Echo - Dhawan!Master x Reader (Part 2)

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You didn't realise you had passed out and found yourself lying on grass. Wait a minute, grass? There was a small bubble of hope within you that told you were no longer inside the matrix, that you were safe. The bubble was soon popped when your vision returned to see the Master standing over you. He offered his hands to you to help you up, but you slapped it away.

"Is that what I get for trying to help you?" He scoffed. You struggled to your feet and sent a glare in his direction.

"Helping? Is this some kind of sick game to you? Because if it is - I am done playing." It was then you realised the Doctor was missing. You looked to the ground and sighed in relief once you saw her there, but worry seeped into you when she didn't respond when you tried to wake her.

"Why isn't she waking up? What have done to her?"

The Master rolled his eyes. "She's fine. Just asleep, but she is the least of your worries."

"Back with the threats, are we? Do you ever stop?"

"You tell me."

"What?" Your breathe caught in your throat when the Master got in your face. He was so close, you could feel his hot breathe fan across your lips as he stared deep into your eyes.

"Everything I showed you - was the truth."

You shook your head as you stepped away from him, needing the space, but he wouldn't let you. He grabbed a hold of your arms which made you anchored to the spot.

"Let go of me!" You fought against his hold on you, but his grip only tightened. A blaze could be felt as it spread through your body - fuelled by your anger for the man who had taken it all away. Before the Master could blink - he was on the floor with his arm twisted painfully behind his back as you stood over him.

"Yes! I knew the soldier was in there somewhere, just had to force it to show itself."

You blinked as the haze that had come over you seemed to clear. You came to realise what position you were in and let go of the Master as if he had burned you and stumbled into the stone monument behind you.

"What was that?" You asked, clutching your chest as you felt your heart race at a pace that surely wasn't healthy.

The Master rolled onto his back and laughed. "You're still in there." With a clenched jaw you pushed off from the stone and landed one foot on his chest, keeping him planted to the ground. His laughing stopped as he looked up at you with an unreadable expression.

"Enough of the games. There is obviously more than what you showed us. Unless you want to remain as pain free as possible - I suggest you start talking. How can me and the Doctor be the same person? It isn't possible. I'm human."

"Is wrong to say I'm enjoying this?" The Master purposely dodged your question.

You screamed in frustration. "Why are you so infuriating?" You took a few deep breathes to try and calm yourself down. "Are you going to answer my question?"

"Depends. Are you going to take your foot off me?"

"Not a chance."

"Fine." He sighed as he made himself comfortable by placing his arms behind his head. "You are the Doctor, and before you interrupt, it is more possible than you can imagine. I said before that you were an echo which is exactly what you are. A fragment of the Doctor' s past that has been erased and forgotten. Except, the matrix makes a copy of every timelord consciousness that has ever been - that's why you recognised it. I found a glitch when hacked it. A piece of the matrix had been torn apart from the inside. My guess is you found a way to get out."

"But I have a life. I can remember all of it. I was born in a small village in Ireland before we moved to England where my parents died in a car accident and I went into care."

"Those are false memories created by a chameleon arch to help you blend in on earth. I tried to find anything I could about you, but most of it had been erased."

One of your hands found its way back to your chest as your other massaged your temples. "What's happening to me?" You asked as the pain you were experiencing got worse.

"You're subconsciously decrypting your bio shield, meaning you are feeling your other heart. It's always been there, you've just never noticed."

This was all too much for you to process. You were a timelord - no - a being from another universe or dimension. You were also somehow a version of your best friend. The Master managed to free himself as he got his feet and dusted himself off.

"None of this explain why you're trying to help me. You hate the Doctor."

"I think it's time she woke up, don't you?" The Master received nothing, but a glare from you as he walked over to where the Doctor lay.

"It's time to wake up. This is no time for sleeping." At the Master's words, the Doctor began to come to. "Is it hurting, Doctor? I hope it's hurting because it's really hurt me."

"It's all lies." The Doctor said as she pulled herself to her feet. "None of this is the truth."

"For the first time in all my lives I can honestly say every word is true."

You found yourself leaning back up against the stone monument as you watched the Doctor try to come to terms with what she had learned. You both were. You groaned as your head burned. The bio shielded that hid you from the universe was unravelling and you were terrified. There was something about the situation that seemed off to you. Even more than the fact the self you knew yourself to be simply didn't exist and was simply a cover to hide something much bigger. You could feel it churn from deep inside you. No - it wasn't that - it was the fact that the Master had decided to speak to you alone. Why? What was the purpose? It was then you recalled what he said you when you floored him - something you still had no idea how you did it - "Yes! I knew the soldier was in there somewhere, just had to force it to show itself." Is that what you were? The real you? A soldier? That didn't sound like the Doctor. The sound of her voice brought you from your thoughts.

"I know my life. I know - I know who I am."

"No you don't, you never have. Your life has been hidden from you. Our founding parents wanted a noble creation myth for the timelords. Born to rule." His face contorted in disgust.

"I remember my home - I remember growing up - I remember you and me at the academy together."

"That happened - it just wasn't your first life." He gestured to you which reminded the Doctor of what you supposedly were.

"Why would they lie? Why would they do that?" You noticed that she refused to look at you. She had barely spared you a glance since she first woke up. She was in denial. You could see it in her eyes. She wanted to run. Run and never stop. A wave of nausea hit you as the fire in your mind continued the blaze.

Let in me in. Let me be free.

"Who are you?" You whisper to yourself as the burning continued to spread your veins.

The truth has been revealed to you. Why do you doubt what you have witnessed with you own eyes?

The Master's voice stopped you from replying.

"You know what I find most infuriating? You always behaved like you were different, like were special - and you were. You can see - you can see why I'm angry. A little piece of you is in me. All I am is because of you, and believe me when I say, I cannot bare that."

"Show me the rest."

"I'm not sure you can cope with much m-"

"Show me the rest!" The Doctor pushed the Master to the ground and stood over him. "I have a right to know my own life."

"Then why don't you ask (Y/n) to explain it to you? Look at her, Doctor, it's only a matter of time before she remembers everything - more than what the Matrix can show us. Maybe more than we are willing to hear."

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