Chapter 8

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"What? A Lawsuit?" I gasped. After Doctor Kai told me that Doctor Park wanted to talk to me, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to tell him that my job was done and I wanted to leave. But to my disappointment, he didn't call me for that. I looked at the lawyer in Doctor Park's office sitting on the couch while Doctor Park and I sat across from him.

"Against who? Me?" I asked, pointing at myself, still trying to process the information given to me.

"Are you the one who collected the blood sample of the drunk driver yesterday?" Doctor Park asked me

"Yes, so?" I said

"Did you know you have offended the law by injuring him without taking consent to get blood collection from him?" the lawyer said, accusing me of taking the blood sample against the drunk driver's will.

"What are you talking about? I was given consent," I said, remembering that the drunk driver wanted to give his blood sample.

"Were you?" Doctor Park asked

"Yes", I replied

"She got consent," Doctor Park said to the lawyer as he shrugged as he also seemed to acknowledge there is no problem with that.

"Do you have a consent form?" The lawyer said. What? Is he serious? In a situation where six cars crashed together and more than ten patients, he thinks the first thing I will think about is for the patient to sign a paper of consent.

"It wasn't a situation where I could fill out a form, but he gave me his consent with his own words. He kept insisting on taking a blood test instead of using the breathing machine," I explained.

"He has no recollection of giving such consent," the lawyer said. He can't be serious. Am I seriously getting sued for taking a blood sample? It's not like I amputated his arm to get a blood sample. I just poked a small needle into his arm. I'm sure the drunk driver is still alive.

"I see", I scoffed as I started to feel my blood simmer. I walked out of the office and went to the emergency room, where Doctor Kang was talking to Miss Jeon.

"Miss Jeon, was there a patient who was drunk that was brought in. like extremely drunk," I ask, and she nods.

"Why? what's wrong?" Doctor Kang asked, tilting his head, but I ignored him. I don't have time to explain.

"Where is he?" I asked

"Room twenty-five," she said. I left the emergency room and went and searched for room twenty-five by following the signs around the hospital. I found the room and opened it to see the drunk driver wearing a patient outfit with neck support in the hospital bed, playing on his phone, acting as if he wasn't the cause of more than ten people being injured and causing death.

"Excuse me, sir, we need to talk," I said, approaching him.

"Darn it, I almost lost," he said, focusing on the game on his phone.

"You said it yourself. You wanted a blood test for your blood alcohol level," I said, making the patient look up at me. "That's why I took your blood sample. What are you trying to do?"

He just looked at me with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek, and he winked at me.

The fuck? My body started to heat up as my blood boiled. He seriously doesn't understand, does he? Unless someone shows him what he did.

"Who are you?" I heard a woman's voice from the doorway, and when I looked at her, all I could see was money. a silky black tight dress with a luxurious fur coat and classic black designer bag, sunglasses with silver rhinestones and high heels. Blinding diamond jewellery on her. She held a plastic bag that probably had food for the patient. She was probably around her mid-forties.

"Mom, this Noona was the one who drew my blood," the patient said, pointing his finger at me with a pout as if he was a child when in reality, he is an adult. He can't be serious?

"Ahhhh," the Mother exclaimed, "I see it's you," she said, looking up and down at me, scanning every inch of my body, in disgusted expression on her face.

"You are the one who drew blood out of my precious son," she said

"I heard you claimed damages," I said

"You can talk to the lawyer about that," she said, raising her chin and straightening her shoulders "he has a power of attorney,"

I see, hiding behind power and money.

"Son, I brought some soup for you," she said, walking past me and towards her son. My eyes followed her as she sat on the bed and pulled out the soup.

"you asked for more meat?" the son asked.

"Of course, it's me, your mother," she said proudly. So what happens when you baby our child? Spoil them over the top.

"It's so good," the son said as he took a bite. He doesn't know the sight of a person who can't even eat because of the tubes stuck in their lungs trying to fight for their life. I felt my heartache. Why are they doing this? Don't they understand?

"Look, you two, people have died," I said, making the Mother and the son glance at me "three people on the scene and many more in the hospital. More than ten people had major and minor injuries. two people lost their legs."

"So?" the Mother simply said as she shrugged her shoulders. I felt my blood boil even more and my heartbeat even faster. I couldn't believe my ears.

"How can you still eat? Digest your food properly? play games?" I asked

"You are unbelievable. it's not like you paid for these soups," the Mother said as she got up from the bed and walked towards me. "Who are you to say anything about my son having a meal."

"His blood alcohol level was zero point two per cent, the legal alcohol level to drive is zero point zero eight per cent. what your son did, is committing suicide driving into that condition, while dragging more than ten people to their suffering that they didn't deserve," I said, trying to calm my tone down, feeling my jaw tense

"We will deal with the legal issues," the woman said. "My lawyer and the insurance company will sort it out and compensate them. My goddess. What type of person comes up to me and tries to teach me? Are you a judge or what?"

"You seriously have no feelings, do you? any guilt?" I scoffed

"A young man like my son has to drink from time to time. Do you know how stressful life can be for my son," she said, pointing at her son, who just looked away. "He can drive if he wants to."

