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       A yellow My Little Pony is dangling from the rear-vision mirror. Dean squeezes it and it squeaks. He takes out a knife, cuts it down and tosses it into the back seat. It squeaks again as it lands. "You okay?" Sam asks.

        "You know, it's bad enough that they're ganking people, wearing our mugs, but now this?" Dean asks. "Have us driving around in this... this caboodle while Baby's on lockdown."

       "It's temporary, Dean." Sam says.

       "Nobody puts Baby in a corner."

        "Y-you know that's a line from—"
Elena starts.

       "Swayze movie. Swayze always gets a pass!" Dean yells.

       "Right. Uh, well, you want some tunes or something? Here." Sam turns on the car radio. Air Supply's "All Out Of Love" is playing. Sam looks at Dean. "Sorry, man, I-I..."

       "Just leave it. Probably gonna be the only thing on." Dean says. Sam looks at the map Frank gave him and Dean starts to lip-sync along to the music. Sam looks over at Dean. Dean notices that Sam is watching him and stops singing. Dean looks away out the driver's side window.

       Dean starts to lip-sync again. Sam looks at him and he stops again. Dean moves his head in time with the music. "Here." Sam switches off the radio and they sit in silence. Sam studies the map. Jericho is circled. "Dean."

      "What?" Dean asks.

       "Jericho—the lady in white. Black Water Ridge is circled on the map."

       "Blackwater—wendigo. Lake Manitoc—the kid in the lake." Sam says.

       "They're hitting towns we've worked jobs in." Elena says.

       "In order. Since the day I left Stanford with you." Sam says.

       "So, what, they want us to find them?" Dean asks.

       "Well, one way to find out—next case would be in...St. Louis."

       "Perfect. Connor's Diner. Best burgers in St. Louis." Dean says. "Oh, I deserve something good in my life right now."

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       Dean and Sam appear to be eating at a diner. When Dean speaks, however, it is apparent that they are Dean and Sam's Leviathan doubles. "You know, he has one of these..." The Leviathan Dean indicates the burger he is eating. "Every day. And in his heart, he thinks they're almost as good as sex. This..." It puts the burger down on the plate. "Is disgusting."

        Leviathan pushes a plate of salad away from him. "Dead plants with creamy goo. It's like eating self-righteousness. I mean, you tell me which is worse." He says.

       "I mean, honestly, I just... You know what? I can't stand the guy. Talk about a hero complex. And he doesn't have relationships." Leviathan Dean says. "No, he has applications for sainthood. Oh, and he thinks he's funny. He thinks he's a damn comedian."

       "Who has two thumbs and full-blown bats in the belfry?" Leviathan Dean points at Sam and Leviathan Sam points at himself with both thumbs. "I'm serious. It's nothing but Satan-vision on the inside. I mean, how he's walking around in a jacket with detachable arms is beyond me. You know, I had a brother with this many issues once."


       "Know what I did?" Asks Leviathan Sam asks.


       "I ate him." Leviathan Sam says.

       "Of course you did." Leviathan Dean says.

       "How are these guys even a threat?"

       "Boss says they gotta go, they gotta go." Leviathan Dean says.

       "Right. Idea. You wanna trade? I mean, I'll take Chuckles over Schizo."

       "No, I like this one's hair better. You can stay in the big one."

       "All right. In that case, let's turn up the heat. The sooner I get out of this and into something more stable, the better." Leviathan Dean and Sam start to take out their guns.

       "Hold on." Leviathan Dean turns and looks at a teenager who is sitting in a booth behind him. "Hey, kid. Hey. Why don't you fire up the camera on that thing?" It points his gun at the teenager. "Point it over here."The teenager picks up his smart phone and aims it at Leviathan Dean. "Shall we?"

       Leviathan Sam stands up, raises his gun and points it at the ceiling. "All right, everybody be cool! This is a robbery!" He yells. The teenager's phone camera records Leviathan Sam.

       Leviathan Dean gets up onto the counter as Leviathan Sam points his gun at various diner patrons. "Anybody moves, and I'll execute every last one of you!" It yells. The teenager's phone camera records them.

