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The minute Regina walked back into her house, she was greeted by Henry trying to push past her violently.

"Hey, where are you going?" she demanded, holding him by his shoulders to stop him.

"Get off me!" he said, angrily.

"Not until you tell me where you think your going." she said, remaining calm for a moment.

"Did you know?" he demanded instead.

"Know what?" she asked.

"That Emma was missing." He said. She opened her mouth to try and deny it but the words didn't come out. He shoved her off, shouting "I knew it!"

"Henry wait!" she tried to stop him again.

"No." He screamed. "My mother is missing and you didn't even tell me! Have you even tried to look for her?!"

"We tried a locator spell it didn't work." she said, trying to pacify him.

"That's it? That's all you did? Dropped some magic water on a little trinket?!" He shouted again.

"Well what else am I supposed to do it's not like I know how to track her! Ruby or Snow would be much more-"

"No! You don't get to brush this off on other people!" He said, practically seething. "You know, I thought you were good now, I thought you cared about other people. But you havent changed a bit. You don't care about anything other than yourself, or anything to do with you!"

"How dare you-"

"And you know what?!" He jumped back in. "I thought that maybe, "I could see something in your eyes when you looked at Emma. The little smiles, the laughing at her jokes, the way you were accepting her so much more into our family. I thought, maybe, just maybe, I saw something that looked like love in your eyes. And I was so freaking happy, because I thought you were turning into a good guy and that you would be getting your happy ending. But you don't care about anyone but yourself. You're still the Evil Queen and you still don't care about anyone. Especially Emma. You wouldn't give a damn if she were lying dead in a ditch somewhere. But I do. I'm going to go my mother."

Regina was shocked into staying still as her son walked out of the front door, slamming it shut behind him. When he was gone and she was alone, his words finally hit her at full force.

You wouldn't give a damn if she were lying dead in a ditch somewhere.

Those words alone, just the sheer possibility of the blonde being in that state, sent her crumbling on her knees to the floor in tears. She felt like she couldn't breathe, like Henry's words were choking the life out of her. But it wasn't Henry's words that were, not really, it was the possibilty that Emma was gone. And that she had done nothing to even stop it from happening because she didn't know what was going on.

Emma whined, and stepped over to her, licking a tear off her cheek and nuzzling under her chin to try and make sure she was okay because holy crap she had never seen Regina like that.

Regina responded to the dog's movements, putting her hands on the back of her neck and pressing her forehead against her furry one as she cried so hard she was actually sobbing.

"God, Roxy what have I done?" she spoke so softly because the giant lump that was caught in her throat was making it so hard to breathe let alone speak. The dog whined and nudges at her and licked her tears away as if she knew what was going on and Regina buried her face in her fur as she sobbed harder.

"Dammit Regina, I'm here. How the hell can I tell you? Emma's thoughts emanated from her as whines.

After some time, Regina lifted her head up from the dog's neck and looked into her eyes.

"He thinks I don't care about her." she said, giving a watery chuckle. "God is he wrong."

What? another whine.

"I do care about her. She's basically my only friend in this town. But she's so much more than that." She said, another soft sob escaping her.

I'am? It came out as another whine, but her tail started wagging gently.

"She's incredible, and so brave, and so damned beautiful....I love her..." She let out a shaky breath before admitting it to herself for the first time. "I'm in love with Emma Swan."

Emma nuzzled her and licked at her tears and tried so damn hard to get her to realize what she was trying to tell her. But Regina just let out another watery chuckle and pressed her forehead against hers again.

"You're such a good listener Roxy." She said with a soft smile, pressing a kiss to the dog's snout. Emma whined again and huffed.

Suddenly, a white light starting emanating from the floor in small orbs, lifting and spinning around Emma's dog form. Regina moved back in shock to observe what was going on. A white fog was also rising behind the light, covering her view of the dog as it rose up, higher and higher as the dog started to glow.

Within a few seconds, the dog was gone, leaving in her wake Emma Swan in full human form, on her knees in front of Regina.

Stark naked.

Emma lifted her hands in surprise, looking them back and front as if they were brand new.

"Holy shit." She whispered.

"E-Emma?" Regina stammered out, confused, and upset and confused some more.

Emma looked up at her, a small smile creeping across her mouth.

"Yeah." She said, nodding.

