Another victim

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Kyra's POV:
Harry was all over the news. Tears filled my eyes. My boyfriend was dead. I shut off the tv and locked my bedroom door. My parents were home and frankly, I didn't need them right now. I sat on my bed and looked down at my stomach. I was about 2-3 months pregnant. I didn't have a huge bump but Harry didn't know. And I regret not telling him. Nobody knew. Not even Klaus. I decided to go to the Osborn household. I grabbed my keys and got into my car. I drove to the far side of town, in the city. I knocked on the door and the butler answered the door. "Miss Talbot, what can I do for you?" He asked. "Can I speak to Mr. Osborn? It's urgent." I said. He let me in the home and policemen were everywhere. I saw that the mirror was shattered and I saw Harry's body. I covered my mouth and sniffled. Norman looked up and said "Kyra. What are you doing here?" "There's something I need to tell you. It's about Harry and I." I said. Blood stained the kitchen floor and I tried not to stare at the hole in my boyfriend's chest. Norman led me to his office and said "I don't understand what could be so important that you had to come to here right after he died." "Well I think you'd want to know that I'm carrying his child." I said. Norman looked up at me and said "did Harry know?" I shook my head and said "no. I regret telling him. You're the only person I've told." "How far along are you?" He asked. "2 months at the most? Maybe 3?" I said with a shrug. He nodded and said "well I'm glad that you told me. Please take care of the baby. Don't do anything stupid ok?" I nodded and quickly rushed out of the house. When I got back home my parents were yelling at Klaus. He huffed and said "Kyra is a bitch! She treated me like shit in front of everyone! But you guys will always defend her right?"

My mom slapped him across the face and I gasped. Klaus looked at me and then back at our mom. "Stop." I said. Klaus panted and said "why stop? You've already brought enough trouble on me." He was rewarded with another slap and he chuckled. "I'm pregnant." I said. Klaus' eyes widened and my father almost fainted. "It's Harry's. And now that he's dead I have to keep the baby. Norman Osborn, Harry's dad, is going to help me with it. Ok?" I asked. "Kyra you can't expect to keep this child." My mother said. "Well with my friends getting murdered left and right, I deserve to have something I want. Because you guys don't even care. Genesis Reyes was one of my best friends and she's dead. Now my boyfriend, the love of my life is dead. And I know who killed them." "Who? You need to go to the police." My dad said. Klaus said "he ain't real. Let that shit go!" "Fred Krueger!" I said. Both of my parents looked at each other and Klaus said "she's fucking crazy." "Who else killed them?" I asked. "A fucking serial killer. What do you think?" He said. "Fred Krueger has been dead for a long time." Dad said. I said "whatever. I don't have time for this." I walked upstairs and went to my room. Klaus stood in the doorway of my room and I said "sorry that mom hit you." "Guess I deserved it. Since they love you more." He replied. I shook my head and said "that's not true." Klaus crossed his arms and said "feels like it. They always protect you. I'm so done with this bullshit. I'm glad that you have parents that actually care about you." He walked away and slammed my door. I flinched at it and I frowned. I grabbed my phone and saw that I had missed calls from Ivy. I dialed her and she picked up. "Hey you ok?" She asked. "Yeah. I think so." I replied. "Come over. I can talk to you about how you feel." Ivy said. "Ok." I said as I grabbed my car keys. I arrived at the Carter household and knocked. "Hey." Ivy said. I smiled at my best friend and said "hi."

I walked into her Victorian style home. She led me into her living room. "How're you holding up?" Ivy asked. I sighed and said "I don't know. Can I tell you something? Something that I should have told you?" Ivy nodded and I said "I'm pregnant. With Harry's baby." Ivy looked at me with a blank look on her face.

"You're kidding right?" Ivy said. "I'm dead serious. I didn't tell him though because I was afraid and now he's dead." I replied. "Wow that's um....something. I don't really know how to respond to that. Maybe you could have told me?" Ivy said rolling her eyes. I sighed and said "I was afraid." "Well I'm your best friend. Kinda hurts that you couldn't even tell me." Ivy said. I could tell that she was getting angry.

"I'm sorry Ivy. I really am. But I wanted to tell everyone." I said to her. Ivy sighed and said "I'm not going to hate you or anything but you should've told Harry." "What would that have done? He'd still be dead and wouldn't be here to raise his child anyway." I said raising my voice. Ivy sighed and said "I'm sorry. Don't yell. I've been getting yelled at all morning ok?" "Why?" I asked. Ivy looked down and said "my parents. They're saying not to hang out with any of you because we're all getting killed. Freddy is going to kill all of us and when I tried to tell them about it, they said he was dead." "My parents said the same thing. And Harry's funeral is tomorrow. Norman wants it done and out of the way. I told him about the baby." I said. Ivy looked at me and said "I'm here for you ok. I'll help you with the baby or whatever you need."

