Chapter 33. (NSFW)

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'Will you take care of Eri?' Aizawa asked Hizashi, after he left his room, dressed in his casual clothes. He leaned on the wall next to the staircase leading downstairs to the common room, glancing at the tall, blond man next to him.

'Oi, don't worry about it. Of course I will take care of her. Besides, you know that since she has started training, there have been no signs of her power getting out of control. Chill out, man!' he raised his voice, making Shota flinch at the sound.

'Thanks,' he responded, his voice a lot softer than his expression.

Hizashi chuckled at his behavior. The DJ placed a hand on Aizawa's shoulder and got closer to him, staring down the corridor, keeping his voice low.

'Can I advise you something?'


'Tie your hair up. She devours you with her eyes whenever you show up like that, ya know.'

'Does she?' Shota pouted and glanced at the hero beside him.

'Yeah, yeah . Trust your DJ, alright?' he whispered.

Eraser reached to his pocket, pulling out a hairband. As he brought his hands closer to his head, Present Mic shot him a disappointed look and handed him over his hair comb.

'Come on now, Eraser,' he said quietly.

Aizawa accepted the comb and thoroughly brushed his raven hair, then grasped it and nicely tied it up in a ponytail, making sure that the sides of his hair aren't pulled too tightly.

'Thank you, Yamada,' Shota said with a softer expression.

Hizashi looked at him, inspecting his face carefully.

'The girl works wonders on this guy,' he thought to himself and smiled at his friend.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow at him and returned the hair comb. Present Mic shook his head to the sides and took a step backwards, humming something under his breath. Just as both men turned their eyesight down the corridor, they spotted Mariko, dressed in a black turtle neck slightly revealing her belly and a tiny bit of her shoulders and black cargo pants with tall shoes. She walked slowly, holding her phone in her hand and then looked up, noticing the two men in front of her. She stopped mid-step and tilted her head to the side, sighing slightly at the sight of Aizawa.

Hizashi turned on his heel with a smirk, hiding his reaction from Mariko. He placed his hand on Eraser's shoulder one more time and gave him a pat, then walked away from the scene, disappearing around the corner of the hallway.

Okaido joined Shota and looked up at him with a dreamy expression. He leaned towards her and said quietly:

'Stop being so obvious.'

'Stop being so hot.' She rolled her eyes teasingly and grinned at him pouting slightly. 'So where are we going?'

'To my car.'

A few, short moments later, both of them entered the parking lot, Mariko fighting with the wind constantly blowing her hair into her face.

'Maaan, I just brushed it,' she sighed with annoyance and dashed towards the car. She heard the locks click and got inside, then leaned across the vehicle, opening the driver's door for Aizawa.

'I could get yours,' he said in a tired, slow tone and sat on his seat.

'I vote for gender equality,' she announced like a politician and felt warm and fuzzy as he grinned in an answer.

He reached to the car keys and ignited the engine of the car, turning the vehicle towards the exit of the parking lot. Mariko slid her hand on the leather seat and pushed her left leg to the side, seeking his touch as he reached to the gearbox. She looked at his profile and soon after, he realized that she is staring at him.

'There are two options,' he said finally. 'Either we go to some kind of a café, hoping that it won't be filled with people...'

'Or?' she asked, impatient.

He glanced at her and closed his eyes for a moment, smirking, as the gate leading to the street outside of the U.A. was slowly opening.

'We go to my house.'

Mariko leaned towards him, placing her cheek on his shoulder. She brushed her face on his arm.

'And then?' she asked quietly.

He adjusted the hold on the steering wheel.

'And then, we most likely talk and relax.'

'And then?' she asked again, her eyes darkening as he looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

'Tell me, what would you want then, hm?'

He grasped her chin and leaned towards her, keeping his face a breath away from hers.

'Is there anything on your mind?' He traced her bottom lip with his thumb, feeling the warm, soft flesh against his rough skin.

Mariko blushed, feeling the waves of electricity slice to her brain. She looked up with sparks in her eyes and planted a small kiss on his thumb.

'I would like to... have you .'

He raised his eyebrows, but the dark expression in his eyes did not change.

'Oh? Is that so?'

She closed her eyes and grasped his thumb in between her teeth, gently licking his fingertip. He locked his eyes on her face and heard a loud bang from the outside, knowing that the gate was already open, but he didn't care. She pushed her face closer to him and slid her teeth on the sides of his fingertip, sending shivers down his hand, wrist and arm.

