Matthew Crawley- Influenza (c)

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You had heard of the Spanish Influenza that was taking its toll across Britain, but you had hoped no one in your household, or anyone you knew would fall ill. Sadly, that couldn't be the case. You had started to show signs of the illness when at dinner and ended up taking a turn for the worse once you had been settled into a bed in your cousin's home.

The doctor was on his way not no one thought you would make the night, having gotten to the point where you had sweat through your sheets and struggled to keep consciousness and clarity. Although you didn't have much time to come to terms with it, you had been forced to accept your mortality and the fact that you wouldn't likely see the sunrise.

Servants and family members came in and out of your room to bring you stuff or to just check that you were okay, but your twin brother Matthew remained by your side no matter what. He was warned of how infectious it was, but he hadn't shown any symptoms as of yet, so he likely wouldn't. As he stayed with you, he patted your forehead with a damp cloth, doing his best to stop himself from crying at the thought of losing you.

Ever since childhood, the two of you had been inseparable and when he joined the army, you had felt lost. You didn't know if he would be coming home at all, or if he would still be breathing when he was, but even just the distance made you feel pain. It had been thought that the two of you would find your future spouses and end up living on the same piece of land in separate homes so that you were close enough to see each other every day but now that was a long lost dream.

"You are going to be okay," he said as though he was trying to convince himself more than convince you.

"Matthew," you whispered, knowing it was now or never to tell him. "I don't think I am going to be able to fight this thing."

He didn't let you continue. "You are going to be fine."

"Please Matthew, just listen to me," you demanded.

Matthew paused to allow you to speak.

"If I don't make this, I don't want you to wallow. I know I won't be there, and it will take some getting used to but please go out and enjoy yourself. Live your life and don't use my death as an excuse. Of course, you will grieve but after I am in the ground please try to smile, try to be the happy and caring Matthew that I am proud to say is my brother. Can you please promise me that?" You smiled weakly.

"Y/N," he started but you cut him off.

"Matthew promise me this," you said slightly firmer.

He let out a sigh. "I promise."


Written by Charlotte.

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