1 : Someone You Loved

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The piano sat in the corner of the lounge, ivory keys glittering and seat shinning. Hunk sat on the couch next to the rest of the Paladins. "We got a piano?" He questioned, looking at the musical instrument.

Pidge nodded in response. "Yeah, we found it in the basement." She answered, Lance coughed harshly. "Ahem, I found it in the basement." He corrected with a satisfied grin.

"Oh please, you fell into it while goofing off!"

"Thank you Lance." Hunk spoke, eyes centered at the piano.

"Can anyone even play?" Lance asked as silence came over them again. Pidge shook her head, as did Hunk and Shiro.
Keith, however, stayed quiet.

Sighing, the red paladin stood up and walked to the piano. His fingertips slid slowly over the top, shuddering. There was no music sheets in sight, not that it bothered him.

The piano was here.

And beautiful.

He bit his lip and winced. His fingers moving swiftly to the keys. Dancing across them to produce the basic scales. The notes rang in the air, going from a high pitched ring to a low booming, thundering note.

Shiro hushed the group, looking at Keith as he sat at the chair.

Hesitantly Keith began to play. Shoulders shaking as his hands trembled over the keys. One note after the other, the shaky sounds of the piano grew stronger. The notes grew steadier a few measures into the song Keith was playing.

What no one expected was for Keith to sing.

"I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me," Keith's voice was soft but husky. A small country accent shining through as he continued. Closing his eyes and forgetting where he was. His mind focused on his pain, on who he lost after Kerberos.

"This is all or nothing really for a way of driving me crazy..." Keith continued, breath hitching as he tried to choke back tears. The images in his mind were blinding. They hurt.

Memories flashed through his mind, unaware of Lance going behind him. Keith remaining unaware to Hunk starting to cry, or Shiro's worried stare.

"I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain." He sang with difficulty. It was getting harder to not let the mask he constantly had up around the team fall and shatter on the ground.

Keith snuck between rows of motor bikes the Garrison kept in their garage. His hair was pulled back in a small pony tail, he was dressed in pajamas. His feet pattered against the steel floors.

A red bike reflected the moonlight that managed to get through the curtained windows. Keith grinned, time to ride.

He gripped the knife he had hidden in his pocket. The violet blade held tightly as he jogged to the bike. The dark red color matched the bike his father had.

He missed his dad.

He rattled the chains to check in the lock had been fixed. Not bothering to conceal his presence anymore. It was 3 a.m. after all, he knew no one that would be awake. He didn't know many people here, but given usually people get 7 hours and don't go to sleep at 6 p.m. Keith assumed he was fine.

What he didn't expect was for some nerd with glasses to tackle him.

"You bike stealer!" He screamed as he tackled Keith. Keith let out a yelp and swung his knife. The blade hitting flesh almost instantly.

"You fucking stabbed me!"

Keith stopped singing, letting the notes die out slowly. "That was- that was good for a guy with a mullet." Lance stammered, a bit awe struck. Hunk sniffled and voiced his agreement.

"Guys, shut up." Pidge ordered, gaining a few odd stares. She pointed to Keith, who hid his face. His ears red as his frame trembled. He closed the cover over the keys with a shaky hand, then moved it back to his face. Weeping quietly on the piano in front of the others.

"Keith..." Shiro whispered, getting up and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Shiro, he's lost. I don't know where he is and it kills me every goddamn day. I, oh god, I need him back." Keith whimpered, clutching pieces of his hair.

"Who?" Pidge asked before Shiro could.

"Tashi' it hurts. It hurts without him." Keith's voice broke and his sobs got harder to quiet. A large cry bursting from his lips much to his attempts to quiet them.

Shiro pulled Keith off the piano chair gently. Holding him to his chest, confused but deciding to be patient with the sobbing paladin. "I want him back." Keith sobbed into his chest.

"I know."

"No," Keith whimpered. "Nobody knows."

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