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[ ☼ ]

Marin walks down the hallway. Sam comes to his doorway. "Marin. Marin, hey. Hold on. Um...I'm sorry I upset you." Sam says.

"It's okay." Marin says.

"Can I ask you something?" Asks Sam.


"The fire." Sam says.

"Look. You mean well, but you have no idea—" Marin starts.

"You said you didn't start it. I believe you. I can help you, Marin, before he tries to hurt you again."

They go into Sam's room. Hallucifer is leaning against the wall. "You're worse. Your organs need sleep, you know. Your hair and nails are gonna fall out, and your kidneys are gonna shut down. I saw it in a movie. Sorry." Marin says and Hallucifer laughs.

"So, um, your brother—when did he pass?" Sam asks.

"Uh, last year."

"Do you see him?" Asks Sam and Marin shakes her head. "So... he just talks to you. I bet at first it wasn't so bad. You must have missed him. Did you just hear him at the house?"

"Here too. Whenever I'm alone. I can always tell he's coming because I get these chills." Marin says.

"You feel cold." Sam says.

"Yeah. I mean, you're right. At first it's like... I knew I was crazy, but... I didn't really care. I did miss him. But then... he started saying he was lonely. And he started to get mad." Marin says. "And one day he started yelling, and I tried to run but the door was locked. And when I turned around, the whole room was on fire. I barely got out. How can you help me?"

"I can put your brother to rest. He's, um... He's stuck here." Sam says.

"For real? Like—"

"Like he's a ghost." Says Sam.

"Why should I trust you?" Marin asks.

"Because it's your only shot." Sam says.


"Okay. So, your brother—was he cremated? Buried?" Sam asks.

"We cremated him."

"And do you have anything of his?" Sam asks.

Marin touches a bracelet she is wearing. "This. He made it for me. With a busted hand, too. Sliced it open doing stupid archery." She says.

"He bled on it?"

"Probably." Marin says.

"Good. That's – that's good." Sam says.

"Why is that good?" Marin asks.

"One more question. Is there any chance in hell you got a lighter?"

[ ☾]

Dean is driving, Emmanuel is in the passenger seat with Elena and Meg is in the back seat. "This silence is very uncomfortable. Is there something I should know?" Emmanuel asks.

"I don't know. Dean?" Meg says.

"No. Meg has that effect. Awkward. You know?" Dean says.

"That must be difficult for you." Says Emmanuel.

"Dean's making a joke, Emmanuel." Elena says.


[ ☼ ]

Marin comes into Sam's room holding up a cigarette lighter. "Nice. Where'd you score that?" Sam asks.

"Grabbed it out of Marcus' pocket. Being locked up is really turning me into a decent criminal." Marin says.

Sam closes the door and barricades it with a chair. "We're laying down a circle. Help me open these, okay?" He says.

They use small containers of salt to make a salt circle. Sam looks up and sees Hallucifer blowing on the salt. Sam leans back against the wall.

"You're gonna have to do this on your own. It's okay. I'm okay. I'm just having a little..." Sam starts.

"Brown acid moment." Hallucifer says.

"Dizzy thing. It'll pass." Sam says.

"Definitely. When your heart stops."

Sam and Marin are standing in a small salt circle. "Great. Now, um... stay with me in the circle. No matter what. No matter what happens, okay?" Sam says.

"What's gonna happen?" Marin asks.

"Give me the bracelet." Sam says. The lights flicker and Sam and Marin's breath becomes visible.

The Ghost of Marin's brother appears. "Marin, don't do this. Please." He says.

"Marin, give me the bracelet." Sam says.

"I'm so sorry. I have to." Marin says. She breaks the bracelet from her wrist and gives it to Sam. The room shakes, the door flies open and the lights explode. Sam lights the bracelet and the Ghost burns up.


"Y-you got to go. Go." Sam says.

"Thank you." Marin leaves. Two orderlies enter and grab Sam. We see white light, which becomes Dr. Kadinsky shining a flashlight in Sam's face. Hallucifer is standing behind Dr. Kadinsky.

"Sam? How you feeling now?" Kadinsky asks.

"His soul is broken, Doc. Can you give him a pill?" Hallucifer asks.

"I can't give you any more medication. The potential for overdose is too great." Kadinsky says and Sam looks at his fingernails, which are bloody. "We need to talk about surgical solutions."

"Surgical?" Sam asks.

"Ooh. Lobotomy?" Hallucifer asks.

"It's okay. We're not talking lobotomy here."

"Darn." Hallucifer says.

"Sam. Are you with me? Sam?" Kadinsky asks. We see nothing but white light again.

