18 𓇼 Politics 102: What Do You MEAN the Queen is a TREE?

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Apparently, upon further research through the encyclopedias Chan had stackednup in the Captain's Quarters, Êvél was the language shared by the three kingdoms and the Clé Empire. Starting from lower regions of the Clé Empire's island atolls, the language was spread by seafarring elves to the druids in the Yellow Wood, who began to use the writing system to spread stories in grimoires. From there, the language sort of... Spread. Taking over each region as specific species adapted the language over hundreds of years, leading to now.

Each region had their own dialects that were influenced by the races that originally inhabited. Miroh tended to have intonation and flourished accents on their vowels. Changbin and Felix, from their own areas of Miroh spoke like this, though words were the same throughout, their manner of pronouncing became slanted, lots of á and é and ì everywhere when Jeongin asked them for an example Miroh's version reminded him of Spanish, or Portuguese from his words. Romantic, fluid, and fast.

Levanter had a lot of throaty sounds, gh and ph and æ and oo sounds that tripped Jeongin up the longer he listened to the others. Jisung and Minho spoke like this. He never noticed it before, but especially when they spoke to each other those accents became more and more apparent the longer they spent time together. Sometimes, Hyunjin would accidentally slip into Levanter's style of speaking when he grew exceptionally frustrated with Changbin, but Jisung explained that the dragonkin often had a weird mix of the Yellow Wood and Levanter in his words. It was obvious he wasn't of either worlds. This version sounded like Irish, or Scottish, to him.

The Yellow Woods was 'swirly'. That was the only way Jeongin could explain how that dialect sounded to his ears. This was the manner Chan and Seungmin spoke in (Though Seungmin wasn't quite as strong as Chan's, and he attributed that to his time spent sailing). Swirly, twisted, with needless amounts of inflictions on the end of this sentence. According to the others, the Yellow Wood's version of Êvél was the purest version you could find: The dialect hadn't changed much from the original, and the words they used were often much more ancient or outdated compared to everywhere else. This version was sort of like... Norse? Germanic? German? Norwegian? It was very strange. He couldn't quite pinpoint it.

Which led to him. Who apparently sounded like anything but a foreigner who magically woke up understanding their language now. They compared him to the imperials, to the dialect from the upper inlands of the Clé Empire, like someone from the Capital. So, supposedly, their version of speaking was an odd mix of the other regions. Because there were so many races, cultures, and ethnicities that blended in the upper inlands, Clé was ecclectic. Elegant, no doubt, but strange. When Chan tried to mimick it, Jeongin thought it sounded something like a mix of Russian, Turkish, and Korean. It was very odd. But oddly beautiful too.

The most unsettling part about this whole 'different language' thing, was the fact Jeongin couldn't even recognize they'd been communicating in tongues he hadn't even known. He wouldn't even realize it. One moment, his thoughts would be scattered in Korean and bits of English he picked up from his friends in the other world, and the next he was fluently speaking in something he had never heard or known. As long as he didn't think too hard about it, he could speak it, he could write it, he could read it without much issue aside from a few words here and there. As soon as he tried to really think about it, though, everything in his mind shut off. All he could speak was Korean. All the end of the fountain pen did was stop at the top of his page. All the words on the book's pages suddenly became gibberish symbols.

Anyway so that means he's a polyglot and therefore super sexy and attractive.

(He had no idea what any of this meant. He chalked it up to the same godly intervention that tugged him into this world, but he really didn't have any sort of answer or indication to say that was true or not. But knowing that he wouldn't, exactly, find out what the reason behind this was for a while, Jeongin just took the new information in stride and moved on. No point in being hung up over something he wouldn't be able to find out now anyway.)

Plus, after the endless amounts of questions he asked them about the regional dialects of Êvél, his ego was inflated by tenfold. He was SOARING. Like he was fucking HIGH.

Because afterward, while Jeongin had sat out on the forecastle deck in the evening to watch the stars until he was ready to fall asleep, Seungmin found him. Sitting beside him in silent repose with quiet words of how their days had gone. The First Mate had leaned back against the railing they were supported on, their shoulders brushing together as sparks ignited beneath his skin.

Though Seungmin's eyes trailed over the constellations in the night, he had whispered underneath his breath, "I've always liked accents from Clé."

