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        Dick is speaking on television. "You know, where I'm from, you have to bite and claw your way to the top. Once you get there, trust me, the view's incredible." He says and Bobby is trying to open the safe. "I've got a lot to show the American people."

      "Okay, Dean's birthday." Bobby says.

       "Gloria, that will really put what we're talking about in perspective..." Dick starts.

       "Sam's birthday."

       "I'm making some very big moves right now, risking..." Dick starts. The television shows Dick and Susan walking past a sign that says "We're in everything."

       "Damn it!" Yells Bobby. A lamp flies off the bedside table, a drawer opens, the light bulb in another lamp shatters, the mirror cracks and a fire roars in the fireplace and the bathroom door slams. Someone knocks at the door. "Son of a bitch."

       "Everything okay in there?" The Maid asks.

       "My birthday." Bobby says.

       The Maid enters. "Hello?" She crosses her arms, looking cold. Her breath is visible. She turns and jumps as Bobby materializes.

       "I need your help."

       "Get away from me." She turns in the other direction, but Bobby materializes in front of her again.

       "Listen, I need out of here." Bobby says.

       "Please!" The Maid runs for the door. Bobby lunges after her and possesses her. She falls to the ground, sits up slowly and brushes away dark liquid which runs from one of her eyes.

       "Just need you a little while." Bobby says as he/she gets up and walks across the room. Reflected in the broken mirror, we see Bobby opening the safe.

       The camera angle then changes to the Maid opening the safe, then back to Bobby reflected in the mirror removing the flask, then back to the Maid. She leaves the room.

       "Just till I get the bastard."

[ ☼ ]

       We see a close-up of a man's hand with very long fingernails. It belongs to the Alpha Vampire, who is sitting at the head of a dining table. Sam, Elena and Dean are brought into the room by two Vampires and stand at the other end of the table with the Vampire behind them.

       "The Winchesters and the Witch. I'm intrigued." He says as Emily enters the room.

       "Emily." Sam says.

        Emily walks over to lean on the Alpha Vampire's chair. "Hi, Sam." She says.

       "Wow. For a girl raised in a basement, you're a hell of an actress." Dean says.

       "You were gonna hurt my daddy."

       "Hmm." Says the Alpha.

       "Wow. You get a trophy in Stockholm Syndrome. And sorry to burst your bubble, but, uh... we weren't. Sam here had a better idea." Dean says.

      "We're here to talk. That's it." Sam says.

      The Alpha Vampire laughs. "Now that my guys have taken your blades and your syringes of tainted blood. Is that what you mean?" He asks.

      "Well, we, uh... figured you might hold a grudge." Elena says.

       "And why would I? Because you captured me, tortured me, sold me to the king of Hell?"

       "That was more our grandpa." Dean says.

       The Vampire standing behind Dean grabs Dean and slams his head against the table. "Dean!" Elena yells.

       Dean falls to his knees and grunts as he gets back up. "Thank you. That was awesome." He says.

      "I'm going to peel off your faces and drink you slowly." Says the Alpha.

       "Just listen. You need us."

       "Oh, yes. I am thirsty!" The Alpha yells.

       "The plague! We know what it is! What do you know about Leviathan?" Sam asks.

       "A bit."

        "You know they're poisoning the food supply?" Elena asks.

       "Roman didn't mention that when we met for dinner last fall. We made lots of plans. We are on excellent terms, he and I."

        "You sure about that? Did he mention that he was going to... Maui wowie the human population?" Dean asks.

       "Oh, of course. He said grabbing a snack would be easier than ever." The Alpha says.

       "He said you'd all live together, didn't he? You really believe him?" Sam asks. "You think your children are dying by accident? There is pesticide in the formula!"

      "It suits you to think so. You need me on your side."

       "Look, we're not the ones burning from the inside out. Think about it. Whatever deal he made with you was crap! Trust us!" Sam yells.

       "Why are you telling me this?"

       "Because we can stop Dick. Stop all of it. We just... We need your blood – for the weapon." Sam says.

