Valentines Day Special - Dhawan!master

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"What's this?" The Master looked at the red envelope you had just handed him in disgust.

"Just open it, will ya? It won't bite. Although, paper cuts aren't out of the question."

The Master sighed and decided to humour you as he teared it open. He frowned when he saw it was a card.

"Happy Valentine's Day!"


"Valentine's Day! Don't tell me you have no idea what it is, you spent 77 years trapped on earth, how could you not know about it?"

"Why would I want to know about a silly human holiday?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you're in a relationship with one?"

"Don't remind me." He grumbled. You rolled your eyes as you were used to these sorts of comments.

"Charming. Just open it." You subtly readied your phone to capture his reaction.

Your boyfriend opened the card and gasped when a glitter bomb went off in his face. You burst out laughing as you took a picture at his horrified expression. You cackled when you saw the glitter had stuck to his beard.

"Oh, the Doctor is going to love this!"

"Don't you dare!" He attempted to grab your phone, but you backed away from him and legged it towards your bedroom you shared with him as he stalked after you.

"(Y/n)!" His voice thundered down the tardis' corridor. That did not sound like a happy timelord. Maybe you should have thought of an escape plan because you knew that girlfriend or not; he was going to murder you.

You squealed as he caught up with you and forced you up against the bedroom door. "Phone. Now." He was trying to intimidate you, but his glittery beard was making it hard to take him seriously. You tried to hold in your giggles, but they burst free.

"Have you finished?" He growled.

"I'm sorry," you said as you caught your breath. "But you look hilarious!"

"I'm glad you find it entertaining, but I'm failing to see the funny side." He growled before his expression subtly changed.

"Well, maybe if you saw yourself..." You trailed off as you the Master leaned closer. Your eyes fell shut as you waited for his lips to meet yours, but was met with something far rougher. He held you in place as he wiped his glittery beard all over your face. He stood back to look at his work and took a picture - with your phone.

"Hey! Give it back!" You lunged for it but he held it above his head.

"Oh, how the tables have turned." He grinned before running away from you.

"Master!" He bolted after him and into the console room where he messed with the controls before he made his way over to the door.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to throw it in a supernova."

"What!? You're not serious?"

"Deadly." You were not prepared to lose your phone to a dying sun so you did the only thing you thought was logical; you rugby tackled him. The Master flailed around at the added weight and stumbled into the sofa. You took the opportunity to straddle his waist. You both grappled for the phone as you tried with all your might to pull it free, but you were no match for the timelord's strength. You grinned when you remembered the stunt he pulled on you early and leant down and began to press soft kisses against his neck, his weak spot. He groaned at the sensation and the grip on the phone lessened. You began to pull it away and you smirked into his neck, but your victory was short lived. The Master had caught onto what you were trying to do and decided to have some fun of his own. He flipped you so now your back on the soft cushions of the sofa with him above you. He opened your phone, deleted the photos and dropped it on the floor, forgotten, before crashing his lips onto yours.

"I love you." You sighed against his lips in bliss.

"I love you too." Your eyes snapped open at his declaration as it was the first time he had ever said it to you. His hazel eyes held so much love for you it was almost overwhelming. Tears fell from your eyes as you pulled him closer for another kiss, but a ping from your phone diverted your attention. You reached for it, but the Master beat you to it and read the message that had been sent. His shoulders sagged when he realised what you had done. The Doctor would never let him live it down.

"Did I forget to mention that I managed to send the pictures before you deleted them. Please don't kill me."

"Now, why would I do something like that when I can think of other things to punish you, it is Valentines Day afterall." Your mouth open and closed like a fish. The Master lifted you from the sofa and threw you over his shoulder and carried you to the bedroom.

The glitter bomb card was a good idea after all

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