17° Rough Transition

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Published: 03/05/2019

Summary: While visiting Wingmaiden Island, a baby Razorwhip bonds with Astrid. After receiving Tuff's help, they both work together to train Wingnut safely and correctly. But, with Hiccup getting jealous. Astrid makes the hard decision of sending Hiccup and everyone else back to the edge. Hoping to pass the last test with no problem.


Third POV

"For generations, the Wingmaidens and the Razorwhips have lived in perfect harmony. Tonight that tradition continues. Each baby Razorwhip will choose its Wingmaiden. That is the first step in our sacred bond. This is the way it has always been, and this is the way it will always be." Atali spoke, as she lights and passes along the fire to the other Wingmaidens.

Seconds later the baby Razorwhips appear and began to play with each there.

"Look, Hiccup." Fishlegs said with happiness. "It's like a little Razorwhip family."

Seeing the baby dragons play, both Hiccup and Astrid held hands and continue to see them play together. One by one the baby Razorwhips had bonded with a WingMaiden all except Atali. The Razorwhip that was meant to go with her seemed to be lost. And didn't do the same as the others.

"Make your mind already!" Ruff protested, as she crossed her arms.

"Calm down Ruff," Astrid said, walking up to her and placing her hand on Ruffnut's shoulder. "Give the baby Razorwhip the time it needs to bong."

Atali smiled at Astrid's patience, she then notice the Razorwhip running to the same direction as Astrid and Ruffnut.

"Wait. Why is it coming at me?" she questioned, backing away.

When Astrid finally notice the Razorwhip running, it was too late. He jumped straight to her arms. "What?"

"Look Tuff, we have a new member in the group!" Tuff said happily. He walked up to Astrid and the Razorwhip. "We should name you, Wingnut!"

"Wingnut?" asked Astrid looking at him puzzled.

"That's odd." said Atali walking up to Astrid. "It bonded to you and not Ruffnut or me."

"Was the dragon suppose to bond with me?" Ruff asked, in disgust as the dragon jumped from Astrid's arms to her helmet and back to Astrid. "Watch the braids!" she protested

"I'm not saying it should have, but it looked like it wanted to go with her." Atali explained, nuzzling the Razorwhip. "Here, let me take him."

"Ha! And you guys thought I was gonna mess things up." Snotlout mocked, with his arms crossed looking straight at Hiccup. With full annoyance and anger at him, they both looked straight at Snotlout like if they were to kill him. "Just saying."

"Sorry Atali I don't know what happened." Astrid apologized

"It's alright. He must have gotten disoriented from all the extra people. Now he's right where he belongs." she said, the Razorwhip didn't seem to like it and tried going back to Astrid's arms.

"Common Astrid." Hiccup grabbed Astrid's arm as they walked out of the cave. "You seem distracted a lot."

"I'm fine Hiccup, I feel that what happened there was my fault." said Astrid hopping on Stormfly's saddle.

Hiccup was worried for Astrid he didn't like seeing his girlfriend sad. "Be careful." Astrid blushed at what he said she nodded and took off. "What do you say we go to bed bud?"



-Time Skip

After flying around the Island for a while, Astrid headed straight to Atali's house. Once she landed she nuzzled Stormfly and headed straight to the entrance since they don't have doors.

"Atali?" she asked, peeking inside

"Astrid, come in."

Walking inside Astrid was surprised by the baby Razorwhip jumping to her back. She laughed when the little growled in happiness.

"Sorry about what happened today." she apologised, as she entered and walked up to Atali. To her surprise Atali smiled at what she said. She wasn't even mad.

"Astrid, I wanted to suggest if you wanted to Train this baby Razorwhip." Atali said, her voice calm and relaxed. When the baby heard that it rored with happiness. "If you would like, your friends can stay here for the first days of training." she suggested

Astrid nodded and smiled. "I do know who has great experience with both baby dragons and humans."

"And who would that be?"



On the morning, Hiccup had started to packed up the things to get back to the edge. When Atali walked up to them, not having the Razorwhip on her back.

"Uh what happened to the baby?" Fishlegs questioned almost hopping on his Dragons saddle.

"Oh No!" tull yelled out loud, "Nobody panic!" Tuff immediately began to panic, Right when he was about to run he was stopped by Astrid.