       The Alpha Vampire laughs. "So now you want to prevent the extermination of the vampire race." He says.

       "No. But it beats going down with you. There is the sound of a door opening." Dean says.

      "Allan, darling..." The Alpha starts as a young boy walks towards the him. "Come." Allan stands on the other side of the Alpha chair to Emily.

       "Well, the creep gets creepier." Dean says.

       "What's wrong?" The Alpha asks.

       "Edgar's here." Allan says as Dean and Sam look at each other. The Alpha touches his jacket in dismissal and Allan leaves.

       "Wow, what a funny coincidence. All right, we need soap, uh, cleanser, anything with borax in it. We need knives." Dean says.

       "Put them in the study." Alpha says.

       "What? No. No, wait." Sam says.

       "Word of advice, boys. You do not live through centuries of fire and ice and continental divide... by jumping to conclusions." The Alpha says as The Vampires push Dean, Elena and Sam towards the door.

       "Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa." Dean says.

      "You're making a mistake! Listen! Wait!" Elena yells.

       The Alpha Vampire turns to Emily. "Never hurts to get the story first." He says. Sam, Elena and Dean are being pushed into the study.

       "Hey. Hey!" Dean yells. A vampire closes the door. Dean, Elena and Sam look around the study. Bags of blood are in a refrigerated cabinet. Empty bags hang from medical stands.

       A vampire is placing a bottle of wine in a chilling bowl on the dining table, which is now set for dinner. Emily is standing next to the Alpha Vampire at the head of the table. Edgar walks into the room and stands at the foot of the table near several drops of Dean's blood.

       "Edgar. I would've whipped you up a meal. Please, sit. I'm dying to know why you're here."

       "I think you know." Edgar says

       "And how is that?"

        "I smell Sam and Dean Winchester." Edgar says.

        Dean tries to open the locked door of the study. "Anything?" He asks.

       "Nothing." Sam is looking at the windows. "You think Edgar's here for the Same reason we are? I mean, look, if they figured out that we're here to get Alpha blood for a weapon..."

        "I think any way you slice it, you got Pac Man and True Blood in the same room and that's bad news." Dean says. "I mean, he's not stupid. Why the hell do you think he locked us in here?"

       "Dean, we're his enemy. I mean, they're like monster cousins or something. Who would you give the benefit of the doubt to?" Sam asks. "Man, you know what? Maybe the Sucro is poisoning the vamps on accident. Maybe they'll fix it."

      "I think you got the oldest monster on earth thinking that he can hold his own because he always has." Says Dean.

       "Edgar's gonna eat him alive." Elena says.

       "Yeah. Hey." Dean holds up a needle that's attached to one of the empty blood bags. "You think you could pick a lock with this?"

       Sam takes the needle. "But, Dean... We gave up all our Vamptonite." He says.

       "Did we?" Dean takes a syringe out of his boot.

       "Do you want the boys? Yes? You're welcome to them. I'll have them sent out." The Alpha says to Edgar.

       "How kind of you." Edgar says.

       "Oh, Edgar... You do know why Sam and Dean are here, don't you? They insist that you're exterminating us, and I thought, well, that's... impossible. Must be a mistake."

        "You're right. Of course." Says Edgar.

       Meanwhile, Dean, Elena and Sam are coming down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, a Vampire grabs Sam from behind. Dean plunges the syringe into the its neck. The Vampire screams and his flesh starts to burn. He falls to the ground and dies.

      "Wow." Dean says.

       "Vamptonite." Says Sam.

        "Friggin' vamptonite." Dean says. "All right, we need knives. There's got to be a prep room or a kitchen somewhere. Come on."

       "Here's what I don't understand, Edgar. You are aware that your little additive has side effects, yes?" The Alpha asks.

       "Dick warned you there might be kinks." Edge says.

       "Yes. He also said he'd be in touch. My children are in a panic. You don't call, you don't write, you don't send cookies. Where exactly on the list is fixing our plague?"

       "My dear friend... nowhere. We want you to burn like the little roaches you are." Edgar puts a hand on the Alpha shoulder.

