• ꎇꂦꀎꋪ

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Jungkook placed the last of the bags in Jinhee's house and looked at Taehyung with a glare as the male shut the door. "I said a hotel." He whispered to Taehyung who only smiled. "That costs a lot of money and-" before Taehyung could finish Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Okay since we're staying here you better learn how to keep your moans quiet." He spoke as he grabbed a bag and took it up the stairs.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he watched Jungkook. The boy shook his head, holding his rosy red cheeks as he hurried over to Jinhee who was busy making supper. "I'm making my special! You two will love it." She smiled. Jinhee was so excited when hearing that Jungkook and Taehyung would be staying at her house for awhile.

Besides Joy, no one rarely went visit her. She was old and alone as some would say but she didn't mind. "Do you need help? I'll be glad to help you." Taehyung put his jacket on the hanger and Jinhee shook her head. "Oh none sense, go on upstairs, you just got off a plane a couple hours ago, you must be tired, go on and rest." She shooed Taehyung away.

Taehyung looked at Jinhee with a smile before going up the creaking stairs and into the room he and Jungkook were staying in. The house was beautiful, old but beautiful. "Hey." Taehyung walked into the room to see Jungkook unpacking the clothes. "Hey." Jungkook stopped and put the bag on the floor. Taehyung smiled, walking over and wrapping his arms around Jungkook.

"You okay?" Taehyung caressed Jungkook's cheek and Jungkook sighed. "If her brothers could go into my house and destroy everything in there, what else do you think they're capable of? You don't know her brothers Taehyung." Jungkook sat on the bed and brought Taehyung onto his lap. "Okay.. and tell me about her brothers? They could just be protective-"

"Keeya has a big family. She is the only girl out of her siblings and her brothers.. they're not the nicest. Currently there are four brothers when there is suppose to be six brothers. Wanna guess where the other two are?" He asked with his head tilted. Taehyung blinked before gulping. "Uh.. living happily with their families? I'm hoping.."

Jungkook forced a chuckle, pushing Taehyung's hair back. "So precious." He mumbled and brought Taehyung in for a kiss but Taehyung stopped Jungkook, placing his hand on Jungkook's chest. "Please tell me I was correct." He spoke and Jungkook sighed. "Her oldest brother is in jail for murder and her other brother who is close to my age, is in jail for countless acts that I am not comfortable telling you."

Taehyung felt a chill as he thought about the acts the male could have done. "Okay.. okay but-" before he could finish, Jungkook forced his lips onto Taehyung's. Taehyung whined a bit before kissing back. "No more talking about her and her family, okay? I'll call the cops and all later on." Jungkook mumbled against Taehyung's lips. Taehyung sighed before nodding, connecting their lips again.

After the day was over, Taehyung was laying in bed, looking at Jungkook who was fast asleep. It was around two am and he was still awake, though he started to drift off. When he did, he was out like a light. Though.. the dream had just begun.

It always started out when he was in a vehicle. The road was a long straight road. Taehyung could never see the end of it.. whenever he got close to the end, Jimin would appear. Just at that moment, Taehyung looked to his side to see Jimin driving. "J-Jimin." Taehyung choked out. Though Jimin didn't pay no attention.

"Jimin.." Taehyung spoke out again and as he touched the boy, tears ran down Jimin's cheek. "Why did you kill me Taehyung?" Is all that came out of Jimin's mouth before his head turned to Taehyung. Taehyung's eyes watered as he shook his head. "I-I" he tried to speak out, grabbing onto Jimin, noticing the vehicle was speeding up.

"Stop! Jimin stop!" Taehyung yelled. Then the voices. The voices always got to him. It was the cries of Jimin. The voices came from everywhere. Then it would go black, making it scarier than ever.

"Help me Taehyung"

"Why did you kill me?"

"It's your fault!"

"Help me!"

Then the next thing he knew, Jimin was laying on the road. The never ending cycle of Taehyung running over and trying to stop the bleeding. "You're going to make it. I can save you!" Taehyung would always yell. "I-It hurts." Jimin choked out and Taehyung stopped once he noticed Jimin was gone. The boy looked at his bloody hands and with that, Jimin appeared again. Though it wasn't Jimin?

The eyes, those once soft loving eyes were filled with hatred. "Why'd you kill me!" Jimin yelled in his face, the tightening grip on his wrists came from Jimin and with that, Taehyung always woke up. 


Taehyung opened his eyes and gasped for breath as he looked around, getting up slightly as he felt his body shaking. The boy pushed himself up against the headboard and brought his knees up to his chest. Taehyung wiped the sweat trickling down his forehead and placed his hand over his mouth.

The dream was almost constant. Some nights it was worse while some nights he could get a decent sleep. Taehyung never told Jungkook because it was just a nightmare right? Just a stupid.. nightmare. Taehyung's breathing was heavy but he managed to keep quiet as he then crawled over to Jungkook.

The male lifted Jungkook's hand and got close to Jungkook. This caused Jungkook to open one of his eyes and adjust on the bed before wrapping his arm around Taehyung and pulling him in close. "You okay?" He whispered lazily and Taehyung hummed. "I'm okay, go back to bed." He kissed Jungkook's hand. With that, Jungkook was fast asleep again while Taehyung replayed him dream in his head while staring at the window.

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