9. Out Of Sight

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"Elt, Bernie, have I mentioned just how much I love you both....? I mean, look at this place!" My eyes traveled anywhere and everywhere they possibly could, catching glimpses of fashionable people roaming about the streets of sunny LA, feeling completely swept up in the notion that this was happening, it was no longer a dream. America. The first time we ever embarked on such a journey. And I was not prepared for what was to come. Not by a long shot.

"I just can't believe we're here...." I looked to the happy face of Elton looking excitedly out the window, then to Bernie and I with anticipation of what was to come at the Troubadour we were quickly approaching.

"And looking as stylish as they come. Huh boys?" I threw my arms around their shoulders with chuckles escaping us, sitting perfectly in the middle of them both. My brother and best friend since the dawn of time. And the man that quickly stole my heart and took it captive, meaning so incredibly much to me. I'm usually not the romantic type. But he's doing something to me that I can't even begin to explain. And honestly? I like it.

"So Ray, Doug is a cool guy?" I've heard so much about him that it feels like I practically already know the man. He's the owner of the fabulous Troubadour and a very respected man in the music business. So many stars have performed there. And my best friend is going to be one now. How mental is that?

"Doug is the most chill man you could possibly meet. He loves what he does. So this being Elton's first gig is tremendous." I smiled at him as his eyes scanned us three in the back. Ray is practically part of our little family already. If it wasn't for him, we would never have met Bernie. And also, we wouldn't be here, in America for the world to finally hear what these two are really made of. The level of talent between them, is going to blow the world away.

"Oh Elton look! Your face is on the building. I repeat, your face is on the building!" I practically flung the car door open once we came to a halt in front of the Troubadour, gazing in awe at the poster advertising Elton's gigs for the next two nights. I just couldn't take my eyes away from the poster. "Elton John" was written so boldly, letting everyone know just who he is. Being proud is only the start of it. Is this real?

"Have I said how beautiful you look?" Bernie's hand trailed softly down my exposed back, sending those tingles down my back I get with each touch of his hand. Those toe curling sensations are eating me alive. And the sexual tension was there in full force.

"Breathe Al....I don't need you down for the count on my big night." Elton walked past me with a wink from seeing the exchange Bernie and I just had, watching him casually walk into the Troubadour like he wasn't just being the worlds biggest tease. I'm a lost cause. So I followed behind before I made a fool of myself, not disappointed what so ever with what I was greeted with once walking through those doors. The stage was set and ready to go just about, people were bustling around, abuzz with the sight of Elton.

"Friends of Dick! Welcome." I smiled so full of excitement watching Ray and Doug exchange words and a hug, my eyes traveling all over the room and the people LA had to offer. This place is incredible. I listened to the conversations sparked between Elton and Doug, looking over at the bar, just admiring the many things lined on the wall, instantly looking to Bernie once I saw the cowboy hat.

"Hey dirty cowboy, I think your hat is hanging up there." I pointed with a smirk on my lips, seeing the little smile of humor on Bernie's handsome face.

"You like that hat?" Doug was eyeing Bernie up and down and to be honest? I was enjoying it way more than I should have. Just seeing the look of, help me please, on Bernie's face was hilarious. He was practically backed up into the wall at this point. I couldn't blame Doug. Bernie is hot. There. I said It.

"So Al, care to come look over my outfit with me? I think it's going to be a hit tonight." I looped arms with Elton, practically skipping away with a laugh escaping me upon hearing Bernie practically running up behind me to escape Doug and his charms. I already like the guy.

"You just leave me behind to get eaten up by the wolves?" I hid a smile from Bernie, seeing the very uncomfortable look in his eyes still.

"Payback baby. Payback." Suddenly, i was unhooked from Elton's arm and thrown over Bernie's shoulder with a shriek escaping me, feeling like a rag doll. But smiling like an idiot.
"Wow...... look at you Elt. You look amazing!" I practically beamed seeing Elton in his new stage wear. He looked like a complete rockstar. He was born for this. And he knew it.

"I knew you'd like it Allie girl. I'm shining bright like the stars in the night sky." I chuckled, completely agreeing.

"Elton! You'll never believe who is here! Leon Russell, some of The Beach Boys. All to see you man!" My eyes widened from what Bernie said, feeling even more excited. He's getting so much attention. But the smile I was forming, slowly vanished once I looked at Elton's reaction. He was freaking out. And ready to bolt.

"Jesus shit Bernie!" Bernie and I looked to one another in a panic once Elton took off out of the dressing room, following closely behind to see him locking himself in a bathroom stall. He heard Leon Russell was there and that did it. He loves him. So to imagine him about to watch his show and possibly critic him, did nothing but make him panic further.

"Elton! Come on. Don't do this! You're going to do amazing love." I leaned against the stall door, hearing his massive platforms tapping against the floor so quickly that he was giving me anxiety just listening to it. And I'm not even the one performing tonight!

