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       A ball hits the "30" ring of the skeeball machine. Dean beams. He tears off the three tickets that come out of the machine and looks less pleased. Jean comes out of the break room. Dean tosses another ball, which goes into a "100" ring, but doesn't wait to collect the tickets.

      He follows Jean as she grabs a jacket and goes outside through an "Employees Only" door. He watches as she lights a joint.

      Sam receives a text from "Dean Cell": "High Times not our gal." Howard is reading Sam's FBI business card. "Special Agent? Wow!" Howard laughs. "I want you to know, sir, that I really appreciate what you do, and—"

      "Quiet." Elena says sternly.

       "I would do what she says." Says Sam.

       A chubby boy is kneeling on the skeeball machine putting the balls directly into the rings. "Hey! Stop cheating!" Tyler yells. The boy looks at him and goes back to what he was doing.

       "You heard him. Knock it off!" Dean yells. The boy gets off the machine and runs away.

       "Jackass." Tyler and Dean say together and look at each other. Dean smiles. Libby walks towards Tyler carrying a piece of pizza on a plate.

      "Tyler, soup's on." Libby says as Tyler walks over to a child-sized table and sits down. She has put the plate down in front of his seat. Dean takes the tickets from the skeeball machine left by the boy who was cheating.

       "But, Mom, I don't want—" Tyler starts.

       "Just eat it." Libby says.

       "But it sucks!" Tyler yells as Libby sighs and walks away. Tyler moves the plate to one side, pulls a placemat on which he is drawing a picture closer to him, and picks up a pencil.

       "Hey, why don't you cut her some slack?" Dean asks.

       "What do you care?" Asks Tyler.

       "Because I've been where you are."

       "Your mom made you camp at a stupid Plucky's after school?" Tyler asks.

       "Y– no. No, but my dad, he... hauled me places. Besides, she's working a tough gig." Dean nods towards Libby, who is cleaning up a spill in the restaurant area. "You know? She's exhausted. You should take pity on the old. And, hey, free grub."

      "That stuff tastes like butt." Tyler says.

       "What? Come on, it can't be that bad." Dean picks up Tyler's plate. "Let's see here." He takes a bit of the pizza and chews. "Ah..." He spits the pizza out. "That is butt."

       Dean puts the plate down. Tyler smiles. Dean looks at Tyler's drawing, which is of a robot with red beams coming from its eyes.

       "You scared of robots?" Dean asks.

       "They have laser eyes." Tyler says.

       "Yes." Dean says as Howard walks past from the break room.

       A Child tugs on his vest from behind. "Excuse me." He says.

       "Howdy, friend! What's your name?" Howard and the Child shake hands.


      "Hi." Howard says as Dean takes out his phone.

       Sam receives a text from "Dean Cell": "Nope." Someone is a lion costume is seated at the table. Sam is standing. "Lose the head." He says. A Young Man lifts off the head of the costume.

      "Why'd you do it?" Elena asks.

      "Do... what?"
       "I think you know." Sam says.

       "I... I got rights. You can't –" The Lion starts.

       Sam shoves the chair on the other side of the table out of the way and leans over with his hands on the table. "I'm the federal government, pal. I can do whatever I want." He says.

       The Young Man holds up his hands. "Okay. I'll talk." He says as Sam takes a step back from the table. The Young Man throws the lion head at him and runs for the door.

      "Dean!" Sam yells.

      The Young Man runs past Dean. Dean, Elena and Sam follow. Sam comes to a halt for a moment when his path is blocked by a clown.

       The Young Man runs out the Employees Only door, followed by Dean and then Sam. Cliff rounds a corner as Dean gets closer. "Hey! Hey! Come here!" Dean grabs the tail of the lion costume. It comes off in his hand and he throws it away. "Hey!" Dean tackles the Young Man into a pile of tires.

       He rolls the Young Man over onto his back and holds him down. "If this is about the meth lab that fireballed up in Butte, it wasn't me. Okay, it was my brother, but, um, we got the Same fingerprints, and... Please. This is the best job I ever had." Cliff says.

       "All right, look, uh..." Dean starts.


       "Cliff. You're not using kids' nightmares to smoke people, are you, Cliff?" Dean asks.

       "I don't...think so." Cliff says.

       Dean looks up at Sam. "Get up." He hauls Cliff to his feet.

       "What's going on?"

       "All right, cards up. Yeah, we don't care that you, you know, broke bad or whatever." Dean says. "But there is some seriously weird going on in there."

      "You mean the sub-basement." Cliff says.

       "This place has a sub-basement?" Asks Elena.

       "Sure. Door's out back. Easy to miss if you don't know." Cliff says.

      "What's in there?"

       "Alls I know is... Me and Saul used to come in after hours sometimes and..." Cliff laughs. "You ever shroom in a ball pit?" Cliff, still laughing, turns to look at Sam. He wipes the smile off his face. "Not that I...would, agents. It was Saul. Just Saul. All alone. Anyway... Sometimes we'd hear, like, spooky stuff, through the vents... Coming up from the boiler room."