"You do?" Jeongin had forced his eyes off of the stars, coming to stare at the profile of Seungmin.

The moonlight that reflected off of his glass skin, flawless in the smooth surface that he wanted nothing more than to reach out his hand to once more. Where the stars spotted against the intoxicating hues splattered in his eyes, a milky way galaxy within the body of a person, a piece of the cosmos that burned brightly beside him. He nodded slowly, his eyes fluttering close as he slumped onto Jeongin. Cheek sinking into his shoulder as he continued to speak under his breath, "It's an attractive dialect. It's soft, but pronounced and graceful. Sort of strange, but exotic and free. It's so many things at once... Like something from the old story books. Like the old legends and poetry written by our Oracles."

Jeongin didn't know what the fuck that meant but he didn't give a shit because SEUNGMIN CALLED SOMETHING ABOUT HIM ATTRACTIVE. He went around announcing that to everyone and everything, Hyunjin and Jisung, Minho, then Changbin, he told the ocean and he told the ropes bracing the sails, he told his phone before hiding it again in his belongings, then told his carrack sword,

Until Chan got wind of what happened and made him scrub the decks with nothing but a bucket of dirty water and a soapy sponge. Continuously dirtying the planks, scrubbing them, dirtying them, scrubbing them, a never-ending loop of uselessness, sigh. At least Chan's punishments were creative.

It was shortly after that, they spotted the shores of Levanter in the distance. Bracing the ropes and opening the top sails to catch the strong headwinds carrying behind them, the winds promised them they would reach the flatlands in a matter of hours. Which, ended up, sort of interesting. When they went to Miroh, they had anchored the ship in the harbor of Port Vitória. This time, rather, they didn't actually... Pull up to any harbor?

Instead, in a jutted peninsula cove, a combination of Chan and Changbin's magic ensured the galleon was wedged between the cliff faces of the hooked cliff faces. Hiding themselves from invading eyes. While Jeongin sat back (Again), the others anchoring themselves there in the shallow waters of the bay. A sandbar that jutted out beyond the crystal blue waters rocking them gently in the protection of the barriers, where the sands ended, nothing but a dense thicket of green. Green bushes, green trees, green vines, hell, green animals probably it was just green. For miles and miles along the cove as far as his eyes could see. Topical... Jungly... Thick green canopy.

Man, the insects here were probably horrific. And he'd figure out soon if that thought was true. Rather than scuttling over on the dinghy like they did in Miroh (Actually, Minho, Chan, Felix, and Jisung did take the little row boat onto the sandy shores and dragged the wooden haul onto the sandy grounds to not be carried away by the rising tides), Hyunjin took to the sky. Changbin just climbed down and used his magic to surf the calmer waves onto the shore, Seungmin decided to do a nose dive off the main deck to swim his way over, the Warlock immediately taking care of him by drying of the clothes with a gentle mist of fire in his hands, and Jeongin...


Hyunjin let him hang onto the dragonkin's hands/talons/claws, flying him to the shoreline as he laughed at the top of his lungs. It was like zip lining! Like parasailing! But so much smoother, even though he could feel the wind from the dragon's glide knocking against his hair, even though he could see the ocean escaping beneath his feet, though his elbows locked out and ached from gripping onto him like his life was on the line (It was). So much gentler, so much freer, so much

Hyunjin dropped him.

Jeongin plummeted the short distance and ate a mouthful of sand.

Worth it!

He was picking out flecks of sand from his hair for what must have been hours. Busing himself with the task throughout their trudge into the depths of Levanter.  They must've been in the middle of nowhere.

Every step they took away from that sandy shoreline into the thicket of the what Jeongin could only describe as a sponge of the soupiest moisture he ever had the displeasure of inhaling before. The susurrus of the impenetrable umbrella of trees above, the branches knocking in the soft breeze that drifted by and fully blocked the sunlight from falling into the shady jungles. The skittering of an animal rocketing up a trunk, claws digging into the bark to haul it up the side as eyes seemed to watch their every footsteps in the fog. The swishing of spiked ferns clasping at their clothes as they trudged through the dew covered marshes. If they didn't watch their steps, if they weren't stepping on branches snapping to announce their presence inside of the canopies, he would've fallen into the soft grounds of mucky mud and stale ponds of a strange iridescent water.

