Chapter 33 // Death Inspires Me Like A Dog

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tw// pills, nasty shade, and oding


My felt my heart rise into my throat, "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT." I yelled, scaring Taz, running out of her bed and into the hallway.


Mauler of the Drums: Just, why? I trusted you. And you go and get pregnant while I'm on tour? That's low, Hayden. Really low.

I started to type faster, my fear growing, my hands trembling.

Hayden: It isn't like that, honestly.

Mauler of the Drums: Haha, it looks like that perfectly. Thanks for wasting my time.

I started to cry, unable to explain myself, and I threw my phone across the room, not caring if it cracked. I heard my mirror shatter, my phone hitting it.

I sat up, and looked at the damage. My mirror was broken, some pieces fallen onto my dresser, and on the floor.

My lip quivered, and I got back up, and grabbed my phone, getting onto Twitter. I leaned against my dresser trying not to drop my phone, from my shaking hands.


Alone, badly explained myself, pregnant. Don't expect me to be any happier.'

The tweet was liked and retweeted, some people freaking out, some others joyful, and most confused.

I read the replies, and responded to a few, needing to explain myself to the Clique, hoping Josh saw the replies.

'Wait Josh broke up with you and you're pregnant??'



'are you pregnant with his kid, or did you cheat'


maybe, maybe not. not saying right now, sorry, i'm going to wait and tell you all when I'm ready'

'how did you get pregnant omg'


look up 'how babies are made', and you'll get your answer.'

'y tho'


how about you ask the king himself.'

I finished answering most tweets, and set my phone down on the floor, not able to feel anything.

I walked over to my bathroom, and opening the medicine cabinet, and gabbing my anti-depression pills. And took about 2 or three, 2 or three more I should have been taking.

I got water from the tap, and used that to drink the pills. I looked back over at the open bottle, and took out about the remaining 10 I had left, and put them in my mouth, getting more water and drank it, downing the pills.

I took a photo of the empty bottle, and put it on Instagram with the caption, 'Can't be with who I want, made a silly mistake, 2 lives will be lost then. By the way, I didn't cheat on you. Thanks.'

The comments were going crazy, asking what was happening, and my vision started to blur, and I could feel my heart rate speed up, and my body temperature rising.

I got on Twitter quickly, against and tweeted something quicker than I have ever done.

'Mexican Clique, call Josh, or Tyler, please, what have I done'






sorry :))

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