Today In The Life of Alexis

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Okay I think I might start doing a blog type thing on here. Like where I tell y'all about my day and how it went. That way I can let out any thing I usually keep inside. So I'll start by tell you about how my day went.

Today is my grandpa's anniversary of his death. And I never really cared for him, but then he got really really sick. He had been in many nursing homes and hospitals. We had to give up so much stuff for him. I had to give up my favorite bird in the entire world. My grandpa could have animals around the house because of how sick he was. And years later he ends up getting into the hospital and it's likely that he will die. I was with most of my cousins and we had gone to this really good Chinese restaurant. And we ended up getting lost and we couldn't find our way back. We then got a call saying how he wasn't looking so good. We soon found our way back and we were waiting for a long while. We then got the news about him. He had passed away. I cried alot that day. I felt so guilty. I hated myself for hating him. I was basically breaking down in front of most of my cousins and family. I felt pathetic. We later had his funeral and went home. My mom now had no parents. My grandma had died in a car wreak when my mom was like only 1 or 2. So she never got to meet her. Yeah...

So today all ready started out sad.

Then came even more bad stuff. Such as one of my dear friends leaving my school. Me and her were really good friends. Hehe...i remember when we were in 5th grade that I saw her crying. I went up to her and asked her, "Kayla, what's wrong? Why are you crying?". She replied saying that she was being ignored when they were playing football. No one passed the ball to her and didn't pay attention. I didn't play football like all the others. So I didnt know really what to do. But I remember telling her that it's okay. It happened to me in soccer and every other sport I would play. I knew how it felt. But I told her how I got through it. I made more of an effort to play the game. I didn't let their comments bring me down. I wouldn't let them hurt me. I wouldn't let them break through the barrier I built around myself. I told her to never let them hurt you. Never let them see that they get to you.

When we were going back to class I got a Santa hat I had brought to school. I plopped it on her head and said, "Look now you are Santa! So don't be sad!". We ended up both laughing. I still tell her about the Santa hat. And I still have it. I'll never forget about it.

Yesterday was sad too. Kayla had told me she had a 2.5% chance that she would stay. And then in the morning she put on her Snapchat that the 2.5% chance was gone. I didn't see it. So after mass she asked me if I saw it. I was clueless to what she was talking about. After she told me, I cried again. I hate everything today. I lost a friend. And I lost someone who I will never get to sorry to. Hehe wow isn't funny how much losing someone can hurt.

And you know what. I thought the day couldn't get anymore worse, but then I get a message from my friend, YoMeeps that my other friend neanderthal03 was recieveing hate comments. I had to go through this with YoMeeps. And I will do the exact same thing I did with her problem if I have to. I WON'T LET THE REMAINING PEOPLE IN MY LIFE GET HURT!!! THEY MEAN TOO MUCH TO ME!!! SO IF YOU HURT THEM YOU HURT ME!!! AND YOU WILL NOT WANT THAT!!! *sigh

Look don't hurt my friends. And don't go to conclusions. Because that can lead to bad things. Such as people getting hurt and then the victim might do something that will make the attacker regret they ever did that. Then people will go after the attacker and then it will all just go into a cycle of pain and depression. So please don't hurt people. Everyone can make mistakes. If you have never made.a mistake in your life then you are a lier. So I don't know how I'm supposed to end this.

Well g'night and I hope y'all all take my words into consideration.


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