After School

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Javier's POV:
School ended and everyone rushed out. People were pushing each other to get out of the double doors. I looked to see Kit struggling next to me. "Give me your hand." I said. He said "why?" I laughed and said "cause I don't want to lose you." I grabbed his hand and began to pull him through the crowd of high school students. I smiled at our hands that were clasped together. Kit gripped it tighter when someone pushed him. I pulled him next to me and he grabbed my arm with his other hand. We made it to the parking lot and I said "come on. I'll give you a ride home." Kit nodded and still had ahold of my hand. I stared at our hands and Kit looked down and removed his hand. "Sorry." He said as he awkwardly went to the car. I frowned as he let go and he got into the car. "See you guys at the party." Genesis said as she got into Klaus' car. A smile was plastered on her face and I smirked at her.

I got into my car and waited for Klaus to pull out so I could follow. Kit sighed and said "should we go to that party?" I nodded and said "it's a Talbot party! There will be all kinds of stuff there! Imagine how drunk we'll get!" Kit smiled and said "the drugs as well." I smiled and pulled up to the intersection. Kit lit up a cigarette and inhaled. "Light mine. I'm driving." I said. He lit my cigarette with the lighter and I held it in between my fingers. "I bet they won't play any Spanish music." I said. Kit didn't answer, he just inhaled on his cigarette.

Traffic was all around us and I said "Kit! Cheer up! We're gonna party!" Kit looked at me and said "yeah?" "Yeah. Maybe I'll tell Genesis that you like her." I offered. Kit looked at me and said "no." "Yes. You're totally in love with her!" I teased. He began to laugh and he said "no! No!" I laughed with him and he repeatedly said no. "No! I don't like her!" He said as he laughed.

I laughed as he pleaded with me and I said "I know you don't like her. But I had to make you smile." "Thanks Javier." He said. I smiled and said "no more frowns ok?" He nodded and said "did you read the invitation?" I shook my head and handed it to him. "You read it." I said as I turned into another lane. Kit opened the envelope and then opened the card. "You're invited, bring your swimsuit cause we're going swimming." Kit read. "Where? They only have a hot tub." I said. Kit said "the lake. We're going swimming in the lake." I said "you up for it?" "Yeah. Let's do it." He replied. I smiled and turned into our neighborhood. "I'll see you at....what time does it start?" I asked. Kit looked at the invitation and said "7:30." "I'll be here at 7:00." I said. Kit grabbed his stuff and got out of the car. "Javier, text me later ok?" He asked. I nodded and began to drive down the road towards my house, that was much larger than Kit's. My dad was away and I locked my car, walking into the house. "Javier?" Mom asked. "It's me!" I called. I walked to the fridge and grabbed some food. "I'm going to a party tonight." I said. Mom looked up at me and said "ok. Don't be back too late." I nodded and walked upstairs to my room, closing the door. My phone buzzed and I checked it to see that it was a reminder. I rolled my eyes and began to eat my food. I was going to eat and then nap before the party started. It was 2:30 in the afternoon so I had time. I grabbed my phone again and set an alarm for 6:00. I laid on my bed, not bothering to close the curtain over the window. I quickly fell asleep.


I was alone in a dark room, I couldn't see anything. Except the sparks. His laughter bounced off the walls. Goosebumps arose on my skin and I said "hello?" Then a light came on, the man standing in front of me had a dirty red and green sweater on. With a glove that had knives for fingers. He scraped them against the wall, making sparks fly and a screeching sound to emit into the room. "Javier, you should be here with me!" He said as he grabbed my arm. I woke up gasping. I panted and my phone was ringing. Kit's name flashed across the screen and I answered it. "Javier! You didn't text me!" He scolded. A small gasp left my mouth and I said "I'm sorry. I forgot." "Are you ok? You sound like something's wrong." Kit said. "I was doing push-ups." I lied. A huff came from Kit's mouth and he said "it's almost 7:00! Come on man!" I said "I'll be right over." I got dressed quickly and grabbed my phone and keys. I drove to Kit's house and he said "you left your suit at my house so I grabbed it." "Shit I didn't even know I left it there." I replied. Kit said "let me drive." "Cool. Cause I need to eat." I replied as I grabbed a bag of chips from the backseat. "You're a fat ass." Kit said as he pushed on the gas. I began to chew obnoxiously and he rolled his eyes. "Fucking stop!" He said annoyed. I giggled and said "do you want some?" He huffed and I stuffed my face as he drove. "Are you done?" He asked. I shook my head as I dug to the bottom of the bag to get the crumbs. I downed them and said "now I am." Kit said "Good lord Javier." I smiled and he said "you ate the whole bag?!" I nodded while giggling. He shook his head and said "!Dios Mío!" I sighed and patted my full stomach. "Are you going to behave the rest of the ride?" He asked. I nodded and he said "good."

