CHAPTER 6 First Mission

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In the Castle of the Magic Kingdom, which ones had cheerful colors and was a symbol of the every Disney story with Happily ever afters and dreams coming true, was now turned black and scary. Inside of it was total darkness that you couldn't see anything. You could say there weren't any types of furniture nor sounds, it was just nothing. And no wonder, for that's how Dark Master wants it. All was dark while he sat on the horrified throne, looking at two persons in front of him. From the black cloak, you could only see two red eyes. Speaking of cloak it was a bit aside while he sat so you can see his...yes, his muscular body. Couldn't tell what color his clothes wear, because they were black. Black shirt, black armor, all black.

So far reports from other parks were that most of the characters have managed to escape and hide in the Animal Kingdom. Animal instinct, obviously. The studio was taken easily, but there is still some fighting back, Can guess who and why. Epcot is a tricky one, at one moment they got the upper hand, but then it's the opposite. But no matter, once the Magic Kingdom is under the darkness everything will be taken over by Darkness. Or that's how he thought before he heard the news.

"A human girl? Here?" he asked annoyedly from Silver who stood in front of him. "How's that even possible?"

"I picked her scent in the cavern where we found mermaid princess" Silver explained. "If I recall right, someone was supposed to scare everyone out!" he growled while looked at another person next to him, who was no other than a woman, the same woman who appeared before dark creatures appear.

"Hey, my job was to seal the gates and let those creatures in. I don't have time to watch where humans run or what they do in a panic." the woman said while removed the casual outfit and revealed her true form. Her skin was deadly pale with light blue lips and eyes cold as ice. Even her hair was light blue of cold. The dark blue outfit with a hint of white showed her to be a powerful woman. Probably evil version of snow queen, or more like snow witch. And her attitude fits well with her powers.

"Well, you should have. Because that girl has an 'Invented'."

"What?" Dark Master asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "Are you saying this human has her own Characters from these stories?"

"One I met called herself Wilhelmina Scarlett. I'm pretty sure that's wasn't in this Robin Hood." Silver told.

Hearing the name Dark Master got angrier and walked towards the snow witch and with his dark powers pushed her down. You could tell by her face, even with cold powers she was no match against her master.

"You let a human girl with own 'Invented' in here?! This will ruin everything!!" Dark master roared.

"Forgive me, master. I'll fix this..."

"No, you won't. The last thing I need is dead human and our existence will be discovered. You go with others to keep other parks under control." Dark Master growled. "Silver, you will handle the girl and her 'Invented' before it starts to multiply."

"Um... it's a girl and I don't think it can..."

"I KNOW THAT!" Dark master roared. "But if she learns to invent more, it will be a matter of time when she will find them! And all my plans will be ruined. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!"

"Yes, sir." Silver said before left the room.

In Beast's castle, Amelia wakes up from the big comfy bed. The enchanted items in the castle were kind enough to give her own room to rest. Probably because she is human and has a way to defeat Dark Master and his shadow-shells. The room looked like Belle's room in stories. Or are all the rooms the same?

Still, however, everything feels so unreal to her. Yesterday she was enjoying the day in Disney's Magic Kingdom Theme park and before she managed to even go any ride or meet characters, Shadow-shells had scared everyone out from the Magic Kingdom and she was stuck here with Disney characters who have managed to escape from Dark Master. Not to mention she seems to have the key to defeat that Dark Master because she has own characters or like they call "Invented ones". But still everything feels so unreal, but it is real.

While she got up, Mrs. Potts came to take her to the bath. And sure a royal bath sure feels good. After that, she got new clothes to wear. She was given a white tunic and pink doily overlay on it dark blue pants and white boots.

Once she was ready she was escorted to the dining room. On the way, she noticed other characters, especially animal characters already having their breakfast. Some of them, especially little ones, like some of the Dalmatian puppies and kittens of Aristocats noticed her and went to her. Just like with any puppy or kitten, Amelia couldn't resist the cuteness and knelt down to pet each one of them or lift one to cuddle. In time, Amelia let them down and they all returned to eat, while Amelia headed to the dining room.

In the dining room, other characters were eating breakfast. Including her "invented" ones. Kilera was in one corner eating something from the bowl. Wilhelmina enjoyed nice warm porridge with Little John, Skippy and some of his brothers and sisters. Bunnies. In the middle of the table, there was a small table where mice had their breakfast with Jiminy. Elizabeth, Olivia, and Dr.Dawson have English style breakfast; scrambled eggs and bacon, Jag, Gus, and their friends had bread and cheese, while Timothy had a piece of peanut butter sandwich. Jiminy seemed to have already finished his breakfast and was drinking tea when he noticed Amelia.

"Ah, Miss Amelia, glad you could join us," Jiminy said.

"Well, I'm not much of an early-bird, unless there's an occasion where I'm needed to wake," Amelia admits.

"It's true. She sleeps late in the mornings." Elizabeth confirms.

