Part 2

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The first thing she heard when she woke up was the sound of something like a camera shutter. She huffed, still groggy and unsure of what was going on, and she didn't move for a second or so, but then she decided to investigate, and looked over to see Henry standing on the edge of the bed, his legs wide open, with a camera in his hand. He smiled at her and gave her a wink like they were sharing a secret, until.

"Henry?! What are you doing?!" Regina's voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Mom? Whoa-" suddenly the boy was spinning his hands in the air, trying desperately to keep his balance as he starting to tumbling backwards.


Emma burst into action, lunging forward and clamping her jaw on the front of his pajama shirt and pulling him forward onto the bed. He landed half on top of her and Regina, who hugged him instantly.

"Oh my god." Regina sighed in relief, pulling back and inspecting him like she'd dropped him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, mom." Henry said with a chuckle. He pull out of his mother's hold to crawl off of her and pet the dog happily. "You saved me girl!"

"She sure did." Regina said still reeling a bit from what just happened. "You could have knocked your head on that dresser and split it open."

"I don't think it would have been that bad." Henry said with a chuckle.

" You need to be more careful." Regina warned.

"I'm sorry." He said with a apologetic smile. She sighed and brushed his hair back affectionately before kissing his forehead. "But it's okay, did you see that? Roxy saved me, and it was awesome!"

"Yes she did." She said, smiling over at the dog and petting her. "What were you doing up on the bed like that anyway?"

He didn't answer , simply grinned and held up the camera to show her the picture he had taken only a few moments ago of her and Regina cuddle up together. Regina rolled her eyes and pushed the camera away, pointing a warning finger at her son.

"Show that to no one. Especially your grandmother." She said seriously.

"Aww come on it was cute." Henry whined.

"You show that to anyone and you won't get any dessert for a month." She warned again.

"No fair." He whined, getting off the bed and going out of the room again. Regina rolled her eyes and sighed at him before smiling at the dog again.

"Well good morning Roxy." She said smiling at her. "Thank you for saving my son."

Emma let out a happy little bark that came out more like a high pitched yap and jumped into Regina's lap, licking her face, because she was just relieved at the brunette.

"Okay okay." Regina giggled in a way that Emma had never heard, and she tried to lick her face again, so that she could hear it one more time, but Regina pushed her away slightly

"Enough." She said, though her smile was still in place. The brunette cupped the dog's cheeks with both her hands and pressed their noses together, speaking in a way that humans only ever spoke to pets. "Who's a good girl?"

Emma licked Regina's nose again, eliciting the chuckle. Regina patted the dog's head and climbed out of bed, finding no sense in trying to go back to sleep when it was almost time for her to get up anyway. Might as well get an early start to her day.

Emma sat on bed as she watched Regina walked into the bathroom to have a shower. She layed down on the bed, just because Regina was up didn't mean she has to be, not while she was in the other room anyway. So she closed her eyes and took another small nap.

She didn't wake up until she heard something thump, which was caused by Regina dropping the can of deodorant she had in her hand. Emma opened her eyes and blinked the sleep away for a moment.

"Sorry girl did I wake you?" She said in a fleeting moment as she turned around and moved to her dresser to pick out her clothes. Emma couldn't stop staring, licking her lips instinctively as she raked her eyes over Regina's back, only to stop and gaze unabashedly on that perfectly round backside.

Holy fuck, okay, stay cool Swan.

Regina dropped the underwear in her hands and sighed.

"What's with me today?" She mumbled to herself as she bent down.

Stay cool, Stay cool, STAY COOL. Ohmygodimgonnadie.

She thought she was gonna have a heart attack, but then Regina looked at the time and realized she was taking too long and got dressed faster and Emma could finally calm down, though she was pretty sure that she'd be dreaming about the images she had just had in front of her for a long time.

She followed Regina down stairs and into the kitchen, wondering if she could convince Regina to give her coffee. She decided against it, she didn't know what this body did with a dose of caffeine and that tail was already way too wind.

She took victory in the fact that she was able to coax the brunette into giving her three slices of bacon while she cooked and wondered just how long she'd have to wait for her next meal, probably lunch.

When Henry came down and started eating, she was able to pull off getting another slice before Regina shooed her away from him.