'Sir,' she rolled out of her tongue, looking back at him. The look in his eyes made her heart stop and resume beating with increased speed a split second later. 'Watch the road.'

He tightened the muscles of his jaw and turned his head towards the road, his eyes shining dangerously. She observed him carefully, a worried expression slowly drawing on her face.

'Is he mad?' she was asking herself, watching his movements and behavior.

'Aizawa?' she asked some time later.


'Can I ask you something?'


'Am I imagining things, or are you slightly anxious recently?'

The moment she finished her question, his eyes snapped to her and then returned towards the road. He did not respond.

'Sorry, if I am being too nosy, I am just worried.'

She straightened in her seat and looked down at her knees, not expecting him to answer. The car engine kept purring quietly inside the vehicle and she saw flash of lights of the cars passing them by.

'I am,' he replied honestly. 'How can you tell?'

'I don't know,' she answered, shrugging. 'I can just... sense your vibe.'

'Hmm,' he purred out in a low voice, making her close her eyes at the pleasant sound. 'It's about the mission.'

'Can we talk about it?' she asked softly.

'No,' he said instantly. 'But I want to,' he admitted and turned the car to the left, then slightly sped up, heading down the road. 'We have been informed about some things, but all of the information is so narrow. That's obviously not the worst thing, heroes often face the unknown, but...'

Mariko stared at him, not interrupting his chain of thoughts.

'They require all of the students to be on the mission. All of them. They even reached out to recruit you, this is ridiculous... Just what on Earth are we going up against?' He frowned, visibly angry. 'How am I supposed to make sure that our students are prepared, if I don't know anything?' His fists tightened on the wheel and she saw the muscles in his jaw tense, his knuckles poking through skin.

She slowly reached out and placed her palm on his arm.

'You are the best teacher I know, Eraser. If there is any class who is ready to go up against God knows what, it most definitely is your class. They are like, literally best from the entire school.' She brushed his shoulder, feeling the stress slowly leave his body.

'But it's about the rest of the classes as well, and if they reached out to the U.A. then other schools-' he cut the sentence off and sighed. 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...'

'Don't apologize for that. You have all the rights to feel uneasy. I am stressed as well.'

He nodded and his left hand left the wheel, then squeezed her palm.

'Thank you.'

'At your service.'

He chuckled once and focused on driving the car. As Mariko turned her head away from his profile, she looked outside of her window and noticed that the car is slowing down.

'Is that the place?' She pointed at a small, grey house with a single garage door on the right side of the front wall.


'It's very nice,' she complimented, glancing at the tall windows and dark tiles on the roof. The house was simple, but if it landed in any style category, it would be leaning towards a modern industrial one.

Aizawa clicked the button on his key, opening the garage door, slowly sliding the car inside the house. When he turned off the engine, he unbuckled his seatbelt and walked around the car just in time to open Mariko's door.

'Thank you.' She smiled.

'Make yourself comfortable,' he said and opened the door for her, leading to a small corridor, which connected to the entrance of the house and a living room, connected with the kitchen. 'I haven't been here for some time, sorry for the mess.'

'There is no mess,' she noticed and looked around the kitchen and the living room.

There were no decorations inside. If one was to describe the indoors in the shortest way possible, the adjectives used would have to be: rough, empty and practical. Mariko ey ed the kitchen with a small island, a simple, dark-grey sink, a dishwasher, nice, tall fridge and then shifted her gaze to a simple couch with the smallest coffe table she had ever seen.

'It's so you' she chuckled and moved towards the dining area. 'Do you have a bed or a sleeping bag?' she asked.

In a few steps (full of surprising grace for someone being so absolutely tired all the time), Aizawa approached Mariko and wrapped his arm around her waist, lifting her up.

'AH!' she shouted, completely surprised, then realized she is being carried over his shoulder. 'How on Earth are you so tall?' she asked from behind his back, looking down at his heels.

'How are you so small?' he asked her back and turned somewhere, then grasped her again and threw her forward.

She bounced back up and realized she had been thrown on a bed. Before she could gather her thoughts, she felt his lips on hers, pushing her further onto the bed. She groaned, making him smirk against her lips and attacked him with equal passion, rotating her head to improve the access to his mouth. As their tongues clashed, savoring each other's taste, they both felt a shiver run down their bodies. Mariko slid her palms to his cheeks, gently cupping his handsome face. He placed his hand on her waist, then broke the kiss, looking at her with sparks in his eyes.

