Chapter Two: Tests and Mizuki

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'Words' = Thoughts, 'Words' = Mind conversation, "Words" = Dragona

Poseidra's POV

It's almost time for the Graduation test to make us Genin. I'm at the top of the class in grades, a certain emo kid (also a friend from the ANBU's brother) is second (A/N: can you guess the emo?), and a pink haired fan girl is third (A/N: can you guess the pink haired fangirl?). Soon, Iruka-sensei came into the classroom to say where the test would be and who would be going first. "Poseidra Fyre, please head to the testing room." Iruka-sensei said. "Good luck, Naruto." I say as I head to the testing room.

Once inside, I saw the Hokage and Iruka-sensei. "So, why am I first? I'm not the first alphabetically." I say. "It has to do with a certain something." Iruka-sensei said. "What? That this is a mission?" I asked, noticing the somewhat shocked expression on Iruka-sensei's face and Hokage's somewhat solemn expression.

"Well, better tell him now than later." the Hokage said and sighed. "Tell me what?" Iruka-sensei asked. "Oh, nothing. Just that I'm an ANBU and my mission is to protect Naruto." I said, silently laughing at Iruka-sensei's gaping face. 'I'm also going to be watching Ita-san's brother, and protect him as well, but can't tell anyone that.' I thought with a mental sigh. "Well, you have to do a clone jutsu to graduate." Iruka-sensei said once he recovered. "I can't do it." I said quickly. "What do you mean?" Iruka-sensei asked. "I can't do a clone jutsu. Nothing ever comes. And I've been trying since I was five." I said, looking away.

"But, she can do a different jutsu." the Hokage said and I could tell he was smirking from the sound of his voice. "You told me not to do that in front of teachers." I said, looking at him. "What do you mean?" Iruka-sensei asked. I sighed. "A jutsu from the Scroll of Seals. I've actually learned all of the jutsu's in it." I explained. Iruka-sensei's mouth was gaping again and the Hokage was chuckling.

"So, will Iruka-sensei be the only exception until I meet my squad leader?" I asked. "Yes." the Hokage said. "Okay then. Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I say and made the hand sign. Soon, there were about ten more me's. "So, do I pass?" I asked, bored. "Yes. Please come and take a forehead protector." Hokage said as I dismissed my shadow clones. "Just how many can you make?" Iruka-sensei asked after regaining his composure. "Hmmm. Depends. Maybe a thousand. Maybe more." I said simply and looked at his shocked face and started to laugh. "Oh my! That face! Priceless!" I laugh and hold my sides.

"Quiet down. I'm trying to sleep." Dragona said angrily. 'When are you not trying to sleep?' I asked. I didn't get a response. "-dra. -seidra. Poseidra!" Iruka-sensei said, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Hm?" I asked, wiping away stray tears. "You weren't responding and looked dazed. What happened?" Iruka-sensei asked. "Nothing." I said, masking my emotions. "That's a touchy subject for her, Iruka. Go and get the next student." Hokage said, changing topics. I mouthed a 'thank you' to him and left after grabbing a forehead protector.

I then headed to the tree with the swing to wait for Naruto.

Timeskip to Naruto

Poseidra's POV

I waited for a couple minutes, more like half an hour I think? I don't know, but everyone came out with a forehead protector. Everyone execpt Naruto. I saw him come over to the swing and sit down, looking at the ground. I saw everyone else with their parents, the parents congratulating them on becoming Genin. I just glared at them, they have no idea what it feels like to be alone. I saw them shiver and then recover. 'Weak.' I thought with disdain. "You got that right." Dragona said. 'Oh my. I didn't know that you were up.' I said. I didn't get a reply.

I then sensed someone coming towards Naruto, but stopped. 'Mizuki.' I thought with a mental growl. "Naruto." I said, breaking him out of his stupor. "Meet me at my place later." I said and walked away, only to flicker back to the Hokage. I saw that he was alone. "Yo, grandpa." I say and he looks at me. "What is it, Poseidra?" he asked. "Mizuki." I said, growling a bit. "So, he is going to try something." the Hokage said, deep in thought. "I don't know what he's planning on doing with Naruto, but it can't be good." I said. "Change into your ANBU outfit and keep an eye on Naruto." the Hokage ordered. "Hai." I say and flicker home.

