Part 1

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The bell rang out loud and clear in the dim light of the shop. Emma could just barely make the man out as he walked out from the back room to the spot right in the center behind the counter and gave her his signature smirk. "Ah, if it isn't our beloved savior. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked as he always does when someone comes into the shop. Emma had been hesitant, he could see that, whatever she needed it was big.

She took a deep breath and stepped up to the counter.

"I need your help Gold." She began.

"And how may I be of service? he asked again. She gulped for a second and then spoke.

"I need something to help Regina fall in love with me." She said, her voice just above a whisper, as if the brunette in question would hear her from across town if she spoke Amy louder.

"A love potion?" He said with a raised eyebrow. "You know that's not real love, it will only make her think she loves you."

"No, that's not what I meant." She sigh. God knows she didn't want the love between them to be farce. She knew it was real, what she felt, she just couldn't get any of her damned courage to stay every time she went to confront Regina about it. "I just need something to speed things along."

"I'm not sure if I can help you there, dearie. He said. "Perhaps you should just ask her out on a date."

She couldn't believe Rumpelstiltskin had just given her a dating advice. She closed her eyes and sighed, resting her hand out on the counter and leaning a bit.

"I've tried." She practically groaned. But every time I'm about to say something the damn words get stuck in my throat, and I end up changing the subject."

"Hmm." He hummed thoughtfully. "I may know just the thing."

"Really?" Emma said, hope sparking in her eyes. Gold held up a finger, signaling to her to wait there, as he disappeared again behind the curtain that separated the front room from the back. Emma didn't feel really good about being left alone in the shop, which was a hundred times creepier in the dim light emanating from the single lamp lit on the counter. She wondered why Gold never installed more lights in here, but he figured it was because he was a creepy little shit.

Just as soon as he was gone, Gold reappeared from behind the curtain, shaking a vial of dark purple liquid in his hands.

"Here you are my dear." He said, placing it elegantly right in the centre of the counter. "This will fix your problem."

Emma nodded, and the squinted her eyes at him.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb with me Gold." Emma said. "Name your price."

"This one, believe it or not, is on the house." He said, tapping the vial to emphasise his point.

"Why?" Emma said, with a raised eyebrow. He smiled at her.

I like to think of it as an investment. If you really have what it takes to make the Evil Queen happy, well then maybe she'll just stop being a pain for everyone else." He said smugly. Emma leveled him with a glare.

"You call her the Evil Queen or a pain again that stick won't be enough to help you walk." She threatened, snatching the vial off the counter before turning around and walking right out of the shop, shouting out, a quick 'thanks' before the door swung shut behind her.
She stood outside of Regina's house, looking up at the mayoral mansion. She had driven there immediately after talking with Gold about a solution for her problem. She took a deep breath, taking a minute to remember how she got here.

She'd been falling for Regina slowly, ever since Neverland. Somewhere between worrying about Henry, Neal, her dad, and the push and pull game she played with Hook, she grew close to the brunette. Before that she didn't really consider the idea of dating Regina. Though she couldn't deny that the woman was dipping with sensuality, that one look could drive any man, or woman, crazy about her. She wondered for a moment why she didn't have the entire male population of the town putty in her hands. God knows she wouldn't need to steal their hearts literally, to be able to do so figuratively. Emma sighed, realizing for the umpteenth time that she had done so with her heart. She didn't know how to handle this, how to talk about this to anyone. Mary Margaret had seen her moping a few times, and asked her what was wrong, but she just danced around the question. Her mother meant well, of course she did, but there was no way that the savior could explain to her mother that she was in love with the woman who sworn to make her life a living hell. It was a disaster waiting to happen, so she just didn't talk about it. She knew tonight would be a defining moment though. If Gold's potion worked and she was able to hold on to her courage long enough to confront Regina and tell her about her feelings, then she would know. Whether she read all those whimsical looks and smiles and slight touches on her shoulders and arms any chance she got right. It was do or die, tonight could signify the beginning of her happy ending, and it terrified her to her very core.

