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Dawn Fulmer was usually a quiet student at Hogwarts, but she was loud in her own way. After all, she did blow up the Divination classroom because she did not enjoy the class.

Dawn was a Gryffindor who still hadn't found her group of friends. People seemed to like her, but never went through the efforts to approach her. She didn't mind, but she disliked how she was alone to her own thoughts, which was never a good thing in her opinion.

Dawn was a Pure-blood. Her parents weren't overpowering like other Pure-blooded families. They didn't care who she married or what friends she had. They only cared that she got a good education, so she could live on her own. She was honestly thankful for that.

Her family may have had money, but that didn't mean that Dawn liked to splurge. Well, she did, but she tried to limit herself. She didn't brag about the amount of money her family had. It wasn't important to her what her parents did. It was important to her what she would do in the future.

She always sat alone at the Gryffindor table. Of course, she was surrounded by people, but that didn't mattered. Dawn admitted to herself that she would have liked to feel included, but she didn't know what would she talk about. She didn't understand teenagers, even if she was one. She didn't know what they liked to talk about or what trends her "in" these days.

Dawn would often shake her head lightly to get rid of those horrible thoughts. She wanted to feel loved, to feel needed. Her parents loved her, of course, but she was talking in a more intimate way. She grew up reading romance novels, so she wanted to experience romance for herself.

Everyone was a hint of each House, but Dawn wasn't placed into Ravenclaw because she was oblivious to the longing looks that a certain boy would give her all the time.

Some thought that how oblivious she was, was cute. Though to Dawn, she found it quite annoying to herself that she was so stupid at times, especially in Divination.

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