After a while, Henry went off to school, and Regina cleared the table before she got her stuff and was about to leave for work. That's when Emma realized that she couldn't spend a whole day on her own as a dog, she'd probably lose it. So she sat in front of the door and when Regina attempted to leave, blocked her path.

"Roxy, move sweetie." The brunette said softly, but Emma didn't budge. "Roxy!"

She huffed defiantly and Regina raised an eyebrow at her before trying to open the door again to no avail.

"You can't come with me." Regina said with a hint of finality in her voice that Emma knew didn't hold much weight. She kept blocking the door until Regina sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, you incessant beast, come on." She relented grabbing the leash and hooking it to her collar. "If you pee in my office, I am dumping you in the woods."

Emma whined in response as they walked out of the house and into Regina's car. They arrived at the Town hall within a matter of minutes and Regina maintained her composure and posture as they went through the building. No one dared to question the former evil queen on why exactly it was that she was bringing a dog into her office, but the fact that the animal wasn't terrified and seemed to be happy to be with the brunette seemed to pacify their curiosities. After all it's not like Regina was the first person to keep their dog in their office with them, although Dr. Hopper always used the excuse of Pongo being there as extra therapy to some of his patients.

Regina unhooked the leash from Emma's collar and hung it up on the coat rack along with her own coat. Immediately the dog climbed up on the couch and laid down. Regina opened her mouth to say something, but then sighed at those gorgeous green eyes and realized she wasn't that heartless.

Damn blondes with green eyes. Damn them all. She thought, her mind wandering to another blonde. She sighed and thought about calling Snow to check on any progress in finding Emma's whereabouts, but as she sat down at her desk with a small sigh, reaching over for the phone, there was a sharp knock on her door.

"Come in." Regina called. Suddenly the short haired head of her former arch enemy popped in with a smile.

"Good morning, Regina." She said. Regina offered her a small smile.

"Good morning, Snow." She said, signaling with her hand for the other brunette to come in. Snow walked in and closed the door behind her, smiling at the dog.

"Aww, you kept her." She said, walking over to the animal and petting her. Regina smiled and nodded as she started up on her paperwork.

"Yes well I promised Henry. If no one claims her in ten days we keep her." Regina explained. "Besides, she growing on me."

"Well that's lovely Regina, I always said animals make a wonderful companion. I always thought of getting a pet, but my rent rules won't allow it." Snow said with a roll of her eyes.

"I think your apartment if crowded enough dear." Regina pointed out. Snow nodded in agreement. "Anyway, I was about to call you."

"Oh really?" Snow said with a smile, as if Regina had just given her the best news ever. The older woman resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the former princess.

"Yes, I wanted to check on Emma. Did you find her?" She asked.

"No, we've been looking everywhere." Snow said, a disappointed look taking over her face. "You would have been the first I called if we did."

"Why is that?" Regina asked, almost defensively. Snow opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before actually coming up with an answer.

"W-well I mean you're the only person I've told." Snow said with a shrug.

"You mean you haven't even asked the pirate?" Regina said. Snow rolled her eyes.

"I tried but he seems like he couldn't care less about Emma anymore." She said with a look that only a mother would know. Regina scoffed in response.

"So, much for being in love with her." She muttered.

"I'm so disappointed in him, I didn't expect him to be so heartless about everything." The short haired woman said.

"Well I never expected any better." Regina said as she signed off another document and put the file away. "Once a pirate, always a pirate."

"Oh Regina you don't really think that do you?" Snow said, almost as if she was disappointed in her as well.

"Why wouldn't I?" Regina asked.

"Well I mean of all people, you should know what it feels like to want redeem yourself." Snow said. Regina gave her a short glare before returning her eyes to the work in front of her.

"Yes well I also happen to know that redemption takes time and work."
She said. "You don't just redeem yourself by falling in love with the savior, or at least pretending to."

"You think Hook didn't really love Emma?" Snow asked.

"I know love when I see it Snow, despite my dark past, I did feel love a few times in my life." Regina said. Snow started shaking her head, mouth open and ready to deny that she ever meant that, but Regina waved her off and continued. "My point is, he looked at her more like a piece of meat he wanted to sink his teeth into, rather than someone he loved. For god's sake he looked at his boat with more passion than that."

"Hmm." Snow said in contemplation. "Maybe that's why Emma left him."