"Relax Tuff, he's with me." She said calmly. Tuff instantly sigh in relief and walked up to them.

"Uh, not to get in the way." said Snotlout, "but, why is Astrid with the baby Razorwhip?" he asked, also walking towards Astrid and Wingnut.

Glaring at him, Astrid ignored Snotlout's question. "I'll stay here for the first days to train Wingnut." smiling she allowed Tuff to carry the baby

Hiccup was beyond lost, How was Astrid agreeing with Tuff. A million questions ran through Hiccup's mind that very moment. He stood there completely speechless. Snotlout took his chance on maybe changing Astrid's mind, he walked up and stood right next to Hiccup. "Ooh, Astrid seems like she trusts Tuff more than you on taking care of a baby." he mocked, with an evil and scary smirk.

After hearing Snotlout Hiccup could think of nothing but Astrid and Tuffnut. He looked at both of them closely.

A while later Astrid walked up to him, she had noticed the look on his face. "Hiccup, what's wrong?" she asked, getting him out of his thoughts.

"N- nothings wrong." He said nervously. He turned to look away.

"You're okay with Tuff Helping, right?"

"Off course, why wouldn't I?" he asked her, he turned to look at Astrid straight in the eyes.

"Alright." she said simply, getting ready to train Wingnut, she kissed Hiccup on the cheek and walked away.


As the day went by, Astrid had to do the first assessment; Grooming Wingnut

Learning that they need to be groomed daily to avoid diseases. Astrid's first attempt doesn't work since Wingnut knocked off the brush off her hand. Luckily Astrid wasn't going to force the baby, she looked over to Tuffnut. As he taught for a second, he got a crazy idea. "Astrid grab Wingnut!" he said, she grabbed the baby in her arms when Tuff Takes over and pushes Astrid in the water.

Tuffnut happily begins to clean Wingnut showing Astrid how it's done. "Tuff, I'm going to-!" she was cut off seeing how happy the baby was cleaning himself. She looked over to Ruffnut who was waiting for her to punch Tuff. "it worked!" she said happily

By this time Tuffnut was standing up with his arms crossed Happy to have accomplished washing the baby.

"Impressive." Atalii spoke standing in front of them, "Who, would have guessed they love the water." finishing her speech both Astrid and Tuffnut looked at each other with smiles.

What they didn't know was that certain person was watching their every move with jealousy. Snotlout was taking advantage of the situation to confuse Hiccup as much as he could.


And as the day went by Hiccup felt more and more jealous. Seeing how weird Tuff was being and Astrid going with him. When it was time to feed the baby, Tuff had told Astrid to speak with it gently, she freely fed the baby.

Know it was time for the calling, the last training that would be done on the day, Hiccup walked up to Astrid.

"So. how will you call it?"

"I'm not sure yet, I can't use the one I use for Stormfly, she could get confused." crossing her arms she turned to look at Tuffnut. "Tuff, got anything?"

"I got it!" he yelled, "Astrid this will be the best way to communicate with this nut." Placing a hand if his next to his face, Tuffnut makes a turkey call to Wingnut. The dragon then runs straight Astrid's arms.

"I am not doing that Tuff."

"You'll manage." he simply said, and started talking to Wingnut."

Atali then walked up to Astrid, happy that they were all doing things right. "In my years, I'd never heard a call like that. I'm very proud of both of you."

"Thanks Atali, it's a teams work." Astrid placed her hand on Tuffnut's shoulder. And for the first time hugged Tuffnut voluntarily. "Thank you."



Later at night, Everyone had gone to sleep. Tuffnut was making one last check on wingnut before heading out. Trying not to wake his sister he was surprised by Hiccup.

"Oh, hey H." she said simply, he was happy to have helped Wingnut. But, Hiccup's silent made his smile face away. "What's wrong?"

Narrowing his eyes at Tuffnut. Hiccup was overtaken by his jealousy. "I need you and your sister to return to the edge." he commanded, in a serious voice

"What?" Tuff asked, confused about what was going on. "Why? Astrid's training Wingnut, I can't leave until we finish this."


"Okay, okay. I know that look" he explained, "My dear Hiccup, is jealous." since Hiccup had not yet scared Tuffnut, he was beginning to lose his patience.

