Chapter 12-The Revolutionaries

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3rd POV

2 days later, when the a shattered moon shines in the mist, We see 4 young woman deep in Forever fall Forest. Together they were fighting the dark creatures known as grimm. Beowolfs Ursas, death stalkers,lancers and nevermores surrounded them. The reason they were fighting the grimm is to make tactics for the upcoming mission. Since they only met yesterday, it was crucial for them to learn each others advantages, flaws and even weaknesses.

Ruby:"Are you ready?"


Sinon:"Ready as I ever be!"


Ruby:" initiate the attack ."

Miyuki,Sinon,Neo:"On it!"

Miyuki sends her ice shards at the nevermores with a speed of a bullet. It pierces the wings and body of most the nevermores and kills them instantly. With her Sniper, Ruby kills the lancers totalling up to 5 kills. Ruby looked up and saw there was some nevermores throwing there feathers at them.With her semblance, she quickly pulls up her mp5 shooting all the feathers into smithereens,she rushed at the nevermores in the sky and shoots the remaining nevermores with her sniper.

Wanting a challenge, Sinon rushed at the multiple ursas, she pulls up her pistol and shoots at the grimm. one of the ursas , tried to claw her but she jumps on the arm of the ursa, shooting its head and front flipped to the ground while pulling up her sniper shooting three rounds killing three ursas. Neo rushes at the beowolfs and uses her umbrella to kill Beowolfs left and right. If someone sees Neo fighting, They will see her dancing with her umbrella while killing multiple grimm.

Only a couple of death stalkers left, the grimm tried to rush Neo but they were burned by a big wave of fire by Miyuki. Using her semblance, she materializes her rapier and uses her ice blizzard to repel her forward. She pierced the death stalkers head, effectively killing it. Then Ruby rushed down from above, landing in the ground near two death stalkers and simultaneously shoots her sniper and mp5 at the two grimm, killing them with ease.

They wiped off all the grimm surrounding them. They didn't even break a single sweat. It goes to show that even though they only met, they are the perfect match for each other, their movements are synchronized. Neo's expertise in acrobatics, speed and her skill with her umbrella, Sinon's crazy awareness of knowing her surroundings and varied weapons, Miyuki's semblance that can overpower anyone, and their Leader, The Silvered hair girl who fell from grace, Ruby Rose, the most powerful member out of all of them, Utilizing her speed, she can outrun anyone and without her limitations in killing , she has no problem to take someones live in mere seconds. It is a terrifying truth that their Otto has made. A team that can overpower anyone...but their powers doesn't stop there... In the future... They all will rise to become the most powerful people in remnant, rivaling even the maidens combined.

After they're battle with the grimm, an airship came down landed near them. The airship door opened, and 2 people came out of the airship. One man they recognize and one woman that they didn't. They recognize the man as Otto, he was beside a woman, she is a faunus, a cat faunus to be exact. The team believed it was their client for the mission to Atlas.

Otto:"hello team RMNS, I assume you all are doing well . I see your making huntman and huntresses a joke I suppose. Well enough about that, i like you to meet our client for the mission."

??:"Hello everyone, My name is Hiroko Belladonna. As you can see, I'm a cat faunus. We will talk about the mission in the ship, so please come with me."

They all went inside the ship. The ship really looked like a command center. It was decked out with radios, communication relays, and a lot of stuff that you can see as a base of operations. The team Realize they were not in just an ordinary ship, they are in a mobile base.

Hiroko:"Ah..You must be surprised, this is a mobile command center of my group, the Liberators."

They all sat down in a meeting room of the ship.

Miyuki:"Umm...can we call you Hiroko?"

Hiroko:"Oh sure... So with the look i see in your faces, you all seem confused of something. Is it about the Liberators?"

Sinon:"Yes..I never heard of it before."

Hiroko:"Well..uhh... I never know your names, can you introduce yourselves?"

Ruby:"Yes, I am Ruby Rose."

Sinon:"My name is Sinon Asada."

Neo:"Neopolitan at your service."

Miyuki:"My name is Miyuki Shiba."

Hiroko suddenly stands up and points a pistol at Miyuki.


Otto:"Hiroko stop what your doing! She isn't what you think she is! Put the gun down or i will force you too."

Hiroko lowers her gun slowly and sat back down, Otto went near Hiroko and whispered to her an explanation about Miyuki. Realizing that she was wrong, she stands up and bows her head at Miyuki.

