Dream Battle (1)

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WARNING: there will be a SUICIDE ATTEMPT! Just warning y'all because it's triggering.

Third person POV:
Alex shuddered at the thought of not helping Summer and Justin. Plus his dad wouldn't let him go over there even if he wanted too. Alex held the gun shakily in his hand. This was the only way for him to be rid of Freddy. He wouldn't be suffering and honestly he wasn't happy. Alex loaded the gun and tears went down his face. Would this solve everything? He put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. A loud bang went off and Alex fell to the ground. Blood pooled around his body and his father ran upstairs. "Alex!" He said. He looked for a pulse and somehow his son was still alive. Usually a gunshot wound to the head would kill you. But Alex isn't dead. His dad picked him up and took him to the hospital. Hopefully Alex would live through the gunshot wound. His dad was praying on it. He also thought his son wasn't well. He thinks he needs professional help. At an asylum. Westin Hills Asylum.

Summer's POV:
We all sat in a circle and I said "let's go to sleep ok?" Everyone laid down and since we all hadn't slept we fell right asleep. I was in the dream world. Justin stood next to me and I said "let's see our powers." We all found that we had a certain power. "Freddy! We're here!" My voice bounced off the walls and I said "I know this is a bad ideas but let's split up. I'll go with Justin. Nova you go with Klaus. Javier and Kit you go together. Kyra I guess..." "I'll go alone." She said as she walked away. We all parted ways and the dream world was very different than the real world. "Justin?" I asked him. "Yeah?" He replied. "Are you scared?" My voice echoed. Justin nodded and said "I'm terrified." Freddy's laugh was heard and I gasped. "Come out." Justin said. Freddy turned the corner and said "you're in my world. Prepare to die." Justin swung at Freddy and managed to hit him. Justin was able to fight like a pro in the dream world. I had telekinesis inside the dream world. I held my hand out in front of me and made Freddy get on his knees. Justin went to punch him and Freddy stabbed him in the chest. I screamed as his claw hand collided with Justin's chest. Justin gasped in pain and tried to fight him.

"Someone help!" I screamed. Kyra came into the room and saw Justin on the ground, clutching his chest. Kyra made a baseball bat appear in her hand and she swung it at Freddy's head; causing him to groan and fall onto the ground. I helped Justin up and we began to run out of the room with Kyra. We ran into Javier and I said "you guys ok?" Javier had blood dripping from his arm. "Yeah. Just a little scratched up." Kit said. Justin breathed heavily and I said "we need to find a safe place. For Justin." "This way!" Ivy said. I began to drag Justin to where Ivy was wanting us to go. We were in a small room and Ivy said "what happened to him?" "Freddy stabbed him." I said as I tried to hold the tears back. "Well Ethan and I can take care of that." Ivy said while holding a flashlight.

Ethan appeared and said "Javier and Kit. Come with us ok?" They all rushed out of the room and Justin coughed on his blood. "Justin..." I said. He said "I'm ok. I'm here." I stroked his head and Kyra said "I'll keep watch." I nodded and Nova said "Summer!" Kyra motioned for them to come inside the room with us. Klaus said "he was chasing us. Where's everyone else?" "They went after him." I said. Klaus saw Justin and said "holy shit." He rushed over and said "you ok?" Justin nodded and said "fit as a fiddle." "Who talks like that?" Klaus asked. Justin and him laughed a little and Kyra smiled at the two of them. There was a scream heard and I said "I'll go check it out." "I'm going with you." Nova said. I nodded and Klaus said "I'll stay here with him." Nova and I went outside of the room and began to walk the halls of the boiler room. She held my hand and we turned a corner and walked down a long hall. Genesis' scream was heard along with Harry's gasp as he died. Nova covered her mouth with her other hand and we finally made it into a room. Javier sat in the middle of it while crying. "Javier..." I said. Nova cried as she saw him holding Kit in his arms. "No." I said as I knelt down. Kit's right arm laid next to him and I whimpered. Blood spewed out of his arm that was now a stump. "Kit.....no." Javier said. Kit gasped in pain and said "I feel cold." Nova had tears streaming down her face and she said "Kit hang on." "It's so cold." He said while looking up at the ceiling. Javier sobbed and said "please don't go." "I love...." Kit said as he died in front of us. Javier screamed in agony and Freddy's laughed echoed throughout the boiler room. Nova sniffled and said "Javier come on." We pulled him away from Kit's body and tried to get back to the room we were in. "Where's Ivy and Ethan?" I asked. Javier said "they disappeared They left us there! They left us to die!" We made it back to the room where Justin was dying slowly. Javier sniffled and said "Kit's dead." Klaus covered his mouth and Justin said "what?" "He died." I said. Nova walked over to Klaus who hugged her. Blood stained Justin's shirt and I said "we gotta keep pressure on this." I applied pressure and Justin groaned in pain. Tears fell from my eyes as I was inflicting pain on my boyfriend. Kyra stood by the door and said "is he gone?" "Freddy isn't gone. He'll be back. He always is." Nova said. Javier sat in the corner of the room; staring at the blood that stained his hands. He froze right then and there. Having Kit's blood on his body and hands was traumatizing him. "Javier you gotta breathe ok? Just breathe for me. Please." Kyra said. Klaus stood up and said "Javier you gotta breathe buddy." He didn't respond to us. Just sat there. Frozen. Kyra said "I haven't heard anything in a while. I think he's gone." All of a sudden the door burst open. Everyone screamed and Kyra was floating in the air. She screamed and four slash marks covered her entire body. She gasped and then fell onto the floor.

Blood sprayed all over Klaus and he gasped. Nova screamed as Kyra laid dead in front of us. Klaus stared at his dead sister and he didn't move. Justin said "what the fuck?!" "Where is he?!" I screamed. Nova looked around and said "there! Klaus on your right!" Klaus punched to his right and Freddy fell to the ground. Freddy sat up and began making his way to Javier. "Get away!" Javier said to Freddy. Freddy reached for his leg and Javier kicked him in the face. Nova grabbed a metal pole and swung it at Freddy's head. Justin stood up and staggered over to Freddy, stomping on his head. Part of his face was flatted and Freddy stood up. I screamed and put my hands in front of me. I began to make fists and he was groaning in pain as his bones were cracking and shattering. He laid on the ground and I panted. Klaus grabbed one of the metal ones that had a sharp end and he stared down at him.

"You killed my sister." He said. "You didn't love her anyway." Freddy replied. Klaus raised the pole and stabbed him in the chest. Freddy groaned and Klaus smirked as black blood oozed out of his chest. Justin staggered over to the doorway and Freddy disappeared. "No!" I said. Justin said "we gotta go! Now." Javier stood up and ran out of the room. "Javier!" Nova called. Klaus said "come on. Let's go. He'll be back." We all left the room, taking one last look at Kyra before leaving.

Here's part one!!! Just wait till part two😏

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