Dream Session (1)

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Before we start can I just say something about Madelaine's hair? She's fucking beautiful. I wish my hair was as long as hers.

Ivy's POV:
My parents stood at the bottom of the stairs. "We're leaving Ivy." My father said. I walked down and said "goodbye father. Goodbye mother." They walked out of the house and I immediately sent a text to everyone. I made it a group chat so everyone could get it at the same time.

Hey guys. My parents just left. I'll be waiting for you all in the living room. It's a big space. Everyone bring a pillow and blanket. We'll all be on the floor. In front of the fireplace. Don't worry about food. I've got it covered. This will be the first time I've had you all here in my home. Nobody usually comes here. So I appreciate you all coming to do this. Summer, this was a great idea. We all need to stick together and protect one another. This was the right call. I'll see you all soon.

I sent the text and sat on the couch and sighed. My house was a gothic style home. It creaked and made noises at night but it was home. There was a knock on my door about 10 minutes later. I walked downstairs, candlestick in hand.

I answered the door and there stood Klaus and Nova. "Hi guys." I said. Klaus poked his head in the house and said "why the fuck is it so dark?" Nova hit his chest and I said "we're sleeping aren't we? We don't need a bunch of lights on." Klaus shrugged and walked in. Nova followed and I closed the door behind them. I led them to the living room and Klaus said "I've never been here. As long as you and my sister have been friends. I've never been in your house." I said "that's crazy." Nova looked around and said "you have a lovely home." Before I could answer there was a knock at the door. I quickly rushed to get it and there was Summer and Justin. With Javier and Kit. They all walked in and Ethan arrived a few minutes after them. We all sat in my living room. Everyone had their blankets and pillows set up. Klaus said "if this doesn't start. I'm going to fall asleep." Summer leaned on Justin's shoulder and he said "maybe we should start without her." Then there was a loud bang on the door. Summer yelped and Justin sat up. Klaus said "what the fuck?" I grabbed the candlestick and made my way to the front door.

I opened it to reveal Kyra. She looked like absolute shit. She walked inside and Klaus snickered. "You look like shit." He said. She rolled her eyes and sat down. She made up her spot and Justin said "you good?" Kyra nodded and didn't say anything. Before we got started we ate. I decided to have strawberries dipped in whipped cream because why not?

"So how do we do this?" Ethan asked. He was tired. I could tell. He rubbed his eyes and I kissed the top of his head. He smiled at me and Klaus said "I think you all should go to sleep at the same time. And I'll make sure nothing happens to any of you. If one of you starts having a nightmare. I'll snap you out of it. If he kills you in your dream, you die for real. That also means if he hurts us, it's for real too. Be careful. Try to steer clear of him. That's what I do." I stood up and said "I just want to thank everyone for even considering this. When Summer first told me about the idea. I immediately said we shouldn't. But I think it'll bond us and we can all get through it. I also am really glad you're all here with me. There's no way I could be in this house by myself with Freddy in my dreams."

Klaus said "no problem." I got situated in my spot on the floor. Everyone did the same. "Be careful ok?" Ethan asked me. I looked at him and said "I'll be fine. You be careful." He smiled and said "I love you. You know that right?" "Yes. Of course I do." I said while looking into his eyes.

"Ok I'm gonna count down for you guys ok? Everyone's pretty tired so it should take about 20 seconds for you guys to actually fall asleep. And a few minutes for you all to go into deep sleep. Everyone cool with me counting down?" Klaus asked. Summer said "that's fine." I laid down on my pillow and took a deep breath. "I'm starting.





















The last thing I heard was Klaus counting down. Before falling asleep.

Klaus' POV:
I sighed as I watched over everyone sleeping. The room was silent except for small snores. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through different apps. A whimper came from Ivy's mouth and I made my way over. She gasped slightly and I said "hey. You're ok. I'm right here." She sighed and I walked back to where I was sitting. Javier was completely passed out, in a totally deep sleep. I know he hasn't slept in a while. Nova rolled around in my lap and I stroked her head. "Shh." I whispered. I was worried for everyone in this room. What if they all snap into a nightmare at the same time? What if they're all in the same dream? I ran my fingers through my hair that was now disheveled. I sighed and leaned against the couch behind me. I felt my eyes begin to get droopy. The point of us doing this was for me to watch over them. And make sure they're ok. And if I fall asleep, I'll be failing them. Terribly. But my body gave out.