Where dragonflies glowed in the brilliance of the waters with unnatural hues of soft aquatic blues, the willow trees that arched over the flowing streams that danced over river rocks in hazy greeting reaching into the fog humidity and their branches like the hair of a mother that watches her child sleep soundly in the midnight hours, the unknown creatures that skittered along vines tied above their heads like the riggings of the galleon's sails. Where Hyunjin took the lead to guide them, and Seungmin stood at the front, gently cutting away the overgrown thicket that blocked their path forward. Though they both gave their voiced apologies to the gazes that followed them through the jungle. Only cutting back what they needed and nothing more.

Where the forest floor, damp, unlit, spread with the decaying life of fallen moss and branches as home for the critters around, mushrooms sprouted in fairy rings with that same unusual glow illuminating the marks their footsteps left in the mud. Sun-speckled heat sopping through the understory layers they sludged through, the swampy stench of decaying earth blooming in the lush foliage rustling with chattering. Chirping of creatures they couldn't see hiding in the high canopy, but knowing their silhouettes gazed with puzzlement at these foreign wanderers.

Jeongin paused his eavesdropping on Felix and Minho's quiet conversation, glancing up at a branch in the tropical canopy that rustled. Spotting an odd silhouette. First mistaking the shape to be a sort of owl or falcon, only for the figure to unfurl with four paws as it scurried along the branches to keep an eye after them. Hurrying along. Chirping from its mouth. A lemur? A monkey? But then the four legged creature sprouted wings from its back, and jumped off the branch, its long thin tail fluttering behind it. Not even sure what it could be at this point, Jeongin forced his attention away from the small animal, "You know, I don't think I've ever found myself inside a jungle before."

"Don't fall behind," Minho glanced back to him. The naga's eyes were sharply alert, hazel irises more prominent as his pupils narrowed thin. Slit in the middle as his eyes usually did in the lowlight of the surface decks in the galleon. He was from Levanter, his eyes were probably accustomed to seeing in these dense jungles, "You won't find the way out."

Honestly, more than anything else, Jeongin was scared as fuck of that water. The ponds and streams that ribboned alongside them. Whether instinct from his own miserable accents with river water, or whether it was that odd sickness worming into his gut when he stared at the currents. Who knows what kind of creepy stuff hid underneath. Parasites? Leeches? Weird, venomous plants that could bite him? Diseases? Snakes? Crocodiles? Poison? What if there was a snake that could swim on the water!?

A pair of amphibious eyes surfaced beneath the lily pads and moss. Staring back at him as the plants hung off the top of the creature's head like a hat.

Suddenly Jeongin hurried faster to keep up. Maybe he really didn't want to know.

They continued on for a while. A long while. Long enough for Jeongin to shake the sand out of his hair, dig it from underneath his nails, chat with almost everyone aside from Hyunjin and Seungmin, then still have time to stare uselessly at the First Mate (How sweaty all of them had gotten, yet unbelievably ethereal he was still, where his hair matted down against his forehead and his back was stained with the beginnings of sweat on his back, but fuck he was so unbelievably gorgeous). Up and down hills, climbing down rocky faces, trudging underneath archways of hollowed mountains and cliff faces that framed the sky between mountains, until Hyunjin brought them to... a cave.

That's right. A fucking cave. Framed with crumbling statues of what looked to be a bird, but the vines, moss, and age had worn the statue too much. As if things couldn't possibly get WORSE, now they had to trudge through a sticky, humid, marshy, moist cave. Jeongin's claustrophobia was about to claustrophobia harder than his claustrophobia has ever claustrophobia-ed before, but Hyunjin sparked a fire at the tips of his fingers to light their way without a complaint. If Hyunjin wasn't complaining, he can't either. They followed after.

The only sources of light being Hyunjin's fingertips, the sentinel of Chan's gentle golden magic that hovered over the fae's shoulder, and the torch Changbin had lit as he trailed behind them. The narrow passageways constricted down around their bodies. Some walkways wide, three Minhos wide he could estimate. Then others, they had to squeeze through sideways. Rocks that threatened to jab into their chests, pressing down on his rib cage at points, and Jeongin sincerely doubted he could keep himself from having a mental collapse if they kept going in. Seriously. Jeongin was only terrified of two things: Heights, and being suffocated, so this was NOT fun anymore. Throw in the uncomfortable draft that chilled him to the bones, the rainwater dripping on their heads echoing all through the chambers, a pitched darkness, it sucked.


