William Mason- Dance (c)

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Every ball that your father held, or that was held and you were invited to, generally lead to a grimace being pulled onto your face, un-impressing you in every stance as conversation would inevitably end up on discussion over whom you were to marry. Your father wanted to find the best husband for you, seen as you were the youngest of his four daughters. Mary was going to marry Matthew in all likelihood to keep the estate that she wished she were to be heir to; Edith would likely marry humbly or take care of your parents as they aged and Sybil, with her revolutionary ideas and hopeful outlooks would probably have trouble to find a man that would want to wed a woman with her own mind but from the looks she gave the chauffer you were almost certain she was going to test your fathers patience to marry him. You on the other hand being the youngest, weren't expected to marry to hold the honour of the family and they didn't need to keep you to care for them, so your father simply wanted you to find someone that would treat you well with their status.

This meant you were to talk to every eligible male within the country, mainly occurring during balls and formal dinners. The only exemption to the rule is the servant's ball. The only guests were family and close friends along with those whom your father employed to help and care for you and your family.

As you would have be disowned if you were to marry a servant, no one encouraged that meaning you could enjoy the evening getting to know the people whom you saw every day but knew very little about. The dancing started with your mother dancing with Mr Carson along with your father dancing with Mrs Hughes. Usually your grandmother would dance with your fathers valet but due to his leg, it wasn't a possibility.

The first person to approach another was your cousin Matthew whom approached Miss O'Brien asking her to dance. Being a woman, and from a higher class it was unladylike to ask anyone to dance so you were to wait until someone asked you to the floor.

All three of your sisters were soon asked to dance, making you take great care in observing Sybil's smile as she danced with Mr Branson. You were happy for your sister, if anything did come from it that is; you certainly didn't want her to be stuck loving a man that she had no chance with, but you were sure that no one else in the family would feel the same if they knew of their feelings.

You stood to the side of the room until your saw your housemaid Anna, whom you would consider your friend give one of the footmen whom was near to your age in your direction.

You were pretty sure that he would have been attractive if he didn't look as though you were about to rip off his head off.

"Um... my lady... may I have this dance?" He smiled weakly.

A smile crawled onto your face as you held your hand out gently. "It would be my pleasure."

He let out a sigh, laughing slightly as he took your hand, walking by your side to take you to the centre of the dancefloor. Hesitantly he moved his other hand to rest on your waist whilst you moved yours to rest on his shoulder.

"I do apologise but I am not quite certain of your name. I hate to ever say that as you all do so much for us, but I have never had the pleasure to speak with you," you said softly.

Although you hadn't personally interacted with everyone working on the estate, seen as you spent a fair bit of your time at your grandmother's home due to her attempting to encourage you to become a more feminine and proper lady, you didn't wish to treat them as a lower being and wanted to know they were valued.

"It's fine milady," he said softly looking down at his feet focusing on his steps. "I'm William. William Mason. I'm quite new."

You smiled fondly at him.

"I gravely apologise for not knowing your name. It was a true failure on my part. It is lovely to meet you though William," you said softly.

He stepped forward slightly too far accidentally stepping on your toes. William's head snapped up, a shocked and terrified expression apparent on his face.

"I am sorry. Oh dear, I am sorry milady," he said frantically.

You smiled over the pain, knowing it wasn't his thought that it happened, you weren't much of a dancer yourself and were surprised you hadn't accidentally injured him.

"Do not worry William. It was a mistake and I am fine," you said attempting to encourage him.

He continued to look concerned and hesitated before starting to dance with you again.

"You have no reason to be nervous around me. I am not going to do anything to upset you or affect your work here, this is a night for you and your colleagues we are here to celebrate with you," you smiled.

The two of you continued to dance until the song ended and he bid you adieu.

"Have a good evening milady," he smiled softly bowing to you.

"You too William. I do hope that this isn't the last we speak," you smiled in response curtseying.

"I wish the same Lady Y/N."


Written by Charlotte.

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