I didn't sense anyone home, so Naruto isn't here. Good. I went to my room and change into my ANBU outfit, and putting my hair into a long ponytail instead of the ten 'tails' at the end. "Time to go." I said, putting my mask on.

Third Person POV

Naruto was out in a forest, studying a scroll. A female ANBU was silently watching him, keeping an eye out for anyone else as well. "Ugh! I don't get it!" Naruto shouted, making some birds fly away. "But Mizuki-sensei said that I could graduate by learning one of the techniques on this scroll." he mumbled, which the ANBU could clearly hear. 'So that's his plan.' she thought while looking at the scene.

Soon after, Naruto started to practice a jutsu, and from the looks of it, Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. The ANBU was watching him, an amused look on her face under her mask. A while after he started to pant because of how much he practiced. 'Amazing. I knew that he had lots of Chakra, but I didn't think that it could be as much as mine!' the ANBU thought in shock.

Poseidra's POV

I heard a rustling in the bushes from my position in a tree. I looked and saw Iruka-sensei over Naruto, looking po-ed (A/N: Pissed Off). "It's all over. Hehehe" Iruka-sensei said as he stood over Naruto. 'That was fast. I bet Mizuki told him, and almost everyone else.' I thought with a silent sigh. I saw Naruto laugh and just scratch the back of his head sheepishly. Iruka-sensei seemed surprised. I silently flickered over to a branch above them so that I could hear and see them better.

I saw Naruto stand up, still scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Caught me already, not bad. You're quick sensei. I only had time to learn one technique." Naruto said. I saw Iruka-sensei's look of shock. 'Of course. He's been out here practicing for a couple hours. But it may be a surprise to Iruka-sensei because of how long it's been.' I thought with a sigh.

"Listen Iruka-sensei! I'm gonna show you this amazing jutsu and you're going to let me graduate then everything'll be ok." Naruto said with enthusiasm. 'So that's what he planned.' I thought with a scowl. "That's the way it works, right. Anyone who learns a jutsu from this scroll passes." Naruto said. Iruka-sensei looked shock. 'Damn you Mizuki! Lying to a kid!' I thought with a growl, and softly, yet firmly hitting the tree I'm on. I look back down at them.

"Huh?! Where'd you get that idea?" Iruka-sensei asked. "Mizuki-sensei told me about it, believe it! He told me where to find this scroll, and this place." Naruto said, quieting down seeing Iruka-sensei's face. He looked like he was in disbelief. 'Believe it you idiot.' I thought with anger.

Soon after, tons of Kunai started aiming towards Naruto. "Look out!" Iruka-sensei shouted as he pushed Naruto away. I saw Naruto grab the gift I gave him when we were little. 'That's my cue.' I thought as I flickered down there, hiding in the shadows and catching Naruto. "Shh." I say and put a hand over his mouth. He started to struggle but I held on. "I'm a friend. I won't hurt you." I say, trying to calm him. He stopped and looked at me. "Watch." I commanded and he looked over at Mizuki in a branch and Iruka-sensei getting the last Kunai off him.

"Run Naruto! Don't give Mizuki the scroll!" Iruka-sensei yelled, I went back into the shadows to watch and let Naruto go back into the light. "Mizuki used you to get the scroll for himself, for his own power." Iruka-sensei said, breathing heavily from the blood loss in his right leg. Naruto was confused from this. "Naruto. Iruka's just trying to scare you cause he doesn't want you to have the scroll." Mizuki said calmly. 'Stupid idiot!' I thought, enraged. "For the first time in a while, I agree." Dragona said, growling. 'As much as I want to rip his head off with you for agreeing, I can't because then I might be stripped of my ANBU status.' I thought sadly. "Next time you go on a mission where you can kill, do it." Dragona said then went silent. 'Deal.' I said as I focused back on the scene before me.