Hiroko:"I'm really sorry for not knowing the situation."

Miyuki:"Its okay....But can you continue the explanation about the Liberators?"

Hiroko sits back on her chair while Otto stands beside her.

Hiroko:"Well you see.... The Liberators are an organization. We now only have around 100 members. It consists of mostly the people of the lower class of Atlas and faunus workers. We as a group have a goal, a revolutionary goal, our goal is to abolish Atlas government. We are the people, the people that are enslaved, We are the workforce of Atlas that wants a revolution, a revolution to destroy this tyrannical government. We want a revolution to a government of peace that the masses want. A government free of speech, for the people, to the people and by the people. To achieve our goals, we want your help. We want you to kill the future leaders of the government."

Neo:"But by killing the future leaders of Atlas, what will it achieve? It only bring violence."

Hiroko:"oh.. But thats exactly what we want! by killing the future leaders , Atlas will be in chaos and the people will support us! We must show the people that we can fight, we can destroy their pitiful government if we want to.. we want to show them fear. With the attack on their heirs, many people will come join our ranks and when the time is right, we will start our revolution, and we will succeed....but lets not think of that right now, we want your help."

Ruby:"Can I ask you something Hiroko?"

Hiroko:"Sure....what is it?"

Ruby:"Are you related with Blake Belladonna."

Hiroko:"Why are you asking me about her? Do you know her?"

Ruby:"She was in my former team in Beacon Academy but I left her. What made you hate her?"

Hiroko:"Oh..Let me tell you a story about her. She was my sister, we were close when something happen."


Hiroko's POV

Me and My sister were running from the White Fang. their changed to be like terrorists so we left. But there was another problem, my sister was close to one of the leaders of the White Fang, Adam Taurus. Even though we escaped, he kept chasing us with his men. We were nearing an opening in the forest but I tripped.

Hiroko:"Sister help me!"

Blake:"I'm sorry sis.......goodbye..I can't help you......."

Hiroko:"Wait!!!! Why are you leaving me??!!.................... i'm your Sister! Don't leave me!!................ I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!"

I was left in the woods with no one in site, but I saw a big airship above me. The ship landed and there came soldiers. I thought they were going to save me... but I was wrong, very wrong. The soldiers came to me and knock me out.....


when I wake up, I saw I was in a mine. I looked left and right seeing faunuses and humans working. Then I was pulled up by the ear.

Atlas Soldier:"You FREAK! Get to working!"

He threw me to the side of the wall. The soldier then walked out laughing. I was tired and scared. I cried till no end. But the people work there suddenly stop. They came to me and took care of me. They helped me even though I was a stranger to them.

Flaskback end.

Hiroko:"Then I realize something. I want to change their lives for the better. I want to destroy the prestigious Atlas government and make it to a new. Everyone will have free speech! They all will have decent lives, threated fairly for their work. Thats my past. I was abandoned by my sister, but I finally found a new hope. So......Can you please help me..."

Miyuki:"As the former heir of the Yotsuba, I accept. The government and the families are living luxuriously, I can't stand it! the people are starving, crying, and exhausted. I can't give you the details but this is one of the reason that I left my family."

Neo:"I don't know about the situation but I hate the Atlas government, so I'm in!"

Sinon:"Its up to the leader for me..."

Hiroko looked at Ruby with pleading eyes. Facing Hiroko with surprisingly a small smile plastered in her face, Ruby answered,

Ruby:"I'll help you. Its just like my mom helped me."

Hiroko smiled, relieved that everyone is on board.

Hiroko:"That settles it! So continuing on... we will be traveling to Atlas in about 2 days till we reach there. Are you all ready?"

they all nodded.

Otto:"Hey Hiroko, can you drop me off? I still have to deal with things in Vale."


Before Otto leaves. He faced the team.

Otto:"Welp, this is the first mission of team RMNS. break a leg will ya?"

Ruby:"I'll remember to break someones leg."

Otto:"Hey! not literally! but if its the enemy then its okay... But on a serious note, Don't get yourself killed."

They all nodded and Otto left. The ship lifted off and flies to Atlas. Its a new start for Team RMNS.


Back at Beacon a bullhead landed at the landing grounds. There came out the incomplete team of STRQ and RWBY. They were greeted by Ozpin and Gynlda with a sad face. Even though they are delighted to see Summer Rose alive and well..They cannot stop thinking how to explain the death of her daughter. Summer is back but with a cost of her daughter, how bad can it really be.

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