17. Someone Else I See

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"Married?! Are you mad Reggie?!" I did not expect to start my day with a phone call from Elton like this. And he knew I was mad because I used his real name. I hardly ever do anymore.

"I just think it's the right thing to do Al! Can't you support me?" I sighed, completely reluctant to support something like this. Considering he's marrying a woman! He's just not being himself. All for the press to like him, is what he says. But I know what it really is. It's John embedding this madness within his mind as a tactic to keep them off their trail. Because John doesn't want to be outed. He could care less about Elton. The prick....

"Elton man, why would you go through with this? We all know this isn't something you want to actually do." The line went silent once Bernie said his piece, knowing Elton was annoyed with us. But I frankly didn't care. I was tired of him changing himself for other people.

"Just please.... come for the wedding. Please?" Bernie and I looked to one another, breaking down completely from the tone of voice Elton had. He seemed so...... so sad. And it broke my heart. He wants love. But he shouldn't be doing it this way. It's not what he truly wants. Not at all.

"Of course we'll come. It doesn't mean I have to like it though...." We talked briefly about arrangements for us to come, then hung up the phone. It wasn't long before I sat down to take a massive drink and clear my head. My mind was kicked into high gear and I was on an extreme collision course. 

"Can you believe this B? Our Elton.... marrying a woman. Something I damn well know he doesn't want to do." I chugged back the remain bit of my drink, before we both went to our bedroom in our new home we purchased after our amazing honeymoon. Just the two of us in a beautiful beach front home with the world at our disposal. I took endless pictures, called Elton drunk off my ass and had a smashing time. Bernie was everything I ever wanted in life.

"He'll come to his senses eventually Al. Things are just difficult for him. You know he's not addressing any of it. Like you...." My eyes widened from his words, seeing the sad glint suddenly appearing in his eyes. I progressed from merely drinking, to drinking more and doing various assortments of drugs. It just happened and once it did, I couldn't stop. It all started the day my mother suddenly approached us at our new home, wanting to see just what I had done with my life. Nothing of course was ever good enough in her eyes. My marriage was a waste, I would never successfully have kids and I was a utter mess that would never fully accomplish a thing in life.

"I know Bernie. I know. Just... give me some time. I'll be okay. I promise." He was always so reluctant when he would hear those same words repeated. I don't understand myself why a man as amazing as him, would want a messed up woman like me. Some days I would look in the mirror and not even recognize the woman staring back at me.

"You have to be Alice. You have to be...." He softly brought me into his arms with a soft kiss placed on my lips, so full of love and unspoken words, telling me just how much he truly loved me. And never to forget it.
{6 months later}
The wedding between Elton and Renate Blauel was absolutely beautiful to say the least. Flowers were every where and everyone was dressed so nicely for the occasion. She was honestly such a lovely woman. But I knew this would not end well. It broke my heart just watching Elton with this over the top smile on his face the entire time. John of course looked pleased as can be.

"Let's get married again Bernie. This is gorgeous!" He softly chuckled in my ears with his arms wrapped around me from behind in a loving embrace, softly placing a kiss to my cheek.

"I would do it over and over again in a heartbeat. Always." I practically melted into his arms from his sweet words, not believing how a man like him is even real.

"You're too sweet to me good sir." He swayed me back and fourth to the soft music playing out around us, his hands softly laying on my very viable baby bump. 6 months pregnant and counting. Time was passing by so quickly and it was honestly scary. Me being a parent was such a odd thing to think about. But this is exactly what I want. A little baby of my own with my amazing husband. And I will never be like my mother.

"Look at Al! You look so radiant. And hello little one. Uncle Elton can't wait to meet you soon. You're taking too long!" I laughed from Elton's mock annoyed look, practically swooning from happiness watching him place a kiss on my stomach. Another thing to celebrate, is that I haven't drank in 6 months. The minute I found out I had a bun in the oven, I stopped cold turkey.

"You look absolutely handsome Elt. Congratulations to you and Renate." I softly hugged him with a kiss to his cheek, before him and Bernie exchanged words and a hug as well. Sadly, we haven't all done much together since the awkward encounter aboard the plane when we announced we wanted a break. Things were tense. Even still.

"Thank you guys. Seriously. It'll be alright. Don't worry about little ole me." But that was easier said than done. Renate was such a sweet lady. And I felt bad for her because I knew this wouldn't work. But more importantly, I worried endlessly about Elton.

"Go enjoy your day Elt!" We once again, before he disappeared from sight, leaving Bernie and I to prepare to leave. Now, I was just ready to meet my little one.
You guys are seriously amazing for getting this story to 1000 reads! I'm completely humbled and thankful to you for that. You all are amazing. 🥰❤️🥳

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