CHAPTER 2 Rise of Darkness

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Amelia ran until arrived at the castle's square. Running was exhausting for her. It was good enough that she managed to catch a school bus, when it arrived.

People walked in different directions, but Amelia was unable to find that woman. Where did she go? Amelia didn't even know where she was going? Amelia decided to let it be. If she was a thief, then authorities will do the job. Amelia was about to go back until remembers that she said she was looking for a drink, so she looked at the nearest place to buy a drink.

She picks her wallet from her pocket before she suddenly stops. There were two keychains attached to her wallet. Those two keychains were about her two favorite Disney movies. Looking at them Amelia starts to look sad before turning around and looks at the castle. Everything has changed since she was small and she never realized it until now. 

Suddenly Amelia hears screaming. And it was not just any scream, a scream of fear. She went to see what it was all about and saw the people running away from Main Street. Was it some sort of terrorist attack? But who would do anything like that here? 

Soon Amelia noticed the reason. It wasn't because of any group of people, if not something else. In Main Streets came a bunch of black creatures. They were big as horses, but they did not look like any other animal that walks on four legs. They had no ears and no tail. They had yellow eyes and behaved like a stampede that ran and stamped dowd everything that hit on their path. As they approached the castle square, they started to spread around the park, scaring more people. 

Amelia didn't want to panic like the rest, but she didn't want to get hit by strange creatures, so she ran to the bridge.

'Take cover!'

Again the same voice. Amelia tried to look for who tried to warn her, but no one was there. Right then, one of the black creatures was coming at her. Amelia has no choice but to jump from the bridge to the river. After jumping to the water, Amelia started to swim to the surface and looked at what was happening. She could still hear the people screaming and those creatures ran around the park. Christine! She must find Christine. Amelia started swimming to Liberty Square to look for Christine, but at that moment she noticed that the sky began to get dark. Will it start to rain? No, they do not look like rain clouds, not even storm clouds. The sky is darkening for some other reason.

Right then someone caught her by the leg and pulled her underwater. By surprise, Amelia fought against it until something, or someone grabbed her around and started to take her somewhere. Because Amelia didn't get enough oxygen, she tried to hold her breath before she lost consciousness.

Meanwhile, the entire Magic Kingdom Park was filled with darkness, driving all people away. The injured ones were taken immediately to the emergency room, the guards went to see what was going on, but before they could step in, the time stopped in real life and the park remained in darkness. 

Inside the park, black creatures began to calm down, and some of them changed their shape and began to walk on two legs while some still walked on four. Then everyone sensed the presence of someone particular coming . There came someone in the dark cloak. It was difficult to see if that person was a man or a woman, not sure if he or she was a human at all. All black beings showed subjection and bowed to the person waiting for the following commandments. The dark cloak figure stood in front of the Disney castle, looking how the dark sky darkened the castle, leaving it all gloom and spooky without its night lights.

"This went just as I expected," he said. "Silver!" He called and behind him appeared a gray wolf with ponytail hair and wearing black warrior outfit. "Find some allies to us from here and bring them to the castle. And if you find "them," you know what to do."

"Yes, Master," the wolf named Silver said before he disappeared.

Amelia began to wake up little by little. The last memories started to come to her mind. Someone pulled her underwater and took her somewhere.

"How is it possible that she is here?" Unknown voice said. Why does it sound so familiar?

"She was in the water before darkness surrounded us. I couldn't leave her alone." Another voice said, which sounded like a woman. Amelia slowly opened her eyes. The place she was now seemed to be an underwater cave that acted as an air pocket. She now rested on rocky land, while on the other side of the cave someone was in the water. Someone with red hair.

Right then, that person turned around and noticed that Amelia was awake. To Amelia's surprise, she was the Little Mermaid herself, Ariel.

"Oh, you are awake?" Ariel said and swam to Amelia. "Are you okay? When I brought you here you were unconscious. "

"Well, no wonder. She is human. She could have drowned. "Another voice said and came close when Amelia discovered that it was a red grab, Sebastian. Amelia was more confused now.

"But how...? How ...? "Amelia tried to ask.

"Okay, let me explain ..." Sebastian said and crawled over to Amelia. "You 'real people' are used to seeing us as people who dress in costumes and greet everyone, especially children. But in this dimension, we are real."

"Dimension? Is this like another reality or something?" Amelia asked.

"Not quite," Ariel said. "We have our own worlds, but here we gather together to see how you people will enjoy our..."

"Disney magic?" Amelia replied hesitantly.

"Well, if you mean by that, that the children are smiling and believe in dreams, so yes," Sebastian said.

"But what happened?" Amelia asked.

"It was that woman." said the same voice that had warned Amelia of the mysterious woman, but this time it came close. Actually, pretty close. Amelia's pocket, actually.

