3. Mi Amore Wing Part 3

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Hey Guys

Sorry if I didn't update for a long time. Last, Last week was spring break and I wasn't able to use my computer, worst of all I have no idea on how to find the @ symbol in my mom's laptop, which means I can't enter my gmail.


I'll do my best to update faster since I already have an idea on how my chapters will go.


Summary: After Hiccup gives himself to the hunters, his plan finally takes action. (Also the most romantic apology happens when they are locked up together.) After Astrid's rescue he helps her get better to show how wrong his love for her is.

Published: Apr 13, 2018

Requested By: Rtte_hiccstridFan


-Rescue Mission

Hiccup POV

"I missed you too," I responded.

I was so happy when Astrid woke up, the hunter who had her hoisted had made her faint. But that didn't matter know.

"I'm sorry I reacted the way I did before," she said, looking down with a guilty expression.

"Astrid, it's not your fault. It's mine." I said, she looked back at me. "You were right I should have noticed the necklace right away. But enough about, I was taking you for granted. I know and I was finally able to realize that."

She smiled and slowly began to blush.

"You have always been been there for me and I always want to be there for you." I said, I took out the betrothal necklace. "I love you Astrid Hofferson with everything I have."

I kept on looking at her, her cheeks were red.

"I know you do," she responded.

She grabbed both my hands and placed the necklace on.

Before she could say something but I cut her off and kissed her. She kissed back. It was our most impassioned kiss we ever had. When we pulled away she looked at me with a smile and hugged me.

"I love you Hiccup"

"I love you too"

We kept hugging until if felt something on Astrid's back. I looked closely and saw they were whip marks.

"Astrid, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Yeah," she responded.

"Why do you have whip marks?" I asked, in a series voice.

She stayed quiet and didn't say a word. I looked at Ruby.

"The hunters whipped her, they wanted to get information about some lenses." Ruby said, she looked at me and went back to check that none of the hunters where coming.

"I- I'm sorry, but I couldn't give them any information. I'm sorry hiccup." Astrid said, I let go of the hug and noticed that she was crying.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, I slowly whipped her tears away.

"For what happened on the ArmorWing Island" she responded.

"Astrid, I told you already, this wasn't your fault it was mine."

She looked at me and smiled. We both looked at each other.

"I'm sorry to break you up, but the hunters are coming." Ruby said, she smirked at the two of us which made us both blush.

I didn't let go of Astrid. I hugged her even when the hunters came.

"Get them outside, I bet Krogan will be happy to see them." the hunter said.

One of the grabbed Astrid and tied her wrist together behind her hack. They did the same with me except with Ruby.

When they took us out of the room the hunters took Ruby the other way from where they were forcing us to.

"Hiccup, What now?" Astrid whispered, we both made sure that none of the Dragon Hunters were listening.

"We're going to get you and Ruby out of here." I responded, we were still whispering to each other. Atris made sure to check on which direction Ruby was taken to so we could rescue her after.

After a while of walking we heard some dragon noises. "Alright Astrid, get ready."

"I'm always ready."

Third POV

Jasper and the others headed to the cave where they knew Stormfly was being kept. Each of them got inside one my one. After a while of walking they noticed the Hunters that had Hiccup, Astrid, and Ruby hostage. They were heading they way.

"Alright, each of you know exactly what to do right?" Jasper asked, keeping guard of the hunters that were heading their way.

"I can't wait to see ruby again!" Opal said, with happiness on her face while her sister pearl nodded.

The Five teenagers when to their positions getting ready to ambush the hunters.

Moments later the action finally happened.

As soon as the hunters came out of the cave with Hiccup and Astrid, the other teens knocked out the hunters that were holding the two lovers.

"Yes. We did it!" Jasper said, he went straight to Hiccup and Astrid. "Wait. Where's Ruby?" he asked, while he untied the two riders.

"The hunters took her the other way," astrid responded.

"Don't worry She'll be fine, we know exactly where they took her." Hiccup Said.

"What are we waiting for?" Jasper asked.

Astrid took the lead. Since she was the one who knew where Stormfly and Ruby where.

When they finally reached the cages astrid smiled and called her dragons name. "Hey Girl!" she said with happiness.

Hiccup came behind Astrid and grabbed the keys before opening the cage. He looked around and saw all of the dragons that were staying captured before they were sended to Krogan. He looked at them and then at Astrid.

She smiled and Nodded. Meaning 'Go ahead and free the'.

Without saying another word Hiccup went to each of the cages and unlocked them. All of the dragons flew or ran out of the cages with happiness.

"Know. Let's go rescue Ruby!" Astrid yelled, before running out with the rest of the teens and dragons.

After a while they were finally able to find Ruby, she was walking alone trying to escape when she noticed Jasper. The two of them noticed each other and ran before giving each other a big and tight hug.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too"

Finally when they both let go of their hug Ruby went to hug the rest of her friends, all of them were crying.