"I'm not! And I have no reason for you to stay here!" Hiccup had lost it, with what Snotlout had said to him and seeing how Astrid was being with Tuff. he had no idea on what he was doing. "I want you to leave first thing in the morning!"

Tuffnut's face turned with shocked and sadness. He had been having so much fun helping Astrid train Wingnut, he felt like it was his fault Hiccup was acting all strange. He looked down with shame, and for the first time actually caring for what somebody had said to him.

Hiccup was still angry he turned around to have his anger fade away. There in front of him stood Astrid and Snotlout. Astrid seemed disappointed seeing Hiccup act the way he was acting. Snotlout was quite proud of himself, he believed that his plan would work after saying all that lying to Hiccup. He watched as Astrid walked up to him.

"Hiccup please tell me you didn't just say that to Tuff."

"A- Astrid. I-"

""I" what Hiccup, you were just ordering Tuffnut to leave. What is wrong with you?" she asked, she was hoping to have another romantic flight with her boyfriend before Snotlout took her to see Hiccup yelling at Tuffnut. Know that she looked at him, she didn't even know if it was the boy she loved.

She turned to look at Snotlout, shocked to see him smirking down. She then realise what had happened. "Hiccup. I think it's better if Me and the twins are the only ones to stay here and train Wingnut." her face looked down, not wanting to say another word she ran off to the hut she was staying at.


The next morning, Hiccup had been trying to explain to Astrid what had happened. But she didn't want to listen. "Don't try to explain anything Hiccup, I.......... I just need some time alone. Maybe when I'm done with the baby we can talk about it." she explained, she new it wasn't his fault, but Hiccup believing Snotlout. Wasn't something that could easily leave her mind.

Hiccup sighed, it was his fault. He allowed jealousy and Snotlout's words to control him. "Alright, but promise me we'll talk."

"How about apologising to Tuffnut, you got him scared last night. He says he'll be leaving with you guys." Astrid explained, she still wasn't looking into her boyfriend's eyes. "I forgive you Hiccup, I just need some time alone." turning her body she gave her back towards Hiccup.

"Alright, I'll fix things with the twins, and we'll see each other after this. Deal?" he stretch his hand out.

Astrid looked over at him and smiled

"Deal." Pulling over Hiccup hand she shared a kiss with him. "Just please apologise to Tuff."

"I will." he promised hopping on Toothless's saddle and taking off.

Astrid watched as the others took off, she could tell Tuffnut was sad to leave Wingnut. As they disappeared from sight she heard Wingnut's growl. She smiled and walked up to where Atali was.


-Three Hours Later-

Halfway of getting to a nearby Island to rest, Hiccup decided to finally apologise with tuffnut. He ordered Toothless to fly next to the twins.

"Look who it is, Tuff. Our jealous leader!" Ruff mocked, still a bit agree at Hiccup's behavior.

"How you hanging?" Tufnut asked

Finally catching up to them he said what he had in mind. "Tuff I'm sorry, I allowed Snotlout to get on my mind. I shouldn't have yelled at you or anything. I just wasn't being the great leader I'm supposed to be."

The twins looked at each other smirking. "I know, that's what happens when you listen to Snotlout." he laughed

"Wait! You're not mad?" he asked puzzled at the situation.

"Off course I'm not, we all know this is Snotlout's fault."

Hiccup turned to look at Snotlout, he had his arms crossed. "It's not my fault!" he protested

"Snotlout be quiet." Fishlegs finally said, to Snotlout's frustration he just groaned and looked away.

They all laughed at his reaction.



"So, care to tell me why they left?" asked Atali, calmly.

"Let's just say I needed to have some time on my own away from Hiccup." she smiled, but her words didn't convince Atali.

Atali knew at that instant that something was wrong. She walked over next to Astrid and Wingnut. The dragon growled with happiness.

"Are you ready for the last test?"

"A bit." Astrid responded. "I know the dragon is ready I mean he did great yesterday. maybe I just need to focus more." Astrid said, nervously trying not to talk about what had happened.

Just as they were reaching the waterfall the saw many Wingmaidens running towards them. "What's wrong?" Both Astrid and Atali asked

"Dragon Flyers!" one of the Wingmaidens yelled, Astrid didn't even ask before she ran straight to see. Not far from the Island she gasped when she noticed who was with them. Krogan!

