Not so scary dream

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"Well Snape, looks like your sample is clean, so I'll go write a prescription for that cream. You can get it at any drug store." Said Harry with a grin plastered on his face. Severus let out a sigh of relief as Harry closed the door.

Snape stared to get dressed and real realized just how good a job Harry did. 'Hmm. Potter actually did something right.' He thought as he put on his pants. The only part that still hurt was the one by his leg, but that should be gone soon.

Sverus left the room and made his way up to the front desk. "Okay, here is your prescription. You should only need it once but if you need more call me and I'll place in another order. You should only need about a quarter size in your hand for it to work." Said Harry as he handed Severus the slip of paper. Severus slipped it in his pocket.

Just has Harry started to turn away, Severus spoke up. "Hey Potter, thank you."

Harry recovered quickly from his shock. 'Did he real just THANK me?' "No problem Snape." He said.

"Maybe I'll see you around sometime?" Severus didn't know why he just asked that. He thought Harry would just laugh at his offer but was surprised.

"Sure. But don't take this the wrong way but, I hope I never have to see you in this hospital again." Harry said with a little amusement in his voice. Severus gave a little chuckled at that he stepped closer to Harry and whispered in his ear, " Well with what I'm doing I promise nothing." And with that he turned on his heel and walked away.

Harry was hung up on his chukle. God it was so cute, but then he leaned into his ear. He loved the feel of Severus's breath on his neck, tickling his ear. He then looked over at his board with a smile on his face. He had a few more patients to see so he head of into the hospital.

He finished his day rather smoothly. He changed out of his work cloths to his casual cloths. Black skinny jeans, a lose fitting emerald green hoodie, and some sneakers. He grabbed his bag and headed for a café to have dinner. He was tired so he figured he would pick it up and eat at home.

While he waited for his food, two wizards came into the café and sat down next to him. He didn't mean to over hear there conversation but what he did it made his breath stop.

"My cousin Alex got his dark mark yesterday form this guy named Voldemort, or the dark lord ashe prefers. He promised fame and fortune to him. And once he got it he went to this huge manner and he lives like a king! He's gonna come here tomorrow and I think I'm gonna go to this one." He told the one man excitedly.  He looked to be about twenty and had black hair, brown eyes, and a little bit of stubble.

"Really? Well I think I'll join you." Said his friend. He looked older that the other one but not by much. He had bland hair, but not like Draco’s. His is more of a dirty blond hair and had amber eyes. "Hey," the blond one says as he turned to Harry," you gonna join the dark lord to?"

"No." Harry stated matter of factly. "He's evil. And all he wants is to start a war. I should know. I came from England to escape the war he was creating. All he wants is for you to be his pawns." And with that Harry grabbed his food and walked out before they could say anything else.

'Might as well help Severus out a little bit' Harry smirked to him self. When he got home he was so tired that he only ate half of his food. He then slipped into his black silk pajamas and climbed into his his bed and fell asleep.


Harry was walking around the hospital. It was abandoned but he thought he could hear moaning. Being the doctor he is Harry wandered around the building. Eventually he got to the room where it was coming from. It was coming from room 6. When he opened the door he saw Severus in his hospital gown. Wanking.

At first Harry thought he would stop when he saw him, but he continued. A closer look at his told Harry that his eyes where close. He began to grow hard at this moment. But he thought better than staring and touching himself to instead knock on the door.

At the knock Severus slowly opened his eys, but didn't stop. "Yes?"  He growled in a low sexy voice. Harry's body slightly shuddered in pleasure.

"What are you doing?" 'Stupid!' He immediately scolded himself.

"What dose it look like? Mind helping me?" Severus now had a very suductive look on his face.

"W-what?!" He replied during a deep shade of red.

"I said do you mind helping me. My arm is getting tired and now since the reason why I'm doing this showed up," that suductive look was back. "You can either use your hands or your mouth. Wich will it be?"

At that moment Harry began to question reality. Was this real? Or just a very good dream? But he really didn't care. Severus was ASKING him. Either way, it was all Severus's idea. And who is he to deny a professors request anyway?

Now the question was hands or mouth? 'Hmm... well I already had my hands near it so I guess it's my mouths turn' he thought devilishly.

"I'll take you up on the offer, but I think I'll use my mouth " Harry replied as he walked in front of Severus and dropped to his knees.

Severus removed his hand from his cock and Harry with one hand grabbed it and the other grabbed Snape's hip. Using his tongue to flick the tip of Snape's cock. This action drew out a low moan from the professors lips. Harry gave a wicked smile, relaxed his throat and took Severus whole.

Snape felt the head of his cock hit the back of Harry's throat. If harry wasn't holding his hip he would thrusted forward more. Harry then took his tongue and swirled it around his cock as he slowly bobbed his head up and down. He would let it almost leave his mouth then in one quick motion swallow him back up.

Sev felt like he was in heaven. It wasn't long before he in twined his long fingers in Harry's dark brown Harry. He didn't even try to cover up his moans.

Harry loved the way Severus tasted. It was a smoky taste. No doubt from beging around a fire making potions. But there was also something else that was just Severus. Snape's breathe became more ragged to Harry's ear and he knew he was close. He soon felt his fingers grab a handful of hair, not hurting him, and felt his cock stiffen in his mouth. It was followed by a an explosion of a slightly salty taste. He took all the man had to offer before he let the organ fall from his mouth with a small pop. Suddenly from a window, Harry was blinded by a bright light. He quickly shut his eyes.

When he reopened them, he was laying in his bed with something sticky in his trousers. He looked at the clock and it only read 2:40. He grabbed his wand a cast a quick cleansing charm and went back to sleep with a smile on his face.


I'm back my little sugar cookies!!! So sorry I couldn't update I got grounded😭. But now every things fine!!!!🐍. More chapters will be uploaded threw out the week. Look for a new story coming out soon. Love you all and stay fresh.

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