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        The hatchback is driving down the road. Sam is holding a cell phone that is set to speaker. "Choppin' their heads off won't kill 'em, but it'll slow 'em down pretty good. Till they fuse back up, anyhow." Bobby says.

       "Well, that's something, I guess. I mean, assuming we can even get close to them." Says Sam.

       "Believe me, I don't want you walking right up to 'em, either. I'm still looking for something you can shoot at 'em."

       "Good times. All right, thanks, Bobby." Dean says.

       Jody is making sandwiches. "Hey, you take mayo, right, Bobby?" She asks and Bobby nods.

       "You got a chick over there?" Dean asks.

      "What?" Bobby asks. "No."

       "Are you even working, Richard Gere?" Dean asks.

       "Shut up, you idjit." Bobby says. Dean and Sam smile at each other. "Where are you guys off to next?"

       "Uh, St. Louis. That's where we—" Elena starts.

       "It's too late." Bobby says. "They hit St. Louis. Pumpkin-and-Honeybunny'd a diner there."

      "Connor's Diner?" Dean asks.

       "Yeah. How'd you know?" Asks Bobby.

       "Lucky guess. All right, so much for that." Dean says.

       "I guess we're off to, uh... to Ankeny, Iowa. Call us if you get anything else." Says Sam.

        "You got it." Bobby says as Sam hangs up.

[ ☼ ]

        Special Agents Morris and Valente enter. Police are investigating the scene and removing bodies. They hold up their badges to a Police Officer who is sitting at a booth watching the recording on the teenagers phone.

       "Special Agents Morris, Valente." Morris says. "You were first on the scene?"


      "Wanna tell us what happened?" Valente asks. The Police Officer hands the phone to Special Agent Morris, who takes a glove out of his pocket with which to hold it. The Police Officer presses a button to play the recording.

       Leviathan Dean, who is standing on the counter, raises his gun and fires. diner customers cower on the floor. Leviathan Sam approaches the camera. "Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Keep that up! I didn't say you could put that down! I want the whole world to know what Sam and Dean Winchester are capable of." It points his gun at a diner customer.

       "No!" There is more gunfire.

       "That all of 'em?" Leviathan Dean asks.

       "No!" The teenager yells.

       "All but one." Leviathan Sam says and looks at the boy.

       "No, please, no." He yells. Leviathan Sam raises his gun and shoots the teenager. Leviathan Sam and Dean get very close to the camera and smile.

       "Well, goodnight, St. Louis. You've been a wonderful crowd. Grab your socks and hose, Iowa, 'cause we're headed to you next." Leviathan Dean and Sam wink.

      "We need to alert—" Morris starts.

      "Federal, state, local—I'm on it."

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       Bobby is preparing to electrocute Chet. "Ooh." Chet says. Bobby touches the skin of Chet's arm with his own as he attaches jumper cables to Chet's chains. "Does this skin make me look fat?" Chet has transformed into a doppelganger of Bobby.

      "Balls." Bobby says.

       "It's pretty dark in here. High-school dropout. A drunk like your daddy before you. Oh. You and Dad." Chet says. "Now, that's a can of scorpions. Your favorite singer is Joni frickin' Mitchell? Oh, Bobby. You are 10 pounds of sad in a 5-pound bag."

[ ☼ ]

       Dean, Elena and Sam are walking along the street as a black Impala passes them. "Sam, Sam. Hold up. Don't move. Don't move." Dean says.

       The Impala, which contains Leviathan Dean and Sam, does a U-turn and parks on the other side of the street. They get out. "Oh, no. This is all sorts of wrong." Sam says.

       "Those are nice wheels. Tell you what, when this is over, I'm stealing those rims." Dean takes out his phone and makes a call.

[ ☼ ]

       Chet is still chained to the chair in Bobby's form. "Tell the kids I said hi." He says.

       "Yeah." Bobby says.

        "Bobby, we got eyes on them." Dean says.

       "What?" Asks Bobby.

        Leviathan Dean opens the trunk of the Impala. "It's like looking at a funhouse mirror." Dean says.

       "Yeah, I know the feeling."