       Libby, carrying a bag, walks towards Tyler's table. She puts an arm around Tyler's shoulders and they walk together. "Okay, kiddo. Let's go." Libby says.

       "But somebody stole it!" Tyler yells.

       Libby stops and takes Tyler's face in her hands. Sam, Elena and Dean are watching. "So, draw another one! Okay? We gotta go." She takes Tyler's hand. Tyler sees Dean, who gives Tyler a look.

      "Okay. I'm sorry." Tyler says.

      "Thank you."

       "That place mat sucked anyway." Says Tyler and they walk off. Dean walks over to Tyler's table and looks at the blank placemats on it.

       "Dean. What? What is it?" Sam asks.

       "While you were out being Dirty Harry, uh, Tyler's mom got pissy with him, and now his place mat's missing." Dean says.

       "So, what do you think?" Elena asks.

       "I think the bitchy mom plus, uh, sad kid plus place mat with something nuts written on it... equals wacky corpse." Dean says.

       "So you think she's next on the list? All right, I'll tail them just to be safe. You guys go—" Sam starts.

       "Check the boiler room. We know." Dean says.

       "Right." Sam walks off, then turns back. "Oh. Oh. Uh, Dean, hey, uh, any idea what he drew?"

       "Robot." Dean says.

       "Robot?" Asks Elena

       "Yeah, about the size of a house. Shoots destructo beams out of its eyes." Dean says.

      "At least I'll see it coming." Sam says.


[ ☾]

        Dean and Elena enter and look around using flashlights. There is a large pot with a flame burning in the center of the room. "Now, that's perfectly normal." Dean continues to look around and sees children's drawings on the wall.

       One is of a boy under water. Next to it is a photograph of two young boys with a birthday cake. The decorations read "Happy Birthday Howard." Three dolls are on a table next to an open spell book. Dean closes the book. Under it is Tyler's placemat with the drawing of the robot.

      "Drop it." Dean and Elena turn and see Howard holding a gun. "Drop it!" They set their guns on the floor. "Mm-hmm. Now kick it over."

       Dean slides the gun towards Howard with his foot. "Some pretty heavy hoodoo you got here. I gotta say, as far as I know, none of these things, uh, can poop out a Unicorn." He says. Howard walks closer. He and Dean are on opposite sides of the pot with the flames.

       "There's power in fear. And when a child draws what he's afraid of, a little of that mojo ends up on the page." Howard says.

      "So, what, you toss it in the fire, and some bed-wetter's horror show comes to life?" Asks Dean.

      "I got to get something off the parent, too. Something they own. That bit gets tricky."

       "Well, it hasn't seemed to slow you down." Elena says.

       "I'm just doing what I need to!" Howard yells.

       "Okay. Okay. I get it. Okay?" Dean throws the book from the table at Howard.

       Howard spins out of the way, but doesn't drop his gun. Dean rips the placemat with the drawing of the robot in half.

       "No drawing... No Iron Giant!" Dean crumples the two halves of the drawing and tosses them away.

       "Oh, that b-word is still on the list! But not tonight. Bigger fish." Howard says.

       "What, are you gonna shoot us, Howard? You really want a body on your hands? Blood everywhere?" Dean asks.

       "I'd shut up! 'Cause I got lots of ways to take care of bullies. Don't you worry. Like that FBI guy. He's your pal, right? I saw you chase Cliff down. Five minutes ago, his business card was torched. Along with something from my... personal collection." Howard picks up several placemats with children's drawings. "I – I – I picked it out real special for him, too."

[ ☾]

       Libby gets out of her car. Sam is watching from the Jeep nearby. "Soon as I saw him, I noticed. He was staring at every little Plucky like it was gonna stab him or something." Howard says as Sam gets out of the Jeep. A clown appears in front of him. Sam gasps. "Guy's got a real thing about clowns." The clown steps towards Sam, laughing.

[ ☾]

       Sam bursts in the door.


       Sam slams the door behind him and moves the metal objects in front of it. He hears a crash and turns to see that the clown has followed him in. It laughs maniacally. Sam starts to walk away from the clown, but the second clown, which is also laughing, has appeared in front of him.

       Sam stops and the second clown zooms closer. Sam shoots the second clown and glitter flies. The second clown punches Sam twice.

[ ☾]

       "Well, hey, these are, uh, really nice dolls. Did you..." Dean picks up a clown doll. "Paint them yourself?" Howard doesn't respond. "Oh. Uh, friggin' Plucky."

      "Plucky helps kids. It's all I ever wanted to do. And when the management slot opened up, I... but they passed me over."

      "Shocker." Elena says.

       "'No, I told them, "No one cares more than me'." Howard says and Dean sets the clown doll back on the table. "But suits never listen." Dean slips the doll into the back pocket of his jeans. "So, I'm doing it my way."

      "So let me get this straight. You didn't get the good parking space, so you start dropping bodies?" Dean asks.

       "Those parents were horrible. They deserved what they got." Howard says.

      "What about Saul?" Asks Dean.

      "Saul had a big mouth!"

[ ☾]

       The second clown is holding Sam from behind. Sam headbutts it. The first clown sprays Sam with seltzer from a flower on its jacket.