Klaus' POV:
I dropped off James and Genesis and drove home. Kyra said "I'm gonna start preparing the house. Cool?" I nodded and she grabbed all the supplies and began setting them up around the house. My phone buzzed and it was a text from Justin.

Justin: hey can you come get me?

Me: yeah. On the way

"I gotta get Justin!" I called out to Kyra. She came in from the deck area and said "ok." I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. I drove to his house and he stood outside. "What's up?" I asked as he got in. "My mom. Can we just go?" He asked as he held a duffel bag to his chest. I nodded and began to drive away. I heard a small sniffle and I said "you ok?" "I'm fine." He said trying to avoid the situation. I bit my lip and didn't say anything else. His phone dinged and he looked at it and smiled. "Summer?" I asked. He nodded and said "yeah. She's bringing her friend Nova." "Nova?" I asked. Justin said "Nova Castor." I nodded and said "I haven't seen her in a really long time." "Well she changed schools but she's coming to the party." He said. I nodded and pulled into the garage. "You can stay in the cabin out back. Like you usually do." I said. Justin nodded and walked out to the cabin.

Justin's POV:
I walked into my temporary home. I sat down on the couch inside and ran my fingers through my hair. I groaned and buried my face into the couch. I unlocked my phone and continued to text Summer. Since my phone had 10 percent I put it on the charger and decided to take a shower. I turned on the water and got undressed. I showered quickly and as I got out Klaus came into the cabin. "Sup?" He said as he plopped on the couch. "Hey." I replied, getting dressed. I sat down next to him and turned the tv on. I grabbed the Xbox controller and turned on the console. "How's you and Genesis?" I asked. Klaus said "we've been fighting and stuff. I just got over the last thing she did. I don't want to break her heart, if it comes down to that then I will but I don't want too." I said "play with me." He grabbed a controller and we loaded up Halo. There was surrounded sound in the cabin and the guns went off loudly. "Shit! I'm down help me." Klaus said. I ran over to help him and I got shot in the process. "Oh what the fuck!" I said. Klaus laughed and said "let's go again. Come on." This was our second time around, killing aliens. Kyra came in and said "what're you guys doing?" "Playing Halo." Klaus said as he didn't look away from the screen. "Well the party starts in thirty minutes." She replied. All of a sudden we both died. "No!" We screamed in unison. Kyra chuckled and said "ok. The both of you get ready. I don't have time for this. Klaus don't spoil this." Klaus stood up and said "I'm going to get dressed right now. Justin's ready. And don't worry, I won't spoil it for you." He eyed his sister and walked away. Her breath quavered softly and I said "I'm ready Kyra. Do you want me to help you with anything?" Kyra took a breath and said "no. But you can come in the house. Just lock up the cabin ok?" I nodded and grabbed my key and put it in my pocket. Kyra rushed off away from me and I walked in the house and saw the large chocolate fountain they had set up on the table. I grabbed a marshmallow and dipped it in the chocolate. Klaus came downstairs and grabbed one as well. "Don't eat all the food." Kyra said. Klaus rolled his eyes at her and said "the party starts right....." The front door burst open with kids from school and Klaus said "now." Kyra turned on the music and people started to flood into the Talbot household.

Next chapter will describe the party! Hope you guys are enjoying this

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