Dream Powers

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Summer's POV:
I woke up on Justin's chest. I heard video game sound effects and Klaus said "shit." "Hey babe." Justin said as he leaned down to kiss my head. I stretched while laying down and he said "give me a kiss." I turned my head to meet his lips. He pulled away and Klaus said "stop kissing! I'm about to die." Nova hit him in the chest and said "let them be cute." "Hey Alex." I said. Alex said "you passed out." I shrugged and sat up. Justin huffed as I left his lap. I kissed his cheek and walked to the bathroom. I used the facilities and rinsed my face. As I looked up in the mirror Ivy was in the mirror. "Summer." She said. I screamed and she said "you're sleeping." "What?" I asked. I opened the bathroom door and saw my sleeping body. I shuddered and walked back into the bathroom. Ivy stepped out of the mirror and I said "what's going on here?" "I'm dead. Freddy got me." She said. Ethan appeared and groaned as he did. "Woah." He said. "Ethan?" I asked in shock. Ivy looked at him and said "you ok?" "Yeah. Just a little woozy is all. Hurts teleporting from place to place." He replied. I said "this is ridiculous. You're both dead? How am I talking to you right now?" "Because we're in the dream world. You can visit us anytime here." Ivy said. I shook my head and said "this isn't real." Ethan said "of course not. We're dead." "Ivy are you really dead?" I asked her. She nodded with a frown and tears welled up into my eyes. Ivy looked down and said "I wanted to die." Ethan said "tell me that's not true." Ivy nodded and said "it is."

Ethan huffed and said "why would you want that?" "Because at least I'd be with you." Ivy said. Ethan shook his head and said "this place is hell. The only way we can move on is if Freddy is destroyed." "Ethan.....we can be together here." Ivy said, her lip quivering. Ethan looked at his girlfriend and said "this isn't a life Ivy. We need to move on. We don't deserve to be trapped here. And you pulled Summer in here. If Freddy finds out.....he can kill her." "Tell me what to do. So I can defeat Freddy." I said. Ethan said "you need to do another meeting. Have everyone fall asleep and be in the same dream. One of you can pull everyone into the same place. Figure out your dream powers and fight against Freddy. Stop believing in him. He should go away." I nodded and Ivy said "I'm sorry for bringing you here Summer but we had to help you. Tell Justin, tell Klaus. Tell everyone. They need to know there's a way to defeat Freddy." "Ok." I said. Ethan said "now wake up." He snapped his fingers and I woke up. I gasped and Justin said "you ok?" I looked around and hugged him. "What happened?" He asked me. "I saw Ethan. And Ivy." I said. Klaus said "what?" "Ivy's dead." I said while staring at the floor. Nova covered her mouth and Justin ran his fingers through his hair. Klaus said "oh fuck." "I saw her in my dream. She pulled me into the dream world. Her and Ethan are there. They won't be freed until we defeat Freddy. We need to have another dream session. It's the only way to defeat him. We all have dream powers. That we need to identify and use to fight against Freddy." I said. Alex said "I gotta go. My dad texted me." He stood up and walked out quickly. "Where's he going?" Justin asked. Klaus said "he's probably weirded out. Whatever." Nova said "we need to tell Javier and Kit." "How many of us are left?" Klaus asked. "There's 6 of us." I said softly. Justin sighed and Nova said "let's do it. We need to defeat him. Let's get rid of the fucker." I nodded and said "someone call Kit and Javier. Let them know what's going on."


"So you're telling me that we have dream powers?" Kit asked. "Yes. It's the only way." I said. Javier said "so it's on us." Justin nodded and said "pretty much." Kit rolled his eyes and said "no way. There's no way to kill him. We're all dead." Javier said "maybe we can. She's saying we can." "This was a dream she had. Freddy could've easily played her. How long do we have? Huh?" Kit asked. I stared at him and said "don't put me in this. I'm just telling you what I dreamt." "Exactly. You can't even provide the truth." Kit said. Klaus put his head in his hands and Justin said "she's telling the truth." Javier said "Kit you have to listen to her. This is the only way to save us." Kit bit his lip and said "are you sure?" I nodded and Javier quickly lit up a blunt. "When did that start?" I asked. Javier inhaled and said "since Freddy's been messing with me. It's the only thing that keeps me calm nowadays." He exhaled and Kit stared at his boyfriend who was currently getting high.

"So when do we do it?" Klaus asked. I shrugged and said "I don't know. We should talk to Alex. See if maybe he dreams about Freddy too." Justin nodded and said "yeah." Nova sighed and said "we'll go to his house tomorrow." Kyra walked into the room. "Guys......is Ivy really dead?" She asked. Klaus nodded and Kyra shuddered. "My best friend...." She said. Klaus eyed his sister and I said "we have powers. We can use them to defeat Freddy." Kyra nodded and said "ok. I understand." Kit sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. Justin said "let's do this." I nodded and we all sat in a circle in the room. We were going to defeat Freddy. Whatever it takes.

Here's the update! The next few chapters will be apart of the finale. And then the sequel will be put up!!

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