodness..." Wilhelmina groaned and collapsed on the floor.

"She was worried that your scream would have broken the mirror." Little John explained.

"I'm not that loud," Amelia said.

"You could fool me," Lumiére noted.

"Um, guys... where's Mr.Darens?" Olivia asked.

"What you mean by where...?" Elizabeth asked and looked at the direction where Mr.Darens once stand, but he wasn't there. Amelia, Dawson, and Lumiére noticed it too. Where did he go?

"Who?" Wilhelmina asked.

"There was this guy in a white cape who defeated the witch and send her back to her own world," Olivia explained.

"Did what now?" Little John asked.

"Nevermind that," Amelia said. "The important thing is, we know what Dark Master is up to and we know how to defeat him."

"Okay, can we talk about it back in the castle. This place creeps me out." Wilhelmina said.

"Yes, even mean wolf got scared," Jag said.

"What happened to him?" Elizabeth asked.

"Probably still screaming for mommy." Little John chuckled.

"You left him there?" Amelia asked.

"We thought about it, but her Highness suggested not to," Wilhelmina said meaning Snow white.

"It wouldn't be nice to leave him there alone. Besides, he isn't that bad." Snow White said.

"No offense, princess. But we are talking about the Dark Master's commander here." Elizabeth reminded.

"I know. But he was the one who suggested to just locks us while others planned to give us into the villains."

"Meaning evil queen would have killed you for sure if it wasn't for him. Interesting." Elizabeth wondered.

"Well, I think we better head to the castle to decide our next move," Amelia suggested.

"Wonderful suggestion, Mademoiselle," Lumiére said before they headed from another way to outside. They obviously weren't going through by creepy forest and everything. Once outside they headed to the carousel to get back to the right park. None of them noticed Mr.Darens standing on the roof watching over them and someone small standing on his shoulder.

"Don't you want to join them?" Mr.Darens asked. On his shoulder stood no other than Basil of Baker Street, the great mouse detective who also watched the group walking to the carousel.

"It's been over ten years since I have been here." Basil admits. "I thought I was forgotten."

"Doesn't look like it." Mr.Darens smiles and watches Elizabeth and Olivia giggling about something while Dawson shakes his head and smiles. "I almost mistook her as your daughter." He joked.

"Please, I don't even have a sweetheart." Basil reminds.

"But there are some who wish to be." Mr.Darens said.

Basil looks away to clear his throat.  Mr.Darens smiles as he sees some red hue on the detective's cheeks and ears.

"What about the human girl?" Basil asked.

"She has good motivations. But the Dark Master is planning to use all the darkness he could find, even from people's hearts. And he will try to find it in hers as well. If he does, then may almighty look after us all"

After this, both disappear from the site.

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