10. You'll Marry A Music Man

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It felt as if everything was happening in slow motion, just watching Elton playing to his hearts content. He was in his element. We all were. This is exactly where we were meant to be. But I had no idea that we would actually make it to America of all places! It was a mere dream as a child. But it's come true. And just from the reaction alone of the audience, this was just the start of Elton John and his story. And just the start of mine.

"Elton! That was so amazing. You knocked everyone's socks off you handsome devil!" I flung my arms happily around him, planting a massive kiss to his cheek with a chuckle. Everyone was crowded around the dressing rooms and such to get a glimpse of the man that blew them away tonight, giving them the most amazing show of the night. But the one person I was focused on the most, was Bernie. We just kept growing closer and closer together, never seeming to waver the further in we got with each other. Even though I've had so many thoughts of running. But I couldn't. Not from him.

"Thank you Al. Really. It was..... unlike anything I've ever experienced. It almost felt surreal being on that stage. Like time had stopped." I grinned from ear to ear, feeling completely on high from the monumental moment in history for my best friend. Something we'll never forget. People continued to come up to Elton and start chatter about the show and his music, when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist in a tight embrace, feeling peppered kisses left on my neck. The feeling was pure ecstasy.

"You look absolutely gorgeous tonight." Bernie's soft spoken words in my ears sounded like the sweetest music. His lips kept sending shivers down my spine of pure pleasure from the sensation. I was completely drawn to this man, unlike anyone else. I'd never met anyone that I've felt so strongly for. Not until him. He made me feel everything. He made me feel special. And the whole entire time this was going on, I could see Elton eyeing us with a playful smile on his lips, sending a little wink to Bernie, like he knew this was going to lead somewhere eventually tonight.

"There's a party tonight at Mama Cass's! We're invited. And we got the keys to the most amazing car. So let's take off and feel the night air through our hair. Because we deserve it you crazy lot!" Ray's happy voice just made everything even better. Mama Cass?! No way. We were all already buzzed. But loving it. But this.... this really set it in place that it was happening. A party at Mama Cass's! This would be a night to remember.
The house was full to the brim of all kinds of amazing looking people, clearly made for this kind of lifestyle. Very fashionable people. Music was going from all ends of the place and drinks were lined on counters and tables for the taking. Everyone was laughing and dancing away, enjoying the festivities. Couples were taking off for some alone time and I just couldn't stop looking. I'd never been to a party like this before.

"Holy shit guys. This.... is fucking amazing!" Ray had taken off with some friends the moment we entered the house, leaving us three to feel like a fish out of water. I'm so glad that I decided to update my wardrobe before we came to LA. Colorful was my way to go. You wouldn't miss me. That's for sure.

"Let's get a drink guys. Have some fun of our own. Mingle. Whatever." I chuckled, following closely behind Bernie and Elton with my wandering eyes lingering on all the people just having a good time. That's when I noticed the man from Elton's show talking with some people he clearly knew. John. He seemed very interested in Elton. But I couldn't read the guy very well. He seemed nice enough. But just something about him. But I was instantly taken from my thoughts once Bernie wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side with a smile on his face. That handsome smile. And I felt completely bold. It was terrifying. But I loved it.

"If you want me that bad, just say so Taupin." He chuckled with a cock of his eyebrow, not expecting that to leave my mouth of all things. It's a game we seemed to love to play with one another. I finally looked to Elton and he looked sad. I saw it, even though he did everything he could to hide it once he noticed me staring. It broke my heart because I know exactly why. He keeps thinking he'll never find someone to love him for who he is. And that's a lie.

"Don't look so glum handsome. Mingle. This party is full of good looking people who would be lucky to have you. Remember that." I winked at him, when we all three clinked our glasses together from my words. I would do anything to see him happy. Fully happy. In love. He deserves that.

"Will you be okay Elt?" My eyes lingered on him in worry, hearing his and Bernie's exchange. I didn't want to leave him alone. But I would be lying if I said I didn't want Bernie. I was practically craving it. But it felt wrong just to wonder off and leave Elton so sad while I'm having fun.

"Yeah. I'll be okay. I promise. Go on. Don't go too crazy now yeah?" He winked at us from the blush coming to my face, just as Bernie led me out the back doors and past a bonfire going in the yard that looked so pretty with the embers flying around the air, hearing the music flowing freely through the amazing feeling night air. I could get used to this.

"This is amazing B. Seriously.... who would have thought us three knuckleheads would end up here?" His chuckle sent a great big grin to my lips, tightly holding his hand in mine. And it felt so right. Like it was the missing puzzle piece I've been looking for. I've never been serious on relationships because it never panned out. Or more like I was scared. I wasn't used to love or anything of the sort exactly. But with Bernie? I could have that. I could see it in him. He's special.

"It was our calling. I'm sure glad it happened." I softly smiled once we entered a set up tent that was made for the purpose of people wanting to be alone. And it took my breath away. It was gorgeous. A massive bed, the soft melody of music that could lure you into a peaceful state. But my eyes were glued to Bernie and his handsome features, his slightly muscled build and the way he made me feel. The air was so intense around us. It was overwhelming but yet, I loved it so much.

"I'm glad we met Bernie. You're it for me. It sounds so cheesy. But I mean it. I mean, you wrote a song for me! It's not everyday that happens." His soft laughter sent yet another smile to my lips, when everything seemed to happen all at once. Our lips suddenly met and that was it. I was lost to the bliss and sensations he made me feel. The way he worked my body like an instrument, making the most content filled sounds come from my lips that has ever come out of me. My hair splayed out onto the pillows with my eyes never leaving his.

"Don't be afraid of this Allie. Of us. I would never hurt you. You mean too much to me to ever think of that." His lips softly landed on mine with so much passion behind it, his hovering form over mine sending tingles through me. And my smile never wavered.
The night air soothed my skin like no other. This night has been truly amazing. And apparently not only for me. Elton was completely lost in conversation with John, the man from the Troubadour. He must be someone if he got invited to this party. I could tell from the look on Elton's face that he was completely attracted to him. Which I could understand. He was very good looking. But something still told me to be cautious. If only I had listened to my instincts.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are liking the story so far. Thank you so incredibly much for always reading. Much love. 😘

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