Her hands started shaking, and she started getting that feeling that she always got when she felt anything remotely deep and real. The feeling that got a voice inside her head to scream at her to run away and hide until those deep feelings disappeared back to the hell they came from. But she couldn't do it, she couldn't lie to herself, or to Regina, not anymore. So she wiped the sweat of her palms onto her jeans, pulled out the vial, pulled off the cork, and downed the contents of the small container in one go.

The potion tasted awful, but she wasn't surprised, it wasn't exactly grape juice, despite the colour. She corked the vial again and put it into her pocket. Taking a deep breath, she could feel the magic of the potion course through her veins. Her hands had stopped shaking so it had to worked. She smiled to herself taking in her newfound confidence. She began to walk up the pathway leading to Regina's house.

Suddenly she felt light headed, and before she knew it, the world around her was going dark and the last thing she felt was the pull of gravity bringing her down onto Regina's well tended front lawn before unconsciousness enveloped her.

Emma twitched and groaned as she stirred, no clue of what exactly had happened to cause her to pass out like that. Her body felt weird, like it was contorted. It didn't even feel like it was her body anymore. Damn Gold. She knew she should have known better than to trust the creepy old man, he never gave her good vibes. She would have thought him begin related to Henry would give him some kind of incentive to do some good. Guess not.

She sighed. Her body ached and she felt horrible. She didn't even care where she was laying right now, she closed her eyes again and decided that maybe some more rest would do her good.

"What the hell are you doing here?" An all too familiar voice shook her from attempt. Of course. She opened her eyes to see a sideways image of Regina coming towards her.

"Get off my lawn." The brunette said in her authoritative voice. Emma would found it sexy had she not been in so much pain. She would think their new found friendship would lead her to being a bit more concerned though. She sighed and lifted her head off the ground with a groan. Her whole damn body felt so damned strange.

"Go on, shoo." Regina said, waving her hand at her.

Shoo? Really? Come on Regina, I'm not a damn dog.

And she tried to voice that complaint. Only.



"Woof!" she tried again. Why was she barking and not speaking?

Regina rolled her eyes

"That's it, I'm calling animal shelter." She sighed whipping out her phone from her blazer pocket.

Animal what now?

"WOOF!" Stop that!

She stood up, or attempted to. She was okay while she was resting on her hands, but when she tried to stand on her legs alone, she wobbled, she lost balance, and fell back on her hands.

"Attempting cute tricks won't sway my decision, mutt." Regina spat, still dialing the number to the shelter.

MUTT? Emma was panicking now, just what the hell is going on?

She looked down and her eyes widened. PAWS? FUR? She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She made it quickly to a small puddle left on the lawn from the rain and looked into it. Her eyes went wide again.

Instead of her face looking back at her, she saw the face of a golden retriever. The only thing she could recognized of herself were her green eyes, that were wide in shock and confusion. She turned to look at Regina, trying her hardest to get the other woman to realized there was something wrong. But all that came out of her mouth was a panicked barking that she was sure would only further annoy the woman.

"Oh you stop that." Regina snapped at her. She whined, both internally and externally, at her failure to communicate with the woman. She had to get her to realize, somehow. But she didn't know how, and Regina was talking to the animal shelter receptionist on the other end of the phone. So in a panic, she made a mad dash away from Regina and her house and towards the woods hoping to be free from anyone's sights.

She wandered into the woods until she was sure that she was in far enough that no one would find her, besides, she didn't want to wander too far and end up skipping the town line. She didn't know what kind of magic this was, and she didn't want to end up as a dog forever. She sighed, though it came out more like a huff from her irregularly long snout, and sat under a tree, wondering just how the hell she was going to get out of this one. She knew she should go to Gold, he would probably know what to do to reverse it. But considering the fact that he had given her the potion specifically to solve her problem with Regina, he was sure the answer to her problem was something incredibly annoying and cheesy like 'true love kiss.' Her lip twitched up in a smile just thinking about the possibility of Regina begin her true love. Even just thinking about the brunette reciprocating her feelings sent her heart on a thrill ride , but true love? It would be the answer to everything both she and Regina wanted. Their happy ending.