"Do you know that because you're my character or because I made you like that?" Amelia asked annoyedly.

"Both" Wilhelmina and Elizabeth said in union.

Amelia sat down at the table when the serving cart came close to her and offered her breakfast. To her surprise, it's her favorite, eggs with bacon and sauces, aside waffles with chocolate syrup, whip cream, and jam.

"Did they told, what is my favorite breakfast too?"

"We did." Wilhelmina and Elizabeth answered.

"Well, you deserve a good breakfast. You will need all the energy to go against Dark Master." Jiminy said.

Hearing it Amelia drops the fork. "What?"

"Um, since you created us, they want you to go against Dark Master." Wilhelmina cleared.

"Wow, I'm not gonna fight against weird dark creatures led by a rebel wolf and their leader. I'm just a girl."

"Don't worry, we will do the fighting. You will just do the saving." Elizabeth said while cleaning her mouth with her napkin.

"Thanks for clearing that to me."

"Amelia," Jiminy said and walks to her. "We would never ask anything dangerous from you, but right now we don't have no one else to count on."

Amelia knew he had a point. Right now, most of the main characters are captured, so there's no one who could help them.

"Where should I start?" Amelia asked.

"Good that you ask," Jiminy said before birds from Cinderella brought twelve scrolls to the table. Wilhelmina and Elizabeth had already finished their breakfast, and walked close to look, while Kilera came and jumped to the table. Other characters either continued eating or watched what would happen.

The scrolls turn out to be maps of different Disney parks.

"As you may know there are five parks like the Magic Kingdoms in your world. However, there are some differences between them."

"Five Magic kingdoms?! I-I know when I was four, my family went to one which is in California. And of course Orlando, where I went when I was six which, however, gets the newest updates. And the other one which is in Paris. But I never knew about others." Amelia told.

"Well, now you do," Elizabeth said.

"However, like you said since this castle is the newest, getting to the other parks is a bit trickier because there's no Beast's castle," Jiminy said.

"Let me guess, Whatever we're looking for is in one of the other parks," Elizabeth said.

"I'm afraid so," Jiminy said. "In here." he points with his umbrella. Amelia looks closely at what place it is, before she groans.

"Oh no..."

"What? What is there?" Wilhelmina asked while Kilera went to look out what was there.

"Snow White's Scary Adventures," Kilera said. Well, that explains Amelia's reaction.

"When we went for that ride, I kept my eyes closed for the whole ride. It was super scary!" Amelia explained.

"You were four, we understand," Skippy said.

"Actually I was six, I can't remember if I went there in California," Amelia admits.

"Let me guess, we're going to talk to the magic mirror." Elizabeth guessed.

"It may know what is going on and may tell us where the others are," Jiminy explained.

"And if we get any luck we may know how to defeat Dark Master." Wilhelmina finished.

"But I don't want to go in there!" Amelia complained while holding Kilera. "And it's in both California and Paris."

"Also seems to be in one in Tokyo," Kilera said checking it. Amelia wanted to groan more.

"Heyy, it's not like we go for the whole ride. We only go where the mirror is and that's it." Wilhelmina assured. "But I'm more worried about how we can check all three."

"Well, maybe you should first think about how you get there." Little John reminded.

"I think I have found the answer for that," Elizabeth said. "Mr. Cricket, is it possible all these attractions work as a loophole here to other parks and to other places?"

"In a way, yes," Jiminy said. "Like for example" The Jungle Cruise" takes to "Animal Kingdom" and "Tomorrowland's transit" takes to "Epcot ". But I'm afraid I don't know how to get to those others."

"But the idea is that it needs something that all parks have or seem to have, right?"


"Did you find a way to the other parks?" Olivia asked.

"Elementary," Elizabeth said. "We need to go by one attraction that all parks have, besides the Castle," Elizabeth said while taking Olivia by hand and leading her to one part of the map and leaving her to stand there.

"The flying elephants?" Wilhelmina asked.

"No, even if all the parks have that, this one where we came has changed its location." Elizabeth then leads Dr. Dawson to another map.

"But then that leaves..." Dawson said while figuring what Elizabeth is after while she takes her place in the third map.

"The Carousel." Amelia finishes while checking the other two maps. All five parks have a carousel.

"They may have different names, but they still are in the same place and close to our destinations."

"Amazing," Jiminy said while coming to check. "Why didn't I see this sooner?"

"But how do we know which park we go to?" Kilera asked.

"The only possible solution is to split up," Elizabeth said. "Two "invented" ones in one group and one with Amelia in another group. Since we're two groups, if the mirror is not found in one of three, the group moves on to the next."

"I guess then, the only dangerous part is to get to the Carousel and there to the Attraction," Wilhelmina said.

"True. And I'm sure Dark Master knows this. We need to know how to secure that area." Jiminy reminded.

Right then Wilhelmina showed a smirk. "I think I have an idea," she said and looked at the mice.

"Oh no..." Both Elizabeth and Amelia said but for different reasons.

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