"Smartest decision she's ever made since coming here." Regina said with a sigh. "Though it does give me some unease, knowing she disappeared just after they split up."

"Me too." Snow practically hummed. "I wonder...."

"What?" Regina asked, stopping her from her paperwork to look up at her. Snow bit her lip in thought before speaking.

"Do you think you could use a locator spell to try and find her?" Snow said. Regina's eyes widened in realization.

"I should have thought of that." Regina said. "But we'd need something of hers."

"Hmm.-OH!" Snow said suddenly, looking into her purse.
"I think I have...hang on...AHA!"

"What?" Regina asked.

"I have an old piece of gum in here from hers, had to stop her from throwing it into the street." Snow said with a roll of her eyes. Regina looked at her with pure disgust. "Must have forgotten it was in there."

"For god's sake clean your purse out." Regina said, completely offended and disgusted. Snow chuckled.

"Sweetie when you have two kids, on of who is the savior and another who's still a baby, you get the time for nothing." Snow said with a chuckle. "Will it work?"

"Need I remind you that I have a child? Though I can't imagine handling Emma is any easy feat." Regina said with an eye roll. "Yes, despite my better judgment against touching that thing, yes it will work."

"Excellent!" Snow said, handing it over to Regina who raised an eyebrow at her. Snow rolled her eyes and walked right in front of her to put it on the desk. Regina sighed and stood up, going over to the cabinet where she kept any emergency potions. She pulled out a small vile of bright, light liquid and walked back over to her desk. She pulled off the cork and let a small drop fall on the small wad of gum wrapped in the wrapper. She stepped back as the wad started to floating up into the air, it moved forward maybe a foot and a half before stopping for a moment and hovering around a little bit, before falling back down to the floor. Snow immediately let out a disappointed sigh, Regina on the other hand let out an angry grunt and threw off a small fire ball to set fire to the wad.

"Regina!" Snow chastised.

"Oh what?!" Regina snapped at her. Snow was taken aback a little, her eyes going wide in surprise. Regina sighed and sat down, forcing herself to calm down before speaking again. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried."

"About Emma?" Snow said, as if it was some kind of delightful surprise. Regina rolled her eyes.

"Yes, well she is the birth mother of my child." Regina said. He'd be devestated if something happened to her."

"Yes......he would." Snow said with a nod. Regina sighed.

"I don't know why it didn't work?" She said. "It should have lead us right to her."

The dog on the couch whined and Snow looked over at it with a sad smile.

"Aww Regina, I think she worried too." She said, going over to pet the dog again. Regina rolled her eyes.

"We've been through this Snow, you can't actually talk to animals just because you sing along with birds." Regina snarked. Snow rolled her eyes.

"That's not what I'm even talking about." She said, looking over at the dog. "My what a lovely eye colour."

"Yes it's quite......manipulating." Regina said. Snow chuckled.

"Now why would you say something like that?" She's a dog for God's sake." The other brunette said.

"She's very convincing when it comes to getting you give to her things." Regina said. Snow smiled at her and stood up.

"Or maybe you're just a big softie when it comes to something you love." Snow said with a teasing smile. Regina glared at her.

"I swear I will poison you again." She threatened. But Snow rolled her eyes, knowing the former queen was practically harmless these days.

"Well I should get going, David wants us to keep searching for Emma." Snow said, picking up the now charred wad still on the floor so that she'd throw it away on her way out.

"Let me know immediately if you find her." Regina said instantly before she could even stop her words from sounding panicked. Snow smiled over at her knowingly.

"Of course, in fact, if she's okay I'll make sure she come to see...Henry." She teased again. Regina clamped her teeth down on her lip to stop herself from cursing the former princess out. "After all, he must be missing her terribly."

The minute Snow walked out, Regina dropped her face in her hands and groaned in frustration, barely noticing that Roxy had jumped off of the couch and came over to her, dropping her head in her lap sympathetically. Regina sighed down at the dog and scratched the top of her head affectionately.

"What has that ridiculously stupid blonde gotten herself into this time?" she asked the dog as if it knew the answer.

Hey who you callin' stupid? Emma tried to say, but it came out as a whined instead. Regina petted her a bit more before sending her back off to the couch so that she could finish her work.

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