11. I Am But A Stranger

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"Rejoice! Rock music has a new star. He's Englishman Elton John. He's a 23 year old who's debut at the Troubadour, was in every way..... magnificent." My eyes scanned over to Elton in pure joy from the article Doug read aloud for everyone to hear. The show was a massive success! People upon people were lined up outside the building just to get a glimpse of the new rockstar that was the talk of LA. And the world! Every outlet that could possibly be around, was talking about Elton today. And everyone was dying to see him. But another thing on my mind, was John. And why he was here all of a sudden. I had so many questions. And Elton knew it just from the look of curiosity I had sent him once I made my appearance here to meet him, Ray and Doug. Being co manager was really something I had to get used to.

"I'm so proud of you Elt. See? You can be anything and anyone you set your mind to. They absolutely love you!" I kissed his cheek with a little wink, giving my little wave of hello to John, before leaving the room to give them a moment. And that led my thoughts to Bernie, exactly the place my mind seems to wander every chance it gets. I still have those feelings of wanting to flee before it goes any further. Which is one thing I hate about myself. Thank you mother for so kindly putting it into my head as a child that I'll never have a true, loving relationship with someone, simply because I'm different. I wasn't her model in life, doing exactly what she wanted me to do. Being who she wants me to be. So I was different and not capable of being loved. That has stuck in my mind more than i'd like to admit. So apart me of just started believing it.

"Hey! Come on man I've got a massive crowd going out here. Don't be a bummer." I looked in behind the suddenly open door of Elton's room upon hearing Doug call out to him to hurry for the show, seeing the slightly hurt look Elton was sporting. And I knew something happened.

"Good seeing you again beautiful." John sent me a little smile from his comment, then headed out for the crowd himself. I rushed past Doug and Ray to close the door, not caring if they would possibly knock me out for it. But Elton was visibly upset. And I wanted to know what exactly was going on.

"Ah come on Al! Elton has got to get out on that stage. We're running out of time and the crowd is demanding him!" I rolled my eyes with a huff, loud enough for them to hear, leaning against the door so they couldn't come in.

"You okay Elt?" His eyes traveled to mine, clearly in thought about something. Something was definitely different with him. I could tell right off the bat today when I first saw him. He was practically glowing. And usually, that means one thing.

"Last night was amazing Al. I felt..... wanted. Special. Then it's as if he couldn't get away fast enough." He started to shake himself off, trying to regain his composure and put aside what he was truly feeling. But he knew I wasn't stupid. I could always tell when something was really nagging at him.

"Well it's his loss if he can't see what a catch you are. You're special. You're wanted. And you don't need him to tell you that." I brought him in for a big hug, feeling him start to relax against me. We've been through loads of problems together. But somehow, we always know how to make the other one feel better about any situation. I'm lucky to have a friend like Elton.

"Don't go making me cry Al. I can't look a mess before going on stage." We both chuckled from his cheery mood he was finally feeling after our talk, before we finally left the room and made Ray and Doug calm the hell down before they broke the door down.

"Go get em rockstar!" I winked at Elton as he ran out onto the stage once we got closer, visibly relaxing against the wall to watch him do what he does best, hearing the deafening roar of the crowd chanting his name, singing out the lyrics.

"So, do you think that John Reid is up to something?" I looked to Ray from his comment, sighing in complete confusion on the matter myself. At first he seemed nice enough. But now? That seems to have gone out the window.

"To be honest, yes. I do. And I don't like it one bit." Our gaze  landed on a smiling Elton, interacting with the crowd and singing his heart out. I was not about to let some fool play with my best friends emotions. So hopefully, we'll never see him again.
"Those shoes have wings! I've never seen anything like it." My eyes were glued on these shoes that Elton was so dead set on buying for a concert in NYC he was about to perform. And I absolutely loved them! That's one of many things we have in common. Fashion!

"Can you even play the piano in those?" I chuckled a little from Bernie's confused look on just how he would wear those on stage. But come on. It's Elton we're talking about. His fashion is apart of his act.

"Is that even a question Bernie?" Their exchange was making me laugh so hard. And I could tell the man who made the shoes was all excited over this. A now famous rockstar was buying his shoes.

"It's Elton we're talking about B. He can play the piano in anything." I couldn't stop looking at everything in the store. I wanted to buy so many things. Never take me shopping. I will stop and look at everything. That's the fun in it anyway!

"So Elt, you ready for that show tonight?" My eyes traveled to him from the mirror I walked over to so I could look myself over in a pair of quirky boots I picked out for myself, seeing his and Bernie's eyes on me. And I could tell he was a bit nervous.

"This won't last. It's just a fun little moment in time." I rolled my eyes from his sudden negativity of himself. He never thinks he's worth anyone's time. Which is ridiculous. He's always worth mine. No matter what. And eventually he'll start seeing that that is exactly how the world feels as well. This isn't just going to go away. He's made it.

"Well let's enjoy it while we can then huh fellas?" Bernie grinned, eyeing me in the shoes and seeming to approve already. Of course I could put on a brown paper bag and he'd approve. That's another thing I love about this man. He's not like most men. Not at all.
"So about that, it won't last you know comment......" Elton looked over to me with a little smile on his lips, directing his gaze to the group from our newest story. It was just the beginning of everything. We felt like kids still. And in some ways, we were. We were all three discovering exactly what we were made of together. Discovering ourselves. But we had so much more living to do. Which is exactly why we're here today. That living can sure be hard on a person.

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