Kanto Where Everything Starts

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Heeeey! I have good news and bad news :/
The good news is I will be publishing a new story very soon, but the bad news is I'll publish it when this story ends and that is very very very soon ;_;.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter ^_^

Ash's POV

I look at Serena who was looking away from us while looking at the sun. I look back at my friends who have concerned looks for the girl, Misty and Dawn left us and now Serena is leaving to fight this alone. Just what is going on?

"I'll probably leave tomorrow, and while I'm gone, I want you guys to take care of the mansion and make sure it will still be here when I get back" Serena uttered not bothering to look at us, I stepped forward and went beside her only to see tears rolling down her face. "Serena you can't fight this alone" I pointed out "But my mission is to protect you not involve you into this mess that I have created!" She exclaimed "Whatever you did doesn't matter Serena! We all care for you, and if you die during this then..." I cut myself off, Serena gritted her teeth and grabbed my collar "Look, Ash you and the others have a special gem that was given to you when you were babies alright? That was my mission, I have to protect you guys and the same time get the gem from gaining your trust! That's the reason why I'm so nice to you, I just wanted that gem!" She blurts out, I pushed her away and glared at her "And I thought we were friends! I thought you really loved me" I sobbed "Think again! I.WAS.JUST.ACTING.TO.GET.YOUR.GEMS!" Then the next thing I knew she left the mansion leaving us angry and heart broken.

"Ash, she's just trying to push us away, so we won't get hurt" Gary stated, I glared at him and punched him "No she's not! She was just using us!" I exclaimed while tears continued rolling down my face "Ash calm down! If Serena was just acting she would have taken the gems by now! She cares for us especially you! You have to let her do this on her own!" Iris exclaimed "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! YOU ALL DON'T!! YOUR JUST LIKE MISTY AND DAWN!! YOU WILL BETRAY ME EVENTUALLY!!" I snapped "Ash, Serena will never do that. We know she won't" Cilan uttered.

They all surrounded me and wrapped their arms around me for comfort. Why? Why does it have to like this?!

Serena's POV

I continued to run far away as I can from the mansion, I just can't handle it anymore. First the note and now this? What is going on with my life?! Why does it have to be me that has to suffer? Why does it have to be me that has fallen in love with someone? Why can't I just disappear?

I kept on running until I managed to get to the bus, I payed for a ticket to the airport and called my private jet to pick me up. Once I arrived, I saw my jet waiting for me. I went inside and told the pilot to go to Kanto, he nodded and started the engine. I look around my surroundings and saw no one that looks familiar, I sat down on the seats and let tears roll down. I just had to yell at him, I just had to snap, I just had to let my anger consume me.

I covered my face and continued crying, I can feel nothing but pain right now, and that's what I want. Pain, I want pain to spread around my body. To make my body weak and numb, so I can finally disappear from this hell, so I can finally make a right choice in life. So I can finally end this...everything that I have caused since I was born, I just want to end it right now.

I looked at my hands, they're so small and weak, I grit my teeth and clenche my hands into a fist. I took out my journal that I have kept in my pocket and begun to read everything that I have wrote in it. Everything that I have wrote is my experiences and my struggles, I continued to read until one caught my eye.

May 12

I found out my father injected some kind of drug in me that makes me into a superhuman, I cannot die by just a mere bullet, nor anything by that matter. I can only die by sickness and when it's my time. Talk about cruel right? I may not be the strongest person on the planet, nor the smartest, but I can pretty much be invincible when it comes to projectiles and stuff like that.

Even though I just want to end everything right now. All the pain that I have caused, all the misery I have experienced. Everything was just because of this drug that can awaken the inner beast inside me. I have a gem that I have kept since I was a child, it's blue just like my eyes, and well everytime I hold it, I feel somewhat weird. That's all I want to say. This journal is kinda like my personal diary huh?

I grit my teeth and ripped the journal apart, I threw it out the jet and begun to break down. I look around the jet and saw a picture of my parents, I grabbed it and threw it outside.

Once I get to Kanto, I will end everything, and that includes your schemes my dear parents. You have caused me nothing but pain and loneliness, and I'm willingly to repay it. Just you wait, I Serena Yvonne will show you the inner monster that you have created by injecting that drug in me, and let's just see if you will survive from being tortured again and again....

...Everything will start and end when I'm done with you.

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