Beach Day

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Javier's POV:
I woke up to Kit accidentally nudging me. We both realized we were in the nude and quickly scrambled away from one another.

I jumped off the bed and Kit covered his privates and looked for his clothes. "Did we...." He said. I nodded and Kit said "oh wow." I didn't say anything and he said "well that was eventful." "Yes it was." I replied. We quickly got dressed and decided not to talk about what happened the night before. I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Summer.

Beach day!

It said. I nudged Kit and he said "what?" "Beach day." I said. Kit and I packed the trunk with beach things and went to pick up Summer and Nova. Nova sat in the front with Kit and I sat in the back with Summer. Mostly just so I could stretch out. I grabbed a bag of chips and began stuffing my face.

Summer did the same and Nova said "you two are ridiculous." Kit didn't say anything and he looked in the rear view mirror at me. I made a kissy face and he smirked. I sat up and Kit turned his head to kiss me. "Drive responsibly please." Nova said as Kit's lips moved against mine. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat the chips in the backseat. Nova pulled her phone out and began to Snapchat. I moved up to the front and leaned my head on her shoulder. I leaned in to kiss Kit again when I heard Summer video taping us on Snapchat. I rolled my eyes and sat back down. Kit said "Javier. Hold the wheel." I scooted back up to the front and I grabbed the steering wheel and began to steer the car. I giggled and Nova smiled at me. Kit did the same and he chuckled.

Kit leaned back against his seat and watched me steer the car. Summer managed to squeeze next to me and she said "he's so cute." "I know." Kit replied. I giggled again and continued to steer the car. "You good?" Kit asked. I nodded as I concentrated on the road

Nova managed to get the whole thing on Snapchat and I said "Kit close your eyes ok?" He did and I moved my hand in front of his face and moved my hand in a downward motion and  snapped my fingers. Kit opened his eyes and he laughed and I began to giggle. Nova freaked while he had his eyes closed. "We could have died!" She screeched. Summer said "everything's fine."

"I gots text from Klaus. He's going to meet us there." Nova said. Summer nodded and I went to sit back in the backseat. But not before pecking Kit on the cheek. I laid down and continued to eat chips. "He's still eating." Kit said. Summer said "your boyfriend is so cute." "I know. He's my cutie." Kit said. I giggled and Kit laughed as he heard my giggle.

We got closer to the beach and Kit was able to find a good parking space. Klaus stood outside of his car with Justin, Kyra and Harry. Summer got out of the car and ran up to Justin who hugged her. He laughed and he held her close to him. He pulled away and leaned in to kiss her lips. Kyra stood next to Harry and she said "hey guys." Harry kissed her cheek and Nova walked to the older Talbot sibling. "Hey Klaus." She said. He smirked and said "hello Nova."

Kit grabbed my hand and led me down to the beach. I smirked to myself and Kit said "come on!" Ivy Carter pulled up in her bubblegum pink corvette, with Ethan in the passenger seat. Ivy looked a lot different than normal. Genesis' death had affected her badly. She didn't wear her normal pink lipstick. Today she had red lipstick on and applied it in the mirror.

Ethan looked like he always did. Ivy locked her car and stepped out of it. "Hey guys." She said. Ethan stood next to her and she walked over towards Kyra. Kyra looked at her best friend questioningly. Kit tugged on my wrist and my attention went onto him instead of the group of kids.

Summer's POV:
Ivy had ahold of Ethan's hand and she led him down to the beach. Justin put me on his back and said "come on." We went down to the beach where the water was. He set me down and I waded into the water. I motioned for him to follow me and Klaus was holding Nova's hand. Justin leaned in and gave me a kiss. I smirked against his lips. Kyra put a towel on the sand and began to tan. Harry and Klaus were roughhousing in the water and Justin went to join them. Nova sat down next to me and said "they're too much." I giggled and Kit and Javier weren't into the roughhousing that much. Ivy and Ethan were kissing in the water. "I guess they're a thing now." Nova said. I shrugged and said "I guess so."

Ivy pulled away from the red headed boy and Nova said "I knew they liked each other but I didn't know when they'd get together." I shrugged and Justin said "baby! Come here!" Klaus laughed as he shoved Harry into the water and I walked over to the water. "What is it?" I asked. Justin grabbed my wrist and leaned in to kiss my lips. Klaus had Nova on his shoulders and Kyra laid out, trying to get tan. "Kyra! Come here!" Harry said. Kyra didn't reply and he said "Kyra!" She sat up and said "no." Harry scoffed and Klaus said "bruh why did you even try?" Harry shrugged and looked at the brunette laying on the beach. Klaus looked out towards the water and said "I bet I can beat you to that rock." Harry said "you're on." Klaus grabbed Nova and set her down gently. Justin had his arms around my waist and they both dove into the saltwater and headed for the large rock. Which was covered in barnacles. "Don't climb on it!" I said. Ivy looked over and Ethan said "what're they doing?" "Swimming to the rock. Stupid idea if you ask me." Justin said. We heard water sloshing behind us and Kyra stood there. "Finally decided to come in?" Ivy asked. Kyra nodded and said "yeah. I have to make sure my brother doesn't do anything stupid." The two boys yelled insults at each other while swimming. Javier and Kit were laughing at them and Ivy smiled at the two of them.