"Stop lying Mizuki! Don't let him trick you Naruto!" Iruka-sensei said. "Hahaha. Oh, I'll tell you who's really lying." Mizuki said. "No Mizuki!" Iruka-sensei yelled, Naruto looking confused. 'Don't tell him, b*stard.' I thought and growled, clentching my fists in anger. "They've been lying to you your whole life, Naruto. Since the decree 12 years ago." Mizuki said. "What decree?" Naruto asked, confused about what's going on. "Everyone knows except you. Iruka's trying to hide it from you even now. He'd do anything to shut me up." Mizuki said with venom.

"What is this decree? Why does everybody else know about it?" Naruto asked. "Don't tell him. it's forbidden!" Iruka-sensei shouts. 'You are sooooo dead after this, Mizuki' I thought with a scowl. "The decree is no one can tell that the Nine-Tailed fox is inside you!" Mizuki said, a crazy look in his eyes. Naruto's eyes widened in shock. "The fox spirit that killed Iruka's parents and destroyed our village has taken over your body. You are the Nine-Tailed fox!" Mizuki said.

"Stop it!" Iruka-sensei shouted, ripping his jacket. "They've all been sneaking around, hiding things from you your whole life. Didn't you think it was strange how they treated you? Like dirt. Like they hated you for just being alive!" Mizuki said. I grew angry at him, and then I looked at Naruto and saw that he was starting to cry. 'Sh*t. F*ck you Mizuki.' I thought, holding back my anger.

"No. Nonononononono" Naruto said in rage and confusion. His chakra started to concentrate and become visible around him. 'No. Kurama can't wake up and try to take over.' I thought. "Naruto." Iruka-sensei said in sadness. "That's why you'll never be accepted in this village. Even your beloved sensei hates your guts." Mizuki said, adding more oil to the fire. I saw Iruka groan as his leg wound started to hurt again. 'It's going to get infected soon.' I observed. It looked like he was remembering something, something that I'm betting Grandpa told him.

"Die, Naruto." Mizuki said as he threw one of his giant shuriken. I was so tempted to go out there and stop the shuriken, but I held myself back, knowing that I was here to observe Mizuki. I growled to myself, knowing that something is going to get destroyed later as I vent my anger. I saw Iruka-sensei go over Naruto and shield him, his back taking the blow from the shuriken. 'That has to hurt like h*ll.' I thought with a silent cringe.

"W-why?" Naruto asked, clearly confused. "B-because we're the same." Iruka-sensei said. 'That's right. In his file it said that after his parents died, no one would notice him. He became the class clown and did pranks to get someone, anyone, to notice him. Be it good attention or bad attention.' I thought sadly, noticing that Iruka-sensei was telling Naruto about it.

"I know that's how you feel, Naruto. You feel lonely and it hurts inside." Iruka-sensei said while crying. 'Not just him' I thought sadly, clenching my fists. "And I could've been there for you more. I let you down. I'm sorry. No one should have to suffer that much. No one should be alone like that." Iruka-sensei said, crying and sniffling. I just stayed silent, clenching and unclenching my fists in rage and sorrow. "Calm down little one. They don't know." Dragona said, trying to calm me down. 'Yeah. No one knows. Except grandpa.' I said to her, looking back at the scene in front of me.

"Don't make me laugh! Iruka's always hated you. He was orphaned because the Nine-Tailed fox killed his parents. And that beast is now inside you. He'd say anything to get that scroll from you." Mizuki said, and I noticed that Naruto was moving his head down, trying to digest what he's just learned. 'Mizuki, you b*stard!' I thought in rage, grabbing a kunai but was stopped. "Not yet, little one." Dragona stated. 'Thanks. I was seriously about to pull that out and kill him.' I said to Dragona, thankful she stopped me.

I then saw Naruto get up and run away, probably getting far away from Mizuki and Iruka-sensei. If I were in his shoes I would also. I then followed him, making sure that neither of them found Naruto before me. Soon, there was a clearing and I saw Naruto behind a tree, catching his breath. I went to the lowest branch, which was still pretty high, and watched, waiting for something to happen.