"Thanks Ivy. It means a lot." I replied. "No problem." She said. "So how's you and Ethan?" I asked. Ivy giggled and said "god he's so dreamy. He's amazing. He's made me the happiest I've ever been. He's here by the way." "He is?" I asked. Ivy nodded and said "he's in my room upstairs." "Let's wake him." I said. She smirked and we walked upstairs. "Ethan." Ivy said. Ethan sat awake in her bed. He stared at the wall and I said "hey. You ok?" Ethan didn't respond, just continued to stare at the wall. Ivy looked at the wall and said "Ethan? What're you looking at?" He blinked once and shook his head. "You ok?" Ivy asked her boyfriend. He nodded and said "yeah. Sorry. Uh I was asleep but haven't been sleeping much. Sorry about Harry." I half smiled and Ivy leaned in to kiss his lips. The two of them were perfect. Ethan said "are your parents gone?" Ivy nodded and said "they've been gone. Won't be back for a couple of days." "I wish mine would leave. I can't stand them." I said. Ethan said "my dad cares a lot about me. But the nightmares, is something he doesn't understand. I haven't told him about Freddy but I've told him that I don't sleep at night." Ivy said "you look like you haven't slept much." Ethan sighed and said "I hope everyone else is ok. I don't know if I can deal with someone else dying. And we can't stay awake forever. What're we going to do?" "We all need to meet up and talk about this. That's the only way this is going to work." Ivy replied. I nodded and said "that'll work." "Where should we meet? Maybe somewhere that has no parents." Ethan said. Ivy said "I'll host it here. Do you think Klaus will come? I know he's going through some stuff right now." "He'll come. Harry was one of his best friends but he doesn't seem too upset about it. I think he's in denial." I replied. Ivy pushed Ethan's hair out of his face and said "I'm going to make you breakfast ok?" He nodded with a really big smile. Ethan was literally the cutest red head I ever saw.

Besides Ivy of course. She was super cute. I followed her downstairs and we began to make breakfast for the red haired boy. Ivy whipped up some eggs and then stopped in her tracks. "Ivy?" I asked. She shuddered and stood still in the kitchen. Ivy looked all around her, like something or someone was here. "Ivy is someone here?" I asked. Ivy gasped softly and didn't look at me. Then she went back to cooking the eggs. "What just happened?" I asked her. She looked down and then looked at me. "Um I thought I saw something." She said.

"Well you're safe here ok? As long as we're awake, we're safe. I said. "I don't think so. I heard Harry was awake when he died. He didn't even fall asleep." Ivy replied. I sighed and said "we'll discuss it after Harry's funeral ok?" She nodded and didn't bring it up again. I could tell that she was terrified of what was going to go down. Nobody knew who was next. And we couldn't stay awake much longer.

Summer's POV:
"Summer!" My mother called. Justin sat up with a snort and I said "hide." He groggily moved towards the side of my bed and rolled off. "Ow! Son of a bitch!" He said as he rolled under the bed. My bedroom door burst open and my mom said "what's going on in here?" "I hit my head. On the headboard." I replied. "Well I'm going to work and your dad is leaving too." She said. "Ok mom. I'll see you guys later." I replied as she kissed my head and walked out. I heard the front door close and I relaxed. Justin groaned from under my bed and he said "fuck that hurt so bad." He rolled out from under my bed and climbed back up. He plopped down in my lap and I stroked his head. "Did you sleep any?" He asked me. "Yeah. A little." I replied. I played with his hair that was curly from sleeping. His arms were wrapped around me and I said "thanks for staying with me last night." "Of course." He replied while kissing my hand. I smiled and Justin interlocked his hand with mine. "I was so scared last night. So scared." He said. "I was too. I was completely terrified." I replied. Justin grabbed his phone and scrolled through his notifications. I took a picture of him on my lap and posted it on Snapchat. I giggled and he said "what?" "You're cute." I said to him. He rolled his eyes and went back to his phone. I texted Nova and asked if her and Klaus were ok. "Holy fuck." Justin said. "What is it?" I asked. He sat up and said "Harry's dead." My eyes widened and I said "oh my god." Justin said "you're right. He is going to kill us one by one." I hugged him and held him to my chest and he pulled away. He stared at the ground and I said "we have to protect each other. Ok?" He looked up at me and nodded.

I ran my fingers through my hair and got up. "I don't think I can handle this." I said. He stood up and said "what?" "We need help. And I don't think anyone can help us. Nobody will believe us." I said. Justin said "you don't know that." "I do. If we tell anyone they're just going to say we're crazy." I replied. "Hey. Whatever happens to me, happens to you too."

I shrugged and walked out of the room. Justin followed me and said "Summer." I ignored him and continued to walk. He grabbed my wrist and said "Summer!" I stopped and Justin was angry that I had walked away from him. I had tears going down my face. He saw and his face softened. "I don't want to die Justin." I said as my voice broke. Justin hugged me and stroked my hair. "You're not going to die. I won't let you ok?" Justin said. I sniffled and said "please don't let him get me."

"I won't. I promise." He whispered. I clung to him and he said "I'm here ok. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." I nodded against his chest and he said "look at me." I looked up at him and he kissed my lips. "I'm going to take care of you." He said. I sniffled again and said "who's going to take care of you?" He chuckled with a frown and said "me. I gotta take care of myself." I cupped his cheek and kissed his lips. I knew that Justin had me and I had him. We were going to protect each other.

Here's the update! I would've had this up sooner but I started school😭

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