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DELILAH sat at the edge of their bed, the soft sounds of Taylor Swift filling the room as the sun started to fall into its usual slumber with the stars starting to litter the dark sky. Lilah went to their bedside table and pulled out a pack of cigarettes to smoke on the balcony leaving their door ajar.

They grabbed their Walkman and grabbed their Taylor Swift cassette tape and started playing it to distract Delilah from their thoughts of Conrad.

Lilah sat on one of the chairs glancing at their phone that was blowing up, they sighed taking a drag off their cigarette. The Conklin girl watched the fading sun go down when a knock on their door, "come in!" Delilah yelled taking a long drag of the cigarette.

Conrad walked in holding a little box that was wrapped in silver wrapping paper and a black bow on top. "What's that?" Lilah asked pointing at the box, "what do you think it is?" he told the confused girl as he took the cigarette away from them.

"Is it my birthday gift you said you forgot about?" Delilah wondered taking off their headphones. He nodded handing the gift over and taking a drag of the cigarette, Lilah started opening the present as Conrad stared.

It was a black velvet jewelry box, Delilah opened the box to see a necklace with stars and moons engraved on it, "Conrad, you didn't," Lilah mumbled glancing at the expensive jewelry. "I'm sorry for not giving it to you earlier. I wanted to give you it alone," he told the teary-eyed Conklin.

"Can you put it on?" Delilah mumbled holding in their tears. Conrad nodded smashing the cigarette under his shoe.

Delilah admired the necklace and looked down at Conrad's hand to see a matching ring that was around their neck, "thank you," they said staring at the boy in front of them.

Conrad leaned in a little on the railing closer to Lilah, they leaned in too not caring about the consequences of their actions, His soft lips connected with Delilah's as the sound of Taylor Swift's lover played throughout the room.

They wrapped their hands around Conrad's neck gripping onto the hair on the back of his neck, he put his hands around their waist kissing them harder.

Delilah broke the kiss, "wow," they said slowly escaping his hold. "I feel like wow doesn't cover it," Conrad hoarsely told the shorter girl leaning on the railing, "do you have to go somewhere Li?" Lilah quickly nodded heading back into their room Conrad followed them to escape the chilly night.

"I have to get ready for the party Marco has been blowing up my phone," Delilah told the crestfallen boy. "I didn't know you still talked to him, I thought you broke it off with him?" He wondered leaning in the doorway.

"I'm going too after the arctic monkey's concert tonight," Lilah told him not seeing his small smile, "Can you get out I gotta change," Delilah said kicking Conrad out of their room, "it's nothing I haven't seen before," he confidently stated crossing his arms.

They threw a random t-shirt at him, Conrad ran off laughing as Delilah shut the door locking it, and they sighed a bright smile overtaking their face.

Delilah shook their head before running to their closet and grabbing the new leather jack Steven got them before trying a couple of outfits on that would work with the jacket. In the end, Delilah decided to with a white crop top, a green skirt, and their favorite Dr.Martens, they stared at the reflection nodding.

They put on some mascara and eyeliner, before filling up their black purse with their phone, lipgloss, lighter, and cigarettes. Delilah walked out of their room with a small smile still on their face, they looked over at Conrad's room to hear the strumming of the guitar.

Delilah was about to say goodbye before deciding not to and heading to the kitchen to say goodbye to the parents, "I'm heading out see you all later!" Lilah screamed before leaving out the front door.

Marco sat in his car twiddling his thumbs as Lilah walked over to it a small smile adorning their face, "hey," Delilah said getting into the passenger seat glad to the fact his twin was not there to make things awkward, "hey," Marco said back as he started leaving the driveway, "so you excited for the concert?"

"Very," they told him honestly glancing at the scenery outside, "I've been wanting to see them since I was ten," Delilah started rambling about all the music and why they can't wait to fill the silence of the car.


THE SECOND Delilah walked into the venue the Arctic Monkeys were playing it was a nice place it looked like a fancy restaurant but mixed with a club but coke was plastered everywhere. "How did you get these tickets?" Delilah wondered glancing at the boy next to them, "my mom pulled a couple of strings since she dated the manager of them for a couple of years," Marco said heading wear the band that will be playing.

"Seriously?" Lilah looked at Marco with a shocked expression on their face, he nodded as a security person brought them both over to the VIP section, "do you want anything? Water? Diet coke?" Marco asked the shocked girl, "I'll take a diet coke."

The Conklin girl glanced around like a kid in a candy shop, "holy shit," Delilah whispered to themselves as the criticals started the opening set for the arctic monkeys.

Marco came back after a couple of their songs with a glazed look in his eyes, the smell of expensive perfume, and a pink lipstick mark on his neck he handed Delilah their Diet Coke, "who's playing right now!" He screamed over the music as the girl raised an eyebrow, "the criticals!"

He nodded as the band ended the last of their songs, Alex Turner walked on stage, causing Delilah to smile forgetting about Marco and the smell of girls' perfume.

The band started playing Do I Wanna Know, Delilah stared at Alex shamelessly watching as he sang the words, and Lilah danced around as the song blasted throughout the room.

Delilah had the time of their life as the band played for the rest of the two hours forgetting all about Marco and dancing with random girls they met, having so much fun that every problem washed away, the sound of cornerstone filled the girl's ears as they all screamed together.