He whipped around, scared out of his mind from the pained holler. Only to see Changbin hobbling in pain, hissing as he tried to lift his foot up and the marks on his arm began to glow indigo as he healed himself, "I stubbed my fucking toe...!"

"Idiot," Hyunjin muttered under his breath. Turning around to continue leading the group through the passageways.

But not that Changbin mentioned it, there was something on the ground. Ledges? Buried beneath the solid surface of the rock solidified over it. But, ledges, like... stairs? The further they walked, the more these appeared too, broken apart, crumbled, half pushed up into the walls of the cave, moss and algae that grew in the cracks. When their lights had fallen, replaced with that same odd glow from the dragonflies and mushrooms, those bits of life that found themselves even inside of the tunnels here, something else came into view too. Paintings along the walls, pieces of broken pottery, collapsed statues, stairwell, pillars, all overrun with the passing time. The cave seemed to have an end. Sunlight that nearly blinded him as they rounded a corner and emerged into the sunlight once more.

He blocked his eyes to not be flashbanged by the sudden explosion of sunlight stabbing into his retinas when they emerged from the passageways. Hurriedly taking his eyes to take in the details; Firstly, they were still inside of the cave, that much was apparent by the rocky walls though the dome they formed high above their heads cracked and broke apart to allow sunlight through at the top; Vines and ivy that found themselves crawling into the rift in the center of the ceiling allowing that sunlight to find them even beneath the ground. Around them were collapsed alabaster pillars, broken walls engulfed by the cave, decorated arched engraved with stories now succumbed to time. Moss, vines, even those same glittering dragonflies, glowing butterflies that found themselves fluttering in the dome.

A soft meadow grass engulfed their steps.  Flowers of shades Jeongin had never seen and shapes he had never knew sprouting inside of the hidden paradise, their stems aglow with that same bright light within them. They circled, collecting in the center. Where a singular tree, it's bark hardened over with tough vines that supported the trunk to root its body to the ground, wrapped and tangled around itself as the trunk crooked to the side. It leaves, transparent thin and snowy white like a blizzard, where silver veins ran throughout the tree, and scarlet blossoms flowered off the branches, their petals cascading down with gentle ease.

"Your Highness," What he did not expect, were those words from Hyunjin and for the dragonkin to immediately fall to his knee. Lowering his head as far as he could in front of the tree as Chan simply bowed in copy. The others following with some varying degree of respect to the... uh..

...the tree...?

Jeongin just stared at them.

These people have something wrong with them.

Seungmin elbowed his ribs, quickly grabbing Jeongin's hand to grab him down. Forcing his body to bow in suit too. He lectured him, "Be respectful, we like her."

"Her? It's a tree," Jeongin glanced at the tree. The tree. The completely still, fairly normal tree. If you ignore the strange location, and the unusual coloring, and the fact that everyone was regarding it as royalty, it was a completely normal tree.

"It's the Queen of Levanter."

"It's a tree!"

The First Mate allowed a heavy sigh to escape his lips. As the others began to straighten themselves up from their shows of respect, unraveling as they began to explore the hidden area with curiousity, Seungmin dragged him to stand as well. Though their hands didn't unlace. Simply squeezing their interlaced fingers down as he began to retell, "The Queen of Levanter was a princess of the fae folk. A forest nymph. She had fallen for a cleric— Think of a warlock, but a religious worshipper who can use magic of the god they deify. A Lord from the Clé Empire had caught notice of her, and wanted to wed her. When she refused, telling him that she had already been in love, he killed her, and vowed to bring war to Levanter."

Jeongin listened to him, carefully. In the corner of his eyes, blocking out and ignoring the movement from the others. Only focusing on Seungmin's hand. On the grip of his fingers between his own. Tightly, how he grabbed him yet his their hands behind his body. Every breath from Seungmin, every beat that paused between them, he couldn't help but feel it here too: An unusual sickness. Nauseating, dizzying, upsetting. The scent of sorrow hovered in the fluttering butterflies and the falling scarlet blossoms. Of melancholy, heartbreak that cried until their tears mixed into the soil the flora now thrived atop. And a sickness. The stench of flesh that rotted away. Decaying bit by bit. It made him horrifically ill himself. But he bit his tongue. For now.