"Wh-how..." Regina stopped herself from asking. She was so confused and unsure of what the hell had just happened but her dog had just turned into Emma Swan right in front of her eyes and she knew magic had to be at work here.

"Gold." Emma said. Regina's thoughts stopped swimming around in her head long enough for her to roll her eyes. She sighed and pulled her coat off and reached over to wrap it around Emma because the woman was still naked.

"Thanks." Emma said, with a small blush.

"No problem." Regina said, still a little dazed. "Please explain to me what just happened."

"I asked Gold for a potion to help me with....something....And it turned me into a dog." Emma said with a sigh.

"I see...." Regina said. There wasn't much else that could be said, except for. "And what was this potion for?"

Emma sighed and smiled at her a little and realized that if there was any moment for her to tell Regina, it was now.

"A confidence boost so that I would stop chickening out before I could ask you to go on a date with me." She said.

"What?" Regina breathed out.

"Regina I've been falling for you slowly, pretty much since I met you I think." Emma said, looking away for a moment to think on what she'd said. "It started off with me thinking you were really hot and then you started working so hard to redeem yourself and you sacrificed so much and then Neverland happened and we started working together and everyone was pulling and pushing me from every which way and you were the only thing that was stable for me and then fucking Zelena happened and I realized I could lose you at any moment and that's when I truly realized that I had fallen so totally and completely in love with you."

Regina didn't say anything, just stared at her and breathed heavily. Then when she'd taken everything in, she scooted closer to the blonde, pulling her into her arms and burying her face in Emma's neck and taking in her scent and the feel of her body as the savior's arms wrapped around her and she couldn't help but start crying again.

"Why are you crying?" Emma asked softly as she ran her fingers through brunette hair.

"Because I'm so happy, that you're here and....just so, so happy." Regina said. "And I was so goddamn worried about you."

"I'm sorry." Emma said. "I thought it would maybe just inflate my confidence a little you know? I didn't think Gold would turn me into a freaking dog."

"I'll kill him." Regina said ever so weakly that Emma couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't, it may have been twisted and turned into some horrific comedy, but he did help in getting us together." She said.

"Together?" Regina asked, without moving from her position. Emma smiled wider and kissed her temple.

"You don't think you're gonna get rid of me after confessing you love me do you?" She teased. Regina chuckled into the skin of her neck. "I love you Regina."

"I love you too Emma." Regina said, a few tears spilling out again, happy ones this time. "We should call Henry and tell him."

"Yeah he's probably flipping out." Emma said.

"Maybe we should get you dressed first, hmmm?" Regina suggested and Emma blushed again.

"Yes please." She mumbled. Regina chuckled and pulled away from her, standing up and holding out a hand to help the blonde up. Emma stumbled a little to get her balance back and had hold on to Regina for a bit. "Sorry, kinda been walking on all fours for a while."

"It's quite al-" Regina stopped for a moment as she realized something. "Wait so you've been conscious of everything that's been going on?"

"Yeah." Emma said with a nod. "Why?"

Regina just raised an eyebrow at her.

"What?" Emma said. Regina rolled her eyes and waved her hand suddenly to fling the coat off of Emma. The blonde's eyes went wide as she tried to cover herself with her hands. "Hey what the hell?!"

Regina smirked as she raked her eyes over Emma's body quickly and then started to walk away towards the stairs.

"Now we're even." She called back and Emma took a second for her to realized what she was talking about.

"Well hey you're the one who figure it'd be okay to be naked in front of the dog!" Emma said, dropping her arms as she started to follow Regina up the stairs.

"Wait...." Henry said slowly. He was sitting in front of his two mothers, after being called home by Regina, and refusing to because he was still mad at her, Emma had taken the phone and told him everything was okay and that he needed to come home so that they could talk. He finally listened after she had to convince him it wasn't just Regina masking her voice with magic. "So your telling me that you've been Roxy all this time?"

"Yep." Emma said with a nod. Henry shook his head and narrowed his eyes at her in confusion and she shrugged. "Never trust potions kid."

He sighed and nodded. Magic really was confusing sometimes.

"Wait so why did you chase the ball when I-"

"I'm not proud. And we are never to talk about that ever again, got it?" Emma cut him off and he chuckled and got off the chair to hug her.

"I'm so glad you're back." He said.