She huffed again, knowing she was going to have to go back to their former queen, and find some way of communicating with her. This would end badly.

Regina sat in her home office going through paper work that needed the mayoral signature of approval. Today was one of those mundane days where nothing eventful happened. One would think it was nice, considering all the crazy things they'd been though. But her heart felt empty. She knew, she just knew, that if she were doing the exact same thing while knowing who and where her true love was, she'd be ten times happier. As it was, she didn't. And at this point she'd just grown tired of all the heartbreak.

She was so caught up in her own head that she didn't even realize it had begun to rain heavily outside, she rolled her eyes at the sound of the rain against the window. She knew she created this town to destroy everyone's happiness, but damn couldn't they get one day of good weather? She sighed and focused back on reading the words on the papers in front of her when her doorbell rang. She rolled her eyes and got up, fixing her shirt as she walked out into the foyer and to the front door.

When she opened it, she saw no one at immediate eye level, and was about to shut the door with an eye roll when she heard a whine come from in front of her. She lowered her eyes and sighed.

"You again." She said to the golden retriever who sat in front of her. "Didn't I tell you get off my lawn?"

She stared at the dog, whose fur was soaked and muddy, probably from her run in the woods. She looked so sweet and innocent, not that Regina had much of a heart for dogs. But there was something about the dog's bright green eyes that softened the mayor's heart. She knew why, it was probably because they reminded her so much of another particular blonde in her life. She crouched down to be eye level with the dog.

"I suppose you're not on my lawn are you?" She spoked gently, the dog whined softly, placing one paw forward as if in response. Regina looked out beyond the dog and into the streets where rain assaulted any and all exposed areas. She looked back into those green eyes and sighed as she relented. "Alright well, come inside, let's get you dried off."

The dog seemed to understand her fully, opening it's mouth as if it were smiling and wagging her tail as she got up and walked inside the house. Regina closed the door and looked at the dog once again.

"I wonder if anyone is looking for you." She said in a thought. Then shrugged. "Wait there."

The dog sat down dutifully and Regina walked into the downstairs bathroom, finding an old towel she no longer used and bringing it back to the foyer, where she found the dog still waiting for her patiently. She smirked, this dog was more obedient than some of her former subjects. She crouched down again near the golden retriever and open the towel, gently rubbing it on her fur to dry it. She took in the dogs expression, eyes closed and mouth open as she panted softly in happiness. She couldn't help but smile.

"You know, don't tell anyone I said this, but your pretty cute." The brunette said as she rubbed at the fur under the dog's chin. She moved to rub her back, noticing how as she rubbed one particular spot, the dog extended it's neck fully and wagged it's tail as one leg thumped up and down on the floor.

"You like that?" Regina said with a smile on her face the likes of which she had never allowed anyone to see. The kind that made her eyes brighten and her face light up. The kind she always had on her face before her mother took away the love of her life.

Oh God. Oh God. Don't stop. was the only thing running through Emma's mind as the brunette rubbed that one particular spot on her back. It had always been sensitive, but damn, nothing had ever felt this good. The tail wagging and foot thumping was an automatic response in this new body, that Emma was slightly embarrassed about, but she didn't fight it and Regina kept rubbing her back.

She was a little saddened when Regina finally stopped, expressing it with a little huff. But Regina just smiled at her and scratched the top of her head lightly.

"You must be hungry." The brunette said, looking straight into her eyes. It was just then she realized she hadn't eaten anything all day and her stomach was growling. So she tried to nod, only managing a little head bounce up and down. Still, Regina smiled at her as if it was the most adorable thing ever and she swore she'd keep doing everything to get Regina to smile like that because holy crap Regina's smiles were the most beautiful thing ever.

