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       Annie walks over to the boys' bodies and tries to take the camera from Teen Boy 1, but Annie's hand passes right through it. She stands up and gasps: Victoria is standing right next to her. "Ah, Victoria. Grab the camera." Annie says.

      "No. I can't. We don't meddle in Whitman's affairs." Victoria says.

       "Hold it. Let's get real. You sent me the S.O.S., and now I'm here. So, give me a hand." Annie says.

      "But now he can get you, too."

       "Get me how? I'm already dead. Okay, you want to help me understand? Exactly what did he do to Dexter?" Asks Annie.

       "Punished him. He was trying to warn them. He tried to warn you, too. He drained him." Victoria says.

      "Drained? What does that mean?"

      "That's why he's so strong and why you should stay out of sight. We're merely food to him – food and perverse entertainment." She says.

      "So, when he does that, what happens? Just... poof?" Annie asks.


       "See, I thought that Whitman was some poor guy, and Dexter killed his fiancée." Says Annie.

       "No. Whitman framed him. Whitman killed all of us. When this house was a brothel, I worked here as a fancy lady. He slit my throat." Victoria says.

       "'Fancy lady'? A hooker?"

       "Please." Victoria says. "And now, even in death, every soul he traps here makes him stronger."

       "Okay, so, where does he keep the bodies?" Annie asks.

      "I don't know."

      "Victoria, you've been here forever." Annie says.

       "You don't follow him around." Victoria says.

       "Listen, we are going to pull the plug on this bastard. Now grab the damn camera."

     "Oh, dear." Victoria takes the camera from Teen Boy 1's hand. "It's him!"

       Victoria and Annie hide as Van Ness drags the Teen boys' bodies away. He pulls a lever and a bookcase opens, revealing a hidden door. He drags the bodies into the concealed room.

       Dean, Elena and Sam are taking guns out of the trunk. "We combed the crap out of this place. If Annie's in there and we didn't find her..." Dean says.

       "It's 'cause something didn't want us to." Sam says.

       "Awesome. Well, let's walk right into that." Dean says. They go inside the house.

[ ☾]

       Dean and Sam look around using flashlights. Bobby is behind them. "All right, I'll check upstairs." Sam says.

      "Yeah." Dean says as Bobby takes the flask out of Dean's jacket pocket. "Annie?"

       "Sorry, boys. I'm leaving the pack." Says Bobby.

       "Annie! It's Dean! And Sam." Dean says.

       Sam is speaking in the distance. "Annie?" He calls.

       The camera falls to the ground at Dean's feet. "That's not odd." He picks up the camera. Bobby puts the flask in a drawer. "Sam, get back down here! Annie?" Sam comes down the stairs. Annie and Victoria are standing behind Dean. "Slimer?"

      "What?" Asks Sam.

       "Check it out." Dean plays the recording on the video camera.

       "The final moments of their love story."

       "They've been together since like eighth grade."

       "Yeah. They entered this house and texted us."

       "Oh, I hate these indie films. Nothing ever happens." Dean says.

       "They came into the house. They walked through these halls."

        "Wait, wait. Pause it. Frame back a little bit. Stop." Sam says. Annie is visible on the recording.

       "She's here, and not in a good way." Elena says.

        Bobby is now standing next to Annie and Victoria. "Give them a moment. They've got a little slower since I left." He says.

       "Annie?" Asks Dean.

       "Got to let them know that I'm here." Annie says.

       "Anything?" Sam asks.

       Annie looks to Victoria. "You have to do it." She says.

       "Annie!" Sam yells.

      "We can't."

      "Annie!" Dean yells.

       "It's too dangerous." Victoria says.

       "These guys can help. They just need to know that we're here."

       "Annie!" Sam yells. Victoria appears behind Sam, Elena and Dean. They turn, see her and raise their guns. "Whoa!"

       "Please. I'm Victoria – Victoria Dodd."

       "Where'd you come from?" Elena asks.

       "Here. I was a fancy lady." Victoria says.

       "A hooker?" Asks Dean.

       "Uh, is Annie here?" Sam asks.

       "Yes. You can't see her. No, you're not standing on her."

        "You want to just tell them?" Annie asks.

        "I will. In my day, we believed in polite conversation. Annie's in terrible danger. We all are." Says Victoria.

       "From?" Sam asks.

       "Whitman Van Ness." Victoria says. Van Ness is watching from upstairs.

       "But he's dead." Dean says.

       "I thought you said they were good." Victoria says.

        "Hey, I'm just processing, okay, lady? He's dead. You're dead." Dean says as Van Ness flickers and disappears. "Define 'terrible danger'."

       "Whitman has great power over all of us in the house. He killed Annie. She says you can free us. Please, you must—" Victoria screams and burns up in p
"Victoria?" Elena calls.

