6. Lady Of The Road

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I couldn't keep the smile off my lips the whole time Elton played away on the piano, sat perfectly in Dick's office. Him and Bernie both were so incredibly nervous to show him just what they had come up with over the course of the past few weeks. They worked endlessly to produce some amazing music. They were the perfect team. And I was honored to know that I was watching history in the making.

"What is this rubbish?! I told you both to bring me some music. And then we would talk. But what I'm hearing, is rubbish. Just rubbish." My eyes widened upon Dick declaring those words, so full of horrid things. What he just heard, was amazing. How can he not hear what I hear? Elton was bloody fantastic! Vocals and everything.

"We could just take our music and go." Elton was completely mad. I don't think I've ever seen him so visibly angry before. And I couldn't blame him. I was seething with rage.

"With all due respect Dick, they have worked endless hours to produce such beautiful music. And they've done just that. So if you can't appreciate the raw talent you just heard, then you shouldn't be in this business." The words left my mouth without a second thought. I was just so incredibly angry that this man would bash them like this, when all they have done is try to impress him. Even Ray was blown away by it. He saw what I saw in them. So at least I wasn't alone.

"She should be your manger. She knows how to bargain. But don't do anything rash now. Just.... bring me back something else. Something.... new. Inspiring. I know you have it in you somewhere." His sudden change in tone had me wondering if this man had a split personality. But maybe my words struck a chord. And I was thankful for that. Because I had no idea just how much the future held.
"You guys can do this. I've seen what you've written Bernie and I absolutely love it. And Elt, you craft the music and vocals beautifully. There's no doubt that he will be blown away. Just you wait." After the meeting with Dick, we needed a breather. And to be honest, we didn't want to go back home. Because who we were staying with, was an absolute nightmare. We decided it was time to be true adults and move into a flat, all together so they could be closer together to produce more music for Dick and the label. But the land lady? Was insane. She's obsessed with Elton, completely mental about him in fact. She's under the impression that they are an item. And let me tell you, they're not. He's just afraid to tell her. Elton absolutely hates hurting people. He avoids it at all cost. But me? I wouldn't mind decking her. She's bloody insane. And her and I? Don't get along what so ever. Elton is my brother. So of course I'm going to look out for him and his best interest. I just want him happy. But she's not the answer. Because she's not a man. I just wish he wasn't so afraid to be who he truly is. To find real love with someone deserving of him. Arabella was just insane.

"So wait, you mean to tell me that Elton here has a girlfriend? I thought you were homosexual." A band mate from previous work, spoke so confidently of the matter. Of course he saw what happened backstage with the kiss. But Bernie didn't really know any of this. But now he does.

"And so what if he is? It's who he is. He's happy. He should embrace it. Like a warm, fluffy pillow. Fuck people saying otherwise." I didn't care if I sounded angry. I was just defending him. I hated when people acted this  way about others sexuality. I've always known Elton was homosexual. And proud of the fact. He was being himself. And he shouldn't have to be stuck in a relationship he absolutely hates, when he could find mr. right.

"It doesn't matter to me." Bernie smiled at Elton after the words left his mouth, sending a wave of happiness through me. Another reason I love Bernie so much. He's amazing. Understanding. Caring. Everything.

"See Elt? So stop worrying. Go out there and show those men what they're missing! And kick Arabella to the curb while you're at it. Thank you very much!" I could see the look of pure relief on Elton's face with the humored smile he showed, clearly having been tense once it was put out in the open. But once the night went on and we all drank, it got better. We all opened up and had a blast, talking about random stuff that we didn't know about each other. I felt right at home amongst these guys.

"Oops! Sorry trash can. Didn't see you there." I about fell to the sidewalk, stumbling into everything in sight from how much I had consumed during our little nightly rendezvous. But Bernie wrapped his arm around my waist, not much better than I. But seemed more level headed. I normally don't drink like this. But.... it helped ease my mind I suppose. And made me a mess.

"Oh Bernie..... I don't want to go in there. It'll break her heart. Al, scare her away." We plopped down onto the stairs leading up the flat after we had ran into even more blasted trash cans, surly to awaken everyone in the neighborhood. But hopefully not the she devil herself.

"Oh don't tempt me Elt. I would love to. And to be fair, I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a heart. So there's nothing to break. Don't worry!" Bernie chuckled, understanding completely why he didn't want to go in. But we both told him he should tell her the truth. So she would finally leave him alone.

"Do you know what time it is?! Get in here before I get complaints on you three. Now!" We all three jumped for the hills upon Arabella's sudden anger filled voice ringing throughout the once peaceful night air. All I could do was huff. I didn't want to go in there. I would much rather sleep on the lovely stairs than to hear her annoying voice, calling Elton over and over like he was her puppy. It sickened me.

"You okay Al?" Elton had stumbled his way into the flat behind Arabella, ignoring her completely to my amusement, leaving Bernie and I alone. I looked up into his handsome face, completely transfixed with this man sitting next to me. We're both so young but yet, it's like I have everything figured out looking into his eyes on what I want in my life. And it's him.

"Just tired.... and so bloody annoyed by her. We have got to find somewhere else to go Bernie. Anywhere else but here. I would rather live with Sheila. And that's saying something." He chuckled with his arm still wrapped firmly around my waist. We were all miserable living with her. But yet, we had each other. And we knew it. It got us through. This was only the beginning of something amazing, is what I kept reminding myself of. Just a bump in the road on our way to the big time with my best friends name in lights.

"It'll be okay. He'll tell her. I know he will. Because he knows it's the right thing to do. But until then, we'll ward her off." I couldn't contain my laughter. When I'm drunk, I have found I laugh to no end. It was embarrassing. But such a good feeling at the same time. I have never laughed like this before. And before I knew it, my laughter had eased, my eyes focused solely on Bernie's. And that's when it happened. We kissed. It just happened out of nowhere. But it felt so right. Like it was meant to happen.
"I'm pretty sure that's the night I fell in love with Bernie. I know we were both drunk and complete messes. But it felt so right. I craved it.... to feel loved by someone in that way." My words softly left my lips, floating out into the group of people I've been sharing my life with in rehab gradually over time. I was finally opening up. And it felt wonderful. That night meant everything to me. Because it was only the beginning for Bernie and I. For Bernie and Elton.

"Bernie is pretty amazing huh?" Elton's little smile next to me, had me grinning as I suddenly hugged him, thankful for the fact that I had my best friend here. My brother. He's always been here. Just like Bernie.

"So are you Elt. Don't forget it mister." I could practically hear his smile in my ears, meaning every word of what I had said. I love these two with all my heart.

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