"Come on, let's see what we can find you." The former queen said, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. Emma followed her and sat down on the ground in front of her as she looked into the fridge to see if they had any leftovers of anything. She pulled out a container holding some leftover lasagna and thought for a moment before shrugging and closing the fridge again, taking the container to the counter. She cut off a healthy portion and put the rest back, before chopping up the piece she cut out in smaller pieces and plating them. She placed the plate on the floor in front of the dog and smiled as the dog began eating happily after sniffing the food for only a second.

"Well looks like my lasagna is a hit with you too." She said, scratching the top of Emma's head again. As the golden retriever ate, she filled up a bowl with water and placed it right next to the plate she had given her, so that she had something to wash it down with.

"Now don't think I didn't change my mind." Regina said to the dog who ate on in front of her. "I'm still calling the animal shelter and telling them to pick you up, I just didn't want to leave you out in the rain."

The dog looked up at her with a contemplative look, as if to say yeah, sure you did. In a way that reminded her so much of the look Emma gave her when she could tell she was lying, when she used that damned superpower of hers. Regina took a deep breath and decided it was time to get back to her work.

"Don't climb on any of my furniture." She said in a strict voice as she turned and walked out of the kitchen and back to her office to finish that paperwork.

Emma stayed in the kitchen and finish eating because God she was so hungry and Regina's lasagna was amazing even when it was cold from the fridge. When she finished off the last bit and licking the plate clean, she drank some water, finding it really odd to lick it out of the bowl, but managing to do so anyway. When she was done, she turned around and walked back out of the kitchen. Before she even had to wonder where Regina was, she could smell her scent leading her to the office. God it smelled so good, like a mix of Regina's perfume and shampoo and just a hint of something just so Regina. She walked up to the door of the office, which was left ajar, and pushed it open with her front paw. She walked in and sat down in the middle of the room silently, whining softly to grab Regina's attention off the file she was reading.

"What?" Regina said to her when she looked up and saw her there. She whined again in response and Regina rolled her eyes. "Very well you can stay in here, but you have to be quiet."

Emma huffed, that's not what she wanted, she wanted to tell Regina to get her out of that damned body. But she lost the mayor's attention to the files again. She tried a new tactic, walking over to and around the desk, she placed her head in Regina's lap. The brunette's eyes widened in surprise and she looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. Emma gave her a pleading look, begging her with her eyes for her to realized what was going on. But Regina just sighed and looked back up to her file, the only response to her presence being the fact that she was petting her head lightly, so softly.

It felt so good to Emma she could hardly care that another attempt at communicating with Regina had failed, instead she stayed there, letting the feeling of Regina's caresses wash over her and pull her into a comfortable slumber.

The only thing that brought her out of her rest came about an hour later, when the doorbell ring brought her back to consciousness. Her nose twitched as a new scent took over her and her mind instantly recognized who it was. Henry! Mom! She lifted her chin off Regina's lap immediately and ran towards the door, barking at the brunette to follow her and open it. If anyone could tell Regina who she was, it was her mother and son.

Regina rolled her eyes as she got up and followed the dog out towards the door.

"Oh be quiet." She chastised the loud animal as she shooed her away from the door. Emma whined and sat down as Regina opened the door to find her son and Snow right behind him.

"Is there a dog in here?" He asked as he walked into the house. The golden retriever ran up to him happily as he grinned at her, kneeling on the floor to pet and play with her while Emma tried as hard as possible to find some way to get Henry to realize what she was saying.

"Don't get to attached, she's going to the animal shelter later on today." Regina said. Henry whined in response, as did the dog. Regina rolled her eyes and regarded Snow who still stood at the door. "I thought Emma was going to drop him off."