[ ☾]

Dean turns off the engine and gets out of the car. A number of people are standing around the emergency entrance to the hospital. Dean walks around the car and joins Emmanuel, Elena and Meg. "Oh, gracious." Emmanuel says. Dean looks through binoculars at the people outside the emergency entrance.

"Damn it. Demons." Meg says.

"All of them?" Dean asks.

"No grass growing under your feet." Meg says.

"How many of those knives do you have?" Emmanuel asks.

"Just the one." Says Elena.

"Well, then, forgive me, but what do we do?" Emmanuel asks.

"Yeah, Dean. Got any other ideas how we could blast through that?" Meg asks.

"Excuse us. Meg?" Dean asks.

"Oh, for the love of..." Meg starts. Dean, Elena and Meg walk a short distance away. "Sam's in there. I know you're enjoying the double dip with your old pal, but—"

"You think it's that cut and dry? Really? You know what he did. And you want to tell him and just hope that he takes it in stride? He could snap. He could... disappear. Who knows?" Dean says.

"I gather we know each other." Says Emmanuel.

"Just a dollop." Meg says.

"You can tell me. I'll be fine."

"How do you know? You just met yourself. I've known you for years." Dean says.

"You're an angel." Meg says.

"I'm sorry? Is that a flirtation?" Emmanuel asks.

"No, it's a species. A very powerful one." Says Meg.

"She's not lying. Okay? That's why you heal people. You don't eat. I'm sure there's more." Elena says. "You also happen to be my Guardian Angel, sent to protect me."

"Why wouldn't you tell me? Being an angel – it sounds pleasant." Emmanuel says.

"It's not, trust me. It's bloody, it's corrupt. It's not pleasant." Dean says.

"He would know. You used to fight together. Bestest friends, actually."

"We're... friends? Am I Cas? I-I had no idea. I don't remember you. I'm sorry." Says Emmanuel.

"Look. You got the juice. You can smite every demon in that lot." Meg says.

"But I don't remember how."

"It's in there. I'm sure it's just like riding a bike." Dean says.

"I don't know how to do that, either." Emmanuel says and pauses. "All right, I'll try."

"This ain't gonna go well." Dean says.

"I don't know. I believe in the little tree topper." Meg says. Music plays as Emmanuel walks towards the hospital emergency entrance.

"Hey, I know you. You're dead." A Demon says to him.

"Yes, I've heard."

"That's my boy." Meg says.

One of the Demons tries to run away, but Emmanuel appears right in front of him. "I don't think running will save you." Emmanuel puts a hand to the Demon's head and smites him. Dean? Elena and Meg walk up behind him.

"That was beautiful, Clarence." Meg says.

"Cas?" Dean asks.

"I remember you." Castiel turns to face Dean. "I remember everything."

"What I did. What I became. Why didn't you tell me?" Castiel asks.

"Because Sam is dying in there." Dean says.

"Because of me. Everything. All these people. I shouldn't be here." Castiel walks away.

"Cas. Cas!" Dean yells and he turns to Meg and Elena. "You stay here." He calls after Castiel. "Cas!"

Sam is being wheeled down a hallway on a hospital bed by the orderly Marcus. They enter a room. "Where... Where – where are we?" Same asks.

"Electroshock therapy. Let's just get you settled. Don't be freaked. I've seen this help a lot of people." Marcus says.

"Umm, umm – my brother." Sam says.

Marcus puts a mouth guard in Sam's mouth. "Bite down." He turns on the machine. "Ordinarily, they keep this thing set on low. But I was thinking we could experiment a little. What do you say, Sam?" Marcus puts the electrodes on Sam's head. "Let's get that head strapped in." His eyes turn black.

Castiel is walking away from the hospital, with Dean close behind him. "If you remember, then you know you did the best you could at the time." Dean says.

"Don't defend me. Do you have any idea the death toll in Heaven? On Earth?" Castiel stops and turns to face Dean. "We didn't part friends, Dean."

"So what?" Asks Dean.

"I deserved to die. Now, I can't possibly fix it... So why did I even walk out of that river?" Castiel asks.

"Maybe to fix it. Wait." Dean opens the trunk of the car and takes out Castiel's trenchcoat. He holds it out to Castiel.

Sam is strapped to the bed and shaking from electric shocks. "Amazing. You just take those lickin's, don't you, kid? Well, if it's meat, you can cook it. You just got to turn up the heat." Marcus turns towards the electroshock machine, but Castiel is there. Castiel puts a hand on Marcus' head to smite him. $3 falls to the ground with his eyes burnt out.

Castiel turns off the electroshock machine and takes away the electrodes on Sam's head and the mouth guard. "I should never have broken your wall, Sam. I'm here to make it right." Castiel touches Sam's head, but Sam doesn't look better.