"The cleric had done everything she could to protect the princess. Every spell she knew wasn't strong enough to save her, only strong enough to grow this meadow of flowers," The First Mate continued on. While Jeongin clutched into his hand to suffer through a wave of disturbed nausea that boiled inside of his stomach, Seungmin gripped harder onto his hand back. Holding him as he leaned a little closer to Jeongin, and uttered to him, As a gift to the cleric, and in exchange for the cleric's life, the god she had worshipped promised to protect Levanter. As such, the princess was encased in the ironwood, and now guards the lands in her endless life."

He furrowed his eyebrows together.

Isn't that what happened in Percy Jackson. Is Gods turning people into trees common???

Then decided.

I should be careful.

A groaning caught his attention back to reality. Snapping him awake once more in time to see the moment Hyunjin sauntered up to the base of the tree. Softly raising his hands up in a wordless greeting. In response, the groaning and whining from the trunk of the tree. A snapping. Bark gritting and grinding against each other as slowly, the branches knocked in a wind. Only for a second more to pass. And the realization to click in that the tree wasn't being moved with any wind. The tree was moving. The bark had been rising and falling with strained breaths, the trunk untwisted itself from the crooked position, and the branches untwisted. Shifting into a position that looked much, much more comfortable.

Languidly, like blood that flows through patterns of scatter veins, a few of the barren branches stretched down to Hyunjin too. Bending and twisting to not disturb the flowers blossoming on their ends, the tree's twigs moved. Warping and shaping until they could have almost been mimicked for the fingers of a human's hand that settled a top of Hyunjin's head. The dragonkin smiled warmly, hands falling once more to his sides as he allowed the tree to, sort of, it looked like the tree was trying to pat the top of his head but wasn't succeeding all too well, "Hello, Darling. Did you sleep well? You looked comfortable. I've brought people who may be able to help you, they're... They're really going to try."

Reluctantly, Jeongin glanced around to the others. Where Minho seemed to be busy inspecting the room around them with those same suspicious eyes that narrowed at all they saw, and Jisung was off chasing butterflies in circles around the meadow that graveyard was. Changbin had been standing far back, seemingly more interested in staring blankly at Hyunjin's back as he was busied with talking to the Queen and catching her up to date on where he had been for the last few weeks. While Chan wandered around the trunk. Felix in short tow after.

Jeongin reluctantly let go of Seungmin and went to spy on what they were doing. The First Mate naturally following him as he walked over to snoop on whatever that pair was doing. Where Chan had walked around to the side of her wide trunk. Crouching down as his eyebrows fastened into their usual net. That typical expression he wore when he grew serious.

And, as soon as Jeongin came to see what the Captain had found, he could now understand why: The latter half of the Queen's tree trunk was completely rotted. The branches on the farther side as well covered with that unsightly blight, the dead blossoms that once tried to bloom now sickened and dead, the bark decaying unstoppably as every inch of that rot was slathered in an odd substance. Something he could only describe as black tar. Sticky, viscous black pit tar that coated the cracks like a sheet of a scab and yet leaked from between the wounds in her silver veins freely, it was... ill. Horrifically ill and sickened, as Hyunjin had come to seek help for. The smell from the wound was repulsive too. That was probably what Jeongin had been picking up on when they first walked in.

But it was odd. The way that the decay seems to have started only on one side of her body. It looked as if it had started from the outside too, and began to work its way inward with the rate of rot on the outside worse than the innermost parts.


Jeongin stepped backward.

Chan seemed to have a similar thought to him. Seeing as how the Captain grew more grave as the seconds passed on, how his hand slowly began to outstretch toward the wound. Meeting the blight with the tips of his fingers as he collected up the tar-like substance off the barks. Rolling the ooze between his fingers. He hands sunk back to the decay as his hands became busied by their golden hue of magic, a pitiful whisper hidden underneath his breath, "What has happened to you, your Highness?"

While the others were occupied, Jeongin glanced up to the cracks in the ceiling. Trailing his eyes along the sunlight that spilled over the edges into the dome fae below the reach of any harm that may have wished to befall on the Queen. Following the verdure ropes of the vines and foliage hung off the ravines that wide opening created in offering for a home to their life. Pathfinding the very ends of those plants, the end of the vines, where droplets of water managed to find their way to the end. Where they managed to find their way. Cascading down from the ceiling one droplet at a time. Landing wherever they wished. One droplet finding a home on Jeongin's cheek after it's plummet down.


