16. Spaced Out

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I sat back casually in my seat aboard the plan Elton used to get anywhere for his shows, sighing slightly from the mere tension built around us three. Things have been crumbling and going downhill quickly for quite some time. I just didn't want to face it. I was scared, unwilling to admit the underlying problem. My drinking was worse, brought on by drama in the family and the colorful world that has taken over my life. My wedding was in a mere few days but yet, I wasn't the happy soon bride to be most would be at the thought of their wedding.

I couldn't wait to start my journey with Bernie and our married life. I loved him more and more with each passing day. But so much was happening all at once. Elton was going down a road I feared he could never escape. And we were falling right behind him.

"Elton? Are you listening?" He was completely spaced out, oblivious to the sound of Bernie's voice for the most part. Its as if we aren't even here.

"Huh? What? Yes, I'm listening Bernie." Bernie and I looked to one another, hoping that what we agreed on would be the right choice. But I feel it's best.

"We need a break, Elton. We're going back home. To reconnect and take some time for ourselves. You should come with us. Our Reggie, we could be like we used to. Writing and singing our songs. It could be like it was in the beginning. We could all benefit from that." I looked to Elton with pleading eyes, hoping he would agree. But deep down, I knew he never would. He's so wrapped up in this life. He's not going to leave for anything.

"Please Elt.... we're getting married soon and I just need time. I need a break to clear my mind and try to get better. We want to start our family. But we want you to be apart of that. You're my brother Reg....." He looked to me and seemed sad for a moment from my words. And the use of his name. I hadn't said it in so long. But I could never forget it.

"I think it's a good idea for you two. Go home. It would be good for me to do other collaborations. Work with other artists. Do something new." I sighed, sitting back once again and trying so hard to hide the tears peaking in my eyes. Bernie didn't know what to say. So he simply said nothing. He just sat back himself and took my hand in his with a little smile to comfort me.

"It's okay beautiful. This will be good for us. We can rest. Take time to ourselves. Start that family we so badly want." I grinned, still feeling the underlying sadness lingering behind that grin. But I leaned over and kissed him, so passionately. I couldn't think of anything better.
I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair perfectly curled and light makeup to make my features stand out. My wedding dress was absolutely gorgeous. I felt like a princess. Just what I dreamed of as a little girl.

"Oh honey.... Look at you. You look absolutely gorgeous. " My mouth dropped open in pure surprise from the sight of Elton in the mirror, wanting to cry all over again. I ran over and hugged him tightly to me with said tears starting to flow.

"Oh Elt! You came....." I was so worried he wouldn't make it because of his touring. But I always knew somehow that he wouldn't miss it. Things may be bumpy right now. But we still know we love each other. He's my family. And I couldn't imagine ever getting married without him there to witness it.

"I wouldn't dream of missing it, Al. I can't say I won't cry seeing my sister going down the aisle though." We both chuckled, hugging each other even tighter.

"Elton! Oh, I'm so happy to see you both here together. You know I remember when you were little Alice, you used to dress like a beautiful princess and declare that your royal wedding was afoot. And not to miss it." I hugged Nan to me, feeling so incredibly lucky to have a woman like her in my life. And having her as apart of the wedding. I was honored to ask her.

"I'm so glad you both are here. You two have done so much for me my entire life. I love you both dearly." Just as the words left my lips, my dad walked into the room and instantly stopped once he saw me. We stared at one another for what felt like an eternity. Before he suddenly burst into tears.

"Oh, dad..... Please done cry." We hugged each other and he softly kissed the top of my head.

"You grew into such a beautiful and talented young woman. I'm so proud of you." My tears continued to flow from his words. I was overtaken with emotions. But one thing I did notice, was my mom really didn't come. She's always been so dominating. Wanting me to be just like her. Miserable. Selfish. Or she simply wanted me to be what she never could be.

"Now let's stop crying before I melt." We all laughed, getting into one big, family group hug. Right where I wanted to be.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" I took a deep breath and linked arms with my dad, before the beautiful music started. We slowly walked down the aisle and my eyes instantly locked with Bernie. He was all I could see. He looked just as handsome as always. Once we approached, I noticed his eyes glossy with tears and I could help but tear up all over again. I was finally marrying the man of my dreams. Loving words were exchanged, the rings were placed. We kissed. And I felt like I was reborn. My life was finally starting. Really starting. Our shared kiss took my breath away and we both smiled within the kiss, hearing everyone cheering and clapping. Everyone I loved dearly was here to see this monumental moment in my life. And I would never forget it.

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