Sam sees Hallucifer in Castiel's place. "You're not real." He says and jerks away.

"Oh, Sam... I'm so sorry."

Hallucifer is sitting in a chair next to Sam's bed, holding the book "Three Little Pigs". "I see that third little pig was smart. Went out and got some bricks." Hallucifer says. Dean, Elena and Castiel are standing in the room. The chair next to Sam's bed is empty.

"What the hell do you mean you can't?" Dean asks.

"I mean there's nothing left to rebuild." Castiel says.

"Why not?" Dean asks.

"Because it crumbled. The pieces got crushed to dust by whatever's happening inside his head right now."

"So you're saying there's nothing? That he's gonna be like this until his candle blows out?" Elena asks.

"I'm sorry. This isn't a problem I can make disappear. And you know that." Castiel says. "But I may be able to shift it."

"Shift?" Dean asks

"Yeah, it would get Sam back on his feet." Castiel sits on the bed close to Sam. "It's better this way. I'll be fine." Sam flinches.

"Wait, Cas, what are you doing?" Dean asks.

"Now, Sam..." Castiel says.

"This may hurt. And if I can't tell you again..." Hallucifer says.

"...I'm sorry I ever did this to you." Castiel puts a hand on Sam's head.

Sam groans in pain and his face and eyes glow red. The red travels up Castiel's arm and face and his eyes turn red. Sam groans and gasps for breath.

"Sam?" Dean walks around the bed to the other side.

"Dean!" Sam yells.

"Sam!" Dean yells.

"Cas? Cas, is that you?" Sam asks.

Castiel sees Hallucifer on the bed in Sam's place. "Hello... brother." Hallucifer says. Castiel stands up and backs away in horror. Sam, Elena and Dean look at each other. Hallucifer laughs.

Later, Elena, Sam and Dean leave the building. "I don't know. I mean, we can't just leave him." Sam says.

"Well, we can't bring him with us. Everything on the planet's out for us, okay?" Dean says. Castiel is sitting sadly on the edge of a bed, dressed in white hospital clothes. "Word gets out, we can't protect him. Not really. This is safer."

Dean and Sam stop at the driver's and passenger doors of the car and talk over the car. "Every demon who knows about Cas is dead." Elena says.

"Not everyone. Look, Dean, this whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing feels kind of like a demon deal." Sam says.

"It's not a deal. It's—" Dean starts.

"It's what?" Asks Sam.

"Mutually assured destruction. Look, man, I get it. She's not our friend. We don't even have friends. All our friends are dead." Dean gets into the car.

[ ☼ ]

Dr. Kadinsky is sitting at his desk reading a piece of paper. "Well, you certainly have experience. I'm impressed. Tell me – why do you want to join our staff?" He asks.

"I really just want to help the patients. Watch over them. Not to be immodest, but I feel like I'd make a great fit." Meg says.

"I can't argue with that." Dr. Kadinsky stands up and offers Meg his hand. "Welcome to the team... Nurse Masters."

[ ☼ ]

Sam walks in and throws his bags on one of the beds. Dean turns to him. "Yo." He says.

"Can we talk?" Sam asks.

"Uh oh. I know that tone." Dean says as he begins unpacking.

"We need to talk about you and Elena." Sam says.

Dean sighs. "I got the message the first time. We'll stay clear of each other." He says.

"Do you love her?" Sam asks and turns to his brother with a serious expression.

Dean doesn't say anything for a while. "Ah...I don't know, but...I can't shake her. No matter how hard I try." He says.

"Well, maybe you don't need to." Sam says.

"What do you mean?"

"It's about time that you get the girl" Sam says.

"Sam..." Dean says.

"No Dean. It's about time that you were happy. And Elena is the only one that makes you feel that way." Sam says. "Elena's warm and she's....she's kind and she's caring and she's selfless. I didn't want to believe it at first, but you make each other better."

"So what does this mean for us?" Dean asks.

"It means that it's time for me to let her go. I will always love her, but she stopped loving me years ago." Sam says and Dean doesn't know what to say. "Maybe it's the fact that I was in a nut house, but I talked to Elena already. So go to her."

Dean begins walking to the door, but then stops. "Hey Sam?"


"Thanks." Dean says as he storms out the room and knocks on Elena's door. She opens it quickly.

"Hi." Elena says.

"Hi." Dean says.

Elena opens the door a little wider. "Would you like to...come in?" She asks.

"I'd love to." Dean says as he steps inside and Elena closes the door behind him.

[ ignore the beginning
of the fan made video ]

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