       "I'm gonna say she was telling the truth, considering that she just... got ghost-killed." Dean says.

       "So, what? Whitman Van Ness?" Asks Sam.

       "Now we know whose bones to salt and burn. Let's go." Dean walks away. Sam adjusts his gun. Van Ness slips a key into Sam's pocket. Sam and Elena then follow Dean and Van Ness disappears.

       Dean, Elena and Sam get into their car as Bobby and Annie watch from the window. Van Ness is in the back seat. "Aw, hell no." Bobby says. Dean, Elena, and Sam and Van Ness drive away

       Bobby and Annie are walking up the stairs. "If I hadn't stashed that flask here, I'd still be glued to Sam, Elena and Dean. Real clever." Bobby says.

      "Actually was." Annie says.

      "Son of a bitch. I figured our one ace was that bastard Whitman couldn't leave the house either." Says Bobby.

       "Must have pulled a number like you and the flask. Probably planted something on the boys."

      "Terrific." Bobby says

      "Hey, listen, sweetie – you could beat yourself up all day about this, or we could take advantage of the fact that Whitman's gone, do what we're supposed to do. Let's go figure this out. Coming, Robert?" Annie asks as she and Bobby walk down a hallway and stand in front of a door.

       "Well, we searched everywhere else."

       "I'm telling you, Whitman guards his room like Fort Knox." Annie says. She and Bobby walk through the door into a sitting room. There is a fire burning in the fireplace.

       "Last time I checked, ghosts didn't get cold." Bobby says. A skeleton and the remains of a red dress are in the fire.

      "Yeah. That's Victoria. That is how he took her out. But where did he get her corpse?" Annie asks.

       "Well, you said he dragged those two dead kids away. Where'd he take them?"

       "Yeah, I don't know. I couldn't risk following him." She says.

      "What else did you say this place was, other than a whorehouse?" Asks Bobby.

      "It was a lot of things. It was a boarding house, a school... a speakeasy."

       "Yeah, well, thing about speakeasies – hell of a lot to hide." Bobby says as he and Annie search the room. Bobby pulls the lever that Van Ness used to open the bookcase, and it swings open. "I still got it."

       Bobby and Annie enter the room behind the bookcase. It contains skeletons and corpses in various stages of decomposition, Annie's body and the Teen Boys' bodies. Annie looks stricken upon seeing her body.

       "Well, this pretty much tells the story, don't it?" Bobby asks. "You know, you and me – we burned our fair share of bones, sent a lot of ghosts packing."

       "It's a little different when you're on the receiving end. So, uh... what do you think happens to 'em – Heaven, Hell, or... none of the above?" Annie asks.

       "I don't know. Just... gone, most likely."

       "Yeah, that's what I think, too. That's what I want. I want a hunter's funeral." Annie says and Bobby looks at her. "Oh, come on. It's better than this – stuck to this house, somewhere between existing and not. No, I'm... ready for some peace. Wasn't much of a life. It was lonely, what we do."

       "Yeah, well, the life I had is the one I picked." Bobby says.

       "Yeah, but you had the boys. All I had was work. It's gone now."

       "Yeah, well, I ain't done." Bobby says.

       "Okay, fine, but I am. You're stronger than I am now, Bobby, so, uh, you got to do this for me."

[ ☾]

       Dean is driving while Sam is online and Elena looking over his shoulder. "All right. Here we go – cemetery, edge of town. The Van Ness family has its own mausoleum." Sam says.

       "All right, we light up the bastard and finish him off." Dean says as the car accelerates from about 50 miles an hour to about 80.

      "Take it easy. We'll get there." Elena says.

       "Uh, that's not me." Dean struggles to hold onto the steering wheel as it moves. Van Ness appears next to Dean and tries to turn the wheel, causing the car to swerve. Dean manages to bring the car to a stop and he, Elena and Sam get out.

       "Why's he with us?!" Asks Sam.

       "I don't know. There's got to be something on us!" Dean and Sam pat down their clothing.

       "Hey, hey." Sam takes out the key that Van Ness put in his jacket pocket. He appears behind Sam and plunges a hand into his back. "Ugh!"

       "Sam!" Dean and Elena yell at the same time. Dean grabs the key from Sam, tosses it onto the ground and shoots it. Van Ness vanishes in a cloud of dust. Sam gasps and Dean puts out a hand to steady him.

      "Did that do it? Did that get rid of him?" Sam asks.

      "I don't know. I got a bad idea we just snapped him back to his favorite house." Dean says.

      "Where Annie's a sitting duck." Sam says.

      "We got to find those bones. Come on." Dean says.

[ ☾]

       "Let's build up the fire. We can put some of these poor bastards to rest, at least." Bobby says.

