Chapter 1-Despair

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???'s POV

I was walking down the forest, killing grimm left and right. My house was in the forest so I have to endure this everyday. walking through the forest, I heard screams, screams of agony and despair. I realize that someones in trouble! I ran as fast as I can, nearing the screams of agony. When I finally near the screams, I saw a girl, maybe 15 years old with one of her arm and foot cut off. She was surrounded by Beowolves, two of them. As fast as I can I strike them down with my sword. then I have a good look at the girl. She has short black hair with tainted red color on the tip of her hair, she's short, typical for a girl her age. She was covered in cuts and bruises and she lost an arm and she lost one of her feet. Poor girl. But that begs a question, why is she in emerald forest? the forest is invested by grimm, why did she come here in the first place? hmm.... she seems to have a weapon. But why didn't she use it to fight off the beowolves? man.. there so many questions, but now is not the time. I need to nurse her back to health. I can't leave her alone like this. I checked her pulse and good relief, shes still alive. I carried her bridal style and brought her to my home.

Timeskip (2 days later)

Ruby's POV

I opened my eyes. I saw that I was in some kind of bedroom. Wait.... I was supposed to be dead. I was supposed to be ripped apart by the grimm. uhhh... My body hurts... I can't move my arms and leg. ohh yeah I remembered, I lost one of my arm and one of my feet. even though I'm saved, I'm useless, I can't move at all!

after a couple of seconds, a woman opened the bedroom door.

she looks old. with tied up hair and wearing a kimono. Is this the woman who saved me?

??:"ahh.... your finally awake! I was worried that you never wake up."

Ruby:"oh... Hello. thank you for saving me."

??:"it is no problem. I'm Shino Okasaki. A retired huntress living in the deep parts of  emerald forest. If I may ask, may I know your name young one?"

Ruby:"My name is Ruby Rose."

Shino:"what a beautiful name for a young girl such as yourself. You've been sleeping for 2 days. but I must ask, why are you in emerald forest alone? and why didn't you use your weapon, Ruby?"

Ruby:"its a sensitive topic ma'am. I can't talk about it."

Shino:"its okay if you don't want to talk. I don't want to force you. Ruby, where is your home?"

Ruby:"its at patch, I'm a student of Beacon."

Shino:"oh.. a huntress in training. I can take you back Ruby."

Ruby:"No... don't take me back! no one cares about me!"

I was while crying. I can't go back. I don't want to face my so called friends that betrayed my trust. I can't go back to my home either, my dad will just yell at me again, calling me a failure for losing my arm and foot. I don't know where to go.

Shino:"its okay young one.if you don't want to go back,you can stay here as long as you can. I know with your lost arm and foot you can't do chores, But you can keep company here. Its good to have someone here."

Ruby:"really? I maybe a burden."

Shino:"its okay really, Ruby."

Ruby:"okay, thank you ma'am!"

Shino:"just call me Shino, dear."

Ruby:"okay Shino, thank you!"

Timeskip (1 week later)

Ruby's POV

life here is great. Even though now I use crutches to move around, Shino always takes care of me. She always tries to help me even though I am a burden to her. Is she like a mother that I never had? I never felt the love of my mother since my mother died when I was born. Shino is like a mother figure for me. I never want to leave her. 

Shino:"Ruby! dinners ready!"


i went to the dining room slowly and saw Shino have cooked dinner. The dinner consist some bread, fruits and wait... whats that smell,.....cookies yay!

Ruby:"Yay! mom made cookies!"

Shino:"Ruby, your calling me your mom?"

Ruby:"Ohh sorry!"

Shino:"No.. its okay Ruby. You can call me your mother. Its like having a daughter that i never have."

Ruby:"thank you! I never had a mom before."

Shino:"why's that Ruby?"

Ruby:"I never had felt the love of a mother. My dad told me that my mother died when I was born. since then, I was taken care by my dad."

Shino:"You have a sad story Ruby. You still have a dad right? why don't you come back to him."

Ruby:"The last 2 years were not great for me. My dad looked frantic, but when I asked him whats wrong, he always yells at me. I don't know what to do. When my sister asked him, he always tell her about some kind of secret mission. Going back to my home is not a good idea."

Shino:"poor girl. You can stay here as long as you want. oh i almost forgot! Ruby, I have a present for you!"

Ruby:"Oh! what is it!"

Shino:"wait here Ruby, I'll get it for you."

Shino then walks out the room. I waited for a couple of seconds and Shino came back with an prosthetic arm and foot!

Ruby:"Is it what I see?!"

Shino:"yes it is Ruby! I'm giving you this. My husband was an inventor so he invented these prosthetics for other people. Since you have lost an arm and foot, I'm giving this to you Ruby. Think of it like a birthday present!"

Ruby:"Thank you! thank you so much mom!"

i was in tears.. Shino... no... mom. she really cares about me. I don't ever want this to end.

Timeskip one day later

Ruby's POV 

I woke up in the morning, and went downstairs with my prosthetics. I saw my mom and she looks depressed. 

Ruby:"Mom whats wrong? Is there any problem?"

Shino:"Ruby, dear.... I'm sorry but something terrible has happened."

Ruby:"what is it Mom? can I help you with anything?"

Shino:"when you're asleep, some shady people came here and asked for you. I refused but they force me too. they are coming here with weapons any minute now. Ruby, I care for you... please run away! I can hold them off."

Ruby:"Nooo!!! mom I don't want to leave you!"

then I heard the door burst open with two people with white fang masks.

Shino:"Ruby, I love you, please... for me, live your life to the fullest!"

Mom kissed my forehead while crying.

Shino:"NOW RUN!"

With a last hug with mom, I ran. I used the window to get out of the house. then I heard something that broke my heart to pieces......... screams, screams of desperation and then it went silent..... NOOOO... why is life so cruel! i ran and ran inside the forest, not knowing where to go. I hear footsteps behind me. I can't use my semblance because I'm still weak. But I have to run. but I was too slow......I was tackled and was pulled up by the hair. The man pulled my hair and lead me to a person. I recognize that it was Roman.

Roman:"If it isn't little red! I saw you running a week ago so I followed you! I see that you lived with that freak of a woman! heh... I was satisfied when I killed her with my cane! the screams was so satisfying! hahahahaha"

NOOOO...nooo, mom is gone again!!! why!?why is this happening to me. Why everything is taken from me!!! What did I do wrong!!......

Roman:"ahhh... cat got your tongue... little red! well no matter, lets go men!"


I was brought to an unknown warehouse. they place me in chains and tortured me. they're trying to find information about Beacon but I don't know anything. i tried saying that to them, but to no avail, they never believe me and I was kicked, spitted, punched and many things that hurt me, they even used a whip! I don't know if I can take it anymore. Its been 3 days exactly I was trapped here. At least they don't know about the prosthetics....please...anyone please help me. I don't know what to do. I give up... I don't have the will the life anymore. but I still hope... maybe..maybe someone, please someone would save me.

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