He wiped the water off of his face, taking a moment to stare at the near perfect smudge that now dirtied his hand.

The opening is directly over the sickened side. That can't be a coincidence.

He then pulled his eyes off of the water on his hand. Staring back up at the Queen. Okay. So. Right. Uh, he thought he saw some wacky shit with the leviathan in Miroh and Felix's whole parental situation hanging him out there like he was meat for vultures to pick away at, but this probably wins as far as oddities go. He must've eaten one of those glowing mushrooms or something. Before he could stop his lips and tongue and throat from making a horrible comment as his brain had the urge to do, he whipped back to Seungmin and blurted, "I don't know, I'm all inclusive and open minded or whatever, but I'm still stuck on the fact it's a tree."

The First Mate didn't bother to look at him. Only reached out to him and slapped a fist against his chest.

"She's a tree, sorry," Jeongin corrected himself. Wincing himself up at the impact as he wiped his hands off on his pants and braced the spot Seungmin hit. Well, tapped. The First Mate didn't do any serious harm with the gesture, but it was enough of a jolt from him to get the message across one time and one time only. The Queen was dying in front of them. The least he could do is show her the smallest bit of respect at the end of her life. He looked up at her because he wasn't sure where else to look, "You're very... Um... Beautiful, Uh. Your highness. I'm just not used to living trees...?"

Like the branches had done for Hyunjin, a few of the healthy ones closest to them untwisted from their bundled up forms. Undoing from their intricate designs of knots, lowering down to him as the branches and twigs on the end bundled up together. Clumping up as the ends moved most as if they were thousands of small snakes that moved independently from the body they were attached to. The Queen greeting him with the same touch of affection to his head. The attempt of patting the top of his head clear enough of a gesture for him to understand.

But then, the branches pulled away from him.

Instead, they sunk down to his shirt. Specifically to his collar, and tried to push the fabric back from his collarbone.

"Woah, woah, hey, hey!" Jeongin lurched away, his hands quickly shooting up to swat the branches away from the front of his shirt (Trying to be nice and gently about trying to knock the branches away but still!). Angry gods. Selkies. Naga. Fae. Leviathans. Magic. And now, he's being harassed by dying tree ladies. Could his life get any weirder? Probably not. He grabbed the front of his collar, making sure to cover up as much of his neck as possible as he turtled himself away from the invading branches, "I don't know you like that, yet, Your Highness. Take me out to dinner before you start trying to strip me of my clothes!"

Whatever just happened between him and the Queen went unnoticed by the rest of the crew. Or uncared for considering he brushed it off in his typical humor (Hey, again, why? Why's she trying to take his shirt off of him? He knows his abs are in high demand but that sweet, sweet body of his belonged to one person and one person only. Maybe... was she trying to pull his collar back to see the scar on his collarbone? That's really weird too, how would she have even known?). The golden glow from Chan's hands disappeared as the others began to clump up around them once more. He turned to the crew, "I tried to heal her, and whatever has ailed her is eating away at what I had done quickly. I tried to place a stasis ward over the afflicted area, that will keep her protected for now. But whatever is sickening her highness is eating away at my magic too— Celestial or not, the ward will not last forever."

Jisung was the first to pipe up. Daring to ask that question no one else wanted to trespass on top of, "How long do we have?"

"I'm not certain. She's dying. That much is clear. If we cannot stop it, she will die. But I'm not certain when. I... I hate to say that, seeing how she has decayed, I'm shocked the illness hasn't consumed her," Chan relayed, speaking directly to the patiently awaiting selkie as his question was unfortunately answered. He then turned back to the rest of the crew, addressing them as he swiftly decided, "In the meantime, we settle into Levanter. We stay at the nearby town, and figure out what is happening to the Queen."

He shifted back once more, the Fae coming to address the Queen waiting behind him, "I'm sorry, Your Highness. We will do everything we can. If the time comes and we have failed you and the people of Levanter, then I will be here to alleviate the last of your pains. And... And I will bear the weight of your soul on my back for eternity.

Receive my words as a promise from the Fae."

𓇼༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𖠳  ᐝ ꕀ ⋆。 ˚ ༝𓇼

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