Chapter Five

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" Natsu!" Guildarts chuckled, coming from another long job.
" Guildarts is back! "Lisanna cheered.
" You know... I heard a lot about us on the road. "he laughed." Stories of team Fairy Tail destroying everything in there sight! "
" And making their master work with all the complaints villagers send. "Makarov groaned.
" That's our strongest guild for ya. "Wakaba chuckled, raising his drink as if cheering.
They all then stopped and looked down, almost as if in a trance.

" Aren't we... Forgetting someone? "Mira asked.
" We are... "Cana said.

Some of them wondered aimlessly around the guild, others slowly looked around.
Natsu suddenly perked up.

" Lucy! "he cheered with a grin." We're forgetting Lucy! "
" Lucy? She hasn't come to the guild at all today. "Erza said.
" She still needs to show me that book me and her were talking about. Remember her 'party trick'. "Levy skipped to Mira.
" That was awesome! "Romeo cheered.
" Juvia is a bit worried though, after Lucy didn't look so good. "Juvia said.
" I'm sure she's fine, this is Lucy. "Gray said, patting Juvia's shoulder.
" Juvia's shoulder has never felt such care until Gray-sama came and put his gentle hand on Juvia's shoulder! Ah! "Juvia squealed with hearts on in her eyes. Gray backed away from her slowly from her 'moment'.

" We should go see her. "Happy suggested.
" We can't all go. Her apartments to small. "Wendy said.
" I'm sure he didn't mean literally the whole guild. "Carla said. Wendy nodded then smiled at her exceed brightly.

But before they could decide on whose going, Natsu and Happy were already gone. They hopped on Lucy's windowsill and climbed in.
" Hey Lucy! "Natsu yelled.
" Lucy! "Happy called as well.

The door swung open to the old landlady.
" Whose in this room? "she asked looking around.
" Hey, where's Lucy? "Natsu asked looking around.
The Landlady stared at him then pushed up her glasses.
" Lucy Heartfillia has not come back in five years. "she said plainly.
" What? That can't be right. "Natsu nervously smiled.
" A-aye... "Happy agreed.
" Does it look like I'm joking? Lucy has not paid her rent in five years and she would've. She always did. "

She was right. Lucy had always paid, she loved her 'cute' apartment.
She liked being close but not too close to the guild, and she liked the not to humongous space as she did in her mansion when she was younger.
She loved it here she had always made sure to pay.
And if she had not come back in five years...
Then what about knowing she was gone today...
And remembering that party like it was just last night...
If she had not come in five years...
Then what have they been doing without her? Without realizing she was gone... That she wasn't there...
She must've... Or they wouldn't remember...
She must have been there...
But then where was she?

Those were the exact thoughts of the guild as Natsu and Happy had told what had happened at her apartment.

" He's right... Lucy would always remember to pay around when rent was due. "Erza said.
" But for five years? That's not like her... "Lisanna said.
" Aye, she would always go on a job once her rent was soon. "Happy said.
" But, five years? It couldn't have been that long! "Wendy protested.
" Her apartment was extremely dusty and was obviously not maintained in a few years. "Natsu said." But... I remember putting her down in bed after she fell from exhaustion... Last... Night... "
" It wasn't last night... Last night... Lucy wasn't here last night for the party of droy loosing five pounds. "Mira said.
" Way to put it lightly. "Droy sighed, eating a turkey leg.

" Five years... She could be anywhere! "Levy yelled." Oh, Lu... What have we done? Five Years and just now we remember her? What does that make us?- "
Gajeel gave Levy a paper bag to hyperventilate in.

" No, she's not the type to go that far from her home. But we need search groups. "Makarov said.


" Oh! She's back! "a leaping furry white serpent thing cheered.
" Calm yourself, Gretta. "a girl with golden hair, the splitting image of Lucy Heartfillia said in a sweet voice.

" Mother! "a girl ran in, hugging the women. The girl looked younger than the other one, they could be twins.
" My, Lucy it's been a year. "she said.
" I know! And guess what! I've got a new marking! "Lucy jumped, the Gretta serpent thing circling around her.
" Show us! "it said, climbing onto Layla's shoulder.
Lucy turned around, showing her back. There was burned in dragon wings on each shoulder blade.
" Oh my... You've learned that spell. "Layla grinned.
Lucy smiled.

She wore what she had, had on when she was left in the snow, but her shirt instead of a dark turquoise was now more of a blue color and no middle strip wrapping on the waist on the back anymore. And her hair was a bit longer and still in its high up ponytail and faded to a white color. Still some strands to form her delicate face.

" Now Lucy... I have an errand but you'll have to go to Fairy Tail for this one. "Layla looked Lucy calming in the eyes.
" Alright! "Lucy nodded. She knew what going back there meant.
" You can choose to stay there in your guild, but I can't guarantee it from leaving you. The moment you had cast a spell of the Constellations of the Dragon... It was laid upon you. "Layla sighed." I wish this magic never existed... The curse will bring misfortune to you... You know what will happen to you if you use to much of it my child. "
Lucy nodded.
" You told me... What would happen... "she said." I promise... It won't happen! "
" Go my child... "

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