"Actually, Regina" Snow spoke in a whisper, giving her a look that said she didn't want Henry to hear her. "I was just about to ask you if you'd seen her. I haven't seen her since she brought Henry over last night. She said she had to run an errand and went out again, but she never showed up."

"Well she's probably on that damned ship shirking her responsibilities with the handless wonder." Regina spoke quietly with a roll of her eyes. Snow's expression made her think the shorter brunette knew something that would disprove her theory.

"Actually Regina." Snow began. "Emma broke up with Hook earlier yesterday."

"She what?" Regina said in surprise.

"She didn't tell you?" Snow asked, Regina rolled her eyes again.

"Well it's not like we sit around talking about our relationships all day." She snarked. She bit her lip in slight worry, but didn't let it show on her face.

"Okay well, keep an eye out for her?" Snow asked, it was more plea. "I'm really worried about her no one seems to know where she is."

"I will, hopefully she hasn't gone and gotten herself in trouble again." Regina said. Snow nodded.

"Henry doesn't know anything yet, we figured it would be best not to worry him when it's possibly nothing." Snow said. Regina nodded in thanks. She was glad that the former princess had enough sense to protect her grandchild, though she really shouldn't have been surprised, Snow is a mother too after all.

"I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I see anything." Regina said. Snow nodded again in thanks and waved a quick goodbye to Henry before turning around and walking away. Regina closed the door, biting her lip in worry at what she'd just found out. But she sighed and pushed her worry away so as not to alarm her son. She turned around and smile at him as he continued pet the dog.

"Can we keep her?" Henry pleaded. Regina sighed.

"Henry, we don't know if someone is looking for her." She said, speaking gently.

"But she doesn't have a collar, we don't know where she's from or if she belongs to anyone." Henry said.

"Well maybe she was dropped it." Regina said. Henry gave her a look that he had learned from her that said we both know that's not likely.

"Tell you what." He said in a voice that told her some kind of bargain was coming up. "We keep her here, and put up some posters around town. If no one comes and claims her in ten days, we keep her."

"Where did you learn to negotiate like that?" Regina said instead. Henry shrugged.

"Rumpelstiltskin is my grandfather." He said with a grin. Regina rolled her eyes at that and sighed.

"Fine." She relented. "But we put up posters everywhere. And we don't give up until ten days are over. And today doesn't count.

"Deal" He said with a grin, petting the dog happily. Emma sighed in relief, at least she didn't have to worry about Regina getting rid of her, it made things easier.
That afternoon they were walking outside, a new leash on the golden retriever, which Emma was already making plans of destroying, seriously pink was not her colour.

"So can we name her?" Henry asked as he stapled another poster to the tree.

"Well I suppose we should, so that we have something to call her." Regina said. "Any ideas?"

"Hmm...." Henry said in thought as they walked a bit more to the next tree. "How about Blondie?"

"After your mother?" Regina said with a smirk. Henry chuckled, but as Regina glanced at the dog she could swear she saw her rolling her eyes.

"Buttercup?" He suggested again. The dog huffed, even Regina cringed a little. They walked as they kept suggesting names.

"Biscuit!" Henry grinned. And it was the first time he heard his mother say 'nah.' He was so amazed, so was Emma.






"We are not naming her after food!"

"Fine." Henry huffed as he stapled another poster to a tree. He stayed quiet for a moment, thinking on what could be a good name. "How about Roxy?"

Emma actually didn't hate that one, and she'd rather be called Roxy than 'dog' until this spell was broken.

"That's a good one." Regina said with a smile.

"Okay then." Henry smiled at the dog, petting her. "Roxy."

Just then a familiar brunette was jogging on the other side of the street. She smiled and waved over to Regina and Henry, and then noticed the golden retriever she had yet to ever see with those two, so she jogged across the street to talk to them.

"Hey guys." Ruby said with a smile, immediately crouching down to pet the dog. "Who's this?"