"I love this song!" Delilah screamed swaying to the song and mouthing the lyrics the group of girls joined in.

To say, Delilah had a blast but all good things come to an end.


"CAN WE TALK?" Delilah stated as the duo started walking back to the car. "Sure," Marco said nervously, "I think we should break up whatever we had going on," they told him as they started getting in the car.

"What?" Marco said anger washing over his face before slowly disappearing, "I'm sorry?" he started the Jeep Wrangler sighing and getting out of the parking lot. "We won't work it was fun while it lasted but I don't think I like you like that anymore."

Marco was silent before blurting out, "I've been cheating on you," Delilah paused not expecting him to tell them honestly, "I was too."

They both stared at each other in shock, "get out." Marco said sternly, confusing Delilah, "I'm sorry what? You cheated on me first didn't you? The days you never called me or text me, now you're telling me to get out?" Lilah started laughing while getting out of the car already calling Conrad.

He drove off not even glancing at Delilah, they sighed before sitting on a random curb trying to calm a brewing panic attack, Lilah heard the ringing of their phone continue for three rings when Conrad finally picked up, "what do you need Li?" he mumbled as a girl laughed in the background and music filled their ears.

"Nothing your probably busy with Nicole," Lilah said trying to control their breathing hanging up and about to call Jeremiah to pick them up when Conrad's started calling again.

They picked up, "where are you, Lilah?" Conrad asked unlocking his car, Delilah started hyperventilating, "on a random road forty minutes away from the beach house," tears streamed down their face, the mascara getting all down them.

"I'll be there in a bit, everything will be okay," Conrad mumbled to them to calm them down, "breathe with me."

Delilah started breathing with him slowly calming down, "can you send me your location?" Conrad asked the now calm girl, Lilah sent him their location. Fear started crawling up the girl's throat when a random group of girls showed up walking on the sidewalk on the other side of the road.

It was the girls Delilah was hanging out with in the VIP section when they all looked on the other side of the road, "hey mystery girl!" The blonde girl leader screamed crossing the road.

"Hey," Delilah said timidly glancing around watching for any men around, "I wasn't able to get your name, I'm Cleo," the blonde told Lilah who smiled. "Delilah nice to meet you," they smiled glancing over at the two girls and the one guy.

"Oh, this is Avery, Maya, and this Henry, my boyfriend," Cleo told the Conklin girl as they all smiled at each other.

"We saw your fight with that guy," the brown-haired girl, Avery said staring at Delilah with sympathy. "he was flirting with me in the drinks line," the redhead, Maya told the now shocked Conklin, "gods he sucked ass," Delilah whispered sitting back down on the sidewalk.

"So do you have a ride?" Cleo asked sitting next to them. "Yea he's coming in a little bit," they told the group honestly since they had nothing better to do.

"Well our Uber is coming in twenty minutes so do you have some time to kill?" Cleo stared at the nervous girl, "yea I have some time to kill," Delilah had no idea what they were about to do but gods they did not regret that night.

"There is this great pizza place like fifteen blocks away wanna come with us?" Maya asked as Lilah stood up. "Sure," the group smiled.

"So where you from?" Henry looked down at the younger girl, "Cousins beach," Delilah lied slightly, "same," the group said, "are you a debutante?" Avery wondered. "Yes actually," Lilah mumbled, "cool my little sister is one also."

An awkward silence filled the group as they got closer to the pizza place when Delilah's phone started going off, "sorry gotta answer this just order without me."

The group nodded before heading inside leaving the Conklin to see at least a hundred texts from Laurel, Steven, Jeremiah, and Belly, all saying where are you? and are you safe?

Delilah replied to all the texts saying they were safe and will be coming home soon. when a familiar red Jeep showed up and a concerned Conrad ran over to the girl. He crashed Delilah into a hug, "so breaking up with him didn't go to plan?" Conrad muttered.

Lilah laughed leaning into his shoulder as the group inside the pizza place watched through the window with a confused glance but Cleo smiled having known Conrad.

"Let's go home, Lil," he whispered leading them to the passenger seat, Delilah waved goodbye to the group as they all waved back, and Lilah buckled into the passenger seat, Delilah rubbed their brown eyes leaning onto the window.

"Did you have a terrible night?" he asked tapping his fingers on the black wheel, "no except at the end I met a group of people, one of them is called Cleo." Delilah said honestly as Conrad's expression changed to surprise.

"Cleo Dixon?" he asked the confused Delilah, "I didn't get her last name just the fact she has a boyfriend named Henry."

"Holy shit it is Cleo Dixon," Conrad muttered glancing at the still confused Conklin, "Cleo Dixon was my best friend during the summer, mom tried to set me up with her one year but stopped after Henry came into the picture," Delilah nodded listening to the story.

Lilah felt their eyes slowly droop when suddenly their eyes just shut, Conrad glanced at the now passed out Conklin, "I love you, Lil," he whispered focusing back on the road.

Delilah smiled lightly hearing his words before falling back to sleep, Tonight was one for the history books for at least Delilah but it was just the beginning.


Hello! Sorry for the long wait most of this chapter doesn't make much sense it's more vibes than the plot but the plot will pick back up in the next chapter. It's currently three in the morning soo enjoy some angst from me. vote and comment!!

gothamcrime this is for you bae! Enjoy the vibes!

Word count: 2179 words

( made by folklorepoets )

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