'May I...?' he started.

'Yes!' she responded immediately and he laughed. The sound was less deep than his regular tone, but it suited him perfectly. She looked at him, mesmerized by his genuine reaction and laughter, then pulled his mouth to her lips, kissing him aggressively.

He slid his big, warm hand to her lower back, slowly digging his fingertips under her pants, pulling out the turtle neck to reach her bare skin. She gently traced his scar under his right eye and sharply breathed in. As he pulled the rest of the fabric, he sneaked his hand on her back and connected his rough, strong palm with her soft flesh, tracing it upwards. She felt her legs go numb and she stopped kissing him, moaning into his mouth.

'I love your reactions,' he whispered against her lips and moved to her neck, teasing her with his hot breath. 'You are so responsive to the tiniest, little things,' he chuckled against her skin.

'I should take a shower,' she breathed out, knowing that if this goes any further, she will not be able to stand straight in the cabin.

'Hm?' He removed his hand from her back and hovered over her.

'I would like to take a shower before anything happens.'

'Mmm, I will take one after you, then.'

'Alright, thank you.' She nodded and dropped to the bed, collecting her thoughts.

Eraser smirked and got up from the bed.

'I will bring you some fresh towels,' he informed and crossed the room, accessing a big wardrobe with sliding door. He reached to one of the shelves and grabbed two, fresh towels. 'How many do you need?'

'Um, just one will be fine, thank you.'

He nodded and opened the door right next to the wardrobe, revealing a nice, small bathroom with a walk-in type of a shower.

'Pretty,' she commented and rolled to the side, then stood up.

'Thanks. You are free to use whatever.'

She showed him a gesture displaying her gratitude. Then, he invited her into the bathroom with a motion of his hand and disappeared in the corridor, going to the kitchen. Mariko quickly stepped inside and stripped down, then hopped inside the shower, turning the tap on. She looked through his skin care products, checking out the hair shampoo, gel and...

'A face foam? For cleaning your face daily,' she read at the label and smiled to herself, recalling Midnight's teachings.

'A man's bathroom can tell you so much, make sure to gather the knowledge whenever you can.' Kayama winked at Mariko.

She smiled to herself and put the product back on the small shelf, then grabbed a bottle of a shower gel. The second she popped the container open, the smell drove her crazy. She quickly moved on to washing her body, feeling a bit annoyed and uneasy with herself, that she haven't got a chance to shave before coming over to Shota's house. Being careful to avoid soaking her hair, she rinsed her body from the soap and stepped outside the shower, wiping herself dry.

Mariko looked down at the pile of her clothes and after a few moments, put on her underwear and pants, then grabbed her turtle neck, throwing it over her shoulder. She pressed the handle on the door and looked at Aizawa, sitting at the bed.

'Where do I put the towel?'

He eyed her up and down and got up from the bed, slowly walking to her. Sh e stared at him, watching him closing the space between them. His hand grasped her chin, making her raise her head.

'I'll take care of it,' he murmurred and brushed his lips against hers. 'Grab a drink if you want. I'll take a shower.'

'Yea, about that. I was not expecting to see a face foam?' She smirked and raised an eyebrow on him.

His smile faded away and he glanced at her from half-closed eyes.


Mariko shrugged and then placed her hands on his chest, gently sliding them to his shoulders.

'I just didn't get the vibe, but it's a very pleasant surprise.'

'It's Midnight's influence,' he admitted. 'But I like it.'

'I just thought it would take too much time for you to do something like this.'

'It doesn't,' he argued, wrapping his arms around her. 'I do that after applying the conditioner. So I don't waste time. I also brush my teeth in the shower.'

She hugged him and laughed in his chest, feeling a sudden way of joy. He let go of her and smirked just with his eyes, then turned on his heel and closed the door to take a shower. Mariko walked to the bed and sat down, feeling her heart accelerate. She grinned to herself and covered her face with her hands, then looked at a single nightstand next to the bed, where a jug of water with a few slices of lemon was standing. She leaned forward and grabbed one of the two filled glasses, taking a sip of the drink.

She glanced at her phone, checking the hour and the wallpaper with the photo of Eraser that Midnight once sent her. After a few moments she heard the shower stop and felt her heart jump up in her chest.