"This is Roxy." Henry said. "Mom found her."

"Wow Regina, didn't take you as the type to take in pets." Ruby said.

"Yes, well she's not ours." Regina said.

"Not yet anyway." Henry corrected. Regina resisted the urged to roll her eyes. "We're keeping her, and putting up posters, if no one claims her in ten days we get to keep her."

"Smart plan." Ruby nodded. She looked over at the dog to smile at and make baby noises. The strange colour of her eyes was something Ruby found odd, usually dog eyes were brown. The way the dog whined and sniffed at her told her something was amiss. Her eyes looking pleading and she whined again, nudging her with her nose.

Come on Ruby, I know you can understand me.

"Emma?" Ruby spoked softly, barley enough for anyone to hear. The dog whined in confirmation.

"Emma? Where?" Regina asked looking around to see the blonde in question. Ruby looked up and back down at the dog, opening and closing her mouth, unsure of what to do.

"Uh no." The werewolf said with a smile, standing up straight. "Her eyes, they remind me of Emma's."

"Yeah isn't that cool?" Henry said with a grin. "Pretty sure mom found the only dog with green eyes, it's awesome."

"Yeah." Ruby said with a grin. "Well your mom can do pretty amazing things."

Henry smiled up at Regina, and the former queen smiled back at him, looking over to Ruby for a second to try and gauge her expression. While the younger boy wasn't looking, Ruby gestured with her eyes towards the dog as if to warn Regina that something was wrong. Regina raised her eyebrow at her.

"Ms. Lucas are you alright?" She asked, not understanding the warning she was being given. Henry looked back at Ruby in concern and she waved Regina off.

"I'm fine, just need some water, I'm heading back to Granny's anyway." She said with a grin.

"Oh well, if your going to Granny's, can you take a couple of this posters and hang them up?" Henry asked, holding out two of the papers in his hands.

"Sure." Ruby nodded with a smile. "Well I'll see you guys later."

"Bye Ruby." Henry said with a grin as she jogged off. She sighed, wondering if what she sensed from the golden retriever was right. It just couldn't be, could it.
Emma was laying down on the shag carpet rug in front of the fireplace in Regina's office. This day had been horrible, besides times she'd been petted by Regina that was wonderful. Apart from that, freaking horrible. She huffed, why the hell didn't Ruby tell them anything? Was there any chance she didn't understand her? Maybe it's part of the spell. Maybe until she gets true love's kiss she won't turn back into a human and there was no way of communicating with anyone, not even a werewolf who understood just what every dog was saying.

But then how the hell am I supposed to get true love kiss?

She wonder for a moment if licking Regina's face would count. But then she realized she'd probably get a fireball to the tail and a whine escaped at the thought as she tucked her tail under her leg. She was still getting used to that thing, it felt like a weird waggle extension of her spine and kind of like it had a mind of its own.

"Hey girl." Henry said with a smile, kneeling down on the carpet and petting her. She had to admit being petted like that felt good, though the best feeling was still when Regina tickled her back that morning. "You wanna try your new toys?"

Pfft, toys. Emma scoffed internally. He's gonna think I'm broken, poor kid.


Oh my god. Emma said, her ears turning up at the sound which sounded like the best damn thing in the world.

Squeak Squeak

"You want the ball girl?" Henry said enthusiastically.

Gimme the ball Gimme the ball. Oh my god what am I saying? I don't want the ba-

"Fetch!" Henry order as he threw the ball out of the door into the foyer.

Holy shit. ball.

She wasn't controlling her body as she suddenly rose up and run after the ball with all her might. She was sufficiently faster on all four legs than she was on two. She ran and caught the ball mid air once in the foyer, but didn't see Regina until it was too late.

"Mom look out!" Henry called as she tried to stop, but the tile was too slippery under her claws. Luckily, the brunette did see her, and as a reflex response open her legs so that Emma just slid through between them at high speed and crashed into the wall.