I then sensed Iruka-sensei's chakra and Mizuki's chakra, both transformed into something. 'Mizuki is Iruka-sensei and Iruka-sensei is Naruto. So foolish and stupid yet Mizuki is falling for it.' I silently laugh at that. They came crashing into the clearing. "How did you know, Naruto? How did you know that I'm not Iruka?" Mizuki asked, coming out of his transformation. "Hehehe. That's because I'm Iruka." Iruka-sensei said, undoing his transformation. 'His wounds must be bothering him if he is sitting against a tree.' I thought, worry coming to my mind for Iruka-sensei.

"Why are you protecting that freak?!" Mizuki asks. 'You're the only freak here dumb*ss.' I thought with disdain. "That's true." Dragona said, and I swear she rolled her eyes. I snickered a bit. "He's the one that wiped out your family." Mizuki stated. I looked down and saw that Naruto was gripping the scroll harder. "I don't care what you say. You're not getting your hands on that scroll." Iruka-sensei says. I hear Naruto moving, probably looking down and tightening his hold on the scroll. "As if you can stop me. Don't you get it. Naruto's just like me." Mizuki says, cockiness in his voice. 'Cocky b*stard.' I thought. "That little sh*t should die." Dragona said, growling a bit. 'Couldn't agree with you more.' I said to her, smirking mentally.

"How's that?" Iruka-sensei asked, keeping a poker face up. I looked down and saw that Naruto was getting angry. "He wants the scroll for his own power and own vengeance. That's how beasts are." Mizuki said. 'You're the only beast here.' I thought with rage. "He'll pour all his rage into the scroll and destroy everything." Mizuki said, spreading his arms as if challenging Iruka-sensei to say anything else. "You're right." Iruka-sensei said. 'Sly, Iruka-sensei.' I thought with a smirk as I heard Naruto gasp underneath me. I then looked down to see him curl around the scroll a bit. 'Probably thoughts of betrayal from his sensei. But that isn't true.' I thought, feeling sympathy for Naruto.

I looked back over at the two adults. 'Next time I get a mission to kill, you can do it, alright?' I asked Dragona, knowing that she wanted to tear something to shreds. "Thank you, little one. I'll make sure to make it painful." Dragona said, probably smirking. 'Let me put the people into a genjutsu, that way they won't run. And when they come back to reality, their bodies will be so broken that they'll die from trauma.' I say to her sadistically, a sadistic smirk one my face under my mask. I think that she shuddered. "You have been spending to much time with certain people." she said and went silent. 'Yeah. Who knew that spending a couple minutes with Kura-chan would twist me like that.' I say, sweat-dropping a little. "'Kura-chan?'" Dragona asked. 'A certain fox. He is so easy to mess with.' I told her and focused back on reality.

Third Person POV

"That is how beasts are." Iruka said to Mizuki. Naruto's eyes widened and the female ANBU looked intrigued, not that you could see anything from her mask. "But that's not who Naruto is. He's nothing like that. Naruto's one of a kind. He works hard. He puts his whole heart into it." Iruka says. Naruto is shocked, hearing such kind words from his sensei. "Sure he messes up sometimes and everyone jumps on him. But his suffering only makes him stronger. That's what separates him from being a beast." Iruka says. Naruto hides his face, trying to hold back his emotions. The female ANBU smirks under her mask. 'Nice one, Iruka-sensei.' she thought with approval. "So you're wrong, he's nothing like the Nine-Tailed fox. He's Naruto Uzumaki of the Leaves." Iruka says while Naruto is crying tears of joy.

"You really believe that dribble?" Mizuki asks as he grabs his other shuriken. "Iruka. I was going to save you for later but I changed my mind." Mizuki said as he started to spin his shuriken. 'Only going to die quicker.' the female ANBU thinks as she sees Naruto get up from his position on the ground. "You're finished!" Mizuki shouts as he heads for Iruka. 'So this is it.' Iruka thinks as he closes his eyes. 'You aren't dead yet.' the female ANBU thought with a sweatdrop.

Poseidra's POV

I watched as Naruto came and kneed Mizuki away from Iruka-sensei. The shuriken flew away and cut some nearby branches. 'So close, but not close enough.' I thought with a mental sweat-drop. Naruto and Mizuki stood up, Naruto having one hand on the scroll. "Not bad, for a little punk." Mizuki said, wiping under his chin. 'Arrogant b*stard!' I thought with a rage. "If you ever lay a hand on my sensei, I'll kill you!" Naruto said, leaking a small killing intent. 'It's weak, but it's there. You can sense it too, right?' I asked Dragona. "Yes. And it isn't Kurama's. His is way stronger, even if he's sluggish." Dragona said.