[ ☾]

        Dean, Elena and Sam are walking through the cemetery with flashlights. They find the Van Ness mausoleum.

[ ☾]

        Van Ness runs up the stairs. Bobby and Annie are standing in front of the fireplace in his room. "Well, let's get to cremating. We ain't got all day." Bobby says.

       Van Ness strides down the hallway and walks through the door to his room. Bobby and Annie are hiding around a corner. When Van Ness looks around the corner, they are gone.

[ ☾]

       Dean uses a hammer and chisel on a plaque that reads "Whitman Van Ness – October 16th 1895 - November 14th 1935".

[ ☾]

        Bobby and Annie hurry down the stairs to the ground floor. Van Ness appears in front of them. "Enjoy the view from my room? Planning to thin out the population? Is this how you repay my hospitality?!" He plunges a hand into Bobby's chest. Bobby starts to burn up in white light, which also appears in Van Ness' eyes.

[ ☾]

       Dean lights a match and throws it into Van Ness' coffin.

[ ☾]

       Van Ness jumps and the white light retreats from Bobby. Flames start to appear on Van Ness' clothing. "No! I will not be taken!" Flames engulf him and he vanishes. Bobby falls to the ground with a thud.

       Annie is kneeling next to Bobby, who is unconscious on the floor in the entryway of the house. "How long was I out?" Bobby asks.

       "A while. Are you okay?" Annie asks.

       "Sure." Bobby sits up. "I mean... I'm dead, I'm a ghost... but, basically, swell." Dean, Elena and Sam enter the house. Annie is no longer visible next to Bobby.

       "Hi, boys." Bobby says as Dean, Elena and Sam stare at Bobby.

       "Bobby?" Dean says.

       "Wait. You can see me?"

       Dean, Elena and Sam continue to stare at Bobby, who is now standing. "You're staring, you know. Annie's here, too, by the way." Bobby says.

       "Hi, Annie." Dean says.

       "H-hi, Annie." Sam stutters.

        Annie is now visible again, standing behind Bobby. "Hi, guys." She says. "She's pretty." Bobby points a thumb in Annie's direction. Sam and Dean look around, but can't see her.

       "She says you both look uglier than she remembered." Bobby says and Annie hits him lightly on the back. The camera shifts to Sam and Dean, and when it returns to Bobby, Annie is no longer visible beside him.

       "Bobby, h-how'd you stay here?" Elena asks.

       "Yeah, well, uh..." Bobby walks to the drawer and takes out the flask. He tosses it to Dean. "Suck on that, Swayze."

       "That's why you never answered me. I tried calling you – the, uh, talking board, the works – but I was always alone." Sam says. "Dean always had that thing in his pocket. That's why the EMF only went off half the time. We thought we were going crazy."

       "S-so, what happened? Did you get stuck or – or what?" Asks Dean.

       "I wanted to stay." Says Bobby.

       "Bobby." Dean says.

        "I need to help."

       "Not if it means you have to... be this." Says Sam.

       "Well, life wasn't comfy. Why should death be? Now, come on." Bobby says and Annie is visible behind Bobby again. "Annie and I found all the bodies. Let's put 'em to rest. And keep my damn flask away from the fire... obviously." Bobby heads for the stairs. Annie is no longer visible. "Well, you coming?"

       Dean, Elena and Sam are putting their things in the trunk of the car. Bobby looks at the front door of the house and then walks over to them. "I'll miss her." Bobby says.

       "Me too." Dean says.

       "Yeah." Says Sam.

       "Well, you didn't know her like I did." Bobby says.

        Dean laughs briefly and Sam clears his throat. "Well, uh..." Dean takes out the flask. "Here's to Annie. She got the hunter's funeral she wanted." He takes a drink. "Kind of like the one we thought we gave you."

       "Dean." Elena warns.

       "What were you thinking, Bobby? You could be in Heaven right now, drinking beer at Harvelle's, not – not stuck..." Dean starts.

       "Stuck here with you? We still have work to do. I just thought that was kind of important, Dean." Bobby says.

       "It's not right, and you know that." Dean says.

       "Sorry. You're right. What was I thinking?" Bobby vanishes. Dean, Elena and Sam look at each other and Dean tosses the flask into the trunk.

[ ☾]

       "So, what do you think we should do?" Asks Sam.

       "We did what we should do. Now I don't know." Dean says.

       "I mean, do you think it's possible we could – I don't know – make it all work somehow?" Asks Sam.

      "I have no idea. Maybe. I've never heard of it. But you know what I do know?" Dean asks. "It ain't the natural order of things. Everything is supposed to end. You know, he was supposed... And now... What are the odds this ends well?" Bobby is in the back seat. "What are the odds?"

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