19. I'm Still Standing

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I rushed backstage at Elton's sold out show at Madison Square Garden, my racing heart the only thing I could focus on. And getting to Elton. I had just found a few hours ago that he had a heart attack! I was extremely miffed that I never once got a call from him or anyone remotely telling me what was happening. My dad was the one to phone me because he had heard on the radio about it. I rushed to get here, knowing that deep down this was my time to intervene. He could have died! And I left because of some silly bickering.

"Elton!! Oh my gosh sweetheart. Are you......" I was stopped mid sentence from the sight of him and his nose bleeding, the bags under his eyes bigger than i'd ever seen them before.

"Elton you really shouldn't go out there tonight. You need rest! You need help.... just please. Come with me alright? Please....." His eyes slowly greeted mine with the most pain filled look I had ever seen on his face in the entire time that I've known him.

"I know..... I can't keep going like this Al.... I just can't." I softly pulled him in for a massive hug, barely noticing the extraordinary outfit he had on for tonight's show.

"I know these past few years have been a hell. We went from those little kids in Pinner with a massive dream, to actually achieving it. But.... we let it swallow us whole. Our personal lives didn't help any. But we've always managed because we have each other. Just like now. We're going to get help together....." We pulled apart with our eyes meeting in the middle, seeming to exchanging unspoken words with just once glance. It was time. Before we wound up dead. I thought I would lose Elton. The whole trip here I was panicking and fearing the worst. It put everything into prospective.
"Mommy loves you Emma bug. You be extra good for Daddy okay?" Her sweet little laughter filled my ears with glee. But my eyes with tears. I knew this was the right thing to do. For her. For Bernie. For everyone I loved. For me.

"I love you Al. So much. This will be good for you and Elton. You're strong." I softly kissed his lips with so much love behind it. All the times he's had to hold my hair, put me to bed, pick me up from a drunken state I got myself into, all the fights with my mom about who I am and how worthless I was. He never once left me. He's the love of my life. And I don't know what I would do without him.

"I love you B. Always. You're right. I want Emma to have the best life possible. And for that to happen, I have to get better. And i will. I promise." We hugged once more so tightly, before I placed a gently kiss on Emma's head, earning me a cute smile while I watched Bernie and Elton hug one another tightly, before they left Elton and I to start this new chapter in our lives.

"We can do this Al. We have each other to help get through it. And I must say, we are one heck of a team." He nudged me, our laughter filling the air once we finally entered the rehab facility, ready to take on the world.
Being in here has really changed who I am as a person. I see life much more clearly now. I have a family. A real family. Bernie, Emma, Elton, my dad. People who truly love me. I didn't need to drink to get rid of my problems. I never want to be that woman again. Sure, it's hard not having a drink anymore. I think about it and feel so bad for even doing it. But I move on and think about Emma.

"I'm still standing better than I ever did.... looking like a true survivor..... feeling like a little kid. And I'm still standing after all this time. Picking up the pieces of my life..... without you on my miiiiind." My eyes widened from the passing voice of Elton in the music room, hearing the soft keys of the piano fill my ears from the slit in the door as I was passing by from doing laundry. I softly opened the door just enough to lean against the door frame and listen. He hasn't played in so long. But yet, he was still so amazing. Him and Bernie were still working on lyrics, which made me incredibly happy. We've had some good times in here. And our out dates are coming up.

I finally moved from the doorway to sit next to Elton, seeing him completely in his element. But his smile directed at me had my heart melting with happiness. He was truly becoming happy again. He was moving on and forgetting about the horrors of the past. As we like to call it. He will find someone who treats him like the king he is. Who gives him a life worth more than anything in the world. He will be properly loved. I can feel it.

"That sounded so amazing Elt.... i'm so proud of you." I softly hugged him to me with a little smile on my lips. We're finally picking up the pieces of our incredibly crazy life.
Hey guys! So the next chapter will be the last. I just have to say how thankful I am to have you amazing people reading this. It's been such a fun journey doing it. And it means everything to me. 🥰

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