I then proceded to watch as Naruto beat up Mizuki with his new technique, the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. I didn't cringe at all as Mizuki got beaten up. Once he was beaten up, I then watched as Naruto said he might have gone overboard. Then Iruka gave Naruto his forehead protector, signifying he passed and is now a Genin. 'Congrats, Naruto.' I thought with a soft smile.

I then jump down and make my prescence known to them. "I'll be taking Mizuki now, so the Hokage can determine his punishment." I say as I make a couple Shadow Clones. I have the shadowclones pick up Mizuki, while I go over to Iruka-sensei. "Let me see your wounds." I say, more like command. He complies and I start to heal his leg and other spots on his front. I then have him turn over so that I can heal his back. Once that's finished, I ask him something. "Feeling better?" I ask, startling the two. "I'm better and thanks. But how long have you been here?" Iruka-sensei asked. "Since Naruto first got into the woods." I state plainly. Their jaws drop. I silently giggle at this. "Anyway, see you whenever. Bye!" I say as I give a lazy one-handed salute and flicker to the Hokage's office.

"Hello. I brought Mizuki." I say to the Hokage. I notice some ANBU's are also there. I flow some Chakra to my ears to enhance my already sensetive hearing to listen to what they are saying. "Who's that?" someone asks. "That's Dragon, one of the youngest ANBU members. And she's a captain." someone else said.

"Where's her partner, Wyvern?" I heard another person ask. "Currently resting." Dragona said to me. 'Come on now. They don't know you like I do. And they don't know that you're a tailed beast.' I told her trying to calm her down. "Wish that we could tell them." she growled. 'Do you want to make my life and job harder?' I asked, mentally sweat-dropping. I didn't get a response. "Hokage, could you have everyone else step out please? I want this to be a private chat between us." I said, hearing a collective gasp from around the room. "Yes. But let them take Mizuki." he said. "Sure." I say, having my Shadow Clones hand Mizuki over then disappear.

Once I sense that everyone is out, I place some sound proof seals around the room. "That mission was too easy." I say, taking my mask off. "Can you also undo that Genjutsu you use to hide your age?" grandpa asks. "Hai." I say lazily. (A/N: In her genjutsu, she is two years older. So she is twelve now, her genjutsu makes her fourteen. Sorry that I didn't say this earlier.)

"How did it go?" grandpa asked. "You saw it, didn't you?" I asked, looking at the ball on his desk. "They'll be back soon. Anyway, I need to get home and prepare to meet my squad captain in two days. And let me guess, it's going to be the Fang's son, Wolf a.k.a Kaka-baka." I asked, putting my mask back on. "It is, and what about the sound-proof seals you used to make the barrier?" grandpa asked. "Don't worry. I put a seal on them once something is over to burn away. It only burns the seal, nothing else." I say as I snap my fingers and the seals burn up. "Anyway, bye!" I say and flicker home.

Once home, I change back into my clothes and go make some food. I heard a knock on my door and go to open it. I made sure the stove was off. I opened the door and found Naruto. "Yo, Naruto. Nice to see you. I'm making some breakfast. Want some?" I asked, leading him to the kitchen. "Yes. And I have something to tell you." He said as he sat down. "Hm? And what's that?" I asked, turning the stove back on. "I got to graduate, and I saw an ANBU!" he said happily. "Oh? That's awesome." I said, focusing on cooking. "I didn't get to see her face, but she seemed nice." Naruto said. "She?" I asked. 'Stupid question.' I scold myself, mentally face-palming. "That was extremely stupid." Dragona said.

I finished cooking and brought the food over, omelettes and bacon. "Time to eat!" Naruto and I say at the same time, and then start eating. Once we finished, I took the plates over to the sink and began washing them, and Naruto left, probably heading to his place. 'Now then, how should I greet Kaka-baka without revealing my identity as his former captain?' I wondered as I cleaned some of my weapons and made some seals.

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