"Did you hear me say that people died?" I said, raising my voice as I'm this close to losing it

"Aish, this hospital is awful. Let's go to another hospital," the Mother said as she walked to her son. She tried to drag him by the arm, but he resisted

"Mom! No! the police will come after me the moment I walk out," the son said. Well, to my disappointment, I don't know why I thought he would be smarter than his mom. but no. we have dumb and her offspring, dumber. "Our lawyer said that we should stay here for a while."

"This isn't the only hospital around. You eat up. I will take care of this," the Mother said to her son as she walked out with her phone. "Oh, Lawyer Hong, it's me. Some weird worker came trying to boss me around."

She walked out of the room. She can't be serious. This seriously can't be happening. They are trying to hide behind the law, thinking their money will make them immortal where no one can touch them. Don't they realise what damage they caused?

"Have you eaten?" the son asked me as he chuckled and continued to eat. I was about to go off at him when I heard my phone ring. I looked, and it was Miss Jeon.

"Yes, Miss Jeon," I said as I picked it up.

"You are requested in the emergency room," she said

"Yes, I will be right there," I said, left the room, and walked towards the emergency room. I entered the emergency room, and Miss Jeon directed me to bed nine, where a small child was lying there unconsciously. The wife and the husband were near the bed, looking worried about their child.

The husband kept pacing around and running his fingers through his hair constantly and kept on taking deep breaths. While on the other hand, the wife's hand was shaking and extremely quiet as a few tears dropped down her cheek

"What happened?" I asked the nurse

"he caught a cold and has a high fever. He also vomited," the nurse explained. "The wife fed him a spoonful of medicine whenever he said he was in pain. without checking the time."

"Let's run an ABGA test and put him on the admission panel, including electro," I said, examining the child. {ABGA stands for Arterial Blood Gas Test, which measures oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in your blood}

"Excuse me, miss. What will happen to my son?" the husband asked. I glanced at him and noticed how irritated he was

"when it comes to cold medication that contains ibuprofen, it may be fatal for a child if you don't stick to the prescribed dosage", I explained.

"What?" the husband gasped.

"and because of the high fever, his organs aren't functioning properly. Because of the medicine, his liver and kidney may not be functioning properly. so there is a high chance of internal bleeding inside of his stomach," I said

"So, you are saying that this stupid woman tried to kill my son," the husband said, pointing his finger at the wife as his face started to flush.

"Sir, your son, isn't dead," I said

"Oh gosh," the husband said, approaching the wife, and my stomach dropped, "you ignorant idiot."

He went and grabbed the wife by her hair and started to pull it. Alarmingly the wife was quiet. But she tried to get his hand off her hair.

"Sir, calm down," I said and rushed towards them, trying to separate him away from the wife.

"You witch, you can't even look after our son," he yelled, refusing to let her go.

"Let her go," I said

"How can you do that? you call yourself a wife?" the husband said, still having a grip on her "you idiot."

"Let her go," I yelled as I felt a sharp pain on my face, making me fall backwards. the side of my face felt like it was on fire. I glanced over and saw the husband outraging on the wife. Suddenly, a figure came in and grabbed a tight hold of the husband's neck before taking the hand, holding the wife's hair and twisting, causing the husband to scream in pain. Thankfully, the husband let go of the wife, and the figure dragged him away.

It was Doctor Kang

Doctor Kang's face was red as he was clenching his jaw tightly as there was a hint of his veins popping out on his neck.

"Mister Koo", I heard a voice call out, which was Miss Jeon. Suddenly, the emergency room doors opened, showing a large figure man walking in and straight to where Doctor Kang was holding the husband.

"Get him out of the ER and keep an eye on him," Doctor Kang said as Mister Koo simply picked up the husband and took him out. Mister Koo didn't even flinch when the husband tried to fight back.

"Dal Hee, are you okay?" Doctor Kang asked as he approached me. He seemed a bit calmer when he saw me as a frown pulled on his face.

"Yes," I said, massaging my face. Doctor Kang cupped my chin, making me look at him as he examined my cheek where I got hit. I couldn't help but feel heat rush to my face as I noticed how soft his skin looked, his long lashes, his large wide eyes and dark brown orbs. The sight of the bandage that I put on him reminded me of what happened back in the staff room, making my face burn much more. I pulled away, looking away from him, avoiding his gaze. I looked at the wife, who was crying, and her hair was a mess.

"Are you okay?" I asked the wife, but she looked at me crying, then suddenly she lost balance. I quickly stepped in and grabbed her before she hit the ground. Thankfully she was still conscious. I helped her stand up and led her to the waiting room. The husband was there, so I ensured she sat away from him.

"Make sure to keep an eye on them," I told Mister Koo. I was about to go back to the emergency room, but I heard someone call my name.

"Nurse Kim Dal Hee?" I turned around, and to my surprise, it was Doctor Jeong, a chief surgeon that is responsible for reporting to the main city hospital about what happens in this hospital

"Yes," I said

"May I see you?" he said before walking away. I followed him into his office and saw the drunk driver's Mother along with the lawyer in his office.

"Nurse Kim, Did you threaten a patient today?" Doctor Jeong asked

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