"We must hide!" A wingmaiden suggested

"No! I have an idea." she suggested. "One of you needs to ride my dragon and get help from Hiccup and the others. We have to protect the Island."

Atari nodded at Astrid's idea, "Minden, can I trust for you to tell the Riders to return?" she asked

Minden with great proud nodded, "yes, Atali."

Astrid led Minden to Stormfly, getting ready to fly. "She won't give any trouble, so don't worry. Stormfly take her to Hiccup. Fast!"

With that, Astrid watched as her dragon flew away out of sight. She begged the gods that Stormfly wasn't captured before she warned the Riders.

"Let's go."

Moments they had finally reach the cave where they had hidden before, all knowing they couldn't fight the flyers alone. A few minutes after hiding the babies began smelling something, they jumped off the Wingmaidens backs and ran towards it.

"Wait!" Astrid said, in alarm. She went straight after them like the other Wingmaidens. "they must be smelling something, and being led to a trap!"

Atali agreed with Astrid, as they kept running to find them, the Razorwhips, suddenly disappeared.

"When can they be?" a Wingmaiden questioned

Taking a look around Astrid noticed a net above Atali, not caring if she was to get hurt she pushed her friend off the way. The trap activated and a net fell in the middle of them, almost trapping them together!

"Atali go! When Hiccup gets here, I'll have the location where the babies are being kept."

Nodding they turned away to hide on the cave. Hoping for the Riders return. Astrid kept her way, following the small tracks from the dragons. As she was about to find them, she was attacked by a Singetail. It was Krogan's!

"What do we have here?" he questioned. "A lonely Wingmaide?."

Much to Astrid's frustration she remembered that she didn't have her axe with her. With full anger she wished she could ripe that smile off his face.

Soon Astrid noticed Dragon Hunters approaching towards her. The worst part was that they had weapons to fight her. One of the Hunters; Worley recognised Astrid. "Krogan, this is no Wingmaiden. She's Hiccup Haddock's girlfriend."

A smirk formed on Krogan's face after hearing the information. "Is that so," he chuckled evilly. "Get her!"

Astrid got on her fighting position. Ready to take each of them down. As Krogan watched from the air he watched Astrid take each of his men down without a weapon. Her fighting techniques sure where helping her. "Fight her together!" he commanded, after a few seconds Astrid had taken down most of the Hunters.

Krogan made his was to land, Astrid was busy fighting she didn't hear the Singetail land. Just as she was about to take down all the Hunters, he threw a pair of bolas that wrapped around her arms.

"W- what?" she asked, confused.

Just as she started to struggle, she felt someone grab her! She turned her head so see Krogan smirking.

"Krogan.... " she said, anger forming inside! "Let me go!"

"not happening, Dragon Rider." he responded, coldly. "This time Hiccup will lose something valuable to him."

With that Astrid gasped seeing all the Hunters standing up again, some with ropes in their hands! When she saw that she tried escaping the ropes wrapped on her.

"Hiccup will defeat you!" Astrid yelled in anger, still trying to escape the bonds.

"We'll see......."

With that Astrid felt her world turn black. The last thing she saw before losing conscious was the Singetails landing.



"Do you think Astrid will pass the last test?" Fishlegs asked, at this time the Riders had stopped to camp in the night.

"She sure will, we know A doesn't give up easily like Snotlout!" Ruffnut mocked.

Everyone were sitting around a irecampfire laughing and making funny jokes. Since it was nightfall, they were just getting to fall asleep when they heard a dragon land.

Hiccup was the first to stand. He believed he had heard that dragons growl before. After a few seconds he recognised Stormfly.

"Stormfly?" he asked, confused not only because she went after them but because a Minden was riding her instead of Astrid!

He quickly got on his feet and walked up to both of them.

"What's wrong?" he asked, hoping that it wasn't bad news.

"The Islands been attacked by the flyers."

"What?!" everyone asked at the same time. They looked at each other, they had not expected for an attack to happen especially in Wingmaiden Island again.

"We must hurry, or they'll find the lenses!"

Not losing a second Hiccup mounted Toothless saddle. "Let's go."


Back from the dead! Sorry it took so long to update. Again. Meanwhile that, what should I continue?

A. Lost Forever


C. Or start a new story?


Word Count: 3196


>Later Readers<
Nightmare Nora🖤🙄

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