       The Alpha Vampire pushes him backwards. "Roman said if I kept quiet, I would get my reward." He says.

       "And now you get to lay down and die. Nothing personal. Our additive kills the wolves, too... the shifters, and those disgusting little things that eat corpses." Edgar says. "Anything with a taste for human. Except us. Mankind's a limited resource, after all."

        The Alpha advances on Edgar. "There are seven billion...of them." He says

       "Only seven." Edgar pushes the Alpha so that he falls against the table. Emily screams.

       The Alpha stands up. "We come from you." He says.

       "Barely." Edgar says.

       "I am the son of Eve!"

        "A pathetic mutt. Hardly one of us. I knew Eve, and honestly... your mommy was a whore." Says Edgar.

        The Alpha Vampire's teeth transform and he lunges at Edgar, pushing him into the wall. He grabs the chilling bucket from the table and tosses the contents at Edgar. Edgar's skin starts to sizzle and burn, but he straightens up and punches the Alpha.

        "Don't squirm. I need every last drop." Edgar's face transforms as Dean advances on him from behind. Edgar turns to face Dean, his face returning to normal. He catches Dean's arm, knocking the machete Dean was holding to the ground. Edgar grabs Dean's lapels. Sam cuts off Edgar's head from behind.

       "Grab a glass. We're juicing this freak." Dean says.

        "No!" Emily says.

        "Stay back!" Elena yells.

        The Alpha sends Dean flying over the table. "Leave her alone. She's been through quite enough." He says.

       "Now, that's rich... coming from the guy who took her off the swing-set." Sam says.

       "Do you want to do this fight? Or do you want my blood?" The Alpha sits down at the head of the table and slices his wrist with one of his long fingernails. He lets his blood drip into a glass, then rises and offers the glass to Sam. "For taking care of Edgar. Now go."

       "What about the little boy?" Asks Sam.

       "Are you joking?"

       "Do we look like we're joking?" Elena asks.

       "How many other kids you got in here, you freak?" Dean asks.

        "At the moment, just him. Emily... help Allan with his coat. He's leaving with Sam and Dean." The Alpha says. "Now, take it." Sam takes the glass and he and Dean walk towards the door. "What? No "thank you"? Oh, right, right. Your flesh is crawling. All you really want to do is kill me now. You hate having to wait and come back and try again."

       "Pretty much. I wouldn't leave that head too close to that body for too long." Dean says.

       "See you next season." The Alpha says.

       "Looking forward to it."

[ ☼ ]

        Dean, Elena and Sam are walking down the hallway. "Let's never do that again. Cops thought we took that kid." Dean says.

       "Long as he gets back to his folks, I don't care what they thought." Sam says.

       "We had to jump out a freakin' window, man." Dean sees that the door to their room is ajar. He and Sam take out their guns. Dean opens the door and turns on the light. He sees the cracked mirror. "Bobby. Bobby?"

       "Dean?" Sam shows Dean the open door of the safe. "He's gone."

       "I'm getting trace bits of EMF, but it's fading fast. And Bobby's probably been gone three or four hours. He's got the flask, Dean. How the hell are we supposed to track him?" Sam asks.

       "Look, I hate to say this..." Elena starts.

       "Well, then don't. He's gone." Dean laughs briefly and sighs. "How could he do this... now? I mean, we've got half the freakin' weapon, we're almost there."

      "It's not him. I mean, he's not thinking." Sam says.

       "So, what, we just keep going while he's out there like this?" Asks Dean.

       "Do we have any other option? I mean, it's what he'd want us to do. Right?"

       "Yeah. Yeah, him and Frank and Cas, if his marbles were in the bag. It's a good thing we got Crowley in our corner." Dean says. "Right? Seeing as how it all comes down to him. What could possibly go wrong?"

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        Dick tosses a lit match into a bowl with candles on either side. Crowley appears. "Hello..." He looks up and the large light fixture above him changes to a devil's trap. "Dick."

       "Mr. Crowley, we have so much to talk about. Take a seat."

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