'Calm down,' she told herself quietly, then laid her back on the bed, still bouncing her leg on the floor.

Aizawa looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his slightly moist, tied hair and then sprayed a bit of cologne on himself. He grabbed his clothes and put on his pants, but then stopped right before grabbing the shirt. He smiled devilishly and pushed the handle on the door, seeing Mariko bounce her leg on the floor. She peeked at him from between her fingers and lifted herself up to her elbows, looking at him with a mixture of anxiety, insecurity and love. Her leg stopped.

'Where is that confidence from earlier?' he taunted her.

'It evaporated ages ago,' she admitted and laid back on the bed, staring into his eyes, as if scared to glance at his body.

He stood in front of her, then pushed his knee in between her legs, looking down at her. She froze still, feeling the goosebumps spread across her body just from the eye contact. Aizawa noticed her reaction and smirked, transferring his hand next to her head.

'Look at me, lower your hands,' he commanded her and she moved her arms away, awkwardly laying in front of him. He stared at her for a moment, then frowned. 'Is this your first time?'

She looked away, feeling uncomfortable.


'Tch,' he sighed and brought his face to her ear. 'You should have told me.'

'But I was...'


'Yea, that you might not want me,' she admitted quietly. 'I can be so awkward and, I am not...' She covered her body with her arms.

'Hmph.' He breathed out and sunk his teeth into her collarbone.

She groaned more in a surprise than in pain, looking at him right after.

'As a punishment,' he warned in a low, growling voice. 'Never hide things from me, understand?'

'Yeah,' she replied in a breathy voice.

'Good kitten,' he whispered in her ear, his breath stroking her nerves. He closed his warm, soft lips on her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine, his teeth occasionally tracing her skin and pinching it, enhancing the sensation.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him onto her. When their bodies connected, they could swear there was some weird magnetism preventing them from pulling away. It was a display of pure chemistry between the two lovers; a primal energy connecting two souls and bodies together.

'I thought I made that clear that I am interested in you. Have I not?'

'No, it's just me, my brain. You did everything good. I mean, as much as we are allowed to show each other affection,' she explained.

'Mmm,' he purred, then slid from her ear down her jaw, then to the neck. 'Your brain?'

'I just... I cannot believe that you want me.'

He sighed against her skin and bit her base of the neck. 'Stupid,' he sneered. 'You are gorgeous,' he said, then cupped her face and laid his forehead on hers. 'Relax, let me take over a bit. If you feel any discomfort, don't try to hide it, or I will make you regret some time later.'

He lifted his face from hers and grasped her hip.

'Is this like supposed to stop me?' she taunted.

He stared her down and then slightly lifted her from the bed, slapping her bottom.

'That's only gonna make me more motivated,' she chuckled, but then pushed herself from the bed to hug him tightly. 'I love you so much.'

'I love you, too.' He kissed her passionately.

Mariko wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her mouth. She tilted her head again, letting him part her lips with his tongue. She closed her eyes, giving herself into the feeling, her heart accelerating. They kissed each other, the small kisses turning into passionate ones, the hesitation fading into lust, the passion changing to hunger. He grasped her bottom lip between his teeth, sucking onto it. The pleasant sensation washed over her body, making her hands tremble, as she found his shoulders, grasping them for additional support. They pulled away from each other, locking their eyes ignited with lust. She sat on his lap, glad that his own arousal was the same as hers. She released a small moan, feeling the pressure build in her lower belly, as she instinctively pushed her hips onto him, seeking friction. He smirked and grabbed her waist, his warm, big hands travelling up her back, leaving burning marks, melting her skin. She was dizzy, unable to collect any thought, but she still leaned forward inviting him to keep kissing her. As their lips connected again, he dragged his fingertips, pushing his nails into her skin, dragging them up her spine. She folded and moaned in his mouth, making him smile.

He reached her bra, transferring his hands to her chest, playing with her skin on the edge of the fabric.

'You're killing me right now,' she breathed out, fighting back the dizziness.

He slid his warm, rough hands on her breasts, cupping them gently. He closed his eyelids and looked deeply into her eyes.

'Beautiful.' He traced his thumbs around her nipples, her skin shivering each time his rough palms marked their territory. She moaned again and felt her face heat up.

Her hands cupped his face and traced his stubble, then reached to his hair.

'Can I sniff you?' she asked and chuckled.

'Can I taste you?' he asked, his eyes becoming darker.

