Chapter 10

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I wake up early because Tobias started crying.

I grab him and pat his back softly. He's wearing blue baby pjs. We found the clothing in a baby store.

I feed him milk the natural way and after a few minutes, his blue eyes close and he's sound asleep. I smile slightly at his even breaths. I place him back in an old crib that we found a few days ago.

I walk back to Four, he's asleep too. Not even woken up by Tobias's crying. I lay down next to him, I glance at his face.

He seems so peaceful.

So beautiful.


I resist the urge to kiss him and I look away from him and shut my eyes. But I can't sleep. In the back of my mind, I worry about my baby.

I worry about a dead one coming in here.

I worry about everything.

I sigh and sit up. The sun peaks through the velvet curtains, a dim yellow. A chill goes through me and I pull the blanket tighter to my body. I'm concealed into it's everlasting warmth.

I inhale a deep breath but when I let it out, it comes out as a shaky sob.
I hate crying but in this case, it's reasonable. I wipe my tears away with my cold pale hand. I manage to taste my tears as I cry more.

I feel a warmer hand on my back; I turn my head to see Tobias piercing blue eyes staring right into mine. His facial expressions are soft. Kind. Caring. Loving.

"Tris," he whispers, but doesn't continue. He envelopes me a hug and I snuggle into his shoulder.

"I love you." He adds, rubbing my back softly. I stop crying after a while. I'm still alive aren't I? I'm lucky to be alive in this shitty existence.

"I love you too." I respond and for what seemed like a century, he pulls away. He understands whats wrong with me.

Before I can say anything. A loud thud startles us. I grab my machete on instinct. Four and I stand up swiftly.

"Holy shit!" I hear Zeke yell.

"Get Tobias, Tris." Four commands, I sprint to the crib and grab Tobias who's fully awake. Hector stops by next to me and I pass Tobias to him.

"Take care of him Hector!" I tell him. Hector nods, his face pale. Then he runs away. He knows how to take care of Tobias. He's done it before.

Yells fill the air.

I panic and frantically run downstairs.

My eyes widen and my stomach drops.

It's...its a...

Crowd of people with guns. At least 2o of mixed genders and all in different ages surround us. A man with a cigar in his mouth smirks at me. He seems about 40 years old. A long beard surrounds his chin and jaw.

Tobias, myself and the others form into a circle.

"Where's Hector?" I ask Lynn.

"Upstairs in the hiding room." She whispers, holding out her gun, ready to kill.

"Well, well, well." The older man with a lot cigar in his mouth states, " We got a camp this time." His brown glint playfully.

People cheer and raise their guns in approval. My heart beats faster in terror.

He smiles before he starts shooting.


This is actually short....But I did that for suspense!

Sorry that I didn't update quicker! I had a small writers block.

I have a question for my readers: How old are you?

Btw I'm 12 years old.

Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter! I'll update ASAP.

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