2. Shot Full Of Holes

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To say my story is exciting, would have to be the worlds biggest understatement known to man. If I had been told when we were kids that my best friend was going to become one of the worlds biggest recording artists ever, I would have thought they were mad. Not that I didn't think Elton could do it. Because believe me, I knew he could from the moment we met. He's brilliant. But to live a life of a rock star, is unbelievable. And to watch him go through many troubles and spiral from them, was the hardest thing I've ever had to watch.

"So tell us more about you Alice. You don't have to stay quiet. We want to listen." I looked over at Elton sitting next to me, seeing him gradually relaxing more and more into the session and talks with the people we were joining in here. It felt.... odd, to say that I needed help. In my own way, I was spiraling right along with him.

"Well, where do I even begin? My mum that I so kindly mentioned earlier, is the most dominating queen you'll ever come across in your lifetime. And my dad? He just didn't want to face the problem really. He was so madly in love with her, that he would do anything she desired. Even if it hurt me...."

My words trailed off more and more with each thought passing through my mind, feeling like that little girl again that would lock herself away in her room with nothing but her anger and tears. But the little boy next door? He always seemed to make it better, make it feel as if I wasn't alone. Because in his home, it was no better. To be honest, he had it worse. Sheila was..... difficult. And his dad? Was horrid. He never tried with Elton. Never treated him right. But his Nan was his guardian angel. She loved him to bits. The kindest woman you could meet.
"Alright dear, you finish up your dinner and we'll have a good night listening to Reggie practice yeah?" I beamed up at Nan, feeling happy for the first time all week to be here. My mum and dad went out for the night, hoping to get her head on straight. And I came over to celebrate the fact that my best friend was asked to attend the Royal Academy Of Music!

"Okay Reg, please tell me all about it!! They finally saw your brilliance and how much of a wiz you are at the piano?" He bashfully smiled at me like the compliment was mad, making me grin. He's so humble and really has no idea just how talented he really is. I remember the first time I heard him play. I was mesmerized. It was..... magical.

"I just can't believe I got accepted into a place like that. What if I mess up Al?" His nervous tone and the fiddling of his fingers indicated what I knew would happen. His nerves were eating him up. But I knew he would do just fine. He just needs to believe in himself the way Nan and I do.

"Now we'll have none of that talk mister! You will walk through those doors and own that piano. No one will dare challenge you." He softly smiled at me as we finished our dinner, chatting excitedly about it. He practiced after dinner for a while, having the radio going and instantly picking up any tune that came through the radio. He's been able to do that for quite some time and I never could understand it. He's got a gift that is so remarkable. And I knew he wasn't going to let the academy down.
"That was the first night that I felt at..... home. Like I had a real home that I belonged to. Where I felt loved to no end. Elton became my brother so quickly, it was as if we were long lost siblings that had finally found each other." I gazed over at him with a soft grin, seeing him looking right back at me with that langue we always seem to speak in through our eyes alone. The crazy peacock code, is what we call it. It fits us perfectly. And has gotten us through some crazy shit.

"I just wanted to do rock and roll to be honest. That's why my being there didn't last. But look at me now, a handsome devil with mad problems. Quite a catch huh?" I hid my smile, feeling loads more comfortable already about being here. He always did amazing at the academy. They just didn't want to move on with the ages and introduce rock and roll. And that's what Elton so badly wanted to do. Even with a piano, he still does. And he's bloody amazing. But the Royal Academy of Music, will always hold a dear place in his heart.

"We've got loads more to tell. This is only the beginning of the problems to come. But I guess we have to start somewhere." My words drifted off into the room like I was all alone in it, when my mind wondered back to Bernie. I miss him terribly already. But.... I was a mess. A drunken, depressed mess. I wasn't myself. More like I was running away from who I used to be, because it reminded me of mum. Of dad. Because I was turning into mum.....
"Oh darling, why do you always insist on causing me and your father trouble? Must you always leave the house to go gallivanting with that Dwight boy? Is he really the only friend you have? Pity...." My eyes widened upon mums sudden lecture as soon as I came through the door, having been next door to hear all about Reggie's first day at the academy. And now? I was seriously thinking of going right back over.

"You're just jealous that I have a friend that I haven't run off. Unlike you...." I mumbled my last words, just waiting for her screaming reaction to come my way. But nothing did. Only silence. It's like this unknown being had my mum trapped somewhere and taking over her for good. She was simply.... gone. A hateful woman.

"Just go to your room." I slowly walked up the stairs, not hearing another sound coming from her. Until I reached the very top. She started to.... cry? Something I've never heard her do before.

"She really does hate me, doesn't she Jim?" I slowly walked back down until I was in the middle of the staircase, just enough to be able to hear their conversation. And to feel guilt for what I had let slip.

"She doesn't hate you honey. She just misses you. Misses her mum. She knows how hard it's been since you lost the baby. But you have to remember that we still have Alice. She's our angel girl." A tear slid from my eye upon hearing dad and his sad tone. And mums soft sobs. I was going to have a little brother...... but mums mental health spiraled and well, she lost him. And Reggie and Nan? They're my escape from it all. They're my family.
"She wasn't a horrible woman. She was just.... fighting her demons Is all. And they just won." My face was tear stricken, but I did everything I could to cover it up and act as if I was okay. When really, I was crumbling. I hadn't had a drink in days and I kept craving one. It was driving me mad. But the memories I used to be able to numb were all coming back. But I knew this was the only way I could get myself back. And I wasn't alone. I have Elton, Bernie, Dad. Things are looking up.

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