Chapter 2

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I'm in an alley and I see Four on the end of the alley. Suddenly a dead one pounces on him, I run and the farther I run, the more far away he gets. I sob as the dead one tears into his neck.

"NOO!" I yell, trying to run faster, as the tears run down my face. Then a dead one jumps on me, I scream but it sinks it's bloody teeth into my neck.

I wake up and sit up and I realize I'm on my bed. I pant and gasp for air. My heart still pounds. I jump when a hand touches my shoulder but it's Four.

"Shhhh, it's okay baby. It was a bad dream." His soothing voice tells me. I nod, and take deep breaths. I lay back down and the morning sun peaks through the curtains, I look at Four. We must have slept for a long time. I kiss him and he kisses back. I pull away. His thumb rubs my temple and I smile at the soothing gesture.

"I love you." Four tells me.

"I love you too." I replied. I can't go to sleep anymore so I get up but suddenly I'm running to the bathroom. I start to vomit. I groan, Four runs in and pulls my hair back as I throw up more. I pull away and give him a worried look. He returns the glance.

I've been throwing up a lot in the morning lately, oh god, am I pregnant? My feelings get mixed as I think if a child joined this world.

"Um Four," I say nervously,

"Yeah? " he asks as he grabs my hand and pulls me up. We walk to the kitchen and he gives me a canned peach can. I open it and grab a spoon. He also grabs a spoon for himself. " Um... Do you think I'm pregnant?" I question him, his eyes go wide.

"Um... Well, I don't know." He responds. " But I can go to that pharmacy, the one where we got that supply of meds." I nod.

"I'm going with you though," I state. He shakes his head.

"I don't want to see you get hurt." He says.

"No please Four, I want to go." I argue, he sighs and nods. He grabs a peach can and opens it. I eat the sweet, crisp peaches.

I realized our food supply is running low. All we have is, canned fruits, canned tuna, sandwich bread and peanut butter, and granola bars. That fills me with worry.

I look at the watch that's on my wrist.

11:42 am

"We should go now," I state, finishing my peaches, Four eats them swiftly.

"Yeah." He says, he grabs his black combat boots and laces them on.

He's wearing a sleeveless (that he ripped off with a knife) black shirt that shows his muscles, black skinny jeans and the combat boots. He places two knifes in his boots and puts his pistol in the back in his jeans, fully reloaded and has a dagger in his hand.

On the other hand, I'm wearing a black tank top, with super skinny jeans, and my old combat boots. I put my machete on my back and my two knifes in my boots and my pistol is placed in the back of my jeans, also fully loaded. Since our clothes are old, we look like homeless people.

We aren't able to take showers, the water comes out dirty. So our faces have a few patches of dirt on them. Four removes the boards and gets his dagger ready just in case.

"Okay, let's go." He commands and opens the door.

It's eerily silent, just the sound of our anxious breaths. We walk in the hall and the go down the stairs quietly.

We reach the front doors and I open the door to walk out. A dead one comes in but Four silently killed it by stabbing it in the head with his dagger. We pace out and the sun beats down on us. Luckily, the pharmacy is near. So we run quickly and dead ones pop up now and then but I stab them.

We reach the doorway and walk in. The smell of blood fills my nose. Yeah, someone died here. I walk to the aisle with Four behind me.

I look at the pregnancy tests, I randomly grab one and when I turn. I see Four being bitten by gnarly dead one, I gasp and start to cry.

"Tris, Tris!" The image washes away and Four is looking at me, "are you okay?" I nod and wipe my tears away. He knows that I'm imagining things because of how scared i am. I'm going insane.

We run back to the apartment and I instantly go to the restroom. I grab a test and sit and wait patiently. Then I take a look.

I'm crying. I don't know how to feel.

I'm pregnant.


BTW: I have no idea why the first part is in italics and bold. 😂

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