With a tiny sign of hesitation, she nodded, but the details didn't go unnoticed. He held her, caressing her breasts, slowly washing away all of her doubts and insecurities, as waves of electricity sliced through her body. He raised his eyebrow at her , demanding an explaination for her hesitation .

'I haven't shaved today. I did yesterday, but it's already...' she began explaining.

He groaned and lifted her up, then placed her on her back, sliding his hands to her waist, swiftly pulling down her pants along with the panties. A mischievous smile appeared on his face as he noticed her arousal. She moved her legs uneasily, her hot, wet skin then exposed to the cool air of the room. He placed his hands on her thighs, sliding them down to her knees. He kneeled beside the bed and kissed the side of her knee, caressing the soft skin behind with his fingertips . She looked down on him, locking her lustful eyes with his intense, penetrating gaze. As he moved forward, gliding his tongue on her inner thighs, climbing up, up, up, making her spread her legs in anticipation, he moved away to the other leg, continuing the same tease.

She brought a hand to her face, placing it on her hot cheek, not knowing what is happening with her. The constant waves of shivers and his electrifying touch quickly rose her to the edge, making her feel like she is at his mercy.

He continued his journey up her other thigh and then grasped her legs just below her ass, guiding her to rest her feet on his back. He leaned forward and shot her a glance, his eyes darkening with each second. She froze at the sight of the love of her life, looking at her with such intensity in his black eyes.

He then leaned forward, taking her into his mouth, slowly exploring her skin, listening carefully to her responses as he did so. Her abdomen muscles clenched at the contact, pushing her body upwards. She leaned on her elbows and placed her hand on his head, gently playing with his hair. With a bit more courage, she spread her legs, giving him as much access as he wanted to, falling back in the bed, as the first muscle spasm stopped.

He reached back to her breasts, his both hands drawing circles on her sensitive skin. As the fingertips traced her, slowly closing on her nipples, she moaned a lot louder and brought a hand to her face, trying to silence herself.

'I want to hear you,' he said, barely moving up from her skin, his breath washing over her .

She nodded and then felt him press his mouth to her sensitive spot , groaning in pleasure. Her muscles clenched again, as the man worked slowly but surely on her, swiftly bringing her to her climax.

She grasped the bedsheets on her side and focused on the tension building inside of her. Her breath became shaky, cutting off w ith each time he stroke her with his tongue. She gritted her teeth and felt her legs go numb. Just a second later, a wave of pleasure washed over her, her muscles trapping his head between her legs, as her body pulled itself upwards, driven by the spasm of now slowly fading climax.

'Fuck,' she breathed out, her eyes foggy.

Aizawa stood up, planting small kisses on her thighs, then reached to his pocket and took off his pants. He stepped from the clothes, looking down at her chest slowly raising and falling, occasionally trembling by the after-waves of the orgasm. He smiled slyly at her in the dimmed room.

'Do you want me to?' he asked, raising his hand with the condom so that she could see him.


'Mm, if you ask so nicely,' he responded and tore the package open, sliding the protection down his dick. 'It will most likely hurt.'

'So I've heard,' she responded and placed her hands on his shoulders as he crawled on top of her. 'You are so divine.'

She spread her legs further, feeling his hands guide her and hold her in place. Her hands travelled across his well defined collarbones, sharp jawline and muscular torso.

'No wonder your hero costume is so baggy. All the girls would go crazy otherwise.'

He chuckled and closed his eyes, feeling h er touch on his chest and abdomen. He purred out in pleas ure , as she stroked the sides of his stomach, close to the V-line. She looked at him curiosly and traced her nails on his skin, earning another low growl. She smirked in a sign of satisfaction, looking up into his half-closed eyes.

He pushed her to the bed and positioned himself in between her legs.


'Yes,' she said surely.

He grasped the base of his length, guiding his tip to her entrance. He shot her a quick glance and saw her look down, with a slight curiosity. She lifted her gaze at him and nodded once. Aizawa slowly pushed forward, feeling a lot of resistance. Her face turned stiff and she covered her mouth with her hand.

'I can stop if you want me to,' he said.

'No.' She shook her head immediately. 'I will take it. I just ... I want you to please yourself with me.'

He moved his head to the side, biting back a groan. Hearing her words stroke a nerve deep inside of him, that took all of his will to silenc e and regain control. He pulled away from her, then leaned forward, kissing her passionately, his hand sliding down her body, in between her legs.

