Chapter 29

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Four Eaton's Point of View
*1 year later*

"This will work? Right doc?" I ask. The doctor pushes his flimsy frames back, since they keep slipping.

"Well, if it doesn't work or if it turns out wrong, than we'll either kill the test subject or discontinue the injections." He states. I hate that he says 'test subject'. She's still a human.

"Fine. Let's do it." I reply. The doctor nods and pulls out a needle, but it's not a small needle, not the one when you need to get a flu shot.

It's a long syringe, nearly a foot long. He walks over to her dead corpse. My hands are shaking from nerves and fear, I have to clench my fists to keep them from shaking wildly.

After the doctor gets the injection ready, which felt like an eternity. Chris and Uriah walk in.

We lost so many camp members.

But now, we found another camp, it's safer and there might even be a cure for saving the whole world...the dead ones and the people who have died.

Tris could be saved. Our camp members who have died can be saved. We just have to be hopeful.

Chris grips Tris' pale limp hand, I grab her other hand. It's freezing. Uriah pats me on the shoulder, his eyes tell me, "She's going to be fine."

The old doctor looks at me, I nod one more time and than he injects her neck. Just seeing that giant needle get injected into her causes my neck to ache.

The doctor pulls away after the injection is in her, she doesn't move.

"What-whats happening?" I ask, "she's supposed to wake up."

"Give it some time Four." The doctor says.

So, I wait and I wait and I wait.

It feels like a million years have passed when it's only been a few minutes. Tears glisten in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Four, it didn't work." He tells me. I shake my head violently and lean into Tris.

"Wake up! Wake up damnit!" I whisper cupping her cheeks. I glance at the doctor. "What else can we do?"

"There's nothing else we can do." He responds, pulling off his gloves.

"No. No. There must be another way."

"She's gone."

I let out a shuddery sob, she has to come back. I'm lost without her.

I pace out of the room, full of anger.

She has to wake up.

But my hope slips away. And I feel so alone.
* 3 days later*

I wake up in the middle of the night, to the sound of my door opening.

Uriah walks in.

"Four. Come with me." He says, I stand up, what does he want to show me? I put my boots on and follow him into the doctors lab.

"What do you want to show me?" I question.

He doesn't answer, instead, he paces in the room, I walk behind him. A girl with blond hair sits on the table, not facing us. Holding Tobias in her arms. Suddenly, the girl turns and gives us a warm smile.

I smile back, tears gleaming in my vision.

The girl is Tris Prior.

Hey readers!
So this was the ending!

I want to thank the readers that favorited these chapters and the readers who commented on these chapter and the readers who read these chapters.

Thank you for everything guys. :)

Update: I'm making an epilogue :)

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