"I can't go out there with that lot! I'll look like a fool!" I looked to Bernie, sighing in complete defeat. Elton is stubborn. Very stubborn. And has been since we were kids.

"Then we'll just cancel the show, give up and leave!" My eyes widened from Bernie's sudden outburst, throwing a hand over his mouth, seeing that it did nothing for Elton. He wasn't budging. If anything, I'll find a way to knock that door down and drag him out on to that stage by his dungarees. He's not passing this up!

"Calm down, both of you! This is ridiculous. There is tons of people out there, just waiting to see Elton John. You can't just give up now. We came this far." Suddenly, Ray comes running into the bathroom upon hearing about Elton's diva moment, banging on the door in annoyance.

"You've signed a contract, Dick has payed for your airfare. Now get out there and play you little twat!" My eyes widened, hearing the sudden quietness fall over us, just waiting for Elton to come out screaming. But suddenly, the door opened to his eyes scanning over the three of us, like this just didn't happen.

"Well come on then!" I was expecting a brawl. Thankfully it didn't happen.

"Just breathe love. You're going to smash it tonight. They will come back wanting more. Just you wait." He finally smiled, seeming a little eased at least.

"You and I are officially co managers Allie. And I won't take no for an answer." I looked at Ray in surprise upon seeing his little smile.

"Are you serious?!" I practically attacked him in a hug, feeling on top of the world at this point. Helping manage my brother would be a dream.

"You'll be perfect at it. Really. You handled that meltdown well." He eyed Elton, seeing the little glare he got back in response. But a hint of humor shining through.

"And it helps that you're dating the song writer huh?" Bernie softly looped his arm around my waist with a soft kiss being placed to my lips, practically taking my breath away with just that one kiss.

"Get a room! I do not want to see my sister being de flowered in front of my pure eyes." I slapped Elton's arm playfully, leaving a kiss on his cheek, seeing that humored smile of his showing.

"Oh go get yourself ready hotshot. And look for us in the crowd alright? I'll be the one clapping like a mad woman and screaming like I'm dying. You won't be able to miss me yeah?" He suddenly hugged me, bringing me back to when we were kids, seeing him going to the royal academy of music for the first time. And now look at him about to kick off his whats sure to be a stellar career.

"I love you Al. Bernie." We both grinned like mad, watching him walk away to get ready to go on stage. Everyone was running about, getting ready themselves. And my eyes watered like mad.
"Now ladies and gentlemen. A rising star in rock and roll. All the way from London, England, Elton John." I was picking up a couple of drinks from the bar upon seeing Elton walking out on to the stage after the amazing introduction from Doug, seeing all eyes on him. That's my best friend......

"Do you know him?" I jumped a little from the sudden voice of a man talking in my ear, looking to see that he was a good looking man in fact, a charming smile and clearly has a way about him. He commands the room almost. Striking.

"Yup! That's my brother. I'm Alice. And you are?" He smiled, a friendly enough smile, extending his hand out to shake mine in a firm grip. And the whole time, I kept thinking Elton would be head over heels for this guy.

"John. John Reid. He certainly looks the part." I chuckled slightly, looking upstairs to see Bernie watching me with a little smile, making me blush a little.

"Enjoy the show John!" He nodded with a grin, before I ran up the stairs and towards Bernie, handing him and Ray a drink to enjoy while watching our boy do his thing.

"I......... remember when, rock was young. Me and Susie had, so much fun. Holding hands, and skimming stones.... Had an old gold Chevy and a place of my own. But the biggest kick I ever got...... Was doing a thing called the Crocodile Rock!" And that's when it happened. The beginning of something amazing. Something so unique. The world was not ready for Elton John. But boy was he ready for them. His foot grazed the piano keys as he completely got lost in the song, showing off his true talent at the piano and I lost it. I was screaming and hollering my little heart out, jumping up and down with Bernie and Ray with those damn tears forming in my eyes yet again.

"They absolutely love him guys!" I threw my arms around Bernie, just seeing the excitement in his eyes, hearing Elton singing so perfectly in my ears. It felt like heaven. Everyone was lost in the performance, the magic Elton was throwing to the crowd so hypnotic. And I kissed Bernie. I was on cloud nine. And there was no way i wanted to come down.

"One, two, three, four!!! Laaaaaaa, lalalalala'" I was screaming and singing so loudly that my throat was practically burning at this point. But I didn't care. I was having the time of my life, watching my best friend doing wha he does best, what he's always dreamed of doing. Everyone was eating it up and wanting more with each word he sang, the crowd was going absolutely insane, flooding the stage to get even more into the show. My arms were firmly wrapped around Bernie and Ray, jumping up and down to the beat of the music with my smile never wavering.

"Laaaaaaaaaaaaa, lalalalalaaaaaaa!" I was practically screaming the words, when I could see Elt looking up towards us with the worlds biggest smile showing through the words leaving his lips, waving at him with a wink, blowing massive kisses in his direction. We were all having the time of our lives.

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