I woke up to screaming. I jumped up and saw that Ivy was screaming. I panted and said "Ivy! Wake up!" Nova sat up since I had jumped up to get to Ivy. "What's going on?" She asked. I shook her and said "wake up! It's not real!" Justin sat up and Summer thrashed around in place. "Oh god." I said. Summer screamed as a scratch appeared on her arm. Justin said "shit!" A punch was heard and Ethan clutched his eye in his sleep. I shook him and Ivy sat up with a gasp. Ethan sat up and looked around. Javier screamed and Ethan stared in shock. Nova woke up Kit and Javier had tears going down his face. Kit grabbed his boyfriend and shook him. "Please wake up! It's not real." He said. Javier woke up and clung to Kit. Justin held Summer in his arms as another scratch appeared on her arm. "Wake her up!" Kit said. Justin shook her violently and she woke up, shuddering. Ivy was shaking and Ethan wrapped his arms around her. Kyra sat up and said "what happened?" "What do you mean what happened? We were all attacked." Kit said. Kyra shrugged and said "I wasn't." I stared at her while holding Nova.

Blood was falling off Summer's arms onto the carpet and Justin said "stand up. Come on." Summer couldn't stand on her own and Justin picked her up and took her to the kitchen sink to clean her arms. Ethan said "Ivy?" She continued to shake in his arms. "She's in shock." He said. Nova said "Klaus....did you fall asleep?" Everyone's eyes except Ivy's landed on me. "So what if I did?" I asked with a shrug.

Justin came out of the kitchen and said "did you?" "Did I what?" I asked. "Did. You. Fall. Asleep?" Justin said through gritted teeth. I said "yeah. I did." Justin scoffed and said "you son of a bitch! Because of you Summer is bleeding all over the fucking place!" "She's your girlfriend. And you failed to take care of her." I said. Justin grabbed me by my shirt and Nova said "stop!" I shoved him off me and Ethan said "knock it off!" Justin swung at me and I dodged his fist. He groaned in frustration and I took a swing at him. Javier got up and held me back. Kit held Justin back and Nova said "listen!" It got silent and she said "you hear it?" There was water trickling and Justin gulped and headed to the kitchen. Summer was nowhere to be seen. "Summer?" He asked. I followed him and he looked at me. "I'm going to help you find her." I said. He nodded and there was water everywhere. I went upstairs and looked around. A hall led to some bedrooms and one door was open. I walked inside and heard whimpering. It was coming from a chest next to the bed. I opened it and Summer laid in a fetal position. "Come on." I said. I helped her out of the chest and she was shaking. Her hair stuck out in all places and she was hyperventilating. "You're alright. You're alright." I said. I heard footsteps and Justin stood in the doorway. "Justin." I said, motioning for him to take her. He walked over and I let go of her. "He's still there." She said.

Justin's POV:
"Summer. It's ok. There's nothing here." I said, trying to calm her down as much as I could. Her breathing got more rapid and she squeezed me. "God what's wrong?" I asked. "F-F-F-Freddy!" She screamed. Klaus' eyes widened and I picked her up bridal style. "He's still there!" She said. Cries left her mouth and I walked downstairs. "She's freaking out. I don't know what to do. I think she needs a doctor." I said. Ethan said "Ivy is ok. She's not shaking anymore. But she won't speak." "She'll be ok." Nova said. I kissed Summer's head and said "what about her?" "Let's wrap her arms ok? And we'll keep her warm." Nova said. She grabbed the first aid kit and Summer stared at he ground. She wrapped her best friend's arms carefully, as I held her to my chest. "Should we go back to sleep?" Javier asked. Ethan nodded and said "I know we just went through hell but I think it'll do us all some good. He doesn't come back twice in a night. We're safe for now. Ok?" We finished taking care of Summer and Klaus said "I'm really sorry for falling asleep everyone." "Well you managed to fuck something else up." Kyra said. Klaus rolled his eyes and said "fuck you! You didn't help anyone with anything. You never do. I hope you and your fucking spawn get killed by Freddy. My life would be so much easier without you." Kyra shuddered and Ivy stared at Klaus with her mouth hanging open.

Ethan looked at Kyra who was currently crying. She grabbed her stuff and walked into the other room. Klaus sat down and Summer whimpered. "Shh. It's ok." I said. Ivy said "well that was eventful. Looks like we're all going to be upset tonight." Ethan looked at her sorrowfully and we all realized something. We all needed to sleep. Now. While we still could. If we didn't do it now, we might never sleep again. Ever.

Because this sick fuck was doing everything he can to mess with us. And guess what? It worked. Whatever he's doing is working. Klaus has turned on his sister. How long before couples start turning on one another? If Summer turned on me I wouldn't know what to do.

Here's the update! Kinda long but it took me forever to write, so I hope you guys like it.

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