        "All right, well, tell me you got something. Otherwise, we're gonna have to get in close." Dean and Sam walk along the street closer to where the Impala is parked on the other side.

      "Look, just hang back for now." Says Bobby.

       "It's too late. We gotta—" Dean starts. A police car pulls up, siren going. "Hang on."

       A Sheriff and another officer get out of the police car and the Sheriff points a gun at Dean. "Hands in the air!" He yells. Another siren blares.

       "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Dean says as a second police car pulls up. "Big misunderstanding."

       The deputies from the second vehicle are now pointing their guns at Dean and Sam from behind them. "Look, the guys you want—" Dean starts.

      "Shut up!"

      "They're right there." Dean says.

       "Shut up! Drop the phone. Put your hands in the air."

       "Dean?" Bobby asks. Dean puts the phone down. "Dean!"

       "Cuff 'em." The Sheriff says. One of the guys also cuffs Elena.

       "Hey!" Dean yells. "She's got nothing to do with this!" The deputies behind Dean and Sam put them in handcuffs.

       "Anyone with you or helping you is an accomplice." The Sheriff says. Dean looks at Leviathan Dean, who is back in the driver's seat of the Impala. It winks.

[ ☼ ]

       Chet is still chained to the chair in Bobby's form. Bobby is pacing the room with a book. "You know the thing about you, Bobby..." Chet starts.

       "Save it. I already know me, handsome." Bobby says.

       "You got the gruff thing down. Seen more death than an electric chair. Ready to die with your boots on." Chet says. "But, you know, deep down inside... you're no cynic. You still hope. You even got a thing for that lady upstairs. Tiny part of you thinks, maybe... after this is all done, you and Miss Sheriff can make your own little cabin in the woods." Bobby closes the book and puts it down and Chet laughs. "That's hilarious. You're not getting any older than tomorrow, Bobby. Why do you bother?"

       Bobby picks up the machete. "You a Browning fan?" He asks.

       "Come again?" Asks Chet.

       "Robert Browning. Poet. You got that name rattling around up there with the rest of my thoughts and feelings?"

       "It's kind of hard to sift through all the drunken blackouts, but—" Chet starts.

       "A man's reach should exceed his grasp'." Bobby says.

       "I like that. That's actually lovely. Browning? After I eat you, I'm definitely gonna hit the library." Chet says as Bobby raises the machete. A several drops of a liquid fall from the ceiling onto Chet's arm and burn his skin. "What the hell is that?"

       The skin on Chet's arm turns yellow, then black, and black steam rises. Another drop falls and his arm continues to burn. "Get it off. Get it off! Get it off!" Another drop falls. "Get it off of me!" Another drop falls. Chet's face is now also burning and a large patch on his arm is black. "Aaargh! Get it off me!"

       Jody Mills is on her knees wringing out a cloth into a bucket. She sees Bobby and gets up. "Oh, sorry. Little snafu here." Jody says and Bobby grabs her face in both hands and kisses her. "Mm! Okay, wasn't expecting that reaction."

       "What the hell was in that bucket?"

[ ☾]

       Sam, Elena and Dean are being escorted in. "Look, you're making a mistake. The real killers are back at the diner, okay?" Sam asks.

       "Is that the best you can do?" Sheriff asks.

       "I want my phone call." Says Dean.

       "Oh, there'll be a call, to the FBI. Take him..." The Sheriff indicates Dean. "...to cell number one. Take that one..." He indicates Sam. "...to the interview room. And then the girl to Sarah. She'll question her upfront. Once they're separate and secure, you boys call it a night."

        "You're making a mistake!" Sam yells.

        Later at night, the two deputies who handcuffed Sam and Dean leave the building. Leviathan Dean and Leviathan Sam watch from their Impala, which is parked across the street. As the officers walk closer, they get out of the Impala.

       The two deputies who handcuffed Sam and Dean walk back into the police station. A third Deputy is there. "What, did you guys forget something or what?" Deputy three asks. Deputy 1, who handcuffed Sam, walks up behind Deputy 3 and snaps his neck. His face transforms: his mouth enlarges, his teeth become long and jagged, and a long, two-pronged tongue unfurls.

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