' Stop me anytime you want,' he whispered softly and kissed her ear. She nodded once and flipped to her stomach, before his hand reached her sensitive spot.

He traced his tongue on his bottom teeth, smirking down at her. His hands slid to her hips and he slowly pushed her onto him, seeing her grasp the bedsheet. The resistance was much stronger than he had expected. He reached with his hand to gently stroke her again, his other hand still holding onto her waist. She gritted her teeth and shook her head to the sides. Then, she twisted her neck, just enough to look in his eyes, while he was standing up, towering behind her.

'Don't bother, I can't feel anything but the pain now,' she admitted. 'I just want to enjoy the view,' her eyes softened and she smiled slyly at him. 'Just have me however you want.'

He leaned forward, then grasped her hair, pulling her head backwards. She groaned and he pushed his hips towards her, fighting the resistance, trying to slice into her.

'I am trying my best,' he purred in a low, dangerous tone. 'To not startle you. An-'

'Too bad,' she snapped at him, her pain slowly putting her into a masochistic state. 'Because in all my fantasies, I am the one at your command, at your mercy,' she whispered in a dangerous, slightly challenging tone. He pushed himself into her, their hips slamming into each other and hissed, seeing her close her eyes for a moment of pain. 'Doing anything to please you,' she finished and looked back at him, her eyes glistening in the dimmed room.

'Fuck,' he breathed against the back of her head, reaching to her breast with his left hand, as he continued to slowly thrust his hips into her. 'You are so fucking tight.'

A weird sense of pride and satisfaction washed over her. Ignoring her own pain and discomfort, she tightened her pelvic floor, wrapping her hot, silken skin around his dick. He grunted loudly and slammed into her.

'Fuck,' he breathed out again, suddenly becoming slightly shaky. He seemed to be surprised by his own reaction and slowly leaned forward to her back, kissing the back of her neck, gently biting into it, just to lick the skin afterwards.

She felt him shiver and wanted to see his face so bad, but he was directly behind her. Instead, she focused on her little scheme and felt an insanely high satisfaction, listening to his rugged breath and small panting noises, as he kept thrusting himself in, bringing his body closer to his own climax. When he placed his forehead on her head and squeezed her breast, she could tell he was close. With just a few more, filthy slaps filling the hot air of his bedroom, he gritted his teeth and froze, his muscles clenching and relaxing a moment later.

He grabbed the base of his member, securing the condom with his fingers and slowly retracted, seeing the blood spill out of her. He grasped her legs and pulled her closer to him, then took her in his arms, carrying her to his bathroom.

'Did you like it?' she asked him softly.

'I thought that you could tell?' he responded.

She chuckled slightly and felt him slowly put her back on the floor, inside the shower. He turned on his heel, then removed the condom and wrapped it in the paper towel, then threw it in the bin. He stepped inside next to her, turned on the tap, making sure that the water is not too hot or cold and poured some over both of them. She stared at him with a dreamy expression on her face, not wanting to look away from him even for a moment.

'And you? Was I too rough?'

She shook her head to the sides, then grabbed a shower gel bottle, transferring a bit of the liquid into her palm, then putting it on his chest, carefully cleaning his body, while inspecting every part of it.

'It was better than I could've imagined.' She traced her hand on his muscular chest and well-defined abs, then leaned closer, kissing his neck.

'For a first time, you mean,' he corrected her and took some gel himself, taking care of her thighs, cleaning away the bits of fresh blood.

'I guess,' she breathed, feeling his gentle touch, sliding her hand down his body. He placed his hands above her head, closing his eyes as she gently washed his sensitive skin, feeling it become harder with each stroke. She chuckled slightly and he stared her down, his expression cold, but eyes a lot softer.

After some time, they returned back to the bed, to remove the stained bed cover and throw it into some cold water. Then, they both laid down on the bed, hugging each other, Shota drawing small circles on her lower back, sunken deep in his thoughts. She savored his touch, presence and smell, kissing his chest from time to time.

'There is something we should discuss,' he stared at her, suddenly very serious.

She smiled at him and then felt her joyful expression fade away, as he locked his eyes with hers.

'Yes?' she asked, slightly worried.

'The apprenticeship,' he responded and she rolled her eyes, laying back on his chest.

'You almost scared me to death.'

He grinned, slightly sadistically, clearly enjoying teasing her.

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