"Henry!" Regina chastised before turning around and walking over to the dog, petting her gently. "You need to be more careful, someone could have gotten hurt."

"Sorry mom, guess I threw the ball a little to hard." He said, walking over to Roxy and petting her. "Sorry girl."

Emma leaned up and licked just beneath his chin so that he wouldn't feel so bad, it was an accident after. He smiled at her and petted her some more.

"Did you finish your homework?" Regina asked.

"I was taking a break." Henry said with his puppy eyes. Regina rolled her eyes, knowing he learned that trick from Emma, and it was just as adorable and irresistible, not that the brunette had ever let the savior know that little fact, or anyone for that matter.

"Go finish, dinner is almost already." She said. Henry sighed and went back upstairs, throwing the ball over his shoulder. Emma lunged to catch it and Regina rolled her eyes. She looked at the dog, who dropped the ball and sat down in front of her, whining softly.

"What do you want, girl?" Regina asked softly to the dog. Emma stepped forward and nudged at her hands and Regina began to pet her as a response. Emma looked up at her with yearning eyes, trying to tell her something. But Regina just smiled at her.

"You know, you're really adorable." She said. Emma muzzled into her, being a dog had its perks.

And that theory kept getting proven as time went by.

That night, after Henry went to bed and Regina calling it a night, Emma followed her up to the bedroom. Regina didn't even realized she had until she started pulling back the sheets to get into bed. The golden retriever sat by the bed, resting her chin on the mattress with pleading eyes looking up at the brunette.

"Oh no, you sleep on the floor." Regina said, pointing towards the carpet by her bed. The dog whined again as Regina got into bed. Despite her attempts at ignoring the dog though, the former queen couldn't really do it, and when she looked at those bright green eyes, her heart tugged in her chest. So she sighed and pulled back the sheets on the other side of the bed.

"Come on, before I change my mind." She said. Immediately the dog climbed on the bed, spun around to get comfy and laid down, still looking over at Regina, who turned on her side and gently petted the dog.

She had to admit, it was nice to not be alone in bed for once, granted, it wasn't the way she'd imagined. But beggars couldn't really be choosers, and the dog's company wasn't unwanted. The bed felt water and more welcoming, and Regina actually felt relaxed in it for the first time since she arrived in that town, like she could feel the love and innocence emanating from the animal.

Emma looked at Regina, thankful that, even with just her eyes, she was able to convince the former queen to let her up on the incredibly comfy bed. She chanced scooting a few inches closer to the brunette, who smiled at her.

"You want to cuddle don't you?" She said to her. Emma tail wagged gently across the mattress in response and Regina rolled her eyes. "Come on."

Emma couldn't believe that actually worked, maybe being a dog wasn't so bad after all. It was nice to see that Regina had a soft spot. Usually the brunette was so guarded about anything that wasn't Henry and she wasn't as easy to talk to.

Emma stood up on the bed again, moving closer to Regina and turning so that when she laid down, it was on her side with her back pressed against Regina's front. She felt a warm arm drape over her side and let out a small huff of air in approval as Regina's hand came up to gently pet the fur just below the ear.

"You know I'm glad I let you in here, it's nice to have a companion for once." Regina admitted, Emma could partically feel her lips curling up into a smile, but considering a dog's anatomy lacked the ability to do, so she couldn't really fully smile. "Maybe I will keep you around. Provided no one claims you, hopefully they wont."

She wants to keep me! Emma squealed mentally in joy before having to remind herself that she wasn't actually planning on staying as a dog for Regina benefit. Even though it was kind of awesome. Kind of. Only a little.

She moved her head a little until it was tucked under Regina's chin and closed her eyes. The obvious body change aside, she had always imagined them laying together like this. She'd never let anyone know she wanted to be the little spoon, but to her this was absolutely perfect. And as the warmth and the bliss from their position enveloped her, she finally fell into a blissful sleep.

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