"Glad to be back kid." She said as Henry looked over her shoulders to Regina, who smiled at him softly. He sighed and pulled away from Emma to hug the brunette as well.

"Mom, I'm so sorry." He said. She wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"It's okay Henry." She said.

"I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." He said.

"You were upset, and scared for your mother's safety. You're totally forgiven." She said. Emma couldn't help but smile at the two of them. He pulled back and looked at the two of them as they stood together, smiling at each other.

"Wait." He said again, they looked over to him with questioning looks. He pointed to Emma "How did you turn back?"

"True love's kiss." The blonde replied with a shrug.

"But mom was the only one-" He stopped himself as he looked at his two mothers who were now giving him match smiles. Emma wrapped an arm around Regina's waist and pulled her closer to her side and gave their son a wink. Henry's lips shaped and morphed into the biggest grin any of them had ever seen on his face before he jumped onto both of them, wrapping his arms around them both and burying his face into their necks.

Emma smiled and turned her head to look at Regina, who had a look of pure bliss on her face as she hugged their son. She placed a soft kiss on her temple before turning to kiss Henry on the head, she was holding the two people she loved most in the world, and she couldn't be happier.

They sat in Granny's diner the next day for breakfast, Regina talking about...something...And Emma just staring at her lovingly, not really listening, but watching as her lips moved and pulled up into a smile as they formed words and her eyes sparkled and her hands moved around a little and Oh my God this woman is crazy perfect

"Emma?" Regina asked. "Emma!"

"Huh?" Emma shook her head and brought her thoughts back into focus.

"Are you even listening to me?" Regina said, raising an eyebrow at her. Emma just grinned at her lovingly.

"I have no idea what you were just saying." She admitted. "But you looked beautiful saying it."

Regina rolled her eyes to mask the fact that she was blushing as she sipped her coffee. Emma smiled again and reached over to take her free hand, squeezing it gently.

Suddenly the bell rang as Gold walked through. He went over to the counter and asked Ruby for his and Belle's usual before he spotted the two women and walked over to them.

"Ah, if what I can see is true, I feel congratulations are in order." He said with a smile. Emma smirked at him.

"Yeah, though when I asked you for help, something simple and straightforward would've been, like, way better." Emma said, smiling over to Regina who nodded in agreement.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." Gold said after a moment of thought.

"Oh come on Gold, don't play dumb." Emma said. "Next time, maybe something that'll keep me on two feet at least hmm?"

"Sheriff Swan, I legitimately have no idea what your saying." He said. She looked him over, her eyes widening.

"You mean you didn't give me a potion that turned me into a dog?" She asked.

"A dog?" He asked. "The vile I gave you contained nothing more than a strong shot of alcohol mixed with some food colouring. Nothing more magical than that for what you needed.

"What?" Emma squeaked. "Dude I turned into a dog for two days. I had a tail and had to eat leftover lasagna from a bowl."


"Which was delicious, but that is not the point right now."

"Oh dear..." Rumple said in contemplation. "I fear when I put the vile down for only a second on my shelf, I must have grabbed the wrong one after."

Emma blinked at him.

"You're shitting me."

"I'm afraid not." He said. "Though I do offer my deepest apologise."

"A tail. And floppy ears. I chased down a squeaky toy for God's sake."

"I truthfully regret my mistake Sheriff, I promise to be more careful next time." Gold said, looking over to the counter where Ruby had just placed his bag. "Well, I bid you good days ladies, and once again congratulations."

He walked away, leaving Emma reeling in what she'd just learned. The blonde looked over to Regina, who seemed to be having a hard time keeping herself from laughing.

"It's not funny." She said.

"Of course not dear." Regina smiled at her still scoffing back a laugh.

"Regina." She whined.

"I love you?"

"Don't even."

"Oh come on Emma, so it was a mistake." Regina said, reaching over and taking Emma's hands across the table. "The important thing is that, whether it was the intended purpose or not, the potion helped bring us together, now we can start a new life together and have our happy endings. "Together."

Emma sighed, she had to agree with the brunette, the spell did bring them together. Still she couldn't resist the urge to get back at Rumple somehow.

"Wanna break into his cabin and have sex everywhere." She said.

"Emma." Regina chastised. "I am the mayor."


"So." Regina shot back before smirking at her mischievously. "I have a skeleton key to every building in this town, breaking in won't be necessary."

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