       "Some guy hits on the babysitter, all of a sudden he's the world's worst dad?" Dean asks.

       "A good parent puts his kids first." Howard says.

      "And having a little girl watch her pop get ganked by the closet monster – that's putting her first?" Elena asks angrily.

       "In the long run, they'll all be better off." Howard says.

       "You think so? Really?"

       "I would have been." Howard says. Dean turns to look at the pictures on the wall.

       In the first, a stick figure is below the surface of the water, while a second stick figure swims on the surface. In the second, a person is well below the surface and is surrounded by fish. The camera then pans in on the photograph of the two little boys with the birthday cake.

       "So, your brother. What happened to him?" Dean asks.

       "It's not my fault! It's theirs!" Howard yells.

[ ☾]

        Sam hits the windshield of the pickup. One clown pulls Sam off the hood of the pickup. The other kicks Sam in the stomach. Sam raises his left arm to deliver a backwards hit to the second clown and Sam hits the first clown with the tire iron.

[ ☾]

        The camera pans in on the stick figure swimming on the surface of the water in the first drawing, then on the stick figure under the water. "Looks to me like he drowned." Dean says.

       "I was screaming... But my folks... They didn't listen. They never listened." Howard says.

       "It was an accident." Dean says.

       "They let him die!"

[ ☾]

       Sam ducks as the second clown takes a swing at him, then hits that clown with the tire iron. The second clown tosses the wrench it is holding to the first clown and the first clown hits Sam with it.

       Sam goes down, but gets back to his feet and hits the first clown in the groin with the tire iron. He turns and hits the second clown across the face with the tire iron. A large tooth flies from its mouth with a sprinkling of glitter.

      Dean takes the picture of the person under water with fish off the wall and holds it up to Howard. "I'll bet you still have nightmares. In fact, I'll bet you haven't been in the water since." He says.

       "Shut up!"

        "Because you're afraid." Elena says. Dean takes the clown doll out of the back pocket of his jeans, then puts both the drawing and the doll in the fire.

       "No!" Howard moves towards the fire, but the flames leap up and both he and Dean lean back. Howard shoots three times as Dean drops to the floor and draws his gun. Dean, Elena and Howard both freeze.

       A young boy with three bullet holes in his shirt has appeared. The bullet holes close up and the young boy moves towards Howard. "It wasn't my fault." Howard says as The young boy continues to walk towards him. "I'm sorry." Dean gets to his feet.

       The young boy reaches for Howard's right hand, which is holding his gun. Howard falls to his knees and makes choking sounds. We see the paper and doll in the fire. He begins to splutter water. We again see the paper and doll in the fire. Water continues to come from Howard's mouth and the paper and doll continue to burn.

[ ☾]

       The first clown runs at Sam brandishing a large metal bar. Sam raises a wrench to defend himself. The second clown moves towards Sam from behind. As the clowns reach Sam, they vanish in an explosion of glitter. Sam looks around and spits glitter out of his mouth.

       Dean is leaning against his car. Sam pulls up in the Jeep and gets out. He is still covered in glitter. Dean walks a few steps towards him. Sam raises an arm and makes a circular motion with a finger.

       "Let's roll." Sam spreads his arms wide, inviting Dean and Elena's reaction. "Go ahead. Say it."

       Dean laughs along with Elena. "I'm sorry." Dean says and Sam starts to smile. "You look like you got attacked by some PCP-crazed strippers."

       Sam smiles wider. "Dude, one of them sprayed me with seltzer from his flower." He says and Dean laughs even louder. Sam looks surprised at Dean's reaction.

       "I'm s– whew. What?" Dean asks.

       "Nothing. Carry on." Sam says.

       "Ohh. That's... Sam... I'm sorry for... psychologically scarring you." Dean says.

       "Which time?"

       "Shut up. Seriously. You know, me – me ditching you when we were kids, that was a dick move. You know, the whole clown thing–" Dean says.

       "You know what, man? Honestly... getting my ass kicked by those juggalos tonight was, uh... it was therapeutic." Sam says.

       "You faced your fear."

       "Exactly. And now what else could a clown possibly ever do to me? I feel good." Sam says.

      "Well, congrats." Elena says.

       "By the way, to celebrate..." Sam starts.

       "What?" Dean asks. Sam takes a giant slinky out of the Jeep and walks towards Dean. "No!"

      "Yes." Sam gives the giant slinky to Dean and walks over to Elena. "And I got you a mini pink guitar."

       Elena takes her gift. "I don't even play the guitar, but thanks." She says and Sam moves to the passenger door of the car.

       "Did you win this?" Dean asks.

       "We earned that." Sam says.

       "Ha ha!" Dean walks to the driver's side of the car. "Hey. I got you a little something, too, actually." He puts the giant slinky on the roof of the car, and reaches into the car for a clown doll, which he tosses to Sam. Sam shudders and holds it up. "What? You said you were over it. You can think of it as a... clown phobia sobriety chip."

       The car drives away. The clown doll is lying on the road with the head broken away from the body. It winks and we hear the sound of a clown laughing quietly.

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