Something or someone began to get out of the pocket, which scared Amelia. From her pocket came a mouse. No, two mice. And they were wearing clothes. Amelia tried to hold her yell. She wouldn't normally do that if she saw a mouse. Maybe a little scared, but not yell. But this was just a different story when you realize that something living comes out of your pocket.

One of the mices was a bit bigger than the other. Actually maybe because he was also older than the other one. He was pretty roundish and wearing a lavender grey coat, matching trousers, a red vest, and a blue bow tie. The other mouse was smaller and judging from the clothes could be a little girl-mouse. She has a red bow tie and a light blue dress.

"Did you see her?" Ariel asked them.

"We saw. She went so fast that we couldn't go after her. "The girl mouse said.

"And you asked her to go after her?" Sebastian asked and pointed at Amelia, who was still shocked to have two mice on her lap.

"You don't look good. Is something wrong? "The older mouse asked when he saw Amelia's pale face and walked to her hand and tried the pulse with his little fingers. Amelia was a little startled, when she felt a little hand "Do not worry, I'm a doctor."

"Doctor?" Amelia asked. She wasn't quite sure, but this mouse starts to feel so familiar.

"Surgeon, really." The older mouse pointed out. Surgeon? Can I be ... "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Dr. David Q ... "

"Dawson?" Amelia stopped the sentence and stared at the older mouse.

"Oh, do you know me?" Dawson asked.

"Do I know? 'The Greatest Mouse Detective' was one of my favorite Disney movies." Amelia said. Then she looked at the little girl mice. "And then you are ..."

"Olivia Flaversham." The girl's mouse responded with a smile. Amelia was no longer scared of mices and smiled at them.

"I'm Amelia." She said to them.

Then, suddenly, something was heard. Like someone runs above them. There was also a weak sound, but it clearly sounded like someone was talking.

"Check the entire area. And prepare the water coffin. We have to find the princess so we can capture all the rest. The king may consider twice if he tries to use his trident."

"What about the prince?"

"I have prepared for him. Go ahead!"

"Yes, Master Greed."

All four characters were scared when they heard this.

"Princess? Do they mean you? "Amelia asked Ariel.

"If they get her, our story is over," Sebastian said and started to walk around thinking what to do.

"Only if they get us all." Ariel cleared.

"All? What is going on? "

"We don't have time to explain. We have to get out of here. "Ariel said and pulled Amelia into the water.

"What ... HEY!" Amelia tried to say before she was back in the water. Dawson and Olivia jump to Amelia's head and try to stay there. "How can we escape from here?"

"This water leads directly out of the cave."

"But what if they are waiting for us there?" Amelia asked.

"They are looking for me, but you have the chance to get away." Ariel said, "Take Sebastian."

"No, I refuse to leave you, Princess," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, she can help us," Ariel said before looking at Amelia. "She may be here for a reason. Take her to the Beast's Castle. "

"Where?" Amelia wondered.

"Hey! Did you hear that? "Sound came from the far end of the corridor. Then there was running. They're coming.

"We have to leave here," Dawson announced.

The steps were much clearer in the corridor. Time was running out.

"You have to get to safety. If they find you, you will never get home. "Ariel said. Amelia was scared when she heard this.

"There!" They heard a yell and more steps.

Ariel pushed Amelia and the others out of the cave. The river took them straight out. They arrived right under the small waterfall close to the entrance of the new ride. Amelia pulled herself and the rest of them to dry land. She wanted to go back and help Ariel, but she knew it would be too late. Besides, she was still afraid of the idea that she would also get caught and never return home.

"We have to get out of here," Dawson told her. Amelia agreed and looked up from where the Beast's Castle was before she started running to it's direction. 

In the meantime, Silver and his group found the cave and had caught Ariel.

"Gently, man. We need her highness healthy and unharmed. "Silver recalled. The black creatures were putting Ariel in the water coffin, which was like in the Pirates of the Caribbean, except that there were small holes for air. 

"Good work, Silver." said a person called Greed. He had a dark red cloak on, so it was hard to describe him. Judging by the structure of his body, he was a man, but judging by his eyes, he was not human.

"Whatever." Silver snorted.

"Don't talk to me that way! Although the master asked you for this task, I am still a higher ranking than you." Geed grumbled.

Silver shook his head, before he sniffed the air. "Wait a minute ..." he said and all stopped. Ariel looks through the glass coffin. Silver sniffed the air more and went closer to the water. He sniffed still until he walked to the glass coffin and looked at the mermaid princess. "Who else was here?" He asked.

Ariel didn't say a word and looked angrily at him.

"There were others than you. Who were they? "Silver asked again much more demandingly. Ariel didn't answer. Well expected from the heroines of the story. "Fine," he said. 

"What is it now?" Greed asked.

"Go ahead to the castle. I'll go hunting," he said before he started to follow the water out.

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