Astrid POV

I saw with happiness how Ruby was finally able to see her friends. I smiled, then I felt Hiccup place his hand on my waist and gently pulled me closely to him. I hugged him and he hugged back.

"I think it's time to leave this place." Jasper said, he and Ruby where both holding each others hands.

We agreed and headed outside.

When we did all of the dragons flew away from this Island to finally be free. I looked to the side, i was still holding hands with Hiccup. Some dragons came out of the forest one of them was Toothless.

"I'm glad to see you too bud." Hiccup said, with happiness.

We said goodbye to Ruby and the others before they left, back to their home.

"So tell me. What happened while I was gone?" I asked, he reach his pocket before his eyes went wide open.

"Oh no." he said, trying to find something. "I lost the dragon lens."

"I thought krogan had it." I said, trying to make him feel better.

"It must have fallen when I was fighting the hunter back at the forest." he said, he slapped himself in his forehead and looked back at the mountains.

"We can't return now, what if we get captured." I said, I tried to find other ways to cheer him up but it didn't work.

"Right know what's more important is for you to get healed." he said.

'Oh great' I thought in my mind, know he is going to get overprotective.

He grabbed me bridal Style and took me over to Toothless.

"W- What are you doing?" I asked blushing, while he held me just like the time I almost drowned.

He just smirked and began to fly straight to Dragons Edge. After Awhile of flying I got a little annoyed. I noticed Stormfly flying next to Toothless.

"Hiccup, can you let me go." I said, he looked at me with a smile and shook his head. I just groaned and kept my mouth shut the whole ride home.

When we finally reached the edge Fishlegs, Mala and dagur were at the entrance of the Clubhouse.

"Now can you place me down?" I asked again, hoping that his answers is a yes.

"No, sorry" he said, when we landed he kept me on his hands. I had my arms crossed, all I did was look at his with a mad face.

"Astrid! You're okay!" fishlegs said.

"I'm so glad you are back." queen Mala said with a smile.

Dagur, pretty much just looked at the way Hiccup was holding me.

"Hiccup! Can you place me down now!" I yelled, with anger I noticed fishlegs backed away a little. Mala and dagur just smirked at us.

"Sorry Astrid, but if you try to stand up you'll fall," he said.

"Then why didn't I fall back at the hunters base?" I asked, he looked at me and smiled.

"Alright then, but remember i wanted you," he said he placed me down. I felt my feet get weak, when I almost fell because of the pain in my back. When I was about to hit the ground Hiccup caught me by my waist.

I look at him while he grabs me in his arms again. I deeply blush the entire time I looked at him.

"I told you, you can't walk. Ruby placed some medicine but it doesn't last very long." he explained.

"Why didn't you tell me then?" I asked, he began to move closer to my face. I kept blushing when I noticed that he was going to kiss me, I got ready for another kiss when we were interrupted by Dagur.

(Damit Dagur, it was going to be another long perfect kiss😡. Who else is mad with dagur for ruining such an adorable moment.)

Both me and Hiccup looked at the three of them. Queen Mala was blushing while she looked at Dagur, dagur was nodding like if he was going to congratulate both of us, and fishlegs was happy just like when we got to know about Mala's and dagur's wedding.

"Okay Meatlug, let's go finish the iron for the ArmorWing." Fishlegs said, turning to leave. Mala and Dagur followed him leaving the two of us together.

''Okay, that was really awkward." hiccup said, he looked at me and began to walk straight to his hut.

I looked at my betrothal necklace the whole time.

When we got to his hut he took me upstairs and gently placed me on his bed. "Umm, hiccup why did you bring me to your hut?" I asked.

He looks at me and kisses me on my forehead. "I think we both know it's safer for you to stay here." he said. I nodded

He then gave me some medicine for the pain.

"Here ruby gave me this medicine, she said it would her for a while. Or at least until your marks get healed." he said.

I smiled and watched Hiccup head downstairs. I layed down looking at the roof while I sigh in relief.

'Finally, I'm back with the person I love. Hiccup Haddock."

-1 week later

Hiccup POV

A week has finally pass and Astrid got better from her back. Well, not too well thought she can't train for one more week. I walked up to the Clubhouse where Astrid was and found her eating some vegetables. When she turned around to see me she handed me a plate of food.

'How are you feeling?" I asked, she looked at me.

"I'm fine my back still hurts a little but at least not like last week." she said, I placed my hand on hers before kissing her forehead.

"I'll protect you don't ever forget that." I said, she looked at me while her face came closer to mine.

"I never will" Astrid said, she grabbed me by my collar shirt with force and kissed me, I immediately kiss her back.

"I love you My'lady"

I have my girlfriend and future wife back and this time I'm never letting her go again, ever. I will never let anyone hurt her ever again.


That was chapter 3. Hope you guys enjoyded please comment below and let me know how this chapter was.


In the next chapter you'll see all the of the chapters that are coming up.

Hope you enjoy.


Word Count: 2108


Sweet dreams

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