Klaus had made it to the rock before Harry did. "Ha!" Klaus yelled. Kyra crossed her arms in front of her chest and sighed. Klaus began to climb up onto the rock. "Klaus don't climb it!" Nova said. Klaus turned around and said "what?!" "Don't climb the stupid rock!" She said. He shrugged and pointed to his ear. "Can't hear you!" He said. Kyra scoffed and said "god he's so stupid." Klaus made it up onto the barnacle covered rock, only to fall back into the water. Him and Harry began to swim back and Kyra said "I knew it." Klaus shook out his hair and said "what?" "You hurt yourself. Why would you swim back with a bleeding hand?" She asked. Klaus looked at his hand that was bleeding and he winced. Nova examined it and said "shit." His hand had a slice across it and Harry stared at it. Justin said "fuck dude." I bit my lip and said "you ok?" Klaus nodded and Kyra stared him down. "I told you not to do anything stupid. But you just can't listen." Kyra said.

Klaus scoffed and said "that's nice to know." Kyra shrugged and rolled her eyes. Javier stared at his hand that had blood dripping into the water. "Klaus we should get out of the water." Kit said. Klaus nodded and walked up towards the sand. Nova said "we gotta clean it." "Does it hurt?" I asked him. Klaus shook his head and Justin grabbed Klaus' hand and looked at it. Javier continued to stare at it. "Javier? You ok?" Ivy asked. Kit looked at him and said "he doesn't like blood. He freezes up." Klaus moved away from Javier and Ethan said "go clean it up by the showers." "You made a stupid ass decision. I don't even feel bad for you." Kyra said. Klaus said "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Kyra flinched slightly and Ethan said "Klaus come on." Ivy looked at Ethan who was trying to break up the siblings. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Klaus asked her again. Kyra said "you're a fucking idiot." Justin stepped in between them and said "ok stop." Ivy stepped in front of Kyra and said "calm down ok?" Klaus walked away while cursing and Kyra panted. "Javier. It's ok." Kit said. Javier still stood frozen in place. I walked over and said "hey. You ok? There's no more blood ok?" Ivy kicked sand over the remaining blood that had fallen onto the white sand. Javier didn't say anything. Kit cupped his cheeks and said "hey. Look at me." Javier's eyes met Kit's and he said "it's all gone ok?" Javier nodded very slowly. Ivy sighed and Nova was wrapping up Klaus' hand. Justin said "party's over." Kyra saw Klaus coming back with a bandaged hand. "I'm not riding with you. You can fucking drive back by yourself." Klaus said. Kyra said "but, mom and dad are coming home. And it's your car." "I don't give a fuck. I'm going to Nova's place and I'll be home later." Klaus replied while shrugging. Kyra stared at her brother and said "mom and dad will take your car." Klaus scoffed and said "ok. I have my other car. What the hell are they going to do?" Kyra didn't say anything else. She packed up her stuff and Klaus said "bitch." Harry followed her and they sped away in Klaus' car. Kit said "let's go." Javier had calmed down but still wasn't speaking. Ivy grabbed her stuff and said "come on Ethan. Justin you need a ride?" "Yeah. Since Kyra left me." He replied. I turned to look at Justin and he said "I'll see you tomorrow ok?" He asked. I nodded and said "you'll be at Klaus'?" He shook his head and said "I'm going home tonight. So I'll be at my house." "Ok." I replied. He hugged me and stroked my hair. I looked up at him and he kissed my lips quickly before grabbing his shirt and walking away.

We all piled into Kit's car and Klaus held his bandaged hand. Nova sat next to him and he leaned his head on her shoulder. She smiled and Kit lit up a cigarette. He inhaled and exhaled quickly. Klaus grabbed one and did the same. I leaned my back against the seat and Nova said "well today was fun. Except your hand getting messed up. Klaus shrugged and said "shit happens." Kit looked in the rear view mirror and saw Javier staring into space.

Javier laid down in my lap and I stroked his head. The ride was much quicker than usual. Kit dropped Nova and Klaus off and then he arrived at my house. I scooted out from under Javier and said "today was fun. I'm sorry about Javier." Kit said "he'll be ok. I'll take care of him." I nodded and carried my stuff into the house. I was exhausted so I figured I'd take a nap. My house was empty. My parents weren't home yet. I threw my stuff on the floor in my bedroom and plopped down on my bed. I felt sleep taking me away slowly and before I knew it, I was knocked out.

Here's the update! I've